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Sean's Diary

This is the second night I have been deprived of sleep. Finally, I am resorting
to writing everything down in this diary so I can go off to sleep once I have it
out of my system. Yesterday, I came across a remarkable girl, the type of downto-earth no airs type of girl, who is unaware of the effect she has on men. She
did have some effect on me and I am finding it very difficult to forget her.
Becky's death has left a void so deep, I know it cannot be fulfilled. It has bee
n three years now and I wanted to start afresh. I dated for a while, most women
were in it for money. I got bored. Finding women for sex is not my thing. So her
e I am going crazy over 20 something, who has caught my imagination and is givin
g me the most wild ideas. I saw her in the midst of chaos brought on by a simple
error. She stood there looking demure whilst she was the target of questioning
and bad mouthing by some of the guests at the wedding, where she was some assist
ant to an assistant. I wondered where she got her nerves of steel and sense to k
eep quiet especially when things were going awry.
She was wearing some cleverly put together wardrobe, it hid her body behind the
layers quite well. However, her beauty would be visible only to someone with a k
een observation like me. I have never before felt so much passion about someone.
I am old enough to realize this is not love, it is lust. Yet, it is like a worm
starting to consume me. I want her but not without her wishes. I would not want
to make any false promises. Tomorrow will find me something new.
__ ()()()() ___
Yesterday's sleep deprivation seemed to slow me down. I came to the hotel to fin
d out assistant Mike shouting to his assistant (my POI). I wondered if he was ga
y to be shouting to someone so attractive as her. Most probably not, he was just
driven and concentrated on results more than anything. I felt somewhat proud of
having staff like these two. I called Mike to my office and asked him the detai
ls about the faux pas. He assured me everything was being taken care of. I asked
him about the brave girl. She was Eva, a lovely name for a lovely girl. She was
ambitious yet was not experienced enough. She was bright too. I told him to sen
d Eva to my office in the evening.
At 5 sharp, there was a knock on the door. She entered, looking as if I was abou
t to kill her, willing to plead for the job. She thought I was going to fire her
. A good way to start. She has the face of an angel and a body that would make e
ven a saint commit a sin. I sat next to her and told her the exact reason she wa
s in my cabin. She blushed and felt ashamed. There was a passing thought in her
mind perhaps that I had the proposal for her because she was poor. Well, that co
uld not be negated. But, I was willing to offer her $50000 for 5 days. I felt it
was a lot less than she was worth. But I did not want to scare her.
I noticed she was not attracted to me, rightly so. There was a huge age differen
ce between us. I was 47 and she was just 23. At the same time, she had no person
al life. She seemed sensible.
The more I think about it, it starts looking a tad unfair. Am I wrong in wanting
to bed a girl so much younger than me? My conscience seems to be taking over ma
king me look like a villain. I know what I want seems morally wrong, but I simpl
y want someone who does not yet understand the power of money. I have given her
time until Sunday.
__ ()()()() ___
It is Sunday. I am eagerly awaiting the day today. I want to know Eva's answer.

I want her, moreover, I want a companion to end my celibacy and unbearable lonel
iness. I am not the one to endure some new person's presence day in and day out.
Moreover, the expectations would wear me out. Therefore, my decision to meet fo
r five days every three months is quite valid. This way she can independently en
joy the money and pay attention to her future. This was of immense importance. I
want her to be mentally willing to surrender her body, therefore I have planned
a test for her. Dear diary wait for the night fall to know the results.
__ ()()()() ___
She called at about 11 'o' clock to tell me her answer. She wanted to go ahead w
ith it. I called her in the evening to see me. She came wearing jeans and a shir
t. She looked ravishing. Her body was beautiful, her skin tone was smooth, I had
guessed correctly about her physical attributes. The fullness of her breasts he
ld me in awe. I was jittery and very turned on when the test began. It was a sim
ple one, she had to shed all her clothes except the panties. She removed her shi
rt, I could not control myself, I went behind her and removed the bra with her p
ermission. She smelled heavenly. I simply admired her, it took a tremendous effo
rt on my part not to touch her. She passed the test with flying colors. All of h
er would be for me to enjoy. We planned for the next week.
__ ()()()() ___
I wanted to be generous with her, not because I was about to get her, but becaus
e I had a lot of money and no one to spend it on. A person can spend only so muc
h money for himself. I pampered her. I sent her on a shopping and spa trip. I wa
nted her to be loaded with the best and sexiest lingerie. I wanted her to look t
he best. I gave her leave from the office. On Wednesday, she arrived by bus to t
he nearest bus point to my cottage. My chauffeur was waiting for her. She reache
d the cottage. I was waiting for her. She sat on the sofa and as previously inst
ructed the chauffeur took all her luggage in the superbly and luxuriously furnis
hed room below. The room was large but looked quaint from outside. It had all th
e latest temperature control technology plus a fantastic bathroom. I wanted to h
ide her from the world, so she could focus only on pleasing me.
She got the taste of what was to come, when we met in the outside room. I ensure
d we are the only two in the cottage. I kissed her and gave her the most adult s
queeze, her response was beautiful. I cannot wait to go downstairs and do what s
he is here for. Wish me luck diary.
__ ()()()() ___
Eva is beautiful. I have spent most of the yesterday night and today's day with
her. Becky said I had the most insatiable sexual appetite. She had developed the
taste for it. Eva's moans put fire into me. Her sexy voice and the sights of us
together are making me want her again and again. There are some things she is d
oing for the first time. Every time she panics, I run a hand through her silky h
air to calm her down. Her panic was worth watching when I displayed myself to he
r. She looked at it and I am sure she had never seen anything so large. I hoped
her smaller frame would be able to withstand me. Eva seems to adapt to it. It wa
s quite some struggle for her a couple of first times. I must have filled her co
mpletely. She was not herself. I had that lovely face near me, I could not stop
kissing especially when she was in an orgasm quite regularly. I had to gain cont
rol over her body and thoughts, especially when she was with me. Therefore, I sh
owed her I was the one she had to obey and also the one she would call Master. S
he is my kitten. Now, I am tired and spent. Yet I have to write the dairy, since

