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FANTASY ¢& SCI-FI DIGITAL ART YOUR DIGITAL ART.ON SHOW, 16-page gallery of inspirational mC and sci-fi artwork Discover the secrets the human anaton Fantasy painting made ea eT Te cI] Baar ne g —_ Master new techniques with our expert step-by-step.workshops Everything you need on your free DVD is AND WE MEET THE MAN BEHIND TH! ee ame PL ae re POWER YOU CAN H DLE a ag Cie b The heart ofthe Digital Art Suite lie inthis award-winning 30 environment creator Grae Pe So: ako Yee eo ee een Semi oh Py vara ae} Oe MMe son Blo. This premier 3D figure posing a Pree MEU inn ft into your Bryce environment, and is Oe at Ts) mY Bring your creations to life with one of the most advanced facial animallOMlPsync studios around. Take existing speegh audio files a eae ane atc cet eet et am ee Rea cu) Cu eo ee Cm Maret Wee ec ‘expressive as your imagination allows. Available online fon@migs 199.95. a uO Bra a ORC | Seri? SR EEA MLE ©@@ ene ee a _ a ered KYOUNG-MIN CHO Pero Pee se Pea een id eerie Cee) nse eed Eom nnTen e tae ere i) eri Korea, A well ates eras Peed Peer eee ha Starting with a pencil sketch, Petree at Pet then begins to add colour. Painter is Recreate coc Pere teeta] lighting are added in Photoshop. Met enn) Peg ete) books and musie, and other digital ee on acd Pee eres eres Per eas eet ee ao) Co ee movies ~ but he's always armed with eens aga ee ney aera eens eae sad Pea eres Introducing... linasinerX Featured artists sts in the world inspiration, Every month, ImagineFX calls on the finest digital to offer you guidance, and share their technique Robert Chang and work 10 paint lke him on page 40, Steven Stahlberg Frazer Irving velopment of Darkfall Discover his techniques for ‘ painting smooth transit I find his essential adv Editor's letter Welcome to... |= Human proportions anew era of digital art | U=""=" body isthe head. According to reference Congratulations. You've just become part of the ever-growing, books, an adult human is somewhere global community of digital sci-fi and fantasy artists. And we between seven and eight heads igh, {genuinely mean that. The idea that spawned the new magazine | Didyou know that? Page 84 you're reading right now was to unite digital artists around the ‘world; shovweasing alent, sharing technique and inspiring you 2=. to paint film sets tocreate the bestart youcan Lea the secrets of resting So how are we going todo this? Well, fora start youl finda ofessona ooking fim ereader gallery beginning on page 10.And make | backdtopsin Photoshop using series Sure you send us your own artwork for ncusion right away its ofphotogaphs and some dever you that will make this magazine an inspiration toothers just painting echniques Page 78 2s this fist ise wll inspire you, So share and be seen = you never know what it could le Manga computones ‘Wealso bring you interviews with the worlds leading digital We teach ou the secrets of : ast awarding ourfits ever Master of Art prize to Robert eating authentic manga lar Shangon page 48. As you'll ind out this artist san inspiration to anyone wanting toexpress their exactly what computones are and why imagination through digital mediums. But we're not going to forget the evoutionares that started yon defintely ned to know about hove the fantasy and scart phenomenon ~ check ont page 38 for ue stn a series of legends this month we bring you the at of Frank Frazetta, Inspiration however, is nothing without technigue, And out Workshops section (beginning on page 67) brings you the secrets ofthe master of digital fantasy and scifi art We've given the works best artists aehance to teach you their techniques and they've oblige, shoving the amazing amount of spirtin the community youve ust entered nto By the way, above Im staing in font of Tim Wamnock’s masterpiece learn how to create it on page 78. And if youve got any ideas for future workshops, email me athe address below and well talk tals notice fee workshop companion DVD tucked into a walle at the beginning of our Workshops section. This contains all the files an sofware you nied wo complet the workshops in the mmagavine Ard when 1s Tmean igh sesolion yee ks giving you the Iy deconstruct digital images by workl-renowne arts, in your OM = ; There's mot much more forme to say apart from enjoy the su, an hope this the beginning of Creative freedom something big bringing together eigital ats from cover that you don nee around the globe to share techniques, artwork and - huge amount of mone ope inspire cach othe. ean wai to meet yal started with digital fantasy ad eb art You can pickup on-duty Softvarefor nothing! Page 22 Never ignore a muse! ji Din flee va esttooe AGS Camney Y bed oie eeerern rob@imaginefr. ; tae cea ye - Ivingand non Spree the hs eke Medalesome Mane Page 114 (2 ImagineFX Magazine, Future Publishing Ltd a Ee a coosenerer) — Subscribe now! Turn to page 35 International readers turn to page 73 Sagitron by Andrew JONES ne nom cic) Made by hand with’Corel® Painter” ad ua . Pe SUSI ae Clans S acy dabs a ‘Available at: amazol @com Jicsaw 4 Issue 01 February 2006 lim SCLFI DIGITAL ART 20 cchniques that all artists should know 88 90 Top drawing. n Corel Painter IX 6 “Learn to create a character turnaround like this Berserker” jonny puddle (page 74) DOSCH DESIGN Dosch Texture Dosch 30: HORI: Chrome Textures Dosch HORE Industrial Design V3 Interior Scenes ludio Effects V2 sn Mterils V2 Radiant Skies Dosch HORE Doseh 30. Dosch Vir-Image: Industrial Reflections dob Poses Trees Cors 2005 CG products that are Ee Dosch 20: Doseh 30: Dosch 20: Dosch 20: Dosch 30: Furniture V2.2, Humans V2 Surrounding Skies V2 Uiility Vehicles Gorden Designer V2 Besides complele 3D-models and seenes »Dosch 3D, Dosch Design Ballistic Publishing! products contain surface materials »Dosch Testures, High Dynamic Renge Imagos »Desch HORI, o: wel os 2-dimensional objects for ‘orchitectrolvisuolizotions »Desch Viz-Images. Animoted movie sequences »Dosch Movie-Clips, plus quolily music ‘ond sound effects »Desch Audie complement this product segment »Dosch LayerFX products offer o comprehensive collection of design ‘templates’ which are provided as Photoshop" [,psd) layer images. Eerie teem AWUAC(oSvante (ie l a eced tt) Peer ar eee ec cree cree) WIN! yess coral Ene “My dim is to make my picturé tellmare of a Sona Jian Gyo oe ‘ aC) bird Lt a7 ‘digital art, Share your PE] rest i Fae) ‘Highlights from the child prodigy BY ch td Meee tT ‘One single image can tell a Oi reas id ‘Our monthly gallery of Penis ; Rae Sea tees Deere meets portent an) rd oe eet Penny Py Ponerinae cd EGULARS Ce eeu Ea ead Pca ud Re eaical ea Boe hey é a oid here THE PLACE TO SHARE YOUR DIGITAL ART ingariyawong ‘a er Peer 5 my a oe eerteere " Poetics) ra coerce tend Perrier Perr eee ecg Exner] Bearer Mr nisrscs Ls 0 ee Sooo se Sree erated Perrrerea end Lo on we out Coa umte rd eset Peskin a al \ Pr canter ca 7 fraaginoFx Pc ARTIST NEWS, SOFTWARE QEVENTS Wry aCe) AT THE CORE OF THE FANTASY ART COMMUNI] eae pies re ‘The steep price of commercial software isa serious obstacle tomany fledgling fantasy artists, especially high Photoshop and as long as there has been digital hhas been free software t= you Just need to know where to find it. Al it takes Isallitte digging onthe web to discover plenty of excellent packages, available either entirely free or at little cost. DAZ|Stucio t's well established Essentially i's a 30 66 Being artists we tend to think that most computer graphics software is too expensive 8 rendering Unik high ough, the emph Creativity costs nothing In-depth: You don’t need to spend a fortune on software to become a digital fantasy artist - you just need to know where to look... Dy Meet the new ete rears rece pet co DAN FARR Meet the co-founder of Daz Prductons he's brought foe 3D software tothe masses, ‘What's your reasoning behind giving away DAZ|Studio for free? “The idea isto remove the barrier to entry for newcomers tothe 3D art community. By offering DAZ| Studio for free, literally anyone can try their hand at digital art, without any obligation.” How's it doing in terms of downloads? “Is been very well received. To date, we've had 137,000 unique downloads of DAZ|Studio, more than 100,000 in 2005 alone. How important has word-of- mouth beent “Extremely important. The best evangelists have been our existing customers who have ‘aught the vision of what DAZ{Studio can become. Part of ‘urlicence agreement states that people should tell wo about the sofia Some people seem to have an innate distrust of any ‘free! software as being somehow inferior. How do you ‘overcome that? “Often this isthe case. But we've found that simply focusing on the needs and wants of our existing customers has helped tus produce an application that ‘readily accepted andin eect this has removed any such associated stigma.” o PC-only package Proje Doowvai‘le qwww.squirreldome. ImagineNation News Creature secrets f z Hollywood veteran concept designer lom on two new DVDs. Hollywood concept artist intr Puddnhead has released a set of training DVDs through The Gnomon Workshop. Creature Design and Drawing Volume 1 demonstrates the creation of three different creatures from scratch