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The first chordates

2 Subphyla
1) Urochordata the sea squirts and other
loosely related groups (invertebrates).
2) Cephalochordata represented by

Deuterostomata - two openings and refers to

an event during embryological development.
During embryogenesis a blastopore develops into
the anus and a second opening will form during
development that will become the mouth.

Basal Deuterostomes: Echinoderms and


A group of marine invertebrates commonly called
acorn worms.

A group of filter feeding, marine organisms.
Have thin, transparent, nonliving outer tunic.

Three classes of Urochordates


retain the larval form throughout life

Class Ascidians (sea squirts)

Tiny (between 0.5mm to 11 mm), short living
(hours to days) organisms.
Sessile animals; remain firmly attached
to substratum (e.g. rocks and shells).

Class Larvaceans
Typically occur as free-floating plankton.
Tiny -- 8mm in length.
Have a small body and a long tail supported by a

Class Thaliaceans
free living or colonial organisms
resemble adult ascidians in appearance

Cephalochordates (Amphioxus)
also known as
the lancelets

Anatomical features of Amphioxus

The body consists mostly of a trunk.
Has a semi-transparent skin composed of two layers.

Amphioxus possesses pharyngeal slits.

The slits do not serve a respiratory role but
instead help to facilitate filter feeding.
Uses the skin for respiration.

The nervous system of amphioxus is similar to that

of vertebrates.

Amphioxus feeds by filtering food out of the water.

The coelom is reduced in adult amphioxus.

Amphioxus circulation differs significantly

from that of vertebrates.

Cephalochordates lack an organized kidney.

In mature amphioxus, the gonads will be

prominent and will bulge into the atrium.

Amphioxus resembles the larval form of the

lamprey called the Ammocoete.

Like amphioxus ammocoetes have a dorsal,

hollow nerve cord and a brain.

Ammocoete trunks also display myomeres.

Both organisms are filter feeders.
Ammocoetes have a vascular arrangement
that is more reminiscent of vertebrates but,
like amphioxus, it lacks a heart.
Ammocoetes have a kidney (although it is

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