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Balanced Optical SteadyShot is the worlds first1 Floating Lens Unit image

stabilisation technology, capable of delivering up to 13 times2 the

performance of its predecessor and effective across all forms of
videography, from wide-angle to long-range and telephotography.
Read on to find out how it outshines other existing
image stabilisation technology, and learn about its
development from the engineers themselves.
As an AVCHD camcorder (as of March 2012)
When compared to the HDR-CX700Vs standard mode


Balanced Optical SteadyShot has brought about amazing

improvements to image stabilisation
The worlds first Balanced Optical SteadyShot image stabilisation was developed with an entirely new approach, while still retaining
the advantages of its recognised predecessor technology Optical SteadyShot (Active Mode).

Creation of the Floating Lens Unit

Former image stabilisation technology relied on moving a single
corrective lens to compensate for camera shake. When the
camera moved during recording, all other lenses in the barrel
moved along with it, causing some image blur.
With Balanced Optical SteadyShot however, the entire lens
barrel is suspended within the camera unit, so that movement of
the camera does not affect the lenses or image sensor. When you
shake the camera, you can see the entire integrated lens and
sensor mechanism move against the shake, dramatically reducing
image blur.

Balanced Optical SteadyShot

(Predecessor technology)

Blur correction using a

single lens

Balanced Optical SteadyShot

Blur correction using

the entire lens barrel

By moving the lenses and image sensor together, our engineers were able to clearly demonstrate the effect of image stabilisation, even
at long telephoto distances. Previously, they were able to obtain up to 10X image stabilisation for wide-angle settings and 2X for zoom.
Now however, they have achieved image stabilisation for up to 13X for both wide-angle and zoom settings. This effectiveness is especially
stunning when recording small, fast-moving subjects while zooming, such as when filming your children during school sports events.

Effectively eliminates even strong

camera shake
Picture quality is also much better with Balanced Optical SteadyShot than
with optical image stabilisation. In the former technology, a corrective lens
moves in order to perform image stabilisation. When correcting strong camera
shake, it became necessary to utilise the edge of the lens. Since optical
performance drops towards the edge of the lens, it led to deterioration in the
picture quality, causing darkening in the four corners of the video. However,
with the use of Balanced Optical SteadyShot technology, the entire lens
barrel moves together, allowing the image to always pass through the centre
of the lens, resulting in high quality clear images.

Darkened corners caused

by utilising the lens edge
to compensate for strong
camera shake in optical
image stabilisation

High quality image

obtained using Balanced
Optical SteadyShot

The development team shares their secret behind

Balanced Optical SteadyShot technology
We asked 4 members of the Handycam development team to share their insights and the challenges they faced when engineering the
revolutionary Balanced Optical SteadyShot.

Project Leader

Takao Kanzawa

Lens Barrel Engineer

Lens Control Engineer

Product Planner



Junichi Sakai

Tell us what led your team to develop this new technology




The image stabilisation of Sony camcorders

has been favourably received by the
industry, and surveys also show that this
feature is important to consumers. The lack
of efficient image blur correction has been
the main cause of dissatisfaction among
customers. Therefore, we conducted
several studies and our results led to the
development of the Floating Lens Unit as
the best technique for image stabilisation.

When we were thinking about how to

upgrade the image stabilisation feature,
we analysed the pros and cons of various
techniques, and this technique emerged
as the most effective. Professional cameras
used in the film industry make use of a large
device known as a stabiliser, which fixes the
camera to the body of the cameraman,
allowing him to record highly stable images
while moving. One idea we considered was
whether or not to put this device into the

We considered using the well-known

Gimbal mechanism, but if integrated into
the Handycam, it would have made the
unit extremely large. Our objective was to
keep its size small enough to fit in the palm
of the user. One of the highlights was the
development of the new motor. The unit
as a whole needed to be able to move a
weight of 100 -200 times the weight moved
in the existing technique involving the
moving of just the lens, and this required
a powerful motor. This is why we had to
develop a new, slim motor.

The newly developed slim motor

Yaw rotating motor

One notable difference from optical image stabilisation technology

(in which only the corrective lens moves) is that Balanced Optical
SteadyShot technology requires a powerful motor, capable of
moving the whole lens unit which is heavy. Since a powerful motor
is also likely to be large, that made it difficult for us to install it in a
camcorder for the consumer market, where the trend is towards a
reduction in size. By developing this new slim motor, Sony was able to
achieve both size reduction and driving power. There were a variety
of problems related to the sound of the motor as well as power
consumption, but by reviewing the entire process from the design of
the unit to the manufacturing process, we were able to implement this
technology as the first of its kind in the world.