using traditional media, Reon Pree rerns rate Painter's all-new brushes New software More features and fixes in version 9.1 you're an aficionado of Painter, 1s, among ot you've most likely upgraded to " version X, but youmayhave gun 29, sinte Imissedthe 91update. core! gh ib us "The Introduces some community: 5 ant mip requested features along with bug fixes. i poft aturesistis I nd XP not worr prove ~~ load xt ‘ype |p/91_update Artist news, software & events Maid in J an Fantasy world Meet the modeller who combines his passion for fantasy art with his love of PC: Fantary artisn’t restricted to pen . yest ‘and paper, or the digital medium. ti r Thete life-sized sculptures ~ ne foo : pictured below - were created by Katsuya Matsumura, founder rf member of the S.A.6,a fantasy acrylic pal H model-making group in Japan.» r F a x: www) @@ Katsuya specialises in making life-size fantasy sculptures and using them to house working PCs 8 here ts Dragon*Con 2006 art show The sci-fi and fantas} art show calls for entries Dragon‘Con, the USA's largest schfiand fantasy multimedia ‘and art convention, has called for entries to Its art show. Ideamaker3 @yahoo, com o* visit wwwvartshow. WHAT IS FANTASY ART? And what makes this genre important? Weeas our brandnew fartasy «art cours By Told Lockwood Fantasy art does not merely consist of airy pictures illustrating. children’s books. Fairy stories are the emnants of older belie systems, wort exploring in their own right, The best fantasy artists and writers understand the ‘depths of psychology and spirituality within myths, Frazetta, Froud, Lee, and Howe build upon a legacy replete with fantastic images, ftom the statue of Winged Victory by an unknown in ancient Greece to The Book of Kells; from sculpture and paintings by Rembrandt, Dork, Rodin, Waterhouse, Parish and NC Wyeth, to the landscapes of Bierstad and Church, So many act as if they have all the answers Modern science and religion leave litle or exploration of the mystery that i life and the universe, since both seem focused on tal absolutes: When so many if they have all the answers, i's to art and never been about but ratherthatwhich westrivetosee,Atitsbestit digs deeper, turning over the stones of our complacent world views to expose the ‘creepy crawlies beneath aims higher imagining the eastles atop the stormclouds. t explores unimagined realims Itexpands the boundaries into dimensions yet unmeasured, Fantasy artis putely about discovery "Do yagi adage vet met Wren an et me by seg nema tadepimaginaf com ImagineNation Ne Showing off in style New gallery ComplexArts aims to promote digital fone y and sci-fi artists in the real world ComplexArts isn’t just another % online gallery of fantasy art it's av 2 chance to buy original pieces printed on canvas from some of the hihi spelen for best known and rising names in the suse of th i field, such as Pir Olofsson, ne work a Anime round-up e for Miyazaki'’s With the release of How's Moving Castle on DVD and the arrival of an intelligently repackaged Ghost in the Shell 2 among the early treats, 2006 shaping up to be a good year for IRDITUTN RUM A : e Maya 7, the atest release ofthe award-winning 3D software, Pere ce re) vour creative vision faster and more easily than ever betore ee a a makes character animation easier and more accurate. (ther improvements such as advanced render layering and cee eho ied ‘more with Maya Se ee ey Soe Ro OAlias| eons Call for atau oa Ceo es te Prebotes (crs Peery pCa tes Pap eet perenne Perieteene ne Peeeerey eth error Ballistic Publishing in 2003. The books have played host to the errretet tt Peer ares Images canbe created in any software package -2D 03D, and workcan be ieee ent ceca en eae etre creer tna! Prenton ni nae. Perera eens dinko Gotoh, an astocate producer ieee aa creer) aes Sed eee Peete em nters Petia Roe Lerner} ImagineNation News World of Froud Classic fantasy art Fairies ahoy ~ and the Dark Crystal 2 edges closer Last year was a busy one for No production sta fantasy artist Brian Froud, and he's release date has been seth topped it off witha lavish new Ve bbook showcasing his private work = magineFx artists. Subscribe today and you will receive all this every month delivered directly to your door: f ‘® Exclusive workshops from the world’s leading [/ UP 7 digital fantasy and scifi artists. \ To ‘© Free workshop companion DVD every issue with 0% high-resolution artwork and the latest software (0) © Free huge art poster every issue. == HURRY! THIS OFFER CLOSE ON 22 MARCH 2006 COMPLETE AND RETURN THE ORDER FORM _0F subscribe online: '837 4722 quoting reference POO! Your details pirecr Bees [s/sit/25 | a r switche Wd Visa | 5 A Pare lin the form and return to ImagingPX Future Publishing ta, FREEPOST RLSC-SKSE-SKKCT, Unit Lot itii i Ld ‘Tower House, Sovereign Pars, Market Harborough, Lolcestrshiro, LETS SEF. UNITED STATES READERS PLEASE TURN TO PAGE 73 ImagineNation Artist Q&A YOUR QUESTIONS ANSWERED BY OUR PANEL O! “ITAL ART GURUS. imagine, Res Paty Ta Ct Mestion Whar is the best and easiest pray to paint a smooth transition in Photoshop - like from shadow to light on smoothly curving surfaces? paul Andrews, UK, via email Answer St ° Your questions answered. , e ° a a Applying and eu colours. erlapping 5s transparent kes e ule Oreste ccs Begin by blocking into or the a nard-odged eo": stion en I create a new file in my Painting program am asked to define the size and id DPI settings: Wha are the come DPI Sues to use and howe ‘do ney Raa impact on the size of my image? tan Moon, UK, via email Don Seegmiller replies created and youarasked what the ‘Theresoftenalocof | dimensions ars DP should be, you confusion aboutwhat | would enter 1500 piel wide, 1.200, frethecortect DPL pixels high and 300 DPL Settings foran image, WhileDPis important to your | printer its notimpocantio your depends whatyourintentionsare. | monitor A300 DPLimage anda 72 DPstandsfor-dotsper inch” and_| DPLimagethat areboth 1500x1200 itrefersto the resolton that will | phils insizewil display thesame | yyurjeporengfectn monn ote beused by yourpriterwhen | sizeonyourmonitorasyeucansee _ yarinuoetatereeaten eure cupeting the iage inthe wo figures Monitors slay DPlisimporarsifyue going | in ops perinch you change the act een * Coulee uiceanpation § @ 006 tere youcanse bot Fan 300 ‘oprntdutinageSomehing "| Moston dip aechon Petween200anf 300 Pw gbe| that aban 73 PPL Tony way Dit inage dale oo moni secret Bees sec” | @ artist's ‘you good results on today’s thatan image will display either Printers. Youcan go aslow as 150 larger orsmalleron your scren is Pt and still get acceptable results {640x480 pinels and 1,280x1,024 WHAT SIZE DO 1 START A inmost cases. pixels respectively. The images again cit AL PAINTING ‘So, what size should your image | appear the same size increasing in 0 be? Asan example ltsay that size only when the actual sereen you want a5x7-inch print of your 1esolution changes ‘What this means is thatifyour fox die gia ping Assumingan ‘optimal DP resolution of 30, you would multiply each imonitor only displays 403480, you sho inityourimage ize v9 dimension ofyor7ineh tomethingclose to that yon dnt craton 300 ive you an sou wil nd tat your viewer wil image of 1,500%2,100 pixels. | vonintaninapeweviecetosecutsc0, | ave to scroll around or zoom out to oo Simul whenanewimageis | etmklsTRyintrenaseme sce. see the whole image is | me oper, digi. ImagineNation Artist Q&A Qieiting . . One of the things that gives me trouble is painting wet drops or dew drops on things like rose petals or leaves. Are there any tips you can give me? Wendy alee Reema nS inswer Don Seegmiller Fame replies that han you fla Question . Twant to a eae pal , using raphic res Bree i Shave ‘ised for realism. da greyscale version of the texture in the bumy channel to add surface detail, but Td like more depth in the crevices. Sam Wiltshire, New Zealand, via email Raa scene setup and accurate “There isa highly effective ‘object placement easier. solution ois problem, Sirti anew Bryce twingierain late objects, _ document, andclck on ump mappingisuseulfor | and create alate objec. adding low level detailed surface texture Clickon the litle [2 con toan objec, butto gettruedeformations _ nextto the atc, which anxsurfice distortions visbleon the opens the Terrain Eliot omplee highlight andthe dopletis comple ‘objected you'd generally use Seren, Inthe Editing ‘isplacerent in ther 3D app. Tools window select the 5 Ise here ss puaoeoens | aM BLeTee Rin CIEL uestion ‘option, butyou do haverthe powerful Load inthe frstimage Tlike to paint with my tablet on my ‘Terrain Editor. Sincethisuses greyscale box and find your chosen Information wocreate depth and height, _greyscalestone texture. yuan load your stone bump map into Copyand paste this into theTerrainor Lattice Editorto help create thesecond image box. computer, but how can I create the textures of real canvas in Photoshop without using filters? rau christie, France, via ‘etal stone geomet You now have aaher This isnot ony effective once rough and exaggerated rendered tis visible asa true mesh height map in the 3D Answer. ‘witefiame intheedior which makes Previewwindow. Switch | Frazer Irving replie: