Sean & Eva Sexual Erotic Romantic Story

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Chapter 1.

An End To A Miracle
It is business as usual, I sat at my desk taking care of infinite number of thin
gs that need to be done to run a company efficiently. I own an event management
company which I cherish more than most things in life. I am hardworking and expe
ct my employees to be so. I have always believed that hard work and discipline c
an achieve the impossible. My company would not exist if it were not for this be
My secretary came in with the daily mail, only the important ones reached me. Ad
vertisements and brochures ended up in the dustbin at her threshold. I started g
oing through my mail and was completely surprised by the envelop that came up. I
t was one of the most prominent lawyer firms in the city. It looked important an
d personal, mostly because though it reached the company address, it was address
ed to me rather than the company.
I opened the envelop, it was about someone I knew, whose presence cherished in m
y life. The lawyer's letter informed me that I was a beneficiary in the will of
that person. I had known the person for years and we had been together 15 days b
ack. The letter was an express delivery. Therefore, I knew the death had occurre
d not many hours back. A smaller envelop was enclosed in the lawyers letter. It
was addressed to me, I knew the handwriting very well. With shaking hands I open
ed the letter. It read:
My darling Eva,
I know I will not last long. We met yesterday, yet I did not have the heart to t
ell you this news given to be by my doctors a few weeks back. We have been toget
her for a very long time. Even though, our relationship did not start in a very
conventional way. I think we did very well and allowed a bond to form. I am leav
ing you my business interests and large sums of money. You have always been prud
ent with this commodity. I know you will do justice to the large empire I built
over my lifetime.
I love you. Though, you were a mere sex object to me once. I wanted you to satis
fy me the way every man desires from his woman.My perspective towards you change
d so fast. You enriched my life, you gave me hope and love, which I thought was
impossible the way we started. Looking back, I think I have lived well and God h
ad provided me the best that there is.
I am being taken care of by special staff, it is quite possible that the lawyer
house will deliver this letter. Do not feel betrayed my darling. You have a lot
to do in future.
Your Sean.
The note brought me tears and an unfamiliar sense of loss. I felt sad and draine
d emotionally. I just wanted to cry and put my head, as I had done so many times
in the past, on Sean's shoulders. I knew that was no longer possible. Memories
help in coping up with tragedies better than anything else. Sean was my love and
life, yet it did not start as beautifully. I was immediately taken back 30 year
s when I was worked as staff to event managers in a plush and expensive hotel. I
t was the worst day of my life as an employee in that place. It was the wedding
season and we were busy planning and hosting numerous weddings once after anothe
r. It was in fact a very busy time. There was a wedding in progress, everything
was going on as planned until the time came to cut the cake.
As the cake was unveiled, the bride was stunned to see that it was not the same

design as she ordered. There was quite a bit of noise and hullabaloo over the ca
ke. Bride's women relatives were the worst of the lot. There were insults, barbs
and even a demand of explaination from me by the ladies. However, bride maintai
ned calm and quietly said, she liked this cake better than the one she ordered.
The cake was undoubtedly gorgeous. Everything quietened down and the bride saved
me from an impending disaster. I was so thankful towards her. My boss however,
was not going to be happy about this. I showed my boss every document and receip
ts pointed to my innocence. It was the mistake of the cake shop.
I wanted to keep this job, but I was scared because this wedding party was frien
dly with the owners. I could end up in the firing line. Moreover, I got the news
that one of the partners was present at the wedding and had seen the disaster u
nfold first hand. I was satisfied with my performance during this mess, I held m
y ground, yet was absolutely polite and understanding to all those ladies and me
n throwing barbs at me. I stood with dignity yet ensured not to offend any of th
e clients. I hoped he had seen that too, maybe that would save me.
Chapter 2.
The Partner - The Boss - The Master
Revisiting this memory always made me uncomfortable. It was not because I think
I did something wrong. The discomfort came from the fact, that things could have
gone horribly wrong.
As expected, I was summoned the next day to the partner's office. I wanted the j
ob, because at 23 I had many dreams and ambitions that were yet unrealized. I wa
s told to visit the boss at 5.00 pm. I checked myself in mirror and went to the
top floor where the top boss worked. I entered the floor and was surprised to se
e the lavish decor and staff that was both smart and welcoming. Seeing them calm
ed my nerves. MY heart was beating hard and fast. I told the secretary, I was ca
lled by the boss. I had not known his name. I was too lowly on the employee heir
archy to know names of top bosses. She told me to proceed and knock on the door.
Name on the door read Mr. Sean Williams. I entered the giant office.
I entered the office to find Sean reading through what seemed loads of paper wor
k. Reading so much, he must be going crazy I thought. I hoped he was crazy enoug
h to let me keep my job. "Good Evening, Mr. Williams", I said. He looked up and
replied "Good Evening". He had superb accent and a very well cultivated voice. H
e was intimidating the way he looked at me. "Mike tells me your name is Eva." He
said. I nodded. "That was quite some ruckus out there, it is good to see that o
ur employees are sensible enough not to insult the client, yet maintain their co
ol during chaos." I was surprised, "Thank You." "I know you must be thinking I c
alled you about the confusion, but I have called you for an entirely different r
"I gathered some information about you and have come to know you are a bright pe
rson who wants to achieve a lot." I was embarrassed and confused as to the direc
tion this talk was going. I had never discussed money with many people and yes,
it was the current problem I was in debt and it was impossible for me to pursue
much study. I simply replied "Yes sir." He got up from the chair he was behind t
he desk and asked me to sit at the sofa in his office. He called his secretary t
o tell her not to disturb him. I sat on the sofa and waited for more to come.
As he stood up I noticed, he was tall, in his late forties, must have been in gr
eat shape once, he was OK now. He was wide too and I looked like a small insigni
ficant thing as compared to him. I flinched a little as he came and sat next to
me. He said "Eva, not all things come to you in life, fair and square. There are
many deserving people out there who did not reach their optimum because they ne

ver got the opportunity. I liked you when I saw you down there. You held your co
ol, you were impersonal yet respectful. You have all the mental qualities I like
in women." I went blank, I still had no idea where this was going. He continued
"Today, I am about to give you an opportunity, many women would consider inappr
opriate. I like the way you look too not just the mental attributes. I am a wido
wer and I don't like finding different women to satisfy my needs. Because Eva, I
don't have love to give but I have body to satisfy. My love died when my wife d
id. But I need a lover, woman lover, to help me get through my loneliness."
I was shocked and it must have showed on my face. He was unperturbed, as he cont
inued "there are no compulsions here. It is entirely your wish. However, you sho
uld hear what I want and then decide. I want your body, I liked it, I want it mo
re and more as I sit next to you. I will pay you fifty thousand dollars for five
days. We will go to my cottage and there I will enjoy every inch of you. And yo
u will allow me." The impropriety of the proposal was washed off when I heard th
e amount of money he mentioned. "We need to trust each other, I have no medical
problems, but you have to be forthright if you do. I have simple needs when it c
omes to sex, but I want the woman to be giving it when and how I want it. There
will not be any public outing. You will not receive any outrageous gifts and do
not expect exotic locales."
He knew I was thinking and thinking hard. He said, "take a couple of days. I wil
l expect an answer by Sunday." I was numb all over. I did not know what to say.
He further said "you can go now and take this card. Call me to let me know on Su
nday. Your job will not be in jeopardy. Even if you refuse, your job will remain
intact. Bye for now." I got up and barely managed to say "bye". And walked out.
Chapter 3.
Say Yes Or Say No
That day, I went home tingling all over. I was tensed, full of anticipation, thr
illed, scared and confused at the same time. I had no idea about what answer to
give. In fact, I was doubtful whether I would be able to do what he needed me to
do at all. I was 23 and I was not at all a virgin. In fact, I lost my virginity
to the person who later took away my belief in love. I had 2 sex partners. But
it was when I wanted it I had never played to other person's requirements. If I
had to accept Sean's offer, I would need to be very open minded and whether I wa
nted sex or not would not matter. I had to play to Sean's requirements. I felt I
would be on job 24 hours for the 5 days. I would have to play erotica. Most imp
ortantly, I felt no physical attraction to him, this would make the job all the
more difficult.
But it was not about me becoming his play girl for 5 days, it was about the fift
y thousand that would open up a lot of opportunities for me. I could get better
future with higher education. I was intelligent and did not shy from hard work.
My body had to work hard, whatever it was if I was to have anything good. I had
no financial support or backing. My parents had gone their way and had no siblin
gs. I was alone and I had to take care of myself. I knew my answer just then.
Finally, it was Sunday, last two days, I spent in agony, suspense, thrill and fe
ar about the unknown. I waited till a decent 11 'o' clock before I called Sean a
t the number he had given me. My voice was shaking when I said, 'Hello, Mr Willi
ams?" He replied "Yes", "I accept your offer." His voice changed and sounded ple
ased. "Can you come to meet me at the office today? We can talk this over better
in person." I agreed to go at five in the evening, I was asked to use the priva
te elevator. It was exactly five when I reached the office and tapped his office
door gently. There was no one around. As I entered, he was sitting at his desk
behind the pile of paperwork yet again.

