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A day in the life of a lower level learner

For this observation, you will begin by observing the class for 1
1. What do you notice? Does the class have any strengths or weaknesses? The strength is
children have counterintuitive speed in answering for example, they answer
together and quickly. The weaknesses when someone answers even the
answer are wrong they start saying the same answer.
2. Are there learners who finish activities quickly? What do they do when they have
finished? Yes, they start disturbing other they start shouting and saying finish
moving around the class.
3. Are there learners who do not finish a task(s)? How does the teacher deal with them?
She asks them if they want to play on the playground they should finish the
task or she rewards those who finish quickly.
4. Are there any learners with special needs? How does the teacher meet their needs?
No, there is no.
5. How does the teacher manage learners with different levels/abilities?
She explains for those who have slow understanding first. If they didnt
understand, she explains the task again for them and encourages them.

Observe one of the learners for the rest of the day and make notes.
Here is an example:

Activity (what is the

learner doing?)

Notes (what happens during the activity?)


The teacher asked the

children to take the
small board and start to
write the letter.

Afraa started writing the letter, but she didn't

write it correctly. She found it difficult to write
it at the beginning of the word.


Teacher played with

them the dice game.
They should throw the
dice then jump.

afraa joined the game with her friend but

she didn't follow the rules

After the observation

1. How many different activities did the learner do? One activity.
2. How did s/he interact with the other learners throughout the day? She has dealt
with them well and didnt argue with anyone.
3. What was the longest period of time the learner spent focusing on one activity? When
the teacher gives the children the writing sheet.
4. What did the learner do during the break times?
She plays different games alone or with her friend and she start running
around the ground.

5. What did the learners attention span / interest during activities seem like?
She concentrates for three minutes then she starts playing with anything
besides her.
6. What did the learner seem to like doing the most / least during the day? Still active
and she ask the teachers when she will let them use ipad.
Follow a learner for a day and write down the activities and movements in the table below.

Name: Afraa Nasir Mohammad

Age: 4 years

Level: KG 1

Date of observation: 30 / Oct / 2016


Activity /
Walking to the

She just moves her lips but, no hesitation anthem.
Don't walk in the line, still turning back and stopped the line.


Washing her

When she enters the toilet, she starts pushing her friends
and sprinkle water.


Standing in line
to enter the
Morning snack

She was late because, she goes to the toilet twice to play
with soap.


She eats half of the cucumber and put the second half in her


Cleaning her
eating place

She cleaned her place and returned the chair to the correct


Writing work

She wrote the letter in the correct way.


Walking to the

She turned back many times and suddenly she stopped the


Playing with the


She builds many layers with the blocks.



She used the green color for the leaves.

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