tothe Elevation tb, and Point At, In the following dialog, scroll down the listo the Ball click on it and elick OK. Repeat alee ESCO Hor thgprony vat vere you wont the vigeFX ey ImagineNation Artist Q&A uestion I'm interested in creating illustrations to useas soncept dras drawings i a film. How do you begii® ee a digital illustration for Faia conceptual film work? What are th basic steps? Justin Hil, U Answer George Hull replies! cm stmt 4 poseacrisina septa lr onto 2 Fie rcheenca ture then vnsor sto ‘en cman wth proportions Question Ttend to have problems Foo proportions right when I'm drawing BERS What can I do to improve this? jane Hanty, UK, via email Henning Ludvigsen replies Freehand drawing ofthe body requiresan intimate Kaoledgeof haan anatomy, And ev Jots of time to practise to achieve this IF ‘you want more immediate results ‘would suggest you consider alternatives. ‘Asabig fan of realisticlookingart, | believe in using photo references Ifyou havea digital camera, you coud try taking pictures of yourself or friends in the pose you want your character to have. Another idea ist source fee stock photos of something suitable. ‘The old trick of using a grid on top. ‘ofthe reference picture works just as ‘well in digital art as tdi in traditional art. Lusually impose grid, na separate layer, on top of my reference picture, ‘then copy the grid on toa blank canvas Your questions answered... estion . . I'm trying to draw fire in my comic strips, but italways looks too cartoony. Have 4 y YOu got any tips? rim Frances, Australia, ia email Next, placethe reference pitureand the Dank eanvas ext to each ‘othe. Atthis point. try to partly forget what Tim makingand just daw squat by square. focus onthe shapes ee ineach element and draw them ona layer placed underneath the fidon the Dank eanvas Many digital artists choose to tac photos ley Using the iis a good wayto get the ‘mopontons cect, ‘while stil using the traditional technique ‘Als, ppg the picture Iorizomallyevery now and then isan ol trick thatreveaserors that yourleftor ight handed brain has missed “To fiero you can use ilterstiguiyin hotoshop tosolly ‘move things int place. find that horizontal Appin andthe Liguity fier make a good ‘combination Fling be mage anus Signo ‘ey pases rt ce an ara G3 USB Graphics Tablet £19.99 ee Ree emo es) include VAT and Carriage = pA dN Ree Re eT | ImagineNation Artist QA uestion low do I get the most out of layers when colouring manga digitally? Is there a certain technique that artists USe? Clare Danby, UK, via email 6 Create eye-catching clothing patterns by pasting designs on a new layer and using the Magic Wand 99 lame f am creating my own manga an want to ienow more about digital screentoning. What you recommend for Filip, Belgium, via email Joanna Zhou replies ional sceentone has been foil printed with tiny black dot to emulate greys, OH sracations or patterns sa trademark ofmanga syle an is aso used 0 ceate shading on comic pages. Lately digial screentoning as gained ‘popularity, especially with western ‘manga arts because itis cheap, clan and infinitely reusable, You can ereate many tone pater sng Photoshop alone For asimply grey toneyou havetoconvertagreycale image nt bitmap wit the Halfione Screen option, Other designs such s sand speed line tppls and scratches ‘anbemadeusingvarious ers “Therearealso special programs designed forsreentoning For example CComicworks, by Delete isa well own, ‘one. Frabout $100 offs you a massive variety of tones such 3s esr wp reser youre cut mangaart olor theosrarow mest a scrarang Proerains do | backgrounds sky an landscapes al things ‘which could otherwise prow extremely dif tocreat from seach. Computones isa mo alfordable program. ‘venta comes free with every How to Dra Mang: Compatones book (£15 fiom comic shops or Amazon) Thi plugin for Photoshop and Pint Shop Pro has selection oftones and a ‘serfrendly intrfce youre serious abe is worthwhile investing special screentoning software. Although Photoshop is fantastical versatile, itobviously hasnt been eeated just forscreentoning soit lacks many designs and motif that are specific the manga gente. ‘final option which some artists chooses ‘buy el screentone, sa ‘tata high resolution, a simply re-use that for theircomis Comin next mont Our artists answe your questions 01 The best bri tal painti ‘Combining foreground a background elemer Your ques [never seem to get the skin colours right when I'm painting people. Somehow it ets too monochrome or too cartoon- ike. Am {ips on how to make skin tones more lifelike? panni carozza, laly, via email Ludvigsen replies 1 iB Ee en painting skin tones, tep: Paint skin tones on a base palette, then blend and add noise. ImagineNation FANTASY ‘) SCI-FI DIGITAL ART #UoTa aprons Demet icate.)| le SA Nee WN BleNea cnr B eco eects eR Vaan a Lot the chance to win some amazing digital art prizes. .. Ra ea hope by now you've had a good ESS FOUR COPIES OF PAINTER IX r hands on the ultimate i digital painting tool. W ot | , four copies up for grab: : Preece een nr aie rit Who painted the image in the sc ht for a Massive digital art giveaway! E FIVE GNOMON WORKSHOP DVDS Pro training DVDs to be won! Which artist has just released ‘new Gnomon training DVDs (see page 24 for a clue)? 10 COPIES OF MYTHOLOGY ‘The awesome DC Comics art of Alex Ross. . ! 1 Which of these isa famous DC Comics character? ject Mythology, WORTH VER F160 3D ART BUNDLE FROM EOVIA f Bu Win an entire 3D NDLB Caman, WORTH modelling suite! 395! What's the latest version of Eovia's Carrara (see page 30 fora clue)? a wh ject Eovla FIVE COPIES OFF PD PRO 3.5 Win this amazing digital painting software. Which artist and animator invented Project: Dogwaffie (for a clue see page 23) ‘compo @ \ TH £300 “Natalie Shau ImagineFX meets the young digital artist behind this beautiful and haunting imagery... {7 ail Sha has natural talon abundance The 2tyearold Y/titsanian has had no formal at traning, but shes always been ars Monty Tae works with watercluts and gouache, but almost all my achool tring books wereld with sketches and huusso slag gt ai, which tere emariable “The weal arma bean wien bough my ist digital camer in 2003 shesy skilsinphoro manipulating Fee aime uf” She certainly, Her siyle ranges from digital photographic collages to traditional watercolour paintings, ana sometimes other techniques. She works intuitively and finds it dificult 0 explain how 2 piece comes together lacking the academic Tonfidently describe her techniques: *With the lack of ped skills itbecomesextremely dificult to explain HOW Ldothis orthat!™ ‘What she can tll us s that her main tools ate Photoshop anda graphics tablet and her ting cut fouls, airbrushing, colour editing, mixing of textures, digital correction of scanned traditional art work, But not necessarily in discourse re processes inelide: photo that order. “Everything 1 uite surteal. Maybe that's ‘whylpreferdigtaldrasing) collages 1 photographic Pieces. I's quite hard to convey what 1 want 10 portray with photography Her vorkis hauntingand oy dreamlike; ghostly figures SEM emerge from seas of blues, blacks and sepia. tones, enticing the viewer with their porcelainswhite faces, piercing eves oF blood red ~ PROFILE lips. “Colour is important” she muses. Luckily, by the willof someone from above, | have quite good sense ofcolouristics” She cites Gustav Klimt an Francis Bacon as two of her favourite modesn artists, Her subjects, almost exclusively female, have the vampishness and beauty of Klint femme Fatale and sometimes the distortions een i Bacon’ portraits, Giger’s influence is also evident in her more sueeal collages She gets vibes from music, too: “Deathrock mostly = very emotional, grotesque and. theatrical siyles, bands like Christian Death, Cinema Strange, Sleeping Children, Blaody Dead and Sexy” Thowsing through her substantial catalogue of work at deviantART (ander the pseudonym BlueBlack) and www photo ney photos/NatalieShau, these could be the titles of some of her own dramatic creations So whats her work about? “About me thers, the world, emotions, colours. About Fragility, sensitivity, eon... Various dark folk and neoclassical music ills some emotional hichestoo...andlegends mythsandfairytales from my childhood! She's done artwork for bands such as The Duskfall, Morning and Ojos de Brujo, and caught the attention of music labels inching Nuclear Blast and Black Lotus Re. But not all ‘of the recognition this has brought has been welcome. There are people on the imernet pretending t0 be “Taking ind submiting artwork with my spped comments oftheir oven, Despite this, the future looks positive Having dropped out of business school in Lithuania because it totaly sucks," she’ heading for England, “Tm B preparing for mote serious studies at art_ university Hope Ind a good one." Rising Star: Natalie Shau Sak eee bP ro "rm: Sel | | ae ROBERT CHANG “| have big dreams and lofty goals. Whatever I’ve done pales in comparison to what I’m trying to accomplish.” We meet our first ever ‘Master of Art.” ene etc Ne en eee eee Cg conser) reawakening of artist, bu this was an important period of reer nate a ae eee er et ere eet tc ee eet eee LT Pees eet ee eer Pence tnaeny