writing seems to calm me. With my beautiful kitten in the room below. It is imp
ossible for me to take rest for a long time.
She is asleep and I feasted on looking at her body. I have not yet shed all my c
lothes, I don't want to force her to touch me. She will have to ask me for it. M
oreover, somehow, I cannot fall asleep beside her. She should have her privacy f
or some time at least. I have forbidden her to wear anything more than a lingeri
e, else go naked.

__ ()()()() ___
I am mad, so mad, I am raving with anger. I have never felt so slighted. She ref
used to obey my command. She refused to give me the pleasure that makes a man fe
el wanted. She did not open her mouth. My rage knew no bounds. I have just given
her the spanking she will not forget in her life. Her screams seemed to turn me
on, her pleading and tears had no effect on me. I tied her hands and made her b
end on the bed while I spanked her venting my fury. I sat there in the chair whi
le she sobbed and apologized continuously. I made her obey me once her sobbing s
ubsided without releasing her hands, but not without giving her the final punish
ment on her nipples. Once she pleased me, I got up and tied her hands to the bed
side. I made her sit on the carpeted floor.
I cannot sleep, the thought of her sitting on the
ng me uncomfortable. Perhaps, I was too harsh. My
ntrol. Moreover, I cannot resist her sweet mouth,
ng that would have been most satisfying. I should
uple of hours. Let her remain where she is.

floor with sore behind is maki

temper hardly remains in my co
and I wanted her to do somethi
try to sleep at least for a co

__ ()()()() ___
Eva left today. I felt so fulfilled, she did a good job. I like her so much. Thi
s time was not a perfect visit, since I punished her once. But she seemed to get
over it. Next morning I went to her room with the breakfast. She was sitting th
ere on the carpet with hands still tied. She did not attempt to set herself free
. I was saddened and guilt-ridden, I made her eat and sleep. I am always turned
on when in her vicinity. At that time, I was especially so when the towel slid o
ff and showed me her wonderful and sexy body. Yet I was angry, she held my hand
and came close, her eyes told me she wanted me to take her again. I did. It was
in the afternoon, that I was in the mood of her to take me in a different way. S
he noticed my wish and gave the pleasure to me just as I wanted. I have never ha
d each of my wishes fulfilled in such a way. The third and fourth day flew away
with me finding newer and lovelier pleasures her body would yeild to me. But som
ehow I cared about her happiness too. I ensured her soreness had gone before she
Today was the fifth day and hence the last day that she would remain with me. I
wanted her to leave in the afternoon, that way she could spend the night in her
own home. It was awkward for both of us. I could not bring myself to say goodbye
. My kitten seems to have done some magic. We avoided looking at each other. I h
ad sex just once before lunch. I am not proud to say, but I have beed a bad boy
to some extent. I want her so much, so I did place a camera and took a few pictu
res of her. I will want to see her every once in a while.

