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7 Steps to Create the Life YOU Desire

Copyright 2012

All Rights Reserved Kelera Kotobalavu

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7 Steps to Create the Life YOU Desire

This e-book would not have materialized had it not been for the guidance
and encouragement I received from my Beyond Success family in Canberra,
Many thanks go to the director and founder of the company, Paul
Blackburn, a truly gifted man in the area of changing mindsets and personal
development, and to his beautiful wife Mary, his exceptional staff and
Certified Results Master Coaches, my Super Coach Mick Cornish, and
Nicholas de Castella.
The training I received from them, part of the Beyond Success Life Coaching
system, which won the company the Australia and New Zealand Institute of
Coachings 2011 Coaching Business of the Year Award, equipped me to tap
into my full potential and make a significant difference in the lives of others.
I am profoundly grateful to you all. I count myself truly blessed to have you
in my life.
To my beloved husband Rowland and our gorgeous children, Rowland
Jr., Talei and Jonathan, thank you for supporting me on this exciting,
adventurous and enriching journey, which you all are a part of. It is a great
joy to share this journey with you.
And to our heavenly Father, my sincere gratitude to You for attracting into
my life people who are peak performers and winners in their own right,
who move with vision and focus, who walk the talk and live a more
meaningful and purposeful life with peace and love, dedicating their lives to
helping others create a life of fulfillment and abundance. They have shaped
me, stretched me and polished me for Your purpose in my life. I embrace
and rejoice in our continued partnership. I give You praise, honor and glory

7 Steps to Create the Life YOU Desire

Chapter One

Step 1: Change is Mandatory.........................3

Chapter Two

Step 2: Value Who You Are............................6

Chapter Three

Step 3: Understand How Your Mind Works....10

Chapter Four

Step 4: Live By Your Values.............................13

Chapter Five

Step 5: Discover Your Passion and Purpose...16

Chapter Six

Step 6: Walk with Vision................................19

Chapter Seven

Step 7: Create the Life You Desire..................22

Conclusion................................................................................... 25
Where To From Here?..................................................................27
Life-Transforming Resources........................................................28
About the Author.........................................................................29


7 Steps to Create the Life YOU Desire

This e-book is dedicated to all the women who have a burning

desire to ignite their own lives to fulfilling levels with passion and
purpose, to make a significant difference in the world.
May the MAGNIFICENT WOMAN in YOU experience the
FREEDOM to embrace and celebrate your own uniqueness and
inner beauty, and through courage and strength BE THE CHANGE
in your community and beyond, impacting thousands of lives


7 Steps to Create the Life YOU Desire

The World Awaits YOU
In each of us there is greatness. In each of us there is light. In each of us
there is love. In each of us there is peace. In each of us are gifts, talents and
abilities, which when shared with the world, could transform thousands of
lives including our own. In each of us there is unlimited potential!
Each of us was created for a purpose, as a solution to a problem on this
planet. There is a need that exists and we were created to fill that need.
When we discover that needthe purpose of our existence, our mission in
lifeand make a conscious decision to choose the right kind of people to
shape us to live that purpose, the universe opens itself up to us. What we
experience then is an extraordinary life of fulfillment and abundance that
automatically overflows out of us to others.
Each day were given to live is extra time given to fulfill that purpose. It is
our responsibility to discover that greatness, invest in it, multiply it and grow
it to exponential levels to make a significant difference in thousands of lives.
When we do that, we unleash unto ourselves blessings and opportunities
that are rightfully our own. All this starts with one critical decision, our
desire to change! Change the way we think. CHANGE OUR MINDSET!
We each have unique gifts that are custom-made to impact the lives of
others. No one has the same gifts as you in the way you perform them,
the way you celebrate them, the way you refine them, the way you master
them, the way you nurture them, the way you embrace them and the way
you deliver them. No one. You are an original, not a copy.
There are people out there right now who are waiting for you to release
your gifts. It could be YOU who holds the solution to their problem. It could
be YOU they are waiting to hear from. It could be YOU who could release

7 Steps to Create the Life YOU Desire

them from their own darkness. It could be YOU who can free them from
whats holding them back or liberate them from their own fear.
Would you then, if given the right tools and strategies, be grateful to be told
that because you shared your gifts with the world, you had changed many
lives? How would that make you feel? (See Where To From Here? on page
27 for more information on this.)
One of Americas foremost business philosophers, Jim Rohn, once said,
The greatest gift someone could give you is to have your name in their
testimony. So let that person be YOU!
The world awaits YOU!