er ea ty fascination with every aspect ofreativity | mother in China, intending a short vist Pe et ee ee ety Cn edtente er eater nee aa Pere eer ee aN Peters supports eet ee ee a een eee writing, photography and film making," eee ts Peete nents poe eter er Cerna ROBERT CHANG corr cereennremnn alice eda need Eee she eety er Pernt ONTOS MIRA Bertier aca eee ee eet ete Pe een anes et ee ee ts Peon a ey ete emer errs nt Saeed i emt ern neers “Comic books were hatd. Unless you were a Prenton ret an Ae ete) ieee ere ten eee ery Senate tee er ae eee ee ets {never intended to be an artist for hire. , The Enchanted years led tastint in the ra Pee a eee ey Maa ua, PROJECT FOCUS eesti) SS ee Pee ees ee ca Fea iaeiertecpsi oc eee ea {aboutanother move. Inanemail | drew aot of fine at portals. He obser Se ee a eR Seren Cone ee me tig Pete en ee er eg cnt st ites and examine every deta Tenet ent een Pee eee me eee ere her ce eee rn a ee 1 have no problem at all drawing with a tablet. I just sketch digitally Peon ion each.) ee een en ne eo rere heer eet mee Coe oC ten Peete iene ee ct Pee een sane Petr ee eet aa Pree eines eres ee eee a See! Pee ire ne eee Oe CeR ered Rober is versatile: comic ook artist and petoreeneren eet et poet eee eS enn em ere een yself 0 loosen up and not paint rn mae ee rie ee es me eee a) eee ere rit cetnen eee ory PaaceiouD eee ter qr because they provi escapism ana world | gem for providing the most fully wealise rec pee ene ee ee eet eens Pee eT aa ee peti ree Poem eh tee ea enmity ‘of any right minded youth: because of anime and mang See eee ene Pee ree erent that inthe illustration works, as do with Pereeinee nt cca’ Pere tee eed moran Rano Ny Pretec mrt rita eee eter a Ca oe Rene ey fre eee ee poe meee tay eee eet Se een ne ry eee ei) Pt eee UMAR DAYTON) ee ene permanent ne) Sone eee eee eae eae Sen I'm self-taught in everything I do. I get really bored of schools and classes, even Coy cece mci: menie Peet eee ee before being introduced to Wacom er eae eee sy ene ete ne eet perenne en ta ot introspective people: “They have depth Pres tenet erent rite nate Freee reer Nt ty his work for us tobe fascinated sith too The influence of manga and anime are Peano ei ty Pray Preeeet et ata ae cea eee ee Peers - Pe eee tere tee) Pe EE reared or cane rs Panett etter tts accomplish.” Athough Robert could make a een ete eens nesa few other Preece at ee) eee etn en ees ante ee Soar enna Ree tet tee Robert Chang wants to do the whole Peres eee er ge ee ner stor eer ne en era Peer cate ants about” You could sy his goal i abt like te) eet eee eS cea Presents The art of Robert Chang ] Ay em ITE Nar ioe alee eer eect Parana) en eae’ LEARN TO PAINT LIKE ROBERT CHANG Ne Influential artist Frank Frazetta is a grand master of fantasy. His lifetime's work captures the magic of the genre... ‘Cowes a ot to | Magazine Enterprises published his fist (and as) ul-ength comic book, ‘Thusvda, and he had a regular strip - Johnny Comet ~ in pieces woud have been enough toa national paper. This was the high ‘ert a defining influence on the point of Frank’ involvement with field, but his output has been far comics: is work on Flash Gordon moe prolific than that. Not only | waseversname: checked by George have his powerful and versatile | Lucas Bute then took a job with Al Capp, ghosting a stip, Lil Abner. This, Frank admits, was a ‘mistake: "I shouldn't have done i, but waslazy.” AND THE GOOD NEWS: ‘When Frank and Al Capp parted company eight yeats later, the ‘world of comics had moved on and the great man found himsell ‘our in the cold, The break came when Frank’s best friend, Roy Krekel, suggested he produce covers for novel Frank's wife Frank Frazetta. Conan, few of the mans famous images made hia a fore within te genre, be hasalso helped to put fanvasy itself on the artistic map Anyone whoevenhadsomuch 28a passing interest in fantasy art ‘ill probably have wondered how Frank managed tobe so far ahead fof the competition; however, a briefhistory of the artist hime very illuminating, Born in tate 1920s rookdyn, Frank was always goingto beanartist Familylegend hasitthat hebeyan drawing at the age of thee and had ouigrown junioeschool by the ime he joined it. Enrolled atthe Brooklyn Academy of Fine Ans aged just eight theboy’stalent was nurtured by his tutor, Michele Falanga, himselfa talented painter. Acry of “Mama mint" went up when Frank proved he was prodigy and nota lie, credits a caciature of Ringo Start, painted for Mad Magazine in 1964, a8 the true beginning, This is an as ‘observation because it was during the‘60s thatthe now iconic images fof barbarians. and buxom sve Bis began to appear. Ke was also ‘during this tine tha Frank began tohone hiscompositions, The fact tha Robert Howat’ ‘Conan series sold millions me Frazetta covers were de rigue fantasy novels. Luckily, for Fra few people could work as quickly Paintings such as Neanderthal are reputed to havetaken justsihours tocomplete LEGEND, His reputation established, Frank on 10 prexluce a. series of nereasingly amazing images, LET Ir SNOW At 16, Prank vent to work for the famous comic book artist John Giunta, and a year later bis fist, comic, Snowman hit the shelves He learned! a lot from Giunta, commenting: "You can see aft of foe his influence even today in some ff my ink work” By 1952 Frank had turned dower a career in professional baseball and was beginning to find his feet as a professional ans. potably Death Dealer and Silver Warrior, Kt sway all there: composition, subject mater, syle audience. Princess of N n 1970, produced as part of an agar Rice Burroughs’ re-release program showsamoreconsidered mature side w his work, He began 10 eu back his production in the 70s, however, and by the ‘80s he was plagued ‘with illness, comeback was cut Pract rel ats ete : it Ste Naren ony short in 1995 when, returning ‘trom on fom being presented the fist ‘Frets met nema Spectrum Grand Master of Fantastic Art award, he suffered a series of stokes Through his determinism and Mig, Frank Frazet has made it okay for artists 10 plumb the imagination without feeling the \ Gsahishient He made fecal proce mas of teokastepformedinothelghot possisiywth rank Fasc or \ that alone he deserves the status of ourfistImagine!X Legend. PROFILE bide e Architect by day, fantasy artist by night - is’end to the talents of this Chinese digital painter? PROFILE Jian Guo Corel Paintor| Le en igieX ay Artist portfolio: Jian Guo TRAINING TO SLAY THE DRAGON How to create a whole story in one image . Artist insight: Marcel Baumann Every month we examine an eye-catching piece of art. We ask the artist about the inspiration behind it, how it was created and just how long it took them. This month, it’s No Control by Swiss artist Marcel Baumann. car being driven up a mountain steeet, As Lam not the driver, have no control over it, Suddenly another car appears andl drives on the same side ofthe street towards our car. There area few just a ew seconds left enough time tis going to happen and enough istryingto break out of his dream but sill ‘covering his face from the heat and brightness of the fre: The ol tanker that breaks through the n moves he character into a susreal world He tops and believes that he can survive but at thesam not acepting that its el ‘And most importantly he is not accepting that hewill die Because there i stil the possibilty that ate he tries to break out of the ime he his mental force, Now he is between the two worlds He is finding himselfin thebed of theseality but simultaneously the fre of his nightm: surrounding him. ssh ttle and the name vwe don't have contol of what just ike the control and crashes into the tend ofthe ocean It shows the feeling of character who is reaching the end of is world ‘ar visual impression of that dream, to support the story and make the viewer fel Tike the character auvtescape fiom, Atthis moment he PX: How long did i take? MBB guess it took me about 20 hours if you speak about just painting time. The developing of sptand composition is 1e most important, forme interesting and difficult part of tae, That ime varies from picture to pity pt the technique and painting basa big influence on the final expression ofthe ane belps to support the story. [sometimes spend alot of ime making final adjustments, % | try to motivate the viewer to complete the picture in his own mind @@ Te quality ofa painting time that was needed to complet sketch created in have more expres nicate an idea and inspire the depend on the viewer more than an over xPoseé, SHOWCASING PROFESSIONAL FANTASY ARTISTS four Robert We DPosé,. THE WORLD OF KONG A NATURAL HISTORY OF SKULL ISLAND WETA WORKSHOP Responsible for designing "Skull Island and its fantastical inhabitants ster Jackson’s epic King Kong, the artists at Weta Workshop have created a rich and diverse world of wonders and terrors to where. Hundreds of drawings were created to y island, building a comprehensive menagerie \ tems and forbidding habitats. Though only a handfu appear on the cinema screen, presented within these pages is a vas collection of cre and lore, each lovingly depicted with produ: art and new illustrations created especially for this book. complex ecos tures