Ex 3

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Moment of inertia of an object is a signal of the level of force should be applied in able to
keep an object in movement and motion. Moment of Inertia was derived from Newtons
second law.
Higher moments of inertia demonstrate that more force must be connected or put on to
cause a turn whereas lower moments of inertia means that only small forces are required.
Masses that are further far from the axis of rotation have the greatest moment of inertia.
The moment of inertia can be calculated by its volume and mass. By the application of
Newton's Second Law of Motion, we could determine the numerical estimation of Inertia (I).
The force present to the hanging mass is its own weight and tension plus the gravitational
force while the force that makes the disk rotating is the tension due to the mass hangs on
the hanger. The heavier the load in the mass hanger, the faster it rotates. On the data
observed, adding constant amount of mass in every trial will result to a consistent increase
of acceleration.
As the hanging mass increases, the acceleration increases. This was observed by the smart
timer. As seen in gathered data, the variation of the smart timer can produce great error.
Again, double checking is advice due to the different result at a same value produce by the
smart timer. This can be the source of error in the experiment. Other thing is the disk is not
in leveled or 0o. Error is expected. The acceleration by the smart timer is changing due the
friction and the time it takes to fully distribute the mass around the platform.
The moment of Inertia of Disk and Ring is greater than the moment of Inertia of Disk, for
which to able to rotate a heavy object it needs a lot of tension to perform. Therefore, the
heavier the object the, slower the acceleration it is at a constant tension or mass. As shown
in the computation. Another, when a body is rotated vertically, the mass is lesser
compared than it is rotated horizontally and the acceleration is faster.
With all the information accumulated, I can say that the moment of inertia is the measure of
the capacity of a certain body to turn in each axis. It displays the rotation of a rigid body.
This can be applied by the skater who wanted to turn. The moment of inertia has the same
relationship to angular acceleration.
Greater inertia comes on the maximize distribution of mas in the object rotated. While,
lesser inertia occurs when the distribution of the mass is reduced as it rotated to the
diameter. Like the case in Moment of inertia of disk (rotating about the diameter).

2. Application
In life, there are many applications for moment of inertia. Car manufacturers study it
carefully to determine how quickly a car will spin out of control especially in wet and slippery
road. Divers that are concerned about the angles of spin in water that makes to maneuver
fast and less moment. Baseball players and golfers both work to create an effective swing or
turn, to hit the ball and make a goal. A skater who wants to spin faster and smoother needs

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