7 Steps to Create the Life YOU Desire

Chapter One

Step 1: Change is Mandatory

If you are serious about impacting others lives and want to experience
life in all its fullness, there is no other way to go about it than making the
decision to change. All growth involves change.
We often hear people say they want to do this or that, or that they want
certain things in their lives to change, but they themselves dont want to
change. They continue living life the same way.
Insanity: doing the same
thing over and over again and expecting
different results.
We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking
we used when we created them.
Albert Einstein
People avoid change for two reasons:

Fear of the unknown. Change makes them feel uncomfortable. It

forces them into an unknown territory, into areas of unfamiliarity.

They are comfortable where they are and see no reason for change.

The above reasons will deny a person the right to live a life of prosperity,
success, fulfillment, abundance, happiness and the life they truly deserve,
by tapping into their full potential. That is why most people are stuck in
life, preoccupied with stress, frustration, fractured relationships, illness and
things that dont give them a greater meaning in life. They are generally
unhappy and live small lives.

7 Steps to Create the Life YOU Desire

People change because:
Their backs are up against the wall in a crisis, and there are no places
to run. They are desperate. They have no other option, but to change.
They are inspired by what someone else said, did or wrote. Usually
that comes just as they are ready for change, and confident that the
outcome of that change will give them a better life and destiny.
I was inspired to change my life after hearing Jim Rohn speak at an
event in Sydney in 2006.
This was my first exposure to personal development. Jim gave a more
in-depth interpretation of the very familiar love your neighbor as
yourself, one which created a significant shift in me.
All throughout my adult life, until that moment, I had put everybody
and everything else first, before myself.
That day, I changed the order and put myself first in all areas of my
lifephysical, mental, emotional and spiritual.
Nowadays, others receive the best from me because I have allowed
myself to be at my best first. A win-win situation.
What sort of things need to change? Your mindsetthe way you think and
feel about yourself, others, money, your circumstances, life in general, and
the world at large.
In order to allow new and better things into our lives, we need to rid
ourselves of the old programs in our minds, which have sabotaged
our lives for many years. When you change your mindset your belief
systemyou change your world and everything in it.
Society has taught us to fix the problem when in actual fact, most
problems are symptoms of an underlying cause which most people try to fix

7 Steps to Create the Life YOU Desire

with a band-aid solution.
For example, a person suffering chronic shoulder pain for years could use
medication to relieve symptoms. However, by spending some extra time
talking to the person and asking the right questions, you might uncover
some deeper issues the person may have been holding onto unconsciously,
such as not being able to forgive someone in their past, which could be the
original cause of the shoulder pain.
Once the person becomes aware of this and forgives the other person who
caused that feeling, powerful healing can take place, emotionally and
physically. The shoulder pain could disappear in an instant, liberating the
person, an example of self-healing.
We dont get very far in life fixing our problems with band-aid solutions.
What most of us will find is that the same negative behavior, habit or
symptom keeps reappearing in our lives. This is because our control center,
our mind, is still operating the old programs or old conditioning. To create
a different result in life, a different outcome, something has to change.
Change takes courage. When you make the decision to change, you are
agreeing to stand out from the crowd. To be different. To be yourself. And
you do it with confidence. These are the qualities of a leader. The exciting
thing is that gradually, your whole environment will change for the better,
including your interests and your friends, as your life becomes increasingly
aligned with your true purpose and higher values.

7 Steps to Create the Life YOU Desire

Chapter Two

Step 2: Value Who You Are

To attract the life you deserve, youve got to value the person you are.
Youve got to love YOU first, better termed self-love, not selfish-love.
Limiting beliefs such as, Im not worthy or I dont deserve anything
good in life or Nobody loves me are all victim beliefs. Having these in
your subconscious mind (as explained more in Step 3) repels anything
extraordinary from entering your life. In most cases, these sorts of beliefs
begin in childhood, and are with you throughout life until you become
aware of them and consciously choose to overcome them.
Understand that you were uniquely created for a divine purpose on this
planet, and that through your talents, gifts, abilities and life experiences,
you hold the answer to a problem that exists in the world today that only
YOU can solve. Knowing this, your life can dramatically change for the better.
When you value who you are, you increase your self-worth and you feel
good about yourself all the time, and not only when things are going well.
You also honor who you are.
Out of all the relationships in your life, the most important one to invest
in is your relationship with yourself. You are the only one who will be living
with yourself for the rest of your life, so build on that relationship to attract
what you want in life. You cannot impact others lives significantly without
having a healthy, loving, deeper and more connected relationship with
yourself first.
Inside of you exists greatness. Inside of you exists your inner magnificence.
Inside of you exists your genius, peace and love.
Here are some practical ways to value who you are:

7 Steps to Create the Life YOU Desire

Write down affirmations that have the power to change the way
you feel about yourself, such as:
I see greatness inside of me.