Hardback. On Sale Now & seus nner na PAGES O NU Tey fiers tebe you need to lete this month's workshops... I MU ey ew Rnst Ces See | An expert 16-step guide to CorLeonid Cra) fore Petter ei Sere) eg The craft of matte painting es eoneuiu Ed Coc Tate needed to draw comics Pee m slide) anakornraritte ks) Creer aioe cs Bd Crs Manipulate images to craft a beautiful fantasy scene 82 Pencilling a comic figure Part one of comic pre Frazer Irving's tutorial Teco corr Theories that work ~ throug See Yoo en DRC) Perey eca narnia oth’ AA ed oA Cac Ca portcta Design and model a cool Pees Premeny ett ineed Bryce and your free Daz médels emt Reker SIGIT Photosh hope !DIGITAL FANTASY PAINTING This tutorial-guides you through each step of painting a fantas digital painting using Photoshop and Painter. By Robert Chan: his tutorial is for my newest | painting. You shouldbe fairly familiar | step-by-step Ideally, you should have painting Till Death Do Us with Photoshop and Painter Fr this some basic art foundation wo attempt Part, anditdepictsa family | tutorial, as some ofthe tipsare exclusive tutorial - whether ts fom formal of three (mum, dad and toeach software, However the best way taining or just time spent asa hobby baby) being hunted by demon stalkers. | tolearn fiom a painting tutorial istonot | You should also have a tablet suitab The parents potectthe baby with their get hungup on the software details, but | for digital painting, such as a Wacom lives while the demon stalkersconjure | to understand the mentality and the Intuos or Graphite product, or their dark magic using the kullof fallen approach ofthe artist. ‘equivalent. Digital painting with a comrade asthe soutce of power. The Today's sof cooking with a hammer rsthe assault with hisown | competitive and o pment to test you nelled through hissword, thats why understanding how and why ficiency and ial willtakeyoufrom the anartistusesaspecifictool is more cexgonomics sketch al the way tothe finished important than duplicating the utorial | or nothing a all ge TBHAEIX. Fedruary 2006 The first sketch always start with avery cough sketch using desktop resolution (ether 1600x1200 or 1280x1024). 1 have this habit of filling the blank canvas with light grey; because a glowing white monitoris too harsh to stare at. Inever draw on the background layer, because having a separate layer forthe drawings ‘easier to deal with when you star ‘making coreections and els late. allways do the early stages in Photoshop Doecause ifs so much betterat editing ‘han Painter, and there's always lt of editing the early stages The frst sketch is normaly 0 rough that the only person who could ‘understand itis myself Once fm happy withthe composition, I'l fade that sketch layer to about 20 percent opacity ren up another ayer and then doa clean drawing using the faded sketch asaguide. Tease you don't know flipping the image horizontally (of looking in the ‘mirror) isan old illustiator’s trick. I have never sen a scientific explanation for this easoning, but my guess is its because we all have a bias, depending on whether wee leftor right handed. Favouring one would mean that your bain is wited to naturally lean in one direction, so when you look at your swing inthe mirtor, youl nodce what appeared tobe proportionally fine has ‘obvious mistakes such as crooked eyes or vertical lines. | lip my image horizontally as soon as my brain gets used to seeing the shapes, so that ‘means Il flip the image between Five anc! 10 times over a couple of hours ‘when tm painting, wanted a dynamic eel when depicting this scene 0 used hhorizon and a slight worms eye Usually, when fm happy with the Workshops >> more, because the colour rough has already defined them Usilly though just fade the lines so that can stil ee them, but they don't overpower the image ‘Next throw all caution to the wind: and flatten all layers. Yep, this is whet serious business begins. would then most likely star the offical painting on a separate layer, so the colour rough is undisturbed, There's a good reason for that, which Il get into later. Aayou can see, | decided that I wanted tohave some blue in the sky instead ‘of acompletely overcast sky. This part ‘vas done in Painter because I wanted the wetonswet aspect of Painter's brushes forthe clouds Photoshop, cannot sivulate wet-on wet pi Talso made sute their skin tones reflected the blue ofthe sk, {started ming. painting dad's face with broad brush strokes. {pretty much nailed the look I wanted ight off the bat, somethin which rarely happens! Tn the carly stages, tend tobe bolder ‘with my brashvvork then as he painting Drogresses I become more cautious, ‘which isa bad thing because al the spontaneity goes out the window anid things start suf up. Mealy | should be bold throughout the entire painting process, not just early on, Work on the sky decided that wanted the overcast sky back, however this time I wanted an ‘overexposed look, much like in photography where the sky appears ‘overblown. I then give the background a hazy look, abit ike fogor atmospheric have also made los of changes tothe dat’ face Stop and review decided t Tike! the old version o Leutand pasted itack. Notice that Lalso wanted the blue sky back again thistime it stayed). This is why | said to save step, so that you can better, ‘compare tothe older versions to ee if youite going in the right direction or no. Also, when I said its good to keep the colour rough on its oven layer, its so that yout ean clickon and off to compare and. see if you're doing allright compared to the fel you created originally ‘Alotof changes happened here, The ‘mum face and body proportions became totally different, but {hated them after comparing the new version to the older one. Ican stress enough how important iis to keep comparing to the old versions, because you could veer off he right rack andl not know it tried a different design forthe demon stalkers, butt didn't seem to work, Lalso designed the skull scythe weapon, but it did fee right added the mountains in the back, using one ofthe Wet Acrylic brushes in Painter, a it gave me the squigaly bristle lines that I wanted, I also changed the dimension of the image to bea standard desktop proportion Make your changes changed mum back, but altered her pose litle, Das eps were moved toa different angle. You can see that the leaves have gone from the top right corner wasn't sue if wanted them any ‘more 01 god of them fr the ‘moment and liked how te sky opened up foradiferent fel also decided that the mega shoulder pad armour al Workshops Rough him up noticed that the shape of one of the clouds happened to mitror the shape ofthe scythe inthe adjust there wouldn't be any by giving him a five o clock shadow, using one of the bristle brushes in Painter, and some loose strands of haie (on the forehead. Grass layers painted the second layer of grass ‘witha different value and colour, Then I added more layers of gras. 1 cended up with something like 10 layers nt colourjvalue of grass. had tocatefully keep track of which ones behind the family, and which ones were crushed underneath thei fee. Topi the cas shadows fom the PRO SECRETS Layer system feresongermysanty src ara ferenotbceround, trent eaten Foweve or sple working on st one oer blades, began by collapsing all the grass layers, Them {copied tha layer onto the 1, undid the collapse oad, tured that layer into a earth toned multiply layer at 50 perent opacity sothatit sat atthe shining down, Forbetter contol of lighting consistency | had to isola layer and either add shadows o highlights Lalso decided to add some fallen leaves. | chose to paint only one lea, then I duplicated it many times into different colours and orientation. 1 treated the leaves with an eraser give cach one a more unique shape. 1 introduced afew holes, made by bugs chewingon them, Never-ending story Below isthe finshed painting fot. always ind things to change or fer ve decided a painting is finished and the signatuteis signed, This time, realised the mum and dad looked t00 lean, so gave them bruises, blood te parts ofa inh ‘One of my fave paintings finally being able wo collaps bunch layers into fewer layers or just flaten the whole image. Similar to whe film makers say: “W's wrap!” or the video game creators say: “Ship it learned some things that didn’t expect t learn while painting this pie hope this tutorial reflects the lessons ‘ve learned, and that youve enjoyed reading ther. @ Cr ete Save up to $95 off the cover price of ImagineFX when you subscribe* Rinsho eeu Ae ACLU Ron ao ase gell Tsetncand eet eat ca eee hg en subscribe, All North American subscription copies are Pane egal a None Ronee ars) to three weeks before it arrives on the US newsstands, 2 FANTASY SCL-FI DIGITAL ART Subscribe today and you will receive all this every Dee eh aaah or feces tou hse s) een ig leeks toe Bronte keh high-resolution artwork and the latest software. Free huge fantasy art poster. 2 HURRY! THIS OFFER MUST CLOSE ON 22 MARCH 2006 +44 1858 438794 quoting reference POO2 Lines open Monday to Friday 8.30am to 9.30pm, Saturdays 8.30am to 4pm. and cs Workshops Ly, G a Vy etn h ==) GO BERSERK IN PHOTOSHOP Create your own Berserker concept and present it as a full turnaround for 3D modelling or sculpting. By Jonny Duddle particularly when designing assed like Bjorn. 