"Hello Eva", I sat on the same sofa in the same place, he got up and came to sit
next to me. He was glad because the torturous process of finding a woman he nee
ded each time, was over. "I am pleased you agreed, this arrangement is going to
be hugely beneficial to you and your future. As to my needs lets see if I though
t correctly and you can satisfy them. Please get up and stand in front of me. If
you feel uncomfortable say so and we will stop. Do not worry there is no sex to
night. Just remove the blouse you are wearing so that I can get a good look at y
I removed the blouse, I stood in the bra and jeans. He got up and touched my sho
ulders and moved his hands down on mine. He put his hands on the bra hooks behin
d on the strap and asked me with his eyes if he could remove them. The bra fell
off. His eyes lit the moment he saw my breasts. He did not touch them, but he we
nt and sat on the sofa. He scrutinized me and told me to drop my jeans. I did th
e same. He allowed me to keep my panties on. The hunger in his eyes make me a li
ttle wet and uneasy. Yet, I kept calm. "You are absolutely sexy, your breasts ar
e nice, round and nipples. I love them. Your figure is so hourglass, I simply lo
ve it. I love it. I think I will have a lot of fun with you. I hope you do not e
xpect me to satisfy you. We are here thinking and talking about my satisfaction
only." I nodded.
"Wear your clothes", he said. "We will go in the following week, if you have per
iods we will shift it to next week. Tell me when you are OK." I was fastening my
bra and my giant 38 C breasts, which were somehow out of control. I pushed them
inside the bra and I answered 'next week would be OK." As I looked up I saw his
staring hungrily once again at them. The lust was evident and my body was going
to be put to good use. I hoped it was not too rough.
Chapter 4.
The Next Week
That was the time of my life when I was young and penniless. But Sean had given
me good amount money to prepare me for the five days when I would be his sex dol
l. He wanted me to be ready and get every bit of unwanted hair off my body. He w
anted me pedicured and manicured and he wanted me to be armed with loads of preg
nancy control pills. Another thing he ordered was loads of sexy, shameless, erot
ic lingerie, which I would be wearing anytime he ordered. I completed the list a
nd was given an entire day off from the office.
It was decided I would leave for the tiny village out of the city in a bus. Wher
e Sean would come to pick me up. I started Friday evening and reached at the vil
lage bus stop at seven. I looked around to see a car parked in the shadows, Sean
called me to tell me to get in the car. The driver helped me with the luggage a
nd got in the back seat. The cottage was remote it took us 30 minutes more to re
ach there. It was also discreet and not clearly visible from the road. As I got
out, my luggage quietly disappeared indoors. I looked around and ascended the st
eps into the cottage. It was warm and comfortable. The driver went away and I to
ok a seat at the sofa.
I heard a noise and turned my head to see Sean coming in the room wearing a casu
al shirt and shorts. He looked good though, his body needed lot of work to get i
n shape. He smiled and said "come, let me show you your room." We went towards t
he back of the house and descended down the steps next to the swimming pool. The
re was a tiny indecipherable door below the house. I entered the room and was am
azed to find it was beautiful. There was a huge bed and a mirror, numerous close
ts. The bathroom has a Jacuzzi, Sauna and shower. There was a also discreet wood
en sofa. I loved the bathroom. But I knew it was not for my pleasure, it was her
e that I could become his pleasure to take quite often.

Sean waited patiently till I had taken a look around. He told there would be a t
rusted servant coming with my refreshments and favorite drink. I wanted coffee,
he went and a few minutes later an old woman appeared with the tray. I thanked h
er and she conveyed me Sean's message that I was to meet him in the study next t
o the hall, upstairs after I freshened up. I used the toilet that was separate f
rom the bathroom. I removed my jacket and straightened my hair. I smelled myself
to check body odor, there was none. I felt the way I was hidden there a little
spooky, but then he may have wanted to avoid any nasty controversies. He was qui
te a well known man.
I took my time to finish coffee and started towards the study upstairs at a slow
er pace. I reached the study and found the familiar setting of paperwork and a h
uge ornate study table. I stood there and said "Hi, you called me." He looked up
, got up instantly from the chair and moved towards me. He grabbed me by the wa
ist and kissed me wildly. There was no holding back with him. He had waited too
long. His tongue went into my mouth and explored it. His hands ensured, I did no
t move away, he was very strong. He broke the kiss and pressed his erection into
me, his hands moved down to my buttocks and held me and smiled. "I have been wa
iting for this time to arrive. I want every part of you now right here, but I gu
ess I will have to wait a while more. Let us have dinner first." I was in shock
and could barely eat.
Chapter 5.
Lust, Sex and More...
I closed my eyes and put my head on the headrest. My office was eerily quiet. I
could remember those days as if yesterday. Those days were videotaped in my mind
I clearly saw myself, after dinner. I could not eat much, Sean seemed to be a li
ght eater. He finished his glass of water and came up to me. He kissed me lightl
y on my lips, my heart was beating so hard, I was scared out of my wits. Sean sa
id "come on", and tugged me lightly towards the door, I was feeling light headed
, we started towards my room. Once in the room, he held me tight and gave me sim
ilar kiss probing my mouth.
He broke the kiss suddenly and ordered "remove your clothes, each one of it. Let
me see you properly now", he made me stand a little away from the bed and he la
y down on bed propping pillows for better view. I stood where he told me to, I s
tarted to remove each cloth, till I was stark naked. His eyes moved up and down
my body and I could see his erection rise. He got up and stood behind me, he pre
ssed his erection into me. He cupped both his hands on my breasts and pressed th
em hard. A light moan escaped me, his breathing changed from mild to hard. He pr
essed and kneaded my breasts, he kept his mouth on the nape of my neck all the t
He had kneaded my breasts enough to make them sore, his fingers now started tort
uring my nipples. He was lightly pressing them which intensified till he pinched
and I screamed. He turned me around and now pressed the erection between legs,
his hands grabbed my ass and pressed it hard. His kiss was turning wild and his
tongue was inside my mouth. I was acting like a wimp and not allowing my tongue
into his. He noticed it, suddenly he moved one of his hands from the buttocks to
waist. He half carried me to the bed. He made me lie down and ordered my legs t
o be separated. His breathing was now hard, he pressed his hand on the pussy. Hi
s fingers explored every inch of it in a hurry, I was wet now, I had no doubt ab
out it.