I live life with passion and purpose.

I celebrate and embrace who I am.

I am worthy of love

Affirmations are positive statements that you can plant in your

subconscious through repetition.
Give yourself permission to receive. When someone offers to
buy you a cup of coffee, be happy to accept it without the familiar
No, its okay. Ill pay for my own. That person values you, and by
accepting the offer you allow her to feel good about herself. She
will also be blessed, in like kind. By refusing, you not only deny the
other person the opportunity to give, you also deny yourself the
opportunity to receive.
The same with praise. When you are given praise or singled out for
having done something well, receive the compliments with grace
and humility. You deserve it. Value the person you are.
Create some me time on a regular basis. Make a habit of putting
time aside for yourself to recharge your batteries. Giving to your
family and others can be exhausting if you keep doing it without
adding anything back into your life. You can do this in various ways:
have an aromatherapy massage, manicure or pedicure once a
month, meditate daily, exercise at least three days a week, take
two days out of every six months to go away to a health retreat to
nurture yourself, go for a walk regularly, listen to relaxing music.
Whatever you decide, make sure this time is all about you. It is your
responsibility to take good care of yourself first, not last.

7 Steps to Create the Life YOU Desire

To keep a lamp burning, we have to keep putting oil in it.
Mother Teresa
Say no without feeling guilty. By saying no to others you are
saying yes to you. Do you tend to rescue others and end up
beating yourself up afterwards for offering to help?
The next time someone asks you to do something for them and you
dont have the time, try saying to them, Thanks for asking, but I
dont have time right now. But if things change, Ill give you a call.
In saying that, people will know when you give them a call, you are
open to helping them.
Give yourself rewards on a regular basis. We often wait for the
achievement of something big before we celebrate, even if it means
we wait 12 months or three years for a celebration. There is a small
child inside each of us that longs for regular acknowledgement,
praise and rewards.
The more you reward that inner child, the more it will do for you, just
as with any child. How about giving yourself a Well done or Youre
a star sticker after you drink that 8 glasses of water you said youd
have today? Thats an achievement. All of those little steps count
towards valuing the person inside you. They increase your self-worth.
Give yourself the best you have. How often do you keep the good
china for when you have guests, and only use the ordinary or
chipped ones for yourself and your family? What is unconsciously
happening here is you are valuing your guests more than yourself.
Try using the same for you as you do for your guests, and see your
energy change.
Set the table for you and your family every dinner time or as

7 Steps to Create the Life YOU Desire

often as possible with the full ensemble: fragrant lit candles, wine
glasses (filled with water or juice for the kids), your best plates
and silverware, matching napkins, and a delicious sumptuous meal
cooked by you. Dont you think your family will feel special too? You
will feel absolutely fabulous about yourself inside.
All these ideas help change the way you think about yourself, and you will
soon notice that the affirmations you wrote about yourself become a reality
in your life. You will start to attract more of the good things in life instead of
repelling them.
When I began to value myself more, I started to see the world and
others through a new set of eyes. I felt a deeper, more spiritual
connection between each of us and the Universe.

7 Steps to Create the Life YOU Desire

Chapter Three

Step 3: Understand How Your Mind Works

As mentioned in Step 2, changing our mindset and the way we feel plays a
crucial part in creating the life we desire.
The mind is a super power and works just like a computer. It only gives out
what we put in. Your life is the way it is today as a result of the thoughts and
feelings you have entertained in your mind over time. You attracted them.
So if you dont like how your life is turning outif you cannot maintain
a steady relationship with a man or the type of men you dont like keep
reappearing in your life, if you have low self-esteem, are always broke, have
no me time or your life is a chaos, then you have the choice and power to
consciously change it. The results can then be in alignment with what you
really want, not what you dont want.
You are today where your thoughts
have brought you; you will be
tomorrow where your thoughts take you.
James Allen
The mind has two parts: the conscious and the subconscious.