Lens barrel

The lens unit enables precise and delicate movements, yet boasts
high durability, and can be deemed the gem of Sonys product
development technology.

Pitch rotating motor

Please tell us about the difficulties you had and the hardships you
faced in the course of development



The lenses and the image sensor are the heart of the Handycam,
so we strived to ensure that the housing unit was strong enough
to protect them. In the previous model, we maintained durability
by inserting a frame into the body around the lens unit. However,
the lens unit in this model is bigger, so we could not insert a
frame around it. Instead, we needed to reinforce the unit itself to
function as a frame. Moreover, the motor is an extremely sensitive
component, and hence we even took special steps to arrange for
a newly designed tray to carry it from the factory.

The toughest task was the development of the algorithm to isolate

the shaking of the camera from the photographic movement of
the camera. We worked really hard on this. By achieving a blur
correction 13 times more efficient, we also needed to control the
side effects which are 13 times stronger. In physical terms, it was
like moving an object which was 100 times heavier than a single
lens, and this was the most difficult thing to bring under control.

Algorithm to differentiate
camera shake from
photographic movement
Angular velocity

Signal isolation

Camera shake

image stabilisation

Intended camera

Achieves smooth
movement of the

(to detect camera shake)

Real time

Software to differentiate camera shake from

intended camera movement plays a vital role
in image stabilisation. We developed our own
algorithm to differentiate small camera shake
which happens when holding the camera,
from the swift movement of the camera
that is intended. These intended movements
should not be mistaken for camera shake. We
developed an algorithm that analysed the
waveforms for the shaking of the camera in real
time, and isolated camera shake from intended
movement, and in doing so, we were able to
reduce the delay in tracking intentional camera



It is crucial to control the sound made by the motor drive, which

is used to move the large lens unit. The initial trial piece made
tremendous noise. The vibrations of the motor were picked up by
the external components and in turn converted to noise, which
could be heard even from a metre away. In most cases, enough
room is created around the microphone to solve this kind of
noise problems. However, there is no gap around the lens unit,
and the parts are so closely placed that it is difficult to position
the microphone even slightly apart. Every department was
involved to solve this problem. Various innovative solutions were
implemented to keep the noise down to a level where it does not
affect the videography.

The first prototype we developed was extremely large, and until

the very end, we were anxious about whether it was acceptable.
But once the product was finished, we were amazed at how
effective the image stabilisation was, and we have also received
favourable reviews from our customers.

How would you like people to use Handycam, and what are the
points that you would like the user to focus on?

When you are shooting a video, you dont always keep your eyes on the camcorders screen. Its likely you will look up to watch your son
shoot a goal in a football match, for instance. A lot of the time, this is the instant when the camera shakes, and as a result, you might miss
capturing the moment you wanted to record. We developed this feature to ensure that you get a clear, steady video footage even in
such cases. I want you to use this camcorder at sporting events, like your childs sports day.

From an engineers perspective, I would like to highlight the strength and durability. Even without turning the camera on, the lens unit still
moves when being carried, so there will be degradation of the components within. Therefore, we calculated the number of times the unit
will be carried and used from the time the customer purchases the camera until it can no longer be used, then used these calculations to
design its strength and durability. The lens unit alone has cleared the durability test a million times, hence we have absolute confidence in
its durability.

As a developer, there are so many features that I would like you to take note of. For instance, the cover around the lens is the result of trials
with about 100 different samples which we made before deciding on this colour. However, what I want most of all is for our customers to
visit our Sony stores and actually hold the camera and use it. I would like them to witness the effectiveness of the image stabilisation out for

Not just the picture quality, but also the sound quality is good. Whats more, the Handycam HDR-PJ760V also allows you to view your
videos through a projector. Since this is a highly feature-rich and efficient product, I can recommend it with confidence. I want our
customers to go to the stores to personally experience its effectiveness.

More beautiful video images using Balanced Optical SteadyShot

Once you turn the power on and start shooting, you can see how the lens unit moves against the movement of the camera unit. This structure
known as the Balanced Optical SteadyShot successfully controls the shaking of the camera during videography. This is especially effective
during videography that involves frequent use of the zoom function. The high quality of the video clips you can obtain will amaze you. You
must personally experience the compact Handycam which is equipped with Balanced Optical SteadyShot, the first of its kind in the world.

A high end model with a

built-in projector for the best
videography experience

Captures and projects

your precious moments in
breathtaking Full HD

The Digital HD Camcorder

The Digital HD Camcorder



The information published in this page is accurate as of 2nd August 2012, and is subject to change without notice.

Makes it easy and fun to share

your memories
The Digital HD Camcorder


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