His lust seemed out of control, he lay down on me, his huge frame covered every
inch of me, though his hand was still moving around my pussy, I sensed he was go
ing to put his finger in. Instead, he kissed me again and while kissing his fing
er entered me, I gasped and moaned. He kept moving finger lightly inside making
me cum. My large breasts jiggled with the moving, he wanted them. He told me to
go farther back on the bed and put my head on pillows. He moved his mouth over t
he breasts and nipples. He wet them and licked them making me moan with pleasure
. His licking made me crazy. The he sucked one nipple while playing with the oth
er breast. He occasionally tweaked the other nipple, it made me move and arch. H
e was still fully clothed. He got up and hurriedly removed his shorts and I coul
d see his erection. His penis was large matched the size of his body. I never ha
d anyone so large. I stared at it. He held it in his hand and separated my legs
He was over me once again, kissing and brushing the head of his erection over pu
ssy lips. I was so aware of its presence there. He then made me wrap my legs aro
und his waist and said "I will enter you now". He found the entrance with his fi
ngers and guided his penis towards it. It would not enter easily, he used his fi
nger to lubricate further, and put a little pressure and he was inside. I gasped
for air because it was large and filled my pussy hole to the limits. I was goin
g crazy with the sheer size. But I was about to go crazier still when he started
pumping rhythmically. His thrusts were perfect, strong and hard. He would remov
e and put the penis back again, this drove me crazy, I moved my head from side t
o side. He kept fucking me for almost 10 minutes. His mouth alternated between m
y breasts. I had reached my orgasm already, finally unable to withhold, at the s
ame time, he entered for this final fuck and after hard thrusts finally cummed i
nside me.
Chapter 6.
Always On the Ready...
Sean lay over me all spent, it was the most normal sex ever, all I had done was
spread my legs and let him take me. That was the agreement. After a few moments,
Sean got up and fetched two towels, he smiled for the first time since I got th
ere, "I was so horny since I met you. I had to do it fast." I got up and cleaned
myself. He started to go, "I would make clothes my enemy now if I were you. I e
xpect you to be dressed in sexy lingerie all the time. If you want to you can go
naked. We are the only two people in this house. The maid will not come in unle
ss called. I will take you anytime and anywhere. I want you looking good and sme
lling fresh at all times. You are my sexy play doll. Good night." He said it whi
le wearing his shorts and vanished. I was left alone, but I fully understood wha
t he said. His fucking me had hardly taken half an hour. He was horny as he said
and wanted to the moment he saw me.
I felt sticky all over and decided to go for a bath. I felt refreshed and relaxe
d after, I wore comfortable camisole which was short, low cut and lacy. My nippl
es showed through the lace. I wore lacy panties as instructed. I believed he wou
ld treat me like a play doll for next four and a half days. I got under the bed
covers and went off the sleep. It was midnight when I woke up suddenly. I felt s
omeone's presence in my room. This was a new place where I had no control over t
he happenings, I sat up and put my hand towards the lamp. It was switched on bef
ore I could reach it. I saw Sean in his bathrobe standing next to my bedside.
He removed my sheets and looked at the nipples that showed clearly through the c
amisole. He peeped further and saw the lacy panties which looked more erotic tha
n being naked. Sean smiled in satisfaction. He gestured me to move inwards. He l
ay next to me and tucked the sheets to keep warm. He shut off the light. However
, he was far from asleep. His short nap had rejuvenated him and he had come for
an all night play with my body. He smelled me and I felt his erection rise yet a

gain. But this time he was in no hurry. I knew I was going to be exhausted after
this session. But that was expected, that was why I was there.
He spooned me, at the same time his hands were quite active. One hand was in the
panties and the other one was wrapped around my neck and found its way inside c
amisole. Sean was large and strong. He did not like the restriction put by the p
anties, he pushed them down and my pussy was completely available to him again.
"Its going to be a long night for you kitten", he said.
I freed my legs from the panties. His hands were touching my lower abdomen in a
soft caress, taking in every shape. This made me feel naked though I was under t
he quilt. He cupped his other hand on my breast and pressed it hard. It started
releasing my juices. Also the natural arousal and the hands were making me move.
Even though we were still in spooning position, he seemed to be taking advantag
e of the fact that I could not move much. His caresses started covering the puss
y area, the touch was still soft and tender. "Kitten, I want you so much." His b
reathing became harsh and the voice was hoarse, his large frame moved from the s
pooning to a semi sitting position . I moved on my back. He removed the sheets f
rom above us and switched on the light. I saw the lust in his eyes again. The ty
pe of raw lust that made me look away. He had half removed that camisole I was w
earing. He made me pull it out. I did so and kept lying down on bed. Both his le
gs were on either of my sides and erection was rock hard.
He pressed his erection over my pussy and smiled as I became nervous yet aroused
. His eyes never left my body, he was scanning it as to deciding where to start.
He started with the demanding kiss, using pressure to open my mouth, he pushed
his tongue inside. When I did not respond with my tongue, he pulled my hair hard
and I got the message. I allowed my tongue and mouth to be explored by him. He
went back to moving his hands all over my body at steady pace. After he explored
my mouth he made me get up. He himself went back to the sitting position and re
laxed his back on the pillows he stacked on the headrest. Though, his bathrobe w
as still on, his lower body was totally naked.
His huge penis was erect and looked most intimidating to me. He called me to him
. He separated my legs and took a long hard look at my vagina. He then made me c
limb him with both legs on either side. He told me to lower down slowly on the p
enis, he guided the penis into me. I could barely stand it, because I was arouse
d and wet, but his size was huge. He told me to stop and take deep breaths. He e
ntered me fully and I waited. The wait did not last long, he pulled me towards h
im, now my breasts were aligned to face his mouth and he started biting them, wh
ile using his hands to hold my buttocks in place. His little bites on nipples hu
rt, when the nipples were fully tasted, he started for the breasts. He tried to
take entire breast in his mouth, but they proved large enough. All the while, my
vagina was getting more and more wet, it was also starting to overwhelm me. He
then stopped playing with breasts, instead he told me to start moving myself up
and down. I started, the motion made him moan and he bulged even more making me
feel fuller. I was gasping and moving fast, his eyes were not on my face, which
was filled with lust and had no shame about enjoying the deep massage. Instead,
his eyes were on the large breasts that were shaking when I moved.
I had build the rhythm and he knew I no longer needed his hands, now his hands m
oved up to the breasts and kneaded them hard once again, making me scream and mo
an. Sounds of intimacy while the movement aroused him and I felt I could not go
on any longer. I had a full and hard orgasm which spilled juices all over him. I
screamed and panted when the orgasm released, I arched giving him more of my br
easts, making him shoot his load inside me. Both of us were spent in an instant.
His kneading of my breasts had continued, but now he dropped his hands to my wa
ist to help me move from my position.

Chapter 7.
Sean's Sex Doll Is Licked, Sucked and Kneaded
"Kitten that was fun, but I want more and more", he said. I was about to drop do
wn beside him on my back, but the moment I was up from his body, he ordered "get
two towels from the closet for both of us". "Or I will make you lick the juices
clean", I reluctantly got up from the bed. Hard fucking could not allow me to w
alk properly, my legs were stiff. Moreover, the juices were starting to flow dow
n the legs and he knew it. He saw me walk to the closet all naked, he held his b
reath because the parts he was kneading were red. My bikini wax has cleared the
way for a clean look at my pussy. His attention now moved from the breasts to pu
My pussy felt sore, I never had so much sex before. The fucking was hard because
of his large sized penis and he was especially powerful when it came to action.
This made my pussy engorged and I felt he could see the swollen pussy lips from
where he was propped on the pillow. He waited for me to come next to him. I han
ded him the towel thinking he would start cleaning himself. Instead, the told me
to clean him with the towel. I did it. But I was still wet with flowing juices,
I was about to take the other towel from his hand, he stopped me. "Lie down kit
ten, with your pussy facing me, spread your legs to get me a good look. I want t
o see how your vagina is taking the good hard fuck."
He looked and looked, he cleaned the thighs, and dabbed at the vagina. It must h
ave been red and swollen with action. He smiled at himself and passed a single f
inger over the lips and the clitoris. I moaned. Yes it was quite swollen and ver
y sensitive. He pressed his entire palm on the pussy region, making me feel rela
xed and aroused at the same time. He kept pressing and releasing the pressure. I
t made me feel secured. I made me change my position to be next to him, however,
his hand remained on the engorged and sensitive pussy. He looked in my eyes to
show me he would always be the boss in the bedroom to me. His eyes made it clear
I was to surrender my body to him to allow him to treat it as he wanted it.
I moved my eyes away as a proof of submission. His satisfied look told me he lik
ed my response and that he was free to do anything with me. He sat straight next
to me, I was spread out like a sheet and he had everything he wanted. It was al
ready four in the morning. "Kitten I think I shall give your pussy a rest. I had
originally planned fucking it with my fingers. Instead I think I should treat m
yself with your delicious tits and giant boobs. I like these taut, jiggly boobie
s." "Mmmmm", he said while he licked them. I was overcome with shame at his purp
oseful expression of enjoyment meant to embarrass me. His mouth came down on min
e once again and his tongue invaded my mouth, I allowed him to suck it hard and
was feeling quite ravaged with his strength in every part of sex. I was after al
l a sex play doll and I would play the part because I needed the money.
My breasts had grown larger in proportion than the body. That is why my back was
slim and bony and front was where it surprised most. Large and erotic breasts h
elped me get boyfriends in the past. I think my master was obsessed with these t
oo. I continued to lay down on my back. His kiss broke when his hands found my b
reasts. The kneading began, softly at first and then intensified, till my body w
as moving in its place with the intense pressure. I started to sweat and my body
glistened with the effort. My moans became louder and his passion increased wit
h each knead. "I will lick now" his voice was hoarse and unrecognizable. He simp
ly held my nipple between his lips and pulled it hard. I moaned, he did the same
with the other one too and another moan escaped my throat. He was obviously enc
ouraged, his started using his teeth to give light bites on each of the nipples
making them very sensitive. These stood up and looked active. He continued tortu
ring nipples with bites for a long time. My mouth was now open in a trance and w
as turned on beyond imagination.