The conscious mind is responsible for the thoughts we entertain

each and every second, the words we speak, our understanding of
what we read, logical thinking, our intellect, and any activity that
raises our conscious awareness. Research states that our conscious
mind occupies only 10% of our total brain capacity. And yet, the
majority of the population operates mainly from this small
percentage of the mind.

7 Steps to Create the Life YOU Desire

The subconscious mind, according to the ancient Greeks, is the

heart of our whole being. It is said to occupy 90% of our mind, a
massive proportion. This is where our beliefs are stored. These are
our beliefs from childhood or those acquired as we became adults. It
also stores our long-term memories, negative and positive,
our intuition, our creative problem-solving, our spirituality,
our talents and gifts, and our emotions.
The subconscious communicates by using images and feelings.
Whatever is transmitted into this part of our mind, it stores as truth.
Our body, which is just a mass of energy, then responds to the
images and feelings stored in our subconscious through emotional
vibrations, producing the results that appear in our life today.

Confusion and disorder exist in most peoples lives because they are not
getting the results they want, and wonder why that same negative result
keeps reappearing all the time. They are not aware that the thought they
feed into their mind through repetition is creating the situation they dont
For example, you may say to yourself, Ill contribute $100 to the birthday
party. Yet you may begin to feel anxious emotionally. The thought in this
example is: contribute $100 to the birthday party. The feeling is: anxiety or
the fear of lack, which usually portrays itself as a feeling of tightness in the
abdominal area. Because fear is an emotion (feeling) and one of two ways
that the subconscious mind receives information, your fear of not having
enough money will override your conscious thought. Your decision on
whether to give the $100 or not will depend on which of the two, thought
or feeling, has a greater pull on you.
Because the subconscious part of our mind controls 90% of what we attract
in our lives, the force of that emotion (fear of lack, in the above example)
wins. It overpowers the thought and becomes a constantly repeated pattern
in your life. You then experience lack of money (poverty mindset) in your
life because thats the feeling and image you have unknowingly, through
repetition, fed into your subconscious.

7 Steps to Create the Life YOU Desire

The subconscious does not sort any information. It takes everything it

is given and stores it as truth. So whatever you are feeding into your
subconscious, negative or positive, it will show up in your life! That is how
powerful the subconscious mind is.
Most of you would agree that as we were growing up, we were not taught
how to control our emotions in a way that best served us. Boys often heard
statements such as Boys dont cry or Stop crying or Toughen up and
just get over it, which later in life produces men who may have problems
expressing their emotions, especially in a relationship.
Women sometimes bottle up their emotions until they cannot bear
it anymore and explode, hurting someone in the process, themselves
Considering that the subconscious mind controls your emotions, is a
massive part of who you are, and runs your whole life, wouldnt it make
sense to change the program in that area by consciously putting in new
information that will attract what you want in life?
When you know how to do this and start applying it in your life, your life will
be revolutionized. It will never be the same again.
When I learned how the mind works, it was a WOW moment for me.
My eyes widened with excitement. It was like finding the missing piece
of the puzzle.
I started to work at consciously changing the way I thought and
learned to manage my emotions better. I started to notice quick
positive results appearing in my life, ones that I wanted.
I was blown away.
I became even more fascinated with the mystery of life and human
behavior. I became even more inquisitive.


7 Steps to Create the Life YOU Desire

Chapter Four

Step 4: Live By Your Values

Values are beliefs, traits or qualities you consider important in your life.
They are a driving force in your decision-making and have deep meaning
and worth. You consider them a high priority and will spend a lot of time,
effort and money fulfilling them. They shape your behavior. You cannot live
without them and you often protect them. They are a source of motivation
and focus in your life.
Why is living by your values important in creating a life you desire?
Whatever you consider of value in your lifehonesty, wealth, success,
relationshipsdetermines the majority of your decisions, including how you
spend your money, time and energy.
To be conscious of your values and function in alignment with them brings
order and peace into your life. The more order you have, brought on by
disciplining various aspects of your life, the more room you have for God or
the Universe to work with, and the greater chance for you to live a life of
The whole universe operates within a divine order, and when you connect to
that order, you will definitely feel it in your being. Absolutely mind-blowing!
Personal leadership is the process of keeping your vision and values
before you and aligning your life to be congruent with them.
Steve Covey
Those who continue to live mediocre lives are not consciously aware of
their values. When you ask them what they most value, they will find it hard
to articulate clearly.


