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Day seven 1 - Nov 2016

I arrived at 7:20 today. I went to the class to put my staff and

organize the items that will be used today. Then I sit to wait
the kids today the class was full I have two student were
absent. Today because my MST is absent I give them the
letter N in Arabic and we make a quick revision for the color
green .I ask the kids if there is something green in the class so,
I divide them in to groups boys and girls and I choose
randomly 5 students to collect the green objects and the first
one who bring them will be the winner. Then we went to the
GYM they started jumping in the tent and running around the
sport machine. At 10:30 they ate their meal it was pizza and
milk. Then we talked about the living and non-living and they
have a lot of examples. Then I left at 1:30.

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