1 make his head ortionatey to accentuate the line, all colour ny concept artist, king on games and films. They form ass for 3D models or seulpues proportions and description ofa character’ hing props and anatomy. for use asa templa “use the proportions given in human package, while others ave in dramatic anatomy books only asa guide, poses and serve asa visual guide. mx In depth: Go berserk in Photoshop | Thumbnails normally approach a bret with a een bunch of thurnbnails. | sketched Bjorn Soars ligtally sing the Conte Pencil brush, od Designing Bjorn The back and side views ‘which is one of Photoshop's Dry Media tea new file at 480x290mm once 1m happy with Bjorn’ front Dishes This brush gives lovely line and dragactoss the height lines from the view, I copy the layer flip the copy anid gives the sketch areal pencil look. 1 template. lyse EditsTransform>Scale © horizontally using Edit>TransformFip ‘only produced six thumbnails forthe stretch the height lines across the width ean Berserker, but generally seribble until fof my new canvas, then choose one of hand ‘my thumbnails co work up into the front side ofthe image as a template fr the view of my Berserker, Where appropriate, back view. The back view has the reverse ike to add humourand character,so1 silhouette, so trace the edges while plump forthe final hurnbnail with the adding details and think carefully about Berserker andthe litle bird the shapes and orientation of limbs and Drag yourchosen thumbnail onte the objects. At this stage {realise that I need, ‘turnaround image. Set the blending toscale the font and back views to give ‘mode to Multiply to keep the black lines more pace fora sie view. The sce view visible andthe white areas transparent. tricky due othe different angle. use Scalethe sketch to roughly fitthe height the copied front view at 10 percent lines and reduce the layers opacity: Use opacity and the height lines as a guide thisas a rough guide, Once again, [use On aturnaround like this, think ts Feel Tve gota strong idea or direction, Set up a sheet te height ines are setup correctly atthe start, the template can be used for Faure images, Use Photoshop's juides and the Line too! to produce the template. Begin with an A3 sheet (420% 297%) and sete units to mm. With the fri and rulers showing, draga guide for the top height line at 30mm. This s quick and easy with snap turned on. Drag Snodhereight guiesdown and pace them SALFEF@AMAIA the Conte Pencil. dont worry about moreimportant to clearly showall the fxery kam which fiswithin anASsheet.—faghtmergere sare getingall the detain fornow,butthe elements othe characters design than CraternewhyerandusetheLinewool, Supertones" rawingneds tobe proportionately get hungup ona perfectly accurate sie Setto Imm todiaw in thelines Seringap cde Sccuratetoformagood basis forthe retlon ofthe front view. Keep tbe thetunaweandhehtliesistheleast— ALMABREMPBREE | Fainting (part from accentuations Ikea back apa side views rough fornow, intresting, but it helps create acu fcatvreventenhidethe smaller lead and longerape-like arms). because | may akterthe front view. > turnarounds andithelps the moxllers, Bagh ier uo tbe ‘Name this emplate:eight heads Workshops Blocking colour create anew layer and fill itwith a ‘mid grey to givea neutral hackground colour. then paint in a base colour for Bjorn’ front view. Loften work with a deep desaturated blue asa base colour ral backdrop. My king colours because it gives an favourite brush for Photoshop's Chalk 17 pixels with opacity Teale the brush up set to Pen Press and dost bit while fm working, but ks perfectly for me nitial colour layers above the line drawing and build a layer set for the background elements to keep my tidy, hav this brash layer, detail layer and a separate layer for hai tallow some experimentation ‘with Bjorn’ haltstyleand bean ry keep the layer count down to avoid nand to keep the filet le size. erop the image to include only the front view. L won't need the back and side views fora while, sol reassemble the turnaround sheet later, Adding facial detail With the base colours blocked in, 1 1g detail tothe face. The face is mpottant in establishing the character and personality, and like to get it painted early to help clarify where fm heading with the design, With the face and the other ateas of skin, I use lobs of pink and blue to add interest tothe flesh colouts. give Bjorn a pink nose because ioe PRO SECRETS naging aS {imagine him on a cold and windy battlefield. {also give him a confused expression as he stares at the litle bird The shadows layer The shadows layer isa quick cheat (On more illustrative pieces, end to paint the shadows into the irsage, but or ‘concepts a separate layer is good for flexibility and speed. Hike to play with slffeert blending modes, For this turnaround l use Vivid Light and sec the ‘opacity of the shadows layer to 30 per ‘ent, [paint most ofthe shadowsin a dark saturated blue which transforms ino interesting browns and greys over the painted layer, Painting fur For the hair andl fu, | paint a dark base layer which I work over with lighter an more saturated brush stokes 10 build up the strands and flow Working ‘up from a darker layer gives a good depth tohairand fur, particularly there are variations in the detail colours. The fur is ited quickly with astragely beush, Painting metal Metal painting either seems to flo from the brush anc work just ho Iasually demands high contrast, to block in most the meta in very da tones and then begin adding ireens, blues and browns to build up surfaces. [ike to experiment with different brushes with varying opacit to help develop texture. {gradually w lighter uni fm painting in white top ‘ut highlights Finishing touches wit the fur, hairand metal rendered, I work around the image details, such adding in and tightening bolts, staps and hanging objects fin with the biala robin. When Bjorn View details are complete, I draghim ‘onto the turnaround sheet and start tidying up the image for presentation clarity and flexibility, opt fora white background, but eave silhouettes of sey within the back and side views. Tl fives volume to these views against th full colour version. check the height lines and edt the layer mask to ensure they dont intersect Bjorn, Once fm happy with thealignment and masks Bjorn isfinished. @ Workshops Po Tae GZ ri SN iAa eae IN PHOTOSHOP Find out how digital matte painters bring the seemingly impossible to the big screen. By Tim Warnock Peer The technique saved having to send In depth: Create film sets in Photoshop eee ey Sc een ty een iru) Prien rs ‘On anev layer above my mountai eee se ence [7 reenecreerkar With the duplicate channel selected, earn ner es ta) Poneman ect na] error ent reer ny) Pr asin ear ey (lac) o bring up the Curves palette and highlights ofthe mountain. The thesky, doing my sketch over | boost the lights and darks to createa Channel wast exactly the same size as several layers so I could place my new sky | strongsilhouette.Icleaned up any stray Peter est cs Pann cremate specs usinga han cere et eer) foreground elements overlap it Like to | down Cul (PC) oF Command (Mae) and coo Reeser nnprernery | @ Ground plane ih eerieneretren Prema Nt Cy eee rea nnt Pee eae ee oat frites rome ener ety foment ae aes monn Pia enn Steet en eee eet Piven ay cen ects UT Cem ues ure ere eer en nt contiast between the sky and the rest of Teeter reer ta TY theimage [upicatedthisChannel by | the DVD, I selected the Red Channel and ec eee ery Pee ee ae en Ree eee eae ta ees os Tener rer ec Pe eae sey ee ete ete ns Snes a Workshops Pee era ‘out the image. Then with an airbrush/ soft brush, I painted backin the poi ‘of the new photo where itwas necessa eee sent aie] Peri teens ester e” é a PRO Epes omen arateatie he U1) Faeonas ulead PMU RRR SECRETS #itpereumluetauia Pee Petia rn (Mac) created new layer rom that Pe et ce ee enon Piece, Using Curves, feduced the veer ee cnn amt ee enn y meenen teen Pere cra Pree ret a ne bie curve slightly to match the shado ground plane asascale reference. Using AltsDelete (PC) or Options Delete (ac) | eens the Frasertool cleaned up my edges to and my light ayer to completly maskit ecient eee een ny Ta rocky portions I used the same process tothe mask revealing my highlights sr Ten br Poster a Ree Re ee TATOO SEC NOSED cores cccycr cones MENON ane er te career eee et aa ete 08S a ee ee: Peer ty at Tensor looove RRR Ste ene eT! Scrutcmaon thy hh ee ee ee Come) Cale neue Leo PRIM the ground plane Layer Thisenabled Learner ey ercnenir eters 002°" Santee in ee er eee and not be concerned with having tf een ee eet et the other for light The shadow layer went needed to be rit. So, using the same plane mask is already defining the sha underneath, Staringwith theshadow photos that did my'sketch on, overlaid Ii eens Pre eStats a * eee eee eee et to ere ere eta Peery Pee ee eer hem, First duplicated intact from the sketch, but some layerforshadows and portions oft were abit too soft or Perna peer eet an eeneT on en ay Peet etn serena usinga simple chalk brush with colou Perens ees eT