7 Steps to Create the Life YOU Desire

Your values are not what you say they are. They are what you do. Some
people may say they value relationships, yet when you look at their life
closely, they spend the majority of their time at work, away from their
partners. What they say and what they do are not congruent. There is a
disparity there. They are not walking their talk.
This is the reason why so many people are not getting much out of life.
Their life is in disorder. They face strife and hardship all the time, and are
always sick, broke and overwhelmed with stress.
Remember though, that disorder, strife and hardship are not our normal
frequencies. Living life this way does not allow us to operate to our full
potential. Disorder brings a lot of resistance into your life. Fear, worry,
doubt, illness, past hurts that you dont want to let go of, and trauma all
contribute to this resistance.
The whole aim of life is to function from a point of peace and loveour
normal frequencies. When you operate from this level, a river of life flows
out of you to others. You become a light, allowing others to shine.
Here is how you can consciously live by your values:
Write your top 10 values down and stick that sheet of paper where
you can see it every day. Familiarize yourself with the list.
When you need to make a decision or take part in an activity, ask
yourself, Does what I am about to take part in align me with my
values? or Does this choice reflect my values? This is how your list
of values becomes your guide in decision-making.


7 Steps to Create the Life YOU Desire

When I began to live my life according to my values, I felt a massive
shift in my life. I felt I was floating high above the skies. My life became
so much more in order, aligned and more peaceful.
It was like the whole universe opened itself up to me, and now I have
everything available to me in abundance.


7 Steps to Create the Life YOU Desire

Chapter Five

Step 5: Discover Your Passion and Purpose

Passion fuels motivation and gives you energy. It ignites and inspires you.
It is contagious and has the power to draw others to you. It originates from
within, from your higher self, your true nature.
Life becomes more enriching when you are operating in your passion.
Theres something enlightening about you that others want. There is more
productivity in your life. You love what you do so much that you dont
consider it as work and if need be, you are willing to do it for free.
So what drives you? What are you passionate about? What gives you the
greatest joy? What gives your life greater meaning?
The answer to these questions may be related to something you may have
experienced in your life, an experience or lesson that has given you the
greatest personal growth. More often than not, it involves a challenging time
that you overcame. Through that experience, you learned something vital
that you want to share with others, to impact their lives in a significant way.
You may have lost a loved one through breast cancer and are now an
advocate for that cause, so that you can help to prevent breast cancer or
provide a better service to women touched by that illness. Your personal
experience has given you the motivation to be passionate about a worthy
cause. In a way, getting involved helps to heal your own loss or wound.
Put simply, you have certain talents, gifts and abilities, and when you
share these with others, you make a significant difference in the world,
enriching your own life in return. We are all meant to shine, each and
every one of us on this planet.

7 Steps to Create the Life YOU Desire

By sharing what you have, you liberate others too. A great metaphor for
this is a lit candle. If you hide it under a table, its light and energy does not
illuminate the room. If you bring it out from under the table and put it on
the table to shine, the radiance, energy and light of that one candle fills the
entire room.
The sad thing is, there are people who have died inside long before they
take their last breath. That is a lack of passion for living. They are just
existing. A waste of life, without a doubt.
Death is not the greatest loss in life. The greatest loss is
what dies inside us while we live.
Norman Cousins
Your passion is closely linked to your purpose. They go hand-in-hand. All
throughout your life you have had glimpses of your purpose. Its right there
inside of you. When you discover your purpose, you awaken the giant
within and you ignite a flame that quickly grows into a fire that other people
and new opportunities are drawn towards.
If we dont discover why we were created and fulfill our purpose, we will be
heading toward self-destruction. It is like this with anything that has been
created for an intended purpose, including humans. If its intention is not
fulfilled, then it is abused, which simply means abnormal use. This allows
more room for stress, frustration, disease, relationship breakdowns, and
sadly in a lot of cases, premature death.
Here are some questions that may help you discover your purpose:

What sort of people always come to you for help?

What is the common subject of their conversations with you?
Who benefits most from your unique talents, gifts and abilities?
What can you do confidently and almost effortlessly?
What turns you on?