He now started to trace his fingers on the rest of the breast. His hard licks st
arted following his fingers and I moaned. Wet sensitive skin made me feel cooled
and yet remained around. He also took a whole lot of breast in the mouth and su
cked them hard. Sensitive nipples made a buzz but the saliva cooled them down. H
is sucking went on for quite some time. He propped me against the pillows in a w
ay my breasts were freely available. He kept sucking them, till I was about to h
it orgasm. He stopped and whispered "kitten I know you are ready again for a fuc
k. I will have to fuck you if you want it. Do you want it or want to be left lik
e that?" My mind had stopped processing anything, all I wanted was another fuck
to satisfy my arousal. "Yes do it, Mr. William." "Do what kitten, you have to sa
y it", he replied. I was almost hoarse and ready, my legs were spread out and I
said "fuck me Mr. William, please, please". He pinched my nipple hard, I screame
d in pain, he said "not Mr. William, call me Master. I am your Master in the bed
room." After that I called him my Master.
I knew he was about to go for a missionary style, I spread my legs further, but
was surprised to find his hand reaching my pussy rather than his penis. "But fir
st my kitten, I need this", he said as he inserted his finger inside me. I moane
d and moaned at each movement of his finger. He moved it as long as I got orgasm
. Satisfied he got his finger out. Now it was the turn of his giant penis. He po
sitioned it at the vagina entrance and pushed it quietly inside, it filled me up
making me moan and gasp. He started pumping hard and ensured I had what I wante
d. The fucking lasted some time because I was exhausted and so was he when it en
ded. I lay in same position with legs down now. But he lay on top and moved on h
is back next to me.
Every part of me was sore and sensitive. I had given my body to Sean, I was sure
he had not had enough. "Sleep now kitten, I will be horny soon". I tried to get
up to wash, he held me down "do that later. I want you to sleep the way you are
. I will look at your naked body while I am awake. No covering with sheets eithe
r". I was tired beyond imagination. I simply shut my eyes and allowed my Master
to keep looking at my body. It was six of clock in the morning.
I slept with Master watching me. He had drawn a rocking chair from the corner an
d positioned it where he looked at my fully naked body as I slept. But when I wo
ke up, I was covered in sheets and feeling quite comfortable. I looked around th
e room to find that I was alone. I spotted a note near the lamp asking me to rin
g the bell to call the housekeeper if I needed anything. I was thirsty and hungr
y. I rang the bell and hurriedly wore my bathrobe before she turned up. I did no
t want her to see me naked. I asked her for coffee and a little breakfast. She w
ent back without a word. I brushed and freshened up till she came down. She told
me to ring her when I wanted to return the plates.
The night before I had not eaten anything, I ate fast, the breakfast was nourish
ing and I felt energized by the time I finished it. I rang for her to take the p
lates and decided to have a good refreshing bath. Yesterday's sex filled night h
ad left me sore and smelly. A bath would make me smell and look better especiall
y if Master came in wanting more. I wanted to be ready for the Master. The house
keeper came and took plates, as she cleared the table I felt the unease as to wh
at would be in store for me today. I moved towards the bathroom and the room doo
r opened once more. It was the Master. "Good Morning Master", I stammered and gu
lped. He looked angry for some reason, he walked over me and pulled away my bath
robe only to reveal my nakedness. His anger vanished and asked, "going for a bat
h kitten? I am sure you wouldn't mind the audience." He wished to watch me bathe
He was once again in his bathrobe, he pulled mine away and made me walk naked to
wards the bathroom. I started to fill the Jacuzzi with water and added bathing s

alts, I avoided his gaze altogether.I entered and sat down. The water filled the
tub and I felt a rush of calm and relaxation wash over me. I started to rub the
soapy water over me to scrub myself. My Master sat at the sofa which was placed
in the bathroom. I knew yesterday it was for this purpose itself. As I scrubbed
his eyes moved towards every body part I moved my hand on. Growing bulge made i
t impossible for him to keep his legs together. As he separated legs, I saw the
huge erection again. He got up and managed to walk to the Jacuzzi, with once jum
p he was inside, his strong hard hands started scrubbing me in a smooth movement
s. He moved entire body from top to the legs. Once I was washed he pulled the pl
ug let the water drain away. He picked up the shower. He made me stand at a hand
's distance and started the shower on me by pointing shower flow to every part.
I kept circling around myself to ensure every bit of soap was washed. His erecti
on was now full and I was already wet with knowledge that I would be fucked anyt
ime now. He came towards me and touched my pussy to find my juices leaking.
He made me bend over the Jacuzzi seat and entered me quite roughly making me scr
eam, pain was soon forgotten because I was filled with orgasm. He held my waist
tight and started pumping, I could not hold it much longer and released profusel
y. Since he had the erection for long time, he released too. He stood straight w
hile I almost collapsed in the wet Jacuzzi near his feet. He tugged at my hair a
nd almost picked up to prop me on Jacuzzi seat. He kept standing very close to m
e. He asked me to spread my legs and lie down. I did the same, he picked up the
shower and started running the soft spray onto the pussy.
My legs were far away from each other. My Master showered the pussy. He loved lo
oking at it and wanted more. He showered it an bend forward, I stopped breathing
in anticipation of what was to come next. He spread my legs far and made me ben
d them. He then smelled my pussy and put his mouth on the vagina hole. I was ecs
tatic and loving the softest touch on the softest part of my body. He held my th
ighs to stop me from moving. He kissed my pussy and I almost moaned loud with pl
easure. He then started with the tongue. It was the pussy lips first, his light
biting made me feel hot and ready. He started kicking them as soon as he bit the
m, I felt drugged with absolute pleasure. He then moved towards the clitoris whi
ch was already sensitive with two days of rigorous use. He had already treated i
t to make me feel pleasure with his hands. He took it in his mouth and I practic
ally moved trying to give him more. He sucked it causing my vagina to start leak
He laughed, "kitten you get ready fast", I almost died with embarrassment. He th
en thrust his tongue into the vagina. The freshness of the tongue gave me a head
y feeling and I neared orgasm. Vagina was swollen lesser than the previous day,
I felt comfortable. My face shone with pleasure. Master now decided to use his h
and. He came and sat next to my head. He took my head on his lap, he started kne
ading one breast and ensured he took it full. He ensured it was done very firmly
, he always did it using his raw energy. My breast started to become sensitive a
gain. Since I was smaller, his other hand reached the pussy, with fingers runnin
g up and down and into every cranny. He took his time in massage. I was ready on
ce more, he inserted one finger and watched me moan. He started fast movement of
his finger and made me cum.
I was ready for another session of wild fucking, but my Master was not yet done
with my pussy, his finger was still inside. As I cummed, the Master inserted his
second finger inside. This was unexpected and I panicked because of two finger
s inside. I caught Master's hand tightly and pleaded in panic "Master, please ma
ster". He was looking at me with lust and pleasure, also with awe and love for m
y body. He smiled and said "relax kitten baby, I will never hurt you, relax kitt
en". I listened to it and started relaxing. He whispered with extreme emotional
pleasure "now enjoy my lovely kitten baby". Both his fingers started moving even
better than the penis inside me. He made them move in and out, it took quite so
me effort too. For this he had moved from my head to near my vagina when I panic

