Gs - Activity Attributes

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December 7, 2015

41 Spring Hill Pkwy SE
Smyrna, GA 30080

Activity Attributes
Project: GS E-Commerce Website
Date: 12/7/2015
Activity ID: 111
Activity: Audit E-Commerce WBS No:
Activity Description: Determine the necessary E-Commerce website requirements and
objectives for the overall project.
Activity Responsibility:
Resources and Skill Sets Required: This activity requires
Josephine Nord, Rob Wade
basic communication skills for the requirements gathering
sessions with the client. Additional skills include working
knowledge of website development, along with any
limitations for client requirements.
Activity Predecessors: This
Predecessor Scheduling:
Predecessor Dependency:
activity is the beginning of
This activity begins as soon
There is no lead or lag
the project.
as the project is signed.
requirement with the
predecessor activity.
Activity Successors: Once
Successor Scheduling:
Successor Dependency:
this activity is completed, the Finish-Start relationship; the
There is no lead or lag
project schedule outline will
project schedule outline will
requirement with the
be developed.
begin as soon as requirements successor activity.
gathering is completed.
Type of Effort: This activity is a fixed duration activity, over the span of 2 work days.
Location of Activity: This activity will take place on-site with the client.
Activity Assumptions: This activity works on the assumption that all parties involved support
the progression of this project.
Activity Constraints: The requirements gathering session must be completed by 12/9/2015 in
order to meet the sign off deadline for project schedule on 12/22/2015.

Activity Attributes
Project: GS E-Commerce Website
Date: 12/7/2015
Activity ID: 1740
Activity: Final UAT
WBS No: 1.7.4
Activity Description: This activity involves the final user acceptance testing phase. The client
will review the website that has been built and record any points of concern/discrepancies with
the statement of work.
Activity Responsibility:
Resources and Skill Sets Required: This activity requires
Prashaanth Jagannathan
communication skills to properly understand any points of
concern raised by the client and technical skills/knowledge of
the website and web development
Activity Predecessors: This
Predecessor Scheduling:
Predecessor Dependency:
activity is preceded by
Finish-Start relationship; this There is no lead or lag
transferring the web
activity begins as soon as the requirement with the
development files to the
move to production is
predecessor activity.
production server.

Activity Successors: Once

this activity is completed, the
final copy proofing will

Successor Scheduling:
Successor Dependency:
Finish-Start relationship; the There is no lead or lag
final copy proofing will begin requirement with the
as soon as the final UAT is
successor activity.
Type of Effort: This activity is a fixed duration activity, over the span of 2 work days.
Location of Activity: This activity will take place off-site, at the project teams office.
Activity Assumptions: This activity works on the assumption that the website has been built
according to the clients specifications and the production server is up-to-date with the latest
sandbox developments.
Activity Constraints: The final UAT must be completed by 8/17/2016 in order to meet the
sign off on implementation (8/17/2016).

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