7 Steps to Create the Life YOU Desire

What sort of problem exists in the world today which you feel you
may be able to help solve?
Your purpose is not only about you, but what you can contribute to the
lives of others by meeting their need. By doing that, life becomes a more
enriching experience for you.
You can have all the wealth in the world and still be unhappy, or you can
keep your talents, gifts and abilities to yourself, and be equally unhappy,
because your life becomes small and constricted.
It is through givingthe giving of yourself, your encouragement, your time
and your knowledge to help other people growthat you are given a life
worth living.
Your life then becomes much bigger, and overflows with abundance. You
give more to receive more. The cycle continues and you impact more and
more lives.
Living my purpose makes my life less complicated and brings more
clarity and focus to my whole existence. It is my compass for making
the right decisions.


7 Steps to Create the Life YOU Desire

Chapter Six

Step 6: Walk with Vision

Holding a vision of where you want to be in life will not only plot the way to your
destination. It will also pull you toward it. Whether it is a personal dream for your
business, your family or your marriage, having a vision is an absolute necessity if
you want to maximize your potential and create the life you deserve.
A vision is a picture that you hold mentally, visualizing in your minds eye how
you want your personal or business life to look in the futurewhat it could be.
A vision also has the power to produce change in a community and break
down barriers. To hold a vision is to walk by faith, not by sight.
The greatest gift God ever gave man is not the gift of sight,
but the gift of vision. Sight is the function of the eyes,
but vision is the function of the heart.
Dr. Myles Munroe
When you live your life through visions, with the unshakeable self-belief
that you have already accomplished what you have picture repeatedly in
your mind (replaying it like a movie), miracles begin to occur. Even before
your mental images manifest in the physical, you start to draw to yourself all
the resources and people needed to make them happen.
Like an unfolding miracle, through continuous repetition, that vision is pulled
toward you with increasing strength until it manifests in its physical form.
The more you practice this, the more you are accessing your unlimited
creative power. Literally, you can achieve anything you set your heart on,
making sure what youre envisioning is in alignment with your higher values
and purpose.

7 Steps to Create the Life YOU Desire

You will no longer be limited by what you see physically. Visions allow you to
tap into the unlimited resources within you, unleashing it into the world to
make a difference.
Some points to consider when creating your vision:

Make it crystal clear. Clarity increases your power to attract the

strategies and resources needed to make your vision (the what)
a reality, without worrying about the how. A vision that is not clear
breeds confusion and disorder, and doesnt get you far in life.

Make it compelling and bigger than your current life. That way
youll feel motivated, energized, and have a fire in your belly that will
drive you toward your destination.
Write it down. Write out a clear statement of your vision in
present tense, and stick it on your fridge at home or somewhere
easily accessible, for you to read.

Read it every day. The more times you read it, the more you build on
and develop the new vision brain cells and the more your vision
pulls you toward it. By doing this, you are saturating your subconscious
with the new programone that you intentionally want.

Share it with others. Sharing your vision with those you feel are
supportive of you will help your vision stay alive.
Example of visions:
Personal vision: I live life to the fullest with passion, fun and
enthusiasm, and through the eyes of unconditional love.
Business vision: Our real estate business has an annual turnover of
$3,000,000, and is a leader in providing our valued customers
a service of excellence at all times.

7 Steps to Create the Life YOU Desire

It is only through vision I see the possibilities, rather than the
limitations. Its how dreams are achieved.


7 Steps to Create the Life YOU Desire

Chapter Seven

Step 7: Create the Life YOU Desire

Now that you are aware of the six previous steps, you can begin to
consciously create a new life for yourself and tap into your full potential.
Here are several ways you can do that:
Affirmations. Here are a few examples:

I live life to the fullest with passion, fun and enthusiasm.

I consistently attract the right resources in my life to grow my business.
I am a brilliant businesswoman.
I have a loving and fulfilling relationship with my partner.

Have fun creating your own. Write them down and say them regularly. I
suggest you do this every day. The more times you repeat your affirmations,
the more power you give them.
At first, they may not seem true when you write them down and you may not
believe them. Thats normal. You will find over time, sometimes faster than
you expect, that whatever you write down about yourself actually starts to
manifest in your life. Thats where the excitement starts. Its like placing your
order at a restaurant or from a catalogue. You get what you ordered! You ignite
with renewed energy and passion as you start to see fast results in your life.

Setting goals. Again, write them down. I recommend having a goal

book. There is something powerful about writing things down. I
believe it is part of the creative process, bringing things into physical
reality in our lives.

We process about 60,000 thoughts each day. If we only kept our


7 Steps to Create the Life YOU Desire

goals in our head, wouldnt they just get lost among all the other
things that our mind is engaged in? Writing them down says we are
clear about what we want.
Every goal has to have a deadline. That way, it gives you a time frame
in which to achieve it and it motivates you at the same time. Each
goal has to align with your values in life, as explained in Step 4.