ked. He was next to me with with one hand inside and another on alternating betw
een breasts.
Soon I shuddered with wildest orgasm and was utterly spent. My Master seemed to
be liking me even more each day. He looked pleased he started the shower yet aga
in. He bathed me this time and told me to go to the room once I was done. I walk
ed the way my swollen and sensitive pussy would allow me. I was conscious of the
lusty eyes following me. I was loving it.
Chapter 8.
Sex Doll Should Obey
My Office: Linda peeped in to tell me if she should wait or go. It was almost se
ven in the evening. I told her to go, I too was going to go home. These memories
were making me restless and very sad. My master was no more but I wanted to ren
ew memories of him by looking into the past.
I was perfectly content in that secluded room, where there was no one else other
than my Master and me. Pleasing him made me happy, he was a powerful man in eve
ry aspect and so far I had not disappointed him. But I had forgotten one of the
most important aspect of our deal. Obedience.
I came out of the bathroom and glanced at the clock, it was 2 in the afternoon.
He liked things slow. I wondered whether I should remain naked and enter the she
ets for pleasing him further or I should try another sexy lingerie that exposed
more attributes than when naked. I decided to go for the lingerie. I put it on a
nd waited at the edge of the bed. At this point, I felt elated when a satisfied
smile played on my master's face after I surrendered my body to him. My master c
ame out of bathroom wearing another dressing gown, I stood up waiting for what h
e wanted of me. He smiled and came towards me, clearly happy with my choice of c
lothing. He whispered to me "my sexy kitten I have not yet entered you. I will w
ant to fuck you soon. But first the late lunch." He took my arm and went to the
telephone. He made me sit on his lap enjoying sexy exposure of my lingerie.
He asked housekeeper/maid to get lunch ready. He kissed me till the time we wai
ted for her call. Deep kissing aroused me, but he took me for lunch upstairs. I
was conscious of my erotic nakedness my master assured me there was no one in th
e house. We lunched and I had a glass of wine with simple yet delicious lunch. H
e could hardly wait for me to finish my lunch. We got back to my room and he was
back to kissing me. The morning pussy loving had left me satisfied. He started
with my breasts once again. Since he had not unloaded inspite of having a hard o
n, he told me to lie down on my back, the moment he reached his fullest erection
. "My little erotic kitten, I will fuck you for hours today, I am loving the ide
a my sexy, your nakedness and pussy are delicious. Am so turned on kitten so tur
ned on, let me take you again and again tonight. Just lie down and enjoy." He ma
de me lie down and lay next to me. We relaxed for a while, his hands moved over
my body taking me into the customary aroused state. His hands went to teasing my
nipples and pressing breasts. The sexy lingerie allowed nipples to peep. It was
truly the most kinky piece of clothing. He enjoyed what was readily available t
o him. He tried the access to my pussy through the panties. His hands searched.
But it was not available, frustrated he removed the underwear in one pull.
I lay on my back completely ready for the action. He was fully erect and looked
at me to see whether I appreciated his state, I looked at it and smiled. In the
last so many fucks I had learned how much I enjoyed with it, though it was huges
t one I saw or felt inside me. My master made me put my hands on the headrest of
the bed. He separated my legs and felt me. I was wet and was expecting a hard r
ound of sex. Master positioned himself above me and made me put my legs around h
is waist. He held my hands which I put on the headrest. Previously, he slowly en

tered me, but today he was in a different mood. He entered me in one smooth str
oke. I gasped and panicked yet again. He whispered "breathe my doll, we are goin
g to last a long time." I relaxed as he eased into me and started pumping hard.
With my hands held tightly high up, I was experiencing the deepest ever penetrat
ion. I moaned and tried to move my hands he grasped them hard. As we got into a
rhythm, he removed his hands to take my breasts. The harder he massaged the more
crazy I got. He stopped as I tensed for orgasm and removed himself from inside
As the orgasm finished, he penetrated inside, this time harder and I moaned loud
ly. "I have a lot of time today baby, you have to go through many orgasms before
I am done with you. I felt aroused and deeply horny. He build his rhythm again
till the time orgasm built inside me, he repeated the process again. Meanwhile,
he had removed by kinky lingerie to expose my busty chest to him. He became hard
er and sucked. At times, he simply lay inside me tasting my nipples and breasts.
He would start again later. This process took three more hours. He removed and
reinserted his penis during that time. I had many more orgasms. He was pleased w
ith my willingness and obedience.
Both were tired and the bed under me was wet with juices. It was seven at night
when we finished. My test was yet to begin. After a couple of hours or so my Mas
ter got up and went for a wash, he came back and looked at my body spread out. H
is eyes spoke volumes about the pleasure and I felt shy. My shyness worked just
right for him. He felt arousal yet again. He exposed himself to me and I bit my
lip with anticipation. He sat at the bedside with his legs down. He made me sit
on the lush carpeted floor in front of him. I was directly facing his penis, he
told me "suck me little kitten, suck me hard". My heart was beating fast, I did
not open my mouth, he pulled my head towards the penis, yet I did not open my mo
uth. "Master, I do not find it erotic master, please spare me." Everything happe
ned in a split second, Master picked me up with force and threw me down on the b
ed. I was stunned and shocked. I felt guilty but had never enjoyed a blow job. H
is rage looked beyond control.
I shuddered at the memory of punishments I endured one after another. My master
looked different when in rage I was mortified. I had never seen him like that, I
lay in the same position on the bed how he threw me. He reached for the belt in
his bathrobe and pulled it out. He pulled me up and tied my hands behind my bac
k. He pulled me and made me sit on my knees by the side of the bed. He made me e
xpose my buttocks and put my face on the bed.
No sooner had my buttocks been exposed he stood behind me. I waited with my hear
t thumping hard, waiting for more to come, then he spanked me hard. It felt like
a lightening bolt on my ass and I screamed loudly "master, please", he was a bi
g strong man double my size and he was hitting with rage. He hit another I screa
med again "master please no please", he raised his hand and then came another, I
started sobbing, the spanks were repeated total ten times. But his anger had no
t yet ebbed. He pulled my hair and stared at my face which was wet with tears. I
was sobbing hard. "Master please". "Do you understand our deal, it meant when a
nd how I want you. You will be absolutely obedient and never say no. You are my
sex doll, you are here for my satisfaction, I own you. I do not care what you li
ke or not. I know what I want. You are allowed to cancel the deal, but I want wh
at I want from you."
He shouted "do you want to cancel the deal?" I shook my head negative, but his a
nger took control again. He spanked me very hard again, I screamed hard and sobb
ed "I am sorry Master, please stop Master, I will do what you want. I will do an
ything to please you Master". "How dare you refuse me? I own you for these 5 day
s. You are mine, your body will do what I want it to do understand?" he replied
and spanked hard again, I wailed in pain. He left my hands tied and sobbing on t
he bed. I was still sitting with my buttocks up. I was hurting badly, he meanwhi

le went and sat at his rocking chair breathing hard. I could not face him, his c
hair was rocking for an hour.
It must have been more than an hour till the time his anger subsided. He called
me "kitten come here", his voice still had the anger and anguish. My ass was sor
e and burning. I could not get up fast with hands tied. Slowly, I got up and wal
ked on my knees towards him, he put his hand under my chin and and looked at me
in face. All the spanking had made me wet but my mood was otherwise. He had not
yet calmed, my tears made him angry, "your body is mine Eva, don't you think you
can get your way where my demands are concerned." His hands moved along my shou
lders and neck and slowly moved down towards my breasts. His fingers stopped on
the nipples and he played with them lightly. His anger was back again "I will no
t tolerate any more refusals when you are here kitten, I hope you understand it,
you will remember it the hard way." He pinched my nipples very hard when he fin
ished the sentence. I screamed and more tears ran down my face. I was shaking wi
th fear, insults, shame and pain. "Will you do it now?" I nodded a yes, he expos
ed his hard erection, I was surprised he was hard in spite of anger.
He pushed himself forward, I inched towards the penis, he sat back in the rockin
g chair and did not look at me. It was big for my smaller mouth, which was fille
d completely. I started sucking it hard, my tongue played with the tip. I sucked
it harder and harder, tears running down my face all the time. With my hands ti
ed back I could do nothing but open my mouth more and more to accommodate it. Af
ter a good suck, I felt it pulsating as my master neared release. He moaned loud
"oh kitten" he remained in the same position. I gulped down all the cum, as I f
inished the blow job, my master picked me up. He tied me to the bed post and wen
t out of my room.
I was tired and put my head on the bed. I do not remember when I fell asleep. I
started sobbing the moment I woke up. My sobs wrecked my body. I heard the door
open and saw my Master in his bathrobe. He stood over me "Forgive me master, I m
ade a mistake, I will please you master". He bend down and untied my hands. He u
ntied me from the bedpost. My muscles were cramped, I could not move. Master pic
ked up my naked body and put it on the bed. "Kitten sleep for a while. I will br
ing your breakfast. " I slept instantly, I was awakened by my master after a cou
ple more hours. He sat in his customary rocking chair. He ordered me to freshen
up and eat. I did as instructed.
He then took me to the bathroom and bathed me, I hoped all the while that he had
forgiven me and that he would enjoy me again. But I was not too sure. He washed
me thoroughly, the spanking has caused bruises which burned when soap touched t
hem. His breathing became hard when he put on soap, he washed it off later. He w
rapped me in towel and picked me up. He placed me on the bed, I winced as I trie
d to sit. My towel fell off exposing wet breasts. His eyes lit up and he was aro
used, but his anger and the fact that I had refused him made him walk away.
Chapter 9.
Forgiveness and Willingness
I was not willing to allow my master walk away in anger and dissatisfaction, I g
ot up from the bed and held his hand. My towel had fallen off, exposing me to hi
m completely. I could see he was aroused. I whispered "master I am sorry, I am a
ll yours till you want me. I made a mistake my master, take me back." I leaned a
nd put my head on his shoulder, tears welled up automatically. He removed my han
ds and moved towards the table. He removed the first aid box and an ointment for
He came to me "lie down now kitten, I will put some medicine you are very hurt".

