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Welcome to the Fast ForWordFamily of Products

Scientific Learning's Fast ForWord family of products accelerates learning by helping the brain process more
efficiently, providing struggling readers with intensive exercises that build the cognitive skills required to read
and learn effectively. These cognitive skillsmemory, attention, processing rate, and sequencingare
essential for learning and reading success. The strengthening of these cognitive skills results in a wide range of
improved critical language and reading skills, such as phonological awareness, phonemic awareness, fluency,
vocabulary, comprehension, decoding, working memory, syntax, grammar, and others, which are necessary to
learn how to read or to become a better reader.
The Fast ForWord family of products work together to achieve these goals. Our Language and Literacy
products build the foundational reading and language skills that help transform Special Education students and
English Language Learners into successful learners in the general classroom. Our Reading products increase
processing efficiency and build critical reading skills so that struggling readers can benefit the most from
classroom instruction.
This manual provides instructions on how to use the entire Fast ForWord family of products:

Fast ForWord Language v2

Fast ForWord Language to Reading v2

Fast ForWord Literacy

Fast ForWord Literacy Advanced

Fast ForWord Reading Prep

Fast ForWord Reading 1

Fast ForWord Reading 2

Fast ForWord Reading 3

Fast ForWord Reading 4

Fast ForWord Reading 5

Each of the Fast ForWord product chapters in this manual focuses on a specific product, providing detailed
descriptions of the exercises in that product and information on the skills emphasized in each of the exercises.
In addition, each chapter provides simple steps on how to administer the exercises and how to get a quick view
of a learners success in the exercises.
For information on how to install, set up, and implement the products, please refer to the How to Use Scientific
LearningGateway manual. For information on other Scientific Learning products not included in this
manual, visit our Web site at

Understanding the Science behind the Fast ForWord Products

The Fast ForWord products use patented technologies that leverage the science of brain plasticitythe brains
ability to change at any age throughout life. These technologies trigger changes in the brain that provide a
foundation for learning and reading success.
Additionally, the Fast ForWord Language and Literacy products include a patented speech processing
technology that enhances the speech sounds at early exercise levels, progressing to natural speech sounds at
higher exercise levels. This technology includes two separate but equally important speech modification

Slowing down the speech (duration extensions)

Enhancing the intensity of the rapid transitional elements in the speech (selective intensity increases)

Slowing down the speech

In this stage, our scientists use a patented processing algorithm to slow the rate of the entire speech
signal while still maintaining the speech signal's natural quality.
For example, a wordsuch as batthat may typically last one second in natural speech could last as
long as one and a half seconds after this processing is applied.
By lengthening the duration of the speech, the fast speech elementssuch as stop consonantsare
further apart from the steady speech elementssuch as vowels, which provides the auditory nervous
system with more time to respond to the fast speech sounds.

Enhancing the intensity of the rapid transitional elements in the speech

In this stage, our patented software process identifies the fast transitional elements within the speech
such as the /b/ sound in the word batand then selectively amplifies those elements.
By applying these selective intensity increases, the more rapid transitional phonemes in the speech are
emphasized, allowing the auditory nervous system to respond more vigorously to the fast speech
Combining both stages of patented speech processing technology provides the auditory nervous system with an
enhanced speech signal that allows the learner to more effectively differentiate the rapid transitions in spoken



Introducing the Reading Assistant Expanded Edition Product

As students learn to read, even with the basics solidly in place, many learners lack the skills or confidence to
read independently with comfort and ease. Some readers find these difficulties so overwhelming that they may
become disengaged from the entire reading process. Some emergent readers find the experience of reading
word by word so challenging that they expend all of their energy decoding and compromise comprehension.
Many readers encounter vocabulary deficits and language problems that push the texts they want to read
beyond their reach.
Research confirms what educators have always known: The best results occur when a teacher reads one-on-one
with a studentkeeping the student on task, coaching the student through difficulties, defining vocabulary,
scaffolding comprehension, encouraging effort, and celebrating accomplishment.
Even with this knowledge, teachers can find it challenging to provide this kind of individualized attention
given limited time in the classroom. Imagine if teachers could provide each child with a private reading tutor!
That idea was the inspiration behind the Reading Assistant Expanded Edition software. This computer-based
product incorporates advanced speech recognition technology with proven courseware to help students
strengthen fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension and become proficient, lifelong readers and learners.

By offering a wide variety of high-interest selections, the Reading Assistant software invites
participants to listen to a model fluent reading of the passage, to read silently at their own pace, and to
review word definitions. Participants then answer guided reading questions designed to boost

Using research-validated speech recognition technology, the software monitors a participant as he or

she reads aloud, acting as a patient, non-judgmental listener for struggling, self-conscious readers and
providing the much needed practice that benefits all readers. The software provides assistance when
the participant is challenged by a word.

After reading a selection, the software assesses the participants comprehension with questions
designed to close the participants comprehension skill gaps.

The software maintains careful performance records and audio recordings for each reading session,
which participants, parents, and teachers can review at any time.

For detailed descriptions of the activities within the Reading Assistant product, along with simple steps on how
to administer the product and how to get a quick view of a learners success in the product, turn to Chapter 11,
Reading Assistant Expanded Edition in this manual.
For information on how to install, set up, and implement the Reading Assistant product, please refer to the
How to Use Scientific LearningGateway manual. For information on other Scientific Learning products not
included in this manual, visit our Web site at





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