Goals are a means to an end, not the ultimate purpose of our lives.
They are simply a tool to concentrate our focus and move us in a
direction. The only reason we really pursue goals is to cause ourselves
to expand and grow. Achieving goals by themselves will never make
us happy in the long term; its who you become, as you overcome the
obstacles necessary to achieve your goals, that can give you the
deepest and most long-lasting sense of fulfillment.
Anthony Robbins
Vision boards. This allows you to visually see your goals. Whatever
you want in your life, materialistic or otherwise, stick pictures and
affirmations of it on the board. Then each day for about 15 minutes,
take a moment to sit undisturbed in front of your board, and have a
good look at your life on the board, as youve created it.
Close your eyes and imagine that you are already living it right
now, making sure you use all your five senses when you are in this
visualization mode. Answer these questions: What do you see in your
new life? What does being a high achiever smell like? What does it
feel like when you touch it? What does it taste like? What sort of
sounds can you hear?
What is happening here is that you are pulling your goals toward you
with greater strength and energy, so they can manifest more quickly.
You are putting to work the powerful Creative Process: Ask, Believe,

7 Steps to Create the Life YOU Desire

Consciously choose your relationships. As you start to build yourself
a new life, be mindful of the people you surround yourself with.
Make sure they are people who are successful in their own right,
nonjudgmental towards you, have what you want, and can bring out
the best in you, moving you closer to the goals you are aiming for.
When a seed is sowed in the right environment and given the right
amount of sunlight, nutrients and water, it flourishes and produces
good fruit, sustaining many.
If the people you are allowing into your life are not helping you grow,
disassociate yourself from them. Otherwise youll be hampered by
them as you grow towards your dream. This applies to the kind of
books you read, what you watch on television and in movies, what
you listen to, the places you visit. All these shape your destiny. We
are influenced by the company we keep.
To see my life come alive like never before, through the things Ive
consciously created, makes life so much more exhilarating and fun, and
an absolute adventure.


7 Steps to Create the Life YOU Desire

Thank you for giving yourself permission to join me on this journey.
I have just shared with you some of the steps I have implemented that have
transformed my life beyond my imagination. I am profoundly grateful to
be able to share my experience with you. I hope you will take something
valuable out of it to implement in your own life, so that one day you can
say to me, Kelera, what you shared transformed my life and now I am
impacting other lives too.
The key to living the life you truly deserve is to take the knowledge that you
have gained in your journey and apply it to your life. Taking action is vital.
No action, no change! We can have all the knowledge on the planet, but if
we dont apply it, we will remain stuck in life. Worse, we will end our time
on this planet with all our talents, gifts and abilities buried with us, not
having impacted any lives.
Remember, we get only one shot at life. We dont get another chance. This
is it! So let us do the best we can with what we already have. Share with
others your uniqueness, and experience life flowing through you like never
before. It is more fun and exhilarating to live life that way. You become a
magnet and attract more opportunities and with them, your value in the
marketplace increases remarkably.
Live life with an attitude of gratitude. Make it a habit. Look around and
inside you and give thanks for everything in your life every single day of
your existence: the gift of life, the air you breathe, your health, the beauty
of nature around you, your husband or partner, your children, your family
and friends, having access to this information, and so on.
The more you are grateful with what you already have, to the point where
you start to release tears, no longer taking life for granted, you set yourself

7 Steps to Create the Life YOU Desire

up to powerfully attract more good things in life, taking you higher and
higher. Your level of fulfillment and happiness increases remarkably.
So, to the Aspiring Woman in you with big dreams, are you ready for takeoff? Its time to RISE, SHINE and SOAR to make a difference, creating for
yourself the life you truly deserve. It is time to release yourself and fly like
an eagle, accomplishing extraordinary things. It is your birthright to be
prosperous and successful. Live life big!
For information on how you can live life at this level, see the next page.
To have more than youve got, become more than you are.
Jim Rohn


7 Steps to Create the Life YOU Desire

Where To From Here?