I lay down, the ointment felt cool on my skin and I felt better. His rubbing in
of the medicine caused me to become wet once more. Afterwards, he propped himse
lf on the pillow and pulled me towards him, I must have felt very light to a gia
nt like him, I sensed tenderness unlike the other days. I lay above him and his
eyes traveled all over my body. It was my breasts which aroused him again. I was
already wet, he put his lips on the nipples which were still smarting from the
violent pinching.
He kissed them, he looked at my face and kissed me deeply on lips. He parted the
lips and put his tongue inside and sucked mine. He picked my body and placed me
on his lap. He continued with the touching and kissing. As his erection got mor
e and more prominent he got more aggressive and moved his hands all over my body
. He erection hardened and I could see it. He made me lie down on my back, and l
ay over me. He made me lift my legs and saw the now red buttocks with regret. He
saw that I was ready, slowly and firmly he entered me.
He pumped quite tenderly, I was not sure he was satisfied, I whispered, "its OK
master". His speed increased to the regular one, though a little cautious. He di
d not want me to get hurt again. He unloaded inside me in big spurts. He moaned
in satisfaction and lay down on my back. At lunch time he brought me lunch, he d
id not want the housekeeper to see me. Master did not come during afternoon. I h
ad not worn any clothes the entire day. I slept naked and covered myself with th
e sheets for comfort. I was in deep slumber, when I felt a well identified prese
nce in my room.
My master sat on the bed facing me. He was in another luxurious and expensive ba
throbe. The slit in his bathrobe revealed his intention. I tried to get up. He g
estured me to keep lying down, He picked up the sheet to see whether I was follo
wing is rule of being naked or wear an erotic lingerie all the time. I was naked
and that pleased him as well as turned him on more. I was now facing him and he
was very close to me. Master revealed his erection, my mouth was very near the
penis. I understood what he wanted. I opened my mouth and allowed him in. I star
ted sucking it. My master gathered my body next to him with my mouth on his peni
s, he guided his hand inside my vagina. I squirmed and was turned on. I sucked h
im for a while. I removed penis from my mouth and licked erected tip. It was lar
ge, I started getting the feeling of extreme intimacy.
He closed his eyes and looked content. I alternated between licking and sucking.
Finally, I when I thought my master would explode anytime, I sucked harder till
he came in my mouth. I swallowed the cum in a single gulp. His eyes were shinin
g with excitement and the respect I showed him. He picked me up and sucked my ni
pples, he was in a mood to play. I readily shifted next to him to provide him ea
sy access to any part of my body. Though he had inserted his fingers inside me,
I had no orgasm. He played with the pussy and nipples.
"Let us have bath together, I will lick your pussy, come darling kitten, I will
make you reach your peak orgasm this time", he said. I followed him aroused and
ready for another session of using my body for my master. He filled the Jacuzzi
with bubble bath and put in some erotic herbs to make it more comfortable. He ca
lled me into the warm water with bubbles now running wild. He made me sit on his
lap. His erection had already begun. He kneaded my breasts and I sighed with pl
easure. It heightened his pleasure. I could feel his penis harden with every pas
sing minute. I was hoping a reward for being a good sucker. He smiled and made m
e turn. I sat legs separated on him. The Jacuzzi seat was very wide and the leng
th was made purposely enough to hold two people. As I sat on him, he made me eas
e on his penis, my arousal worked as a lubricant but still the smaller size caus

ed me to get filled up completely.

He moaned as he entered me fully "Eva my sweet kitten, start moving up and down
and make me happy". I did just the same, however, it took longer than the last t
ime. I moved slowly at first and increased in intensity. My breasts jumped in fr
ont of his eyes, making him lose control. He tried to tame them by taking them i
n his mouth, but the movement and soap caused them to slip out of his grasp. As
the pumping intensified, so did my breathing. I was in ecstasy, so was he. A few
more minutes of fucking made us both reach orgasm. He moaned loudly and release
d the load. Both mixed with Jacuzzi water. We relaxed in hot water for a while.
I showered him and then myself. While I showered he went and sat down on the sof
a to look at me as I cleared away all the soap.
He called me a made me lie down on the sofa, pussy facing him. He loved the way
I smelled. He put his mouth to the vagina and kissed all over. He inserted his t
ongue inside me and made me moan, he started licking pussy lips and clitoris har
der. He again inserted his tongue inside me with force, I moaned louder. He cont
inued to pamper my pussy for some time. He made me stand up and kissed my lower
abdomen softly.
It was dinner time yet again. I was still turned on. There was a marked differen
ce in my libido between now and before I came here. Master changed me according
to his needs. It was only day three and I had been fucked more than I was in my
lifetime. The thought of spending two more days doing nothing but satisfying som
eone with raw sex would have made me feel revulsion in the past. But now that I
had developed a taste for it, I was horny and greedily waiting more.
Chapter 10.
Why am I so horny?
Master had instructed me to come for dinner, I was to go wearing sexy revealing
lingerie. I was extremely turned on and hoped he would eat me instead of food. T
his thought made me blush at my shamelessness. He was sitting at the table. I en
tered and he took a good look at the black one I wore. It was transparent enough
to show off everything. It was just a thin film of cloth made to bind me tight.
The panties were similar only with sequinned design in front of pussy area.
My breasts looked more taut and firm. The nipples were already aroused with the
activity. My master summoned me to stand next to him. He scrutinized every pore
and pussy area. He ran a hand over breasts and pussy, it aroused me more. I wait
ed in hope he would scoop me and fuck me on the table. But the told me sit oppos
ite him and start dinner. Both finished dinner, he forced some wine into me to h
elp me relax. The heady sensation made me feel ready for anything.
Just as we were finishing dinner, there was a phone call, which from the sound o
f it told me it was important. My master took me into the study. He sat in his c
ustomary chair and said "my sweet kitten, some important work will keep me busy
tonight. You should take rest, come here". I was disappointed. But I went in fro
nt of him, he cupped his hands on my breasts and took both nipples in two finger
s. He put them in his mouth over the lingerie. He sucked them freely and smiled.
"That will do. I will be in your room as soon I finish this work. My sex doll b
etter be ready". Go now.