Pe een ee Seren Sian tht nee ae eee Prentice tts poner In depth: create film sets in Photoshop Waterfall Rn eae ts Pease et ttt pera od Pee er ea Pee ies ns Pore ere etnies Peer et ante) smoothly with the existing rock. Finally used curves to corect the colour. With scattering turned on inthe Beush palette een een ete ee cen er Coenen ten placed into postion in the same way, and. then painted over, to form the steam that pokes out from the tes. These Pen nn eet ecy Pa een ty Teeny eT Peeternneretig a cnt ce ee eet Nena acto peter es ee eerste ene cg eer ets rere een ec) nee ent Peer cm ec) Pend them on top of one another. In places See ete eer Perens Pees et Warp o adjust that ellipse Poe ees architecture found another portion of Ree ea duplicated it, repeatedly to create oe enea ee Peer tier feted erent eet en) the oof pieces | applied the same ee eee ent et) done forthe rocks and tees, As with Peer eae ite cetity ddoany final colour adjustments CRUST) ert Both the bridge and builing support corn ene nes rene eer a ‘covered the sketch and masked out any ‘overlap then I reitthe photos. The key Pn en iS eenad n their scene isto See en ey piling rock and paintingin greenery Reno ery their surroundings. rea ene tne et ets ‘original photo that had been sketched Pree eet etn tet er oon iy Penner ener! ene aor [omer ert ee eesti photos and again went through the Soe tet ees her) the foreground rocks to be in shadow so fest heer et ets pce een Goer Caner nents final details filling in holes that'd Peeters essere Ty one nnn ‘off the stream and waterfall. To achieve this, [used a cloud brush named number Pun ne cet Peete etme ey Rares a Pee eea nent cent] Pe nee) Seay en nt fee anes eter) Preteen it) PSST ne eee Teas Peete es enten en et eres Perens Reina em ns eS os tweaks to the scene. ® Cr illustrating a comic book charact€ a eee ee TT peters eres! Ser erent Scircerctey nae ene oe the tools at hand. Rie et et ae ee ee ne done on my dual 2.5GH2.G5,usinga size will do, really Photoshop contributions. This ist siection concerns the pencilling of th pera pers ee renee reer All drawings begin life as scribble, and in Photoshop there is no ‘exception. [always start with a blank page with a white background, However thisis not the surface I dave upon as it makes editing the scribbles tricky create 2 new layer, which label Scribble, and pieka brush set at 20 pixels, and set ‘pacity ana size iter to pen pressure. then pick light grey from the colour picker and tim ready to go. {nial sketches shoul be loose — feeling the form out without Fear of the image Fortis reason | yssketch with light grey as know dss over itto pick out details. The Get scribbling | | | 1 sketch won't interfere much with my refined choice of lines either. Here have scribbled inthe basic pose ofthe git and the rough shape ofthe bike using standard construction lines to figure out the proportions. Refine the sketch This is where the magic of Photoshop begins to come into play although my scribble layers working ‘okay don't want to draw any more on it ‘ules Hose the basic pose. So I createa new layerabove it, and using a slightly darker grey I draw over the scribble, picking out the bits that think may ‘work, In this shot, youean see ve Quick technique: Pencilling a comic figure focused on the legandd torso asan area worth refining To help me in this, Fve also been using the white to cut back the rey that show through from the lay below. ll the layers ae inked so any transformation will ffet them al Anatomy /Ast'm happy with the way the pose is developing, lcreawea new layer forthe head, a1 figue this element may ned more iting than the others. Using the same process of greys onto te layer filling parts with white to obscure confusing lines below, slowly give shape to the head and features, Once the head isadraven, Lean move itor resize ittofitin proportion with the rest ofthe figure. ‘ean also check to see if everything elses oportion too. The most magical wgabout Photoshop f transform tool, which m ‘hand of leg easily without erasing or ruining the paper Lighting [Once Ive found the proportions to suit my tastes, Lmove ling, create another layer called, Tones, and set it to multiply ‘using thicker brush (created simply by hitting the ] key) I very loosely paint in areas of tone, clependingon where | want the light to come fom. Since fm sil using the rie-grey the tones don't obscure the lines below and it easy to eit by hitting 3’ on the keyboard flipping the foreground colour to white and the painting away the sey tones Tracing The final stages where commit. create a new layer called Pencils, and select black a my foreground colour Zooming in I start to trace the grey sketch, picking out the Fines that work and ignoring the lines that dont. leave the bike bac, ast wil be fixed in colouring This stages still eatively sketchy because | ike to leave some decisionsto the inking find that pencils are too precise to lackatcertain energy. The outline is definite, asare the areas of black all eady for inkingin part two. @ Workshops Ty Bu Cie ANATOMY FOR BEGINNERS Jonny Duddle’s 20 essential techniques to set you on a path to creating fantastic art. sa concept artist and 1. READ BOOKS ON 4 BASIC SHAPE: OS: ANATOMY wth kno 3 bodys formethebedsotmostet. | Youcanneverlrow enough abot | ma rotor my work, wheth realistic or stylised. Pv Io about anatomy since Ista studying art at school. But! always feel ike I should know more, Iday —_ciegusec 2 LEARN THE HUMAN BODY’s PROPORTIONS The common unit for describing the proportions of the human body is the nead, According to reference books, an Jult human is between seven ds been playing with the proportions of the humar | body for centuries, th. 3. LEARN THE BASIC MUSCLE MASSES 5 OBSERVE HOW AGE With most drawings, there is no need AFFECTS PROPORTIO! people arom, their pronortio mM *#l Ml tNoOuken— ween Artist tips: Anatomy for beginners 10 FORESHORTENING 6 This term describes how the body is affected by perspective. In most drawings, ile By adding the effects part of a body is coming towards tne light across a body, viewer or is bent away, Use basic shapes you can give a better idea of form and ave an impression of solidity, Look carefull at how light and shade affect the when in perspective to make these areas convincing before adding deta imagine cylinders, spheres and \ cubes in perspective. Look \ carefully at the relationships between parts of the body, and the shapes that are formed. Z life drawing or making ‘observational sketches. TIMOVEMENT @Arough skeleton can be useful for sketching the human figure.99 8 ROUGH SKELETONS FOR SKETCHING 7 THE SKELETON Pei ae a] Lit aspiloay tab Workshops 13 PROPORTIONS AND CHARACTER Proportions can be useful for @ Look in anatomical reference books. You can only improve if you know what you are doing wrong.9® 14 DRAW FROM LIFE Nothing improves your knowledge of anatomy more than drawing from life. Draw friends, family and strangers, on the train, in a cafe or in the park. | possible, attend life drawing classes. Drawing from life will give you a better understanding OF the human form 15 KEEP A SKETCHBOOK a meet ett ire Sates! urce and can be a fantasti on ere Rc eral To ecu tel Camescgtit 16 ‘You can't remember everything that you see, A camera can provide a host of copyright-free reference material, Digital cameras make reference photograp!s cheap and accessible, If you're stuck while drawing a hand, for instance, take some photographs of your hand and use them for reference. But remember to think about the form of your subject, not just the two dimensional representation. 17 WATCH PEOPLE poli Cosi FURTHER READINC ANATOMY FOR THE ARTIST. AUTHOR: Serah Simbie whe PRICE: £2 (SHER: Doring 18 PRACTICE only ATLAS OF HUMAN : ANATOMY FOR 3 THE ARTIST ohen Rogers Peck AUTHOR: 5: 19 COMPARE YOUR DRAWINGS TO THE ANATOMY BOOKS. BRIDGMAN’S Assess yourself and your drawn COMPLETE GUIDE by comparing life drawings and TO DRAWING bservational sketches with FROM LIFE anatomical reference books. You | AUTHOR: Gzorge 8. Bridgeman ¢ leit you know what PRICE: youre doing wong, PUBLISHER: Steving dishing ISBN: 00" 20 EVERYBODY'S DIFFERENT! There is infinite variety in the human form. The more you draw people, the more differences you will see. Andi all these differences can add interest to your work. @ / Don't miss [Don't miss next is We will be focus; Ndividual booy XO greater detayy i Nadia ial toate eto yo ‘c(UfelCRVo UR tales akta econ al coorolccRen CR iale Anne-Claire Payet Quick technique: Turn photos into magical art Ree eee ‘ Pn ees TY COLOUR Mattias Snygg talks you through some of the inner workings of one of his alien art creations, called Space Adventure. here's something ada accent of colour, for instance the fundamentally appealing dark red on ouralien hero, and the about space-men in ait on his human sde-kice Jackets, friendly hu colours! ay oft. ything’s in brown, red and low it may well look pretty bat it doesnt get dynamieand punchy: AbIve sky provides that much-needed contrast nd with the sky in place all the warm ntkesyou wish was you. | colour tnd wo appeareven ware Try wil thateoolzapgun andthe's0e | covering the sy wth your hand ad