If you have enjoyed reading this e-book and have a burning desire to make a
difference in the world, heres how you can do that.
Aspiring athletes hire a coach, someone to help them perform at peak level
and give them an extra edge in life. Most personal development books
recommend having a personal coach, a person who is nonjudgmental and
can see in you what you cannot see in yourself. A person who helps shape
you into the person you aspire to be and cheers for you from the sideline, as
you tap into your full potential and achieve things you never imagined you
could achieve. I would not have excelled to this level in life in only a short
time and be making a difference, without one.
Kevin Hall in his book, Aspire! Discovering Your Purpose through the Power
of Words, encapsulates the role of coaches brilliantly and writes, Coaches
point out the sharp turns, potholes, perils and pitfalls of the road being
traveled. They steer clear of the dead-end streets and unnecessary detours
as they safely navigate us to our desired destination. Whether they are
leading or teaching or showing or guiding or mentoring, they are coaches.
And they are indispensable in helping us find our path and purpose.
If you feel you could benefit from a personal coach to help you tap into
your full potential and make a difference, you can TAKE ACTION NOW
by contacting for a
I look forward to partnering with you on your journey of self-discovery, so
that you too can have the opportunity to share your gifts with the world and
positively impact many lives.
There is no greater joy in life than seeing other peoples lives transformed to
remarkable levels by fulfilling the purpose we were created for.
Because YOU matter,
Kelera Kotobalavu

7 Steps to Create the Life YOU Desire

Life-Transforming Resources
1. The Secret DVD. Melbourne, Australia: Prime Time Productions
2. You Were Born Rich, Bob Proctor
3. 7 Strategies for Wealth & Happiness: Power Ideas from Americas
Foremost Business Philosopher, Jim Rohn
4. The Power of Vision. You Tube: Dr. Myles Munroe
5. Aspire! Discovering your Purpose through the Power of Words, Kevin Hall


7 Steps to Create the Life YOU Desire

About the Author

Growing up in the country of Fiji, Kelera Kotobalavu was a shy teenager
lacking in confidence and self-esteem. Though she held leadership roles in
school, deep down, she didnt think highly of herself.
One critical decision she made in early adulthood changed the course of her
life entirely.
Though consumed with fear initially, she agreed to represent her employer
in a beauty contest at an annual week-long festival to raise funds for the less
Kelera entered the competition with a casual attitude, thinking, Oh, theyre
better than me in reference to the other 11 contestants. She did not at all
expect to win, but to her utter disbelief, she did win! She was crowned as
queen and reigned for 12 months.
That experience, she says, was a wake-up call. Her confidence shot up to
new levels and she began to see herself differently. The seed of self-belief
had been sown. Her win opened new doors of opportunities for her and
played a significant role in her decision to migrate to Australia in 1995.
Gifted with a genuine compassion for others, Kelera worked for 10 years
as a nurse specialist in a large teaching hospital in Sydney. Having achieved
her professional goal to reach the top of her career ladder, she decided to
make a change in direction. She had a strong desire for a new and exciting
challenge, one that would allow her to explore her full potential.
With great determination and self-belief, she took an intelligent risk and
resigned from her job to start a small home-based business in health and
wellness. She knew if she didnt gather the courage to spread her wings at
that time, she was going to be stuck for a long time in life, not giving herself
permission to live life to the fullest.
It was through that business that she first heard of personal development
and became hooked on the self-improvement bug. It became her passion.
Aware that she has only one shot at life, she moved on from her homebased business to focus on becoming the best she could be to significantly

7 Steps to Create the Life YOU Desire

impact others lives. She soon became a Life Coach, one of her greatest
goals in life.
Her life began to transform beyond her imagination as she started to
overcome her limitations, change her mindset and tap into her full potential.
As Kelera describes it, I now see myself, others and the whole universe with
a new set of eyes, with overflowing love. Its an amazing feeling and one
that I am very grateful for.
Having gone through transformational change herself, she knows how one
womans change can significantly revolutionize every area of her life to
levels not experienced before, while her relationship with her husband, her
children, and others around her grows to deeper and more fulfilling levels.
While having more peace, order, love, fun, happiness, adventure and
abundance in her life, the transformed woman can change her whole
environment and beyond. As this became more evident in her life, Kelera
became convinced that EMPOWERING WOMEN FOR CHANGE was her
As a company of womenwomen of integrity, women of truth, women of
faith, women with confidence , women with vision, women with courageit
is without doubt that we are here to affect change and make the world a
better place. To do that though, change needs to start with us first. Nothing
changes until we change!
Kelera is now fulfilling her purpose by serving her gifts to the world through
coaching, workshops, speaking and writing.
She can be reached at


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