I turned back and walked alone towards my room. I got into the bed and slept in
minutes. I must have slept the whole night quite peaceful. I was not disturbed.
In the morning though, as I woke up I thought I was not alone. I glanced at the
rocking chair it was empty. Nope, there wasn't anyone there. I glanced at the cl
ock it was half past six. I was surprised he had nor come for me. I felt refresh
ed after entire night's sleep. I got up to freshen up. I rang the bell for the h
ousekeeper. She appeared within no time . I requested coffee and some breakfast.
She went back. I decided to have a good bath and be ready for the master when h
e wanted me. I washed my hair and body enjoying the soft spray of the shower. My
breasts felt firmer with regular attention they got. I smiled. I tried to tie t
he towel around my body but it wouldn't stay. Instead I wrapped it around me and
strolled out. My coffee was already on the table along with sandwiches.
I was nibbling on the toast and another hand was around coffee mug when strong l
arge hands grabbed my breasts and pussy from behind, "master!!," I exclaimed. "K
itty kitten are you ready" " I kept toast and coffee away, I would love to feed
on my master now, I thought. "Beautiful, you are smelling so nice and looking so
sexy. I am going to fill up every sweet hole of yours. I know you are wet and h
orny, I know your secret see your vagina proves it. You are waiting to be taken
aren't you?" I bit my lip and nodded, "yes", I said in a whisper without meeting
his eyes.
My master proves himself to me...
Chapter 11.
Last two days of fulfilling deeper sex...
"Have you seen the hammock outside, lets go there and relax?" I followed him wor
dlessly. I was still holding the towel around me. He picked me up and put me in
the hammock, he got in next to me and cuddled up to me. He took my face into his
hands and kissed me deeply on my lips, he broke the kiss and started again. I w
as quite flush with the soulful kisses and wanted more. He kissed deeply again a
nd again.
He renewed his kisses again but this time it was done vigorously and driven by l
ust. His hand quickly went inside the towel and touched my pussy tenderly at fir
st and with authority later. I gasped as he entered his middle finger, but he he
ld my mouth on his and kept kissing. It got to the level of becoming wild when h
e inserted another finger and made me feel utterly turned on. He still kept kiss
ing. Now I exerted equal amount of pressure and enjoyed the feeling of fullness
in mouth and inside.
We both enjoyed this intimacy for quite some time. His hands started exploring,
however, this time he ran it over my slim waist and stomach. He placed his entir
e hand on my stomach and gave it a light squeeze. My face was flushed with passi
on, he wanted more from me. Suddenly, the was on me, he removed his two fingers
and inserted his hard erect penis, I enjoyed how his largeness filled me up to t
he limits.
He liked to take things slow and made me wait to climax. With him inside me, I l
aid back my head and closed my eyes, I concentrated on the feeling with was noth
ing but pure pleasure. When I opened my eyes, he was looking at me, the smile th
at played on my face told him I was content with him inside me. He took his time
, but soon started pumping me, a slow purposeful motion that caused my breathing

to become rough. I was fully aroused now and nearing orgasm. But he was not goi
ng to let me have it just yet. He stopped and I waited for his next move, now in
He started yet again and I moaned in protest. He smiled at the slow torture he w
as giving me. His removed himself out and inserted once again making me take sup
port with sudden filling of me. He started another slow session, which became fa
ster and stronger. But he wanted to torture me more, he removed it with much for
ce, unable to hold it longer I reached orgasm. He smiled and put his penis insid
e again, this time I enjoyed it more. I now lay back letting him enjoy me. He de
cided to stop while inside me and suck my nipples and knead breasts. I moaned lo
udly now with every thrust, each moan making him stronger, he will now be unable
to hold it in, at the height of motion I felt deep thrusts and his warm release
inside me.
I was utterly spent but thoroughly satisfied. "Kitten tomorrow will be your last
day here. If you want to leave by the afternoon bus, let me know I will call th
e driver. My sweet kitten, do you want to meet again in this cottage here? Same
rules will apply for those five days. I will always be your master in this cotta
ge or anywhere else." I replied, "I like being your doll. I have accepted you as
my master, I am willing to come here to satisfy you. I am not disappointed eith
er. I enjoyed this time away other than the mistake I made master. It will never
happen again."
He kissed me when he heard this "my darling kitten, I will let you know when we
will set up the time. I want you, I want your sex, we will be working in same of
fice but you will call me Mr. William and nothing else. I will call you a Sunday
prior to our getaway. I nodded affirmative. We got down from the hammock and we
nt indoors. I was in love with solitude and sex. At night we had the most normal
sex ever, he got up and left soon after it was over while ordering me to take r
My morning breakfast was brought in by the housekeeper. I bathed and waited for
him to come and take me many more times. I was not happy to leave. I decided to
leave all my lingerie there. I did not carry many clothes and a small duffle bag
was enough. He came in at ten o clock. It was weird to see a confident man avoi
d my gaze. He satiated himself with me for the last time for these five days. At
lunch I took my bag upstairs. The lunch was quiet. We later went into the study
. Where he kissed , cuddled and fondled me for a while. He was nervous and so wa
s I. Weirdly enough I was going to miss him and the room.
As the car came, he took me into his arms and said " Eva my kitten take care". I
came back home and went back to my life. But things had changed in me. How long
will I have to wait till I met him...
Chapter 12.
The Next Few Months
I found that the money was already deposited in my account, I had lot of uses to
put it to. I cleared certain debts from my school time, including the one for b
ooks. I also cleared my home rent debt with the landlord. I did not have much cr
edit card limit, but I was overdrawn on almost all of them. I repaid all of that
too. With the amount of money I earned and my experience with my master made me
happier and fulfilled.

My days were fast paced, I did a little shopping for myself and the house. I bou
ght some accessories which would help me live better with more comfort. The days
passed by speedily. However, it was a different story at night. More than often
I cried myself to sleep. I missed him and his control over me. I wanted to feel
him and pined to see him. However, I often thought something was missing from o
ut coming together at the cottage. Master tried to remain aloof. In fact, though
we had sex innumerable times, I rarely saw him remove his bathrobe. We never em
braced when naked. Also he never slept with me. As soon as his need was fulfille
d he would retire to his room. I wondered why it was so. I thought he did not wa
nt to bare himself to me, therefore, he kept his bathrobe on. This time it would
change. Many times I waited under his office window trying to catch a glance of
him. But my efforts proved futile.
At the hotel I often got a feeling of being watched but I could not find the pla
ce from where. As days passed I grew desolate. I thought of putting in a call to
my master but I held back thinking of punishment I would have to endure for not
obeying his orders. During the first month, I was busy, but as all my monetary
problems were taken care off, I found more time. The time I spend thinking about
my master. However, the second month did not bring up any messages either. I wa
s now frustrated. My mind played tricks on me at night, I could hear him call or
feel his harsh and warm breathing on me when he was aroused.
Though desperate I did not lose hope and patience. Towards the end of the second
month, I found, I had some money left with me. I decided to check if there were
any good courses that would help me with my career. Search became an obsession
and found out many good universities were providing graduation and post graduati
on courses in event management and communications. I wanted to gain better educa
tion. Since admissions were going to be for the next academic year, I would have
to wait.
It was a fortnight into the third month, I was still missing him and thinking ab
out him all the time. My patience and hope were justified when on a Saturday my
master called. "Eva??" "Master, how are you?", "Come to meet me tomorrow evening
5 would be fine". And the line was disconnected. I was in a state of extreme an
xiety through Sunday. I washed my hair and wore sexiest lingerie I found with me
. I ensured my body was hairless and hoped my master would be as horny as I was.
At sharp 5 in the evening I knocked on the door of his office. There was no staf
f there. My master sat on the sofa and not behind a pile of paperwork. I saw he
was not his normal self either, nor was I. In my mind I almost ran to him, but i
n reality my legs had turned to jelly. I stood there looking at him and tears st
arted rolling down my cheeks. He went and bolted his office door, then came and
embraced me, I started to sob as he embraced. I took my face and kissed me deep
and passionate. His voice was hoarse when he spoke "Eva my kitten". His embraced
tighten till each part of body touched each other. I felt his erection and he s
miled. I bit my lip. "Are you ready for another 5 days kitten". I nodded with re
He took my hand and placed it on his erection. "This one is your fault kitten wh
at will you do about it?" "whatever you wish me to do master" "drop your clothes
, even the shoes let me see and feel you." He sat back on the sofa. I stripped o
ne cloth after another till I was stark naked. At once his gaze intensified. He
pulled me towards himself and kissed passionately, his kissing continued down fr
om the neck to the chest to each of breasts and nipples. I was in passion "maste

