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U.S. History
Exam #1


Matching: Select the Mesoamerican civilization that matches each of the following statements.
(you may use options more than once or not at all)
1. Chichen Itza was an important city in this civilization.
2. Hernan Cortes and his fellow conquistadores

encountered this civilization when they landed in the New

World in 1519.
3. This civilization made giant head sculptures out of stone, presumably of their rulers.
4. This civilization originated in Mexicos Yucatan Peninsula and spread southward into present-day
Guatemala and Honduras.
5. Human sacrifice, often of conquered peoples, was a common practice in this civilization.
Multiple Choice:
6. Why did some Native American cultures build earth mounds?
a. For protection
b. For shelter
c. To bury the dead
d. To display their power to rival tribes

7. A kiva is
a. A circular room used for ceremonial purposes
b. A type of traditional dance
c. A type of doll
d. A tool used by Native American tribes in the Great Plains
8. Tribes of the Far North (Alaska) adapted to their environment by
a. Planting crops
b. Hunting walruses, seals, and whales
c. Hunting buffalo
d. Building longhouses that housed up to 20 families
9. Which Native American language group formed a league or confederacy of 5 different nations in order
to maintain peace?
a. Algonquian
b. Mississippian
c. Sioux
d. Iroquois
True (A) or False (B):
10. The rulers of the Ghana, Mali, and Songhai empires practiced Islam.

11. The Portuguese were first drawn to West Africa because they wanted salt.
12. Columbuss goal in his first voyage was to find a shorter sea route to Asia.
13. Horses were introduced to Europe by America through the Columbian Exchange.
14. The colonists in South Carolina found that sugarcane grew very well there.

Multiple Choice:
15. Spain wanted to colonize the Americas because
a. They wanted to find gold
b. They wanted to plant sugarcane
c. They wanted to convert native peoples to Christianity
d. All of the above
16. The Treaty of Tordesillas
a. Made peace between the Portuguese and the Songhai Empire
b. Divided the world in half, the western half going to Spain and the eastern half to Portugal
c. Gave the the island of Madeira to the Spanish
d. Failed because its two parties, the English and French, quickly resumed fighting
17. In 1664, the English took the territory that became New York from
a. The Spanish
b. The French
c. The Portuguese
d. The Dutch
18. English people migrated to the Americas because they
a. Faced religious persecution at home b. Had few economic opportunities at home
c. Were lured by the prospect of wealth d. All of the above
19. After a few very difficult first years, Jamestown survived because
a. Colonists built positive relationships with the local native people
b. Colonists discovered gold in the James River
c. Colonists successfully grew sugarcane
d. Colonists found a way to grow tobacco
20. Quakers were persecuted in England because they
a. Challenged the authority of priests
b. Tried to kill King Charles II
c. Worshipped William Penn and not the king
d. Claimed that only a select few had the inner light of God in them
21. William Penns description of Pennsylvania as a holy experiment refers to the fact that
a. Quakerism was the only religion allowed to be practiced
b. The Church controlled the colony
c. Penn made the colony a place of religious toleration
d. Penn and his followers created an entirely new religion once they arrived there
22. English colonization of the Americas paused between 1642 and about 1660 because of
a. The Protestant Reformation
b. The English Civil War
c. The English going to war with France
d. England turning its attention to colonizing Asia during that time
23. The founders of South Carolina originally wanted to grow _______________ but found that it didnt
grow well there. Later, they discovered that ________________________ grew very well there and
made large profits from those crops.
a. Sugarcane; rice and indigo
b. Tobacco; corn and squash
c. Rice; tobacco and beans
d. Wheat; sugarcane and corn
24. Bacons Rebellion occurred in which colony?
a. Massachusetts
b. Maryland
c. Virginia
d. Georgia

Matching: Select the founder of each colony:

25. Rhode Island
26. Connecticut
27. Massachusetts

a. Thomas Hooker
b. Roger Williams
c. John Winthrop

Identify which European power colonized each territory in the Americas listed below.
a. Spain
b. England
c. France
d. Portugal
e. Russia
28. Brazil
29. Florida
30. Northeastern Canada
True (A) or False (B):
31. There is evidence that suggests native peoples in North, Central, and South America performed brain
32. The Maya and Aztec civilizations were among the first in the Western Hemisphere to develop written
Multiple Choice:
33. Approximately how many children are buried in the cemetery at the Carlisle Indian School?
a. 50
b. 100
c. 200
d. 600
34. The leaders of the Indian Boarding School movement were motivated by a desire to
a. Preserve the cultural heritage of Native American tribes
b. Assimilate Native American children into mainstream American culture
c. Record the languages of Native American tribes before they disappeared
d. Expose white American children to Native American languages and cultures
35. Approximately how much time elapsed between Cortess arrival in Mexico and his defeat of the Aztec?
a. 1 month
b. 1 year
c. 5 years
d. 8 years
Chronology: Put the following events in the correct order, from earliest to latest.
a. 1st
b. 2nd
c. 3rd
d. 4th
e. 5th
36. Bacons Rebellion
37. Arrival of English colonists in Jamestown
38. Founding of Massachusetts colony
39. Colony of Georgia is established
40. Attempted colonization of Roanoke Island

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