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Bring Handphone to School

Pro Team :
Nadia Putri Andini
Anis Syatur Rhodifah
Ferdi Saputra
Our Reason :
1. The first is the parents can contact their children either directly (by phone)
or indirectly (via sms)
2. At least parents feel comfortable as it can communicate with children in case
of schedule changes, emergencies, and the like that are important, if the
student does not bring a phone to school, the parents will need to contact the
school numbers are usually busy, or there are also parents who bother to
come to the school and it will take time a lot.
3. Handphone can be used as a tool, particulary telephone comes with some
accecories such as calculators and internet. Application can help in
4. The good impact for students in school is as a mean of searching
information for lesson seference. If the teachers ask student to find materials
in the internet, handphones may help to find the materials.
Reply Speech :
Because if the students banned from bringing handphone to school, and
suddenly there was a sudden extra activitas in school until the afternoon. For
example : then they would be difficult to call their parents to tell them, and
of course this will make parents nervous at home but if the students bring
handphone then it will make easier for parents to know where the child-their
child. And if there are things unwanted things happen for example
kidnapping, etc then the existence handphone will be very helpfull for
students, to report on the matter to the authorities and their families.

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