r I missed you" he smiled and touch my pussy, "my kitten is all ready as always"
, "I am eager to please master" I replied cheekily. He kissed me again on the wa
ist and breasts. "Suck me kitten", "gladly master". He was fully dressed the ere
ction showed through the trouser. I opened his belt buckle and trouser, he stood
up to and dropped his pants. His erect penis jumped out eagerly. I took it in m
y mouth while he relaxed back on the sofa and enjoy.
I licked and sucked alternatively and kept feeding it in my mouth making it wet.
I massaged my tongue around it making him moan louder, he was in passion and I
continued to suck harder. He unloaded himself in my mouth like a jet and I gulpe
d. I sat back exhausted and he got up to touch and feel my body. He made me sit
in his lap and explored my pussy. "We will enjoy again won't we kitten? This ti
me will pick you from your home. It will be an eventful drive. Be ready next Mon
More wild sex, lust and passion waited for me at the cottage...
Chapter 13.
Wild and Wet Passion!
I got my leave sanctioned without any discussion. My boss was my master and he w
anted me working elsewhere. I was all set with my tiny duffle bag, since last ti
me I had left all my erotic lingerie at the cottage. It would take us three hour
s to reach the cottage. I wondered what my master had planned during the travel.
I got to the pavement just in time and saw the car approach. It was the one whi
ch separated the driver from the passengers. I was wearing customary jeans, prob
ably because I did not want to lose control next in front of a stranger.
Master looked at me, his face did not show any emotions. I slid next to him and
stuffed my duffle bag in the corner. This made me inch closer to the master. Car
started moving out of the city limits. Partition was already pulled between the
driver and us. Yet my master was in complete control. He sensed unease and appr
ehension on my part. He picked up his hand and put it on the inner side of my th
igh. It set fire to my body. I bit my lip to control myself. I clasped his hand
"Control yourself kitten, we will copulate all you want at the cottage." I decid
ed to shut my eyes and lay my head back. I felt his eyes on me time to time. His
grasp on my thigh would change. Once it tightened to tell me he was having trou
ble controlling himself. Yet he managed to keep it cool the whole time. We reach
ed the cottage to find dinner was laid. I was almost out of control. I managed t
o put in a few morsels of food and asked permission to go to my room. Master ask
ed me to take wine glass with me, it would calm me. I walked down holding the wi
ne glass, weather was getting chillier by the day. My room of solitude, seclusio
n, pleasure and sex was warm and toasty.
I downed my glass of wine in three great gulps. I started to undress. My day at
spa had gifted me smooth hairless skin once again. I walked in front of the full
length mirror to scan myself. Just then I saw my master standing right behind m
e with untamed and unbidden lust. His eyes had become large and scanned each ang
le. I was already wet, he sat at the bed and pulled me standing towards him. He
kissed my navel and slowly went down. He could smell musty smell of arousal and
wetness. He straightened and faced by breasts, he held my butt tightly till I mo

aned. His fingers traced pussy, surprisingly he had not yet touched the breasts.
He lay me down, once again spread out for his pleasure. But this time he climbe
d over me, with penis in hand. He entered me firmly while keeping both hands on
my waist. I moaned and tears of satisfaction rolled down my eyes. I had waited f
or months for this.
As I sobbed, he bend down to kiss me, he whispered "I understand kitten, it was
very difficult for me too. All I could do is watch you from the window, but I ha
d to remain hidden from the view." Now I knew why I got the feeling of being wat
ched from time to time. He kissed tenderly and started pumping slowly. He manage
to make me cum a number of times before he reached his orgasm inside me. We con
tinued with sex all through the night. For the rest 5 days I was in heaven.
Chapter 14.
Intimacy not just sex...
I was loving the all night love making. I also wanted more from my master. He al
ways wore bathrobe though he was totally naked under it. I was wondering when he
will get rid of it to let me feel the whole of his body. "Master, I want to see
you!" I gently tugged the bath robe. He looked at me with doubt, yet he removed
it. I looked at the broad, strong and well chiseled shoulders and almost smiled
in satisfaction.
I wiped myself off the substantial cum that had been secreted. With master looki
ng at me in admiration, I could simply blush and avoid his gaze. However, he pul
led me up on his lap and held me in a tight embrace. This is when I could smell
him and touch his bare shoulders. I was absolutely smitten by them. I started ki
ssing gently from neck down on his shoulders and chest. He sighed and lay back o
n the bed. He let me kiss him all over his upper body, I touched and touched hi
m, I played with his nipples and he held my wrists. "Kitten is not shy anymore,
wanna play darling? But first let's eat. It will not be fun anymore unless we ha
ve all the energy."
We took a short shower to cleanse ourselves of body fluids. I wore a skimpy ling
erie which stood together by a bare thread. The underwear was a thong, hence my
master allowed me to wear this rag of clothing. He took me to the dining room, b
reakfast was led and as usual there was no one in site. Somehow, coming to this
part of the house made me uncomfortable, I was very happy in the beautiful room
below whenever I was here.
After breakfast he took me to my room again, this time, I touched his shoulders
and back and made love to his entire body. He lay down moaning whenever I touche
d a place which aroused him sensually. His erection was growing, I decided to sh
ow him how much I valued and appreciated his removal of his robe. I decided to g
ive him a good suck. First night at the cottage meant I was fucked at least 4 ti
mes. So I decided to pleasure him. I licked it first with wettest tongue. He moa
ned loudest I have ever heard. He clasped my head in his hand and squirmed sexil
y with his legs moving. His extreme arousal was making me very horny.
I licked and licked again, when his moans subsided and he was about
ok it in my mouth and gave a large suck. I kept on moving my tongue
t would reach while sucking. This made him moan harder, he screamed
my naughty kitty baby, oh kitten", his moans were loud enough to be

to cum, I to
everywhere i
"oh kitten,
heard outdoo

rs.We had been up all night, my master ordered me to sleep for some hours. It wa
s only the second day at the cottage.
Chapter 15.
All the remaining days...
My threadbare lingerie was on me till the evening, that was the longest I wore c
lothes at the cottage. He came in the room in the evening, since it was getting
cold outside I was covered in sheets. He upped the thermostat and made the room
a little warmer. He removed my sheets and his eyes filled with familiar lust. I
was alive in an instant. His lust made me feel shameful and shameless at the sam
e time. Shameful because I experienced similar feelings and shameless because no
w he would fuck me with his rock hard penis.
He removed his robe and kept it aside, it made me smile with happiness, he inser
ted a finger in the thong and almost tore it apart, the power play and roughness
always set me on fire. I squirmed, my slim waist was waiting with all that it k
new would come. He traced his fingers waist down to the pussy, I could not waiti
ng longer. I waited for some moments with my eyes closed in anticipation but the
familiar and maddening sensation of his penis touching my vagina lips didn't co
me. I opened my eyes and saw him smiling at me. I blushed and he started to ente
r me. His eyes locked on mine not in love or lust, instead it was meant to tell
me 'to fuck me was his right', 'he was my master and I was his sex slave in ever
y which way' and that 'my body was his to enjoy'. My eyes shut with submission a
nd he started the intensity which was familiar to me.
The second time at the cottage went like the first, however, I had come to rely
on him more. I told him about the course I wanted to do, he liked my idea and ev
en suggested some of the best places to pursue learning hotel and communications
. His knowledge had me overwhelmed. He was obviously and deservedly one of the m
ost powerful business tycoons of the world. However, my troubles began second ti
me round. I could no longer fathom staying away from him for months like the las
t time. I was almost in tears this time when I left the cottage.
I would have to wait for a while before I put in applications. However, my night
s were getting worse this time. I would cry and call out his name, I was in desp
air without him and was not sure if I could keep distance and wait till he calle
d. However, I tried and maintained cool. It was an Herculean effort, yet I could
not go back on the agreement we had. Moreover, I should have been studying, I h
ad lost touch with many of the subjects and I had to discipline myself into the
habit of concentrating for entrance exams. I could not afford to compromise with
those. This time too, after 3 months or so he called. I went to the cottage and
it was just as wild as ever. However, he remembered I was appearing for a serie
s of entrance exams to get into good colleges. He enquired about the curriculum
and checked my progress. He found out that I lagged behind in some of the subjec
ts. Hard task master that he was he made me study 7 hours a day. No pleading, se
xy lingerie, provocative talk or sex filled inuendos made him change his decisio
This arrangement continued for many years. I did not feel the need of a boyfrien
d or another man. I was very fond of him to the extent of being in love. Our age
difference did not bother me. I knew he liked me too and would be really hurt i
f we separated. It was not wild sex anymore, our relationship had matured from l
ust filled one to heart felt one. However, after 7 years of this unusual relatio
nship, I found out I was pregnant. I was afraid to tell Sean about it. So I deci
ded I would tell him I wanted to put a stop to our relationship. He knew me too

well and he also knew how much I relied upon him.He saw through my lies immediat
ely. He was shocked and happy to find out he could become a father at the age of
55. I was keen on having the baby.
Being a man of principles, he proposed to me immediately and we were married wit
hin a month. I was already working on my own company. I started looking into the
business matters of his empire. We had two children, both of whom were trying t
o find out whether or not they wanted to be the part of the legacy their father
had built.
One day, as I was going through Sean's old correspondence, files and diaries, I
came across one which was very carefully hidden in the false bottom of the box.
It was named "Eva, my kitten". I eagerly opened the diary and found out the most
secret thoughts he had about me...

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