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5th Grade

September 19th, 2012

Name: ..

1. Tick the correct word:

1) Hello, my Jennie.
am name is
2) What ..your favourite colour?
are age is
3) How .are you?
name age old
4) Where you live?
is do does
5) What .. your telephone number?
is are am
6) How many brothers you got?
am have has
7) How many brothers .Tom got?
is do has
8) The lives in the jungle.
cat mouse lion
9) I have got a red .. .
hut hat hen
10) She .got blue eyes.
have do has

11) We .to school every day.

goes go do
12) my favourite number.
nin nine nene
13) ..lucky number is three.
you mine my
14) The is red.
pear apple banana
15) I ..writing a poem.
is are am
16) He to music.
listen listens listening
17) They football every day.
playing play plays
18) ..are red and violets
rose/is roses/are rosez/am
19) Tina my best friend.
am are is
20) Tim .got three brothers and we two sisters.
have/has have /have has/have

2. Write the missing letters, then translate the words

RU _ _ ER _____________
R _ LE _
DE _ K
P_ N
PEN_ _ L
D _ _ R
BL _ _ K BO_ _ D
MO_HER _____________
TOM _ _ O


3. Translate the follow ing sentences

1. Mama ei cumpr fructe i legume n fiecare sptmn.
2. Lunea, bunicii prietenului meu merg la cinema.
3. Are tatl lui o ma in nou i albastr?
4. Colegului tu i plac foarte mult cire ele i strugurii.
5. Fratele lor nu ascult muzic acum, ci se uit la TV n sufragerie.
4. Say as many words as you can about: your house, your school, your daily activities, fruit,

vegetables, animals, seasons, like/dont like, family members

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