leather ace. People have complaloed : thatthe allen in this pletute looks too The Photoshop uch ier arBnkstom Sia | ColouT-picker tells sac ihe ee ene y cuichcomtienst ita me the leaves are 1B) isrssecnitionsion Vonow, but th goers yellow, but they B) thecolourin this piece is ‘ y wnunistauare aa don't look yellow Demir wimetet \ioilienterrie mice Peer ois eer | mei a Wiessonaeaie thisalien land andto getasense of | should bringa whole new dimension to Dlr Riedie [estou abeown | plat ny ad cy indochebae to provieayacm "| elmo que «bound “Seocoeht” foundation forthe painting. Iweheard | Takealook atthe green leaves at the Poop ag en pees Wad tates tian loa tDeteealy Kioettts ie Toe | tle la they al lig Gashe peinics ofoKl didilitethsandifit_— | dotappentyloy at afl Te abecaioe onscreen itblen why fxkt Widhan under | thesuoundn oun ae moa Ser reese ple pees reenact Lane Mean wee a aims ete coe Bale nytbisby paintings tiga igh ed The Quick theory: Coloudf — explains the basics of creating an illustration in this popular style using Photoshop and Painter. hist th al guides you through | 1X. also used a graphics tablet, which is | colouring technique won't beable to of drawingand an invaluable tool foranyone going nto salvage a poor, outof perspective solouringa mang pice. | digital, Wacom aletsofen come | drawing, When etching check fo Manga artwork often suffers ‘mistakes by holding the drawing up t ‘the unfair stigma of appearingall the nking is done in black ink, wi same. Although there are general stylistic liner orn pen, conventions, every artist interprets it en working digitally, my files wi differently, ceatingalhost of unique practice) in Painter Essentials ost bein PS format sup syle The more you draw thefateryou 1 iket sketch apd inky hand then | Layers) ines and colourthem on the | and saved asa TIFF o PEG (a east 3 reateare should be taken | DP). THF is better quality for print S journgtechnlque ulined here nbecause it forms the JPEG has. avery small file size, making [ was donein Photoshop CSand Painter | backbone ofyourwork. Even thebest | suitable for pictures on the web, Style conver begin by sketching out the image usinga 28 mechanical pencil. Lusea putty rubber because regular erasers can ete paper surface and leave dust. ‘A good trick forcreatingan instant, «dynamic composition iso use a simple pose but raw ic with the paper sideways. Some manga guidelines to bearin mind are the conventions for mouth, eyes and hat The mouth is kept very small, ikea rosebud, particularly when drawing female characters, yes re definitely the number one nga trademark, They should be lange an expressive, wth graceful ‘eyebrows and lashes. ike to draws hairs thick, almost three-dimensional strands because | find ita lt easierto colout in later on if ean see where the separate lvers of hair begin and end Female manga body proportions are usually petite with skinny wrists, tiny ‘waists and thin legs albeit frequently with lage breasts! Scan the image ‘The sketch s inked with a thin pen and drawing ink. {often vary the thickness ofthe lines to createa feeling ‘of depth, For example, the contrast between the g's thick outin thin cherry blossoms immediately indicate foreground and background & Ren ‘a SECRETS otothecutnetnyer Sesehange tom Muti toNorma ‘Solcll an apy. Then {reste anenayer att ove tat ana tin ‘tach hs yer Tito aux may ‘atin tog oreon- ‘lckmsk Remove the ‘auckmoskaralet ‘recon The outs ‘renow on aonsparent Iyer select Lock in Photoshop w adjust ) contrast. Sometimes its enough to g010 Image>djust>Auto levels To gain moe conteol {then select Levels so that tan manually teak the contrast Mealy, you should have black outling (but not overly jagged) ‘with no traces of pencil Tiss now ready fr colouring in, ‘Outline work ‘The outlines are opened in Painter, ike to copy and paste the outlines on to anew layer, and set this vo Multiply. This enables me to colour freely but stil reta the back outlines, which show through, also keep a completly white layer ‘under the outlines to act asa backdrop, Gather your tools Before beginning o paint, | drag ‘my choice of tools on to a custom palette 0 that 'l alway have them on the screen, For this project, I choose Digi Watercolour>Broad Water Brush, Blenders>Grainy Water, Airbrushes> Digital Airbrush, Gouache > Opaque Smooth Brush 10, Colouring Tegin by colouring the face using digital watercolour. First, Leover everything with alight skin tone. wher Quick technique: How to draw manga introduce shadows with a medium skin tone and create some depth with avery clark tone, The mixer palette in Painter enables you to pant swatches ofa chosen colour so you always have the tight shade at id The shading can be rough and scribbly as thats where the Blender tool ‘comes in hands: Before using it Ihave to dry the watercolour (Layers>Dry tal Watercolour of CuleShift+l) en [take the Blender and smooth over what ve just drawn to create perfectly blended shadows. Airbrushing Te rest ofthe image s coloured in sng exactly the same technique. The ‘brush can be used to create bush on the cheeks, add highlights to clothing or correct mistakes Gouache work The Gouache brush i used for zg zag hair highlighs, which areanother typical featute of manga illustration. L Also like to ada singe, wispy stands of Inari whieh case work above the outline layer, Final polish en the colouring process is complete save and open itagain in Photoshop, You can give the lustation final polish by using the Hue/Saeutatio Coote Balance editors in Photosop, colouringin the outlines (se P10 Secrets), of esiing and cropping, Once ‘everything loks good, Fatten (or Merge Visible anal discard hidden ayer). © rs 2 S aS cs month in... ij ANTASYQ) SCI-FI DIGITAL ART magine! MASTER THE TECHNIQU TO CREATE AMAZING DIG ATURIN Wrest aaa et man behind some of the most haunting sci-fi imagery ever PLUS exclusive tutorial Henning Ludvigsen The Norwegian master dishes out more fantastic digital art advice Ryan Church Learn Corel Painter with the man behind the art of Star Wars: Episode III ae ee LOCK PWS UP TO 40% - SEE PAGE 35 UNITED STATES READERS PLEASE SEE PAGE 73 Workshops creating a classic Ee character imag Mea UA Sul) 5] Choose your model patereenmrtnt on figure is most suitable for your job. I've Peet nent a ree ner Ltirneneeadee enero ieee tty Pines ten OL Pres eee tie Ty eeneyromrimeteenet Ty Cee ce een 2 pet Te i Rerrre C e a Peer ere ae Rite peaa eevee Retire ier neta erent ere a peace iey ernest Pheer naa Pe ane | eveeeere eee ee Peper | Ree | cme er Perrietererer icin eer ste Biri atone eee bee SO erecta Pap ere eernnony Pere reenter os COLCKEENEEE angle of her brows, nose size and w part her lipslighty. then add a skin texture het ener ae ecard Trwant to get the pose right before adding any props or clothes. Our heroine See nt) and a helmet in her left, and I want her pe ete Pee enue Peer en eee ety rotate er eyes directly atthe viewer. You Sree cre peer rea os pocorn inet et este a en errs first then move back down the hierarchy ieee TESTI) Pee ee ea reg eee @ Dressing your figure Petree clothes. ve selected a few items from the eee eee rear Pet non etd Poe Rete ec) eon ene a heading in the Library palette. Choose ‘and highlight the item and clickon the Pet gee eS Create a sci-fi babe Shorieuls PRO SECRETS Natural poses ong igure natura ‘emae mach eater ‘Greco mean oe (irc eld. fonsenete po Srna nie Snarlinaa ee) Penge ten mee Perea cnet Perse en ns fee ree cena This process needs tobe repeated for each item of clothing, Some items, Peer at they te automatically placed in the right eer eee ete tig Eee eee eee at iss Pee ee a ere me ey eee 6) Final touches Crees ory layering clothes in this way, the meshes can become intersected, allowing inner garments to show through. We can party rectify this by scaling up the outer items een etn Pre en et Seer Pee ts nee Pee ay eae) ei ee = F cua er Peer res TT et scene setup and rendering select énablingustoselecttems in thescene._| fp Transparency maps ee eee en eee eet ferent etn Hierarchy Selection dialog that follows, is ee en ee eee eee en tee er Senet netts Per cee eee Te eee ced ee eee ‘that will be obscured by outer layers, Poa ee eaten emer ete such as hands hidden by gloves Patra nay Pr Uae the area below the boottop re Te Rano With these wo items selected (red) eer eret ian rennin herr eet ‘Object and in the dialog box | navigate to Peer se ee erent the model exported from Poser. Bryce Pere een me een ea Tt ‘will import the object. Poser will PRO ‘on the second small ‘glass bead’ on the en a eeary Pe eee eer 0h EERE right, co open the Texture Source Fditor | the lower area, about where the lower er reetee ret en a at es ae ee eee Pageant et ee Sense eet sy Peete ee a See i ee ee te them in with the mesh. Ifthey don't load, ROERSEREME | Load, and navigatetotheappropriate of the bodysuit mesh partsselected, 1 eet eer i pe ate ot Peer eran et a aT ei ae es Perret Cerne Set a ee ects Perna ere es cee ee rit a eens Peet) STEED coon: ROARS LC a mere a eee Tosca secon, TO eo Sem te C} Let Pee Ste The textures wil ook fine but the ESE | process forthe bows anes ete eerie amy c

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