__ ()()()() ___
It has been some days since I returned from the cottage. Both of us have gone ba
ck to our lifestyles. Though, I do take a sneak peek at her from my office windo
w. But I remain well hidden. She seems to be happy, I hope she has used the mone
y sensibly. She has her whole life in from of her. Time flies when you are busy.
It was two months since we enjoyed in the cottage. I made a mental note of call
ing her at the end of next week to fix a date for our next sex filled getaway. S
he did say she was willing. I have been satiating my sexual hunger by looking at
the photographs. Now it was time for the real thing. I cannot wait for her nake
d body to be available to me again. It hope it would be better than the last tim
__ ()()()() ___
It was midweek when I told my kitten to meet me. She was to come to my office on
Sunday, today. She looked more like a woman, and looked more than eager to plea
se me. I saw her after such long time, I could not resist myself. I told her to
strip, she did and the naughty girl did not wear any bra today. I looked at her
breasts, waist, legs and hips with raw lust. My eyes must have shown it. Another
thing to show my lust and how turned on I was, was the huge erection that showe
d through the trousers. I called my lovely kitten near me and told her to solve
my problem. She undid the belt and trouser. She removed my underwear half way an
d confidently gave me a licking and sucking that made me moan so loudly. Conside
ring the eagerness and the experise, I was relieved off my load in minutes. I to
ld her to pack for the coming week, just like the last time, she would start on
Wednesday. Only this time she would travel with me.
I also gave her a lot of money for preparing herself for the trip. Anything new
she wanted, was to be shopped. Only condition was it had to be sexy. Her spa day
was done too.
__ ()()()() ___
I am at the cottage. I picked up the kitten in the afternoon. What a ride that w
as! I knew she wore no bra and was more than willing. I had to exercise control
over myself. I put my hand on her thigh. She wore a tiny skirt, which meant I to
uched the softest skin. I was so turned on. I had to take her to our room the mo
ment the chauffeur walked out. I took her immediately. Her warm, soft and luscio
us body enchanted me once more. I filled her fully and watched her ecstacy and o
rgasm. She is a treat to watch and irresistible when I am over her body. She mus
t have missed me, I hope, because she held me intensely and was teary eyed. I to
ld her I missed her too. Its dinner time. I will hardly have anytime for the nex
t few days. I have my kitten whose body waits to satisfy my urges.
__ ()()()() ___
I feel I am falling in a dark bottomless pit. Yet, I do not seem to be too affec
ted by it. Most of my thoughts now are about Eva, my kitten. The sex goddess, sh
e seems to have gotten better at it and I enjoyed last five days in perfect harm
ony with her. She knows how to please me and we copulate at anytime. She never c
omplains. She has begun to respond so well. I don't want her to go. But looking
at the age difference, there is quite some possibility that I might lose her som
e time or the other. I fear my own rage if Eva ever ends up being in another man
's arms.
These thoughts are keeping me awake today. It is because the smart girl did not
just splurge the money, she checked out University programs and courses that wou
ld help her further her education. On one side I am simply gloating because I fo
und such a sweet young person. On the other side, her going to the University wo

uld mean she is out of my sight. With raging hormones of youngsters all around h
er, I fear my kitten will fall to the temptation with some other guy. But 'Que S
era Sera'. Currently, she is mine. I cannot control her future.
__ ()()()() ___
I have not written for a long time because I have not been uneasy. Today my unea
se comes from the fact that tomorrow is her qualifying exam, I hope there are no
t too many. I hope the topics I made her study during her last visit to the cott
age are enough. She has prepared for almost everything with my guidance. Our rel
ationship has been stable now. I hope she gets into the University of her choice
. I plan to rent an entire lavish flat for her and decorate it just like the roo
m below. I will go there every once in a while, if her schedule is full. She rel
ies on me with complete trust and so do I. I hope she does well.
__ ()()()() ___
I had to write today, I am not just uneasy, I am simply elated. I cannot rest be
cause I have just asked Eva to marry me. It has been 7-8 years since we began ou
r agreement. At the beginning, it was all about raw sex. As time passed, both be
ing lonely people started depending on each other. She has just started her comp
any and I am confident, the company with grow into a successful venture. Yesterd
ay night Eva arrived at the cottage for our five day sojourn. This did not matte
r anymore, since we met each other every time we felt like it. Yet, we both like
d to enjoy each other's company in complete solitude. Today morning Eva said she
wanted to stop this arrangement, since she had other things to take care about.
I knew she was lying about stopping, there was something else to it. I had gone
to her apartment a fortnight back. She was absolutely OK then. She was definite
ly hiding something. Moreover, she was not her regular self. She refused her fav
orite wine. She ignored my suggestion for sex. She was surely not turning into a
nun. A close look told me the entire story, she confirmed it. She was pregnant.
I had no doubt I am the father. We marry next month, a quiet ceremony with a fe
w close friends.
With Eva as my life partner, I have no doubt I will have a good life. I think we
have come a long way and have a long way to go.

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