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By Leopoldo Yabes
Narrator: (galakaw2x si Namongan(pregnant) & Don Juan sweetly)
O God, the Holy Ghost, illumine, Lord, my thought so I can relate faithfully the count
of the life of man. In the old, old days there were a couple who had just been united
in holy wedlock. As the days rolled by, the wife conceived the fruit of the sacrament
they had received.
Namongan(on confinement): My husband, Don Juan, where are you going?
Don Juan: I will set out for the blackest mountain by the way of the river to engage a
fight with the checkered Igorots
Narrotor: (nanganak si Namongan) As Don Juan was on fight with the Igorots,
Namongan is already laying to give birth to his son. And while giving birth, Don
Juan was killed by the Igorots.
(Mag drama pa, pina slow motion ang pagkamatay ni Don Juan with music)
(while gakugos si namongan ni Lam-ang)
Lam-ang: Mother Namongan, as I will be baptized you shall call me Lam-ang and my
god-father shall be the old man Gibuan
Lam-ang (during baptism): Mother, I would like to know if I have a father or none?
Whether u am of honorable or dishonorable birth.
Namongan: Son, when you where in my womb, your father went away for a war and
since then he has not returned.
Lam-ang: mother, kindly give me the authority to search for him.
Namongan: My brave Lam-ang, dare not to go because you are still too young and
your limbs are brittle.
Narrator: (Ely i.illustrate ra) Despite of Namongan s opposition, Lam-ang bravely
went to the Igorot country hoping to find his father. He wrapped several kinds of
magic stones and wended his way through thickets of brush & bamboos. As he
reached the valley of water he saw the biggest tree where the Igorots usually rest
and he decided to wait for them under the tree. As Lam-ang was waiting,he saw a
vision of his father and someone spoke to him.
Arise, my friend Lam-ang, tarry not you and resume your journey immediately for
the Igorots are already feasting around the head of your father.

And so Lam-ang rushed and reached the blackest mountain and saw the Igorots
Lam-ang: I would like to know what crime my father has committed to beheaded
Chief Igorot: Lam-ang, our friend, you better go home or if not you will follow your
fathers fate
Lam-ang: I would not be satisfied if I only fight with you. Call all your fellow Igorots
and fight with me.
Narrator: As Lam-ang is surrounded by his enemies he makes sounds on his arms,
groins and legs. The fight has begun, the Igorots are throwing spears towards Lamang and their spears are running out BUT EVEN ONCE SPEAR DID NOT TOUCH ANY
Lam-ang: It is now my turn to take revenge (draw your sword and struck it into the
ground) Checkered Igorots, get ready (open your arms wide kay ni summoned kag
low strong wind. Find sound effects ra guro) this is now your end!
Narrator: And Lam-ang untooth the Chief igorot, dugged his eyes and cut off his
ears and fingers.
Lam-ang: This I did to you so your relative will have something to remember by me.
Now, field of combat. I bid you goodbye.
Narrator: Lam-ang then went home to his mother.
Lam-ang: Mother Namongan, I would like to know what fault my father committed to
left you.
Namongan: My son, Lam-ang, I know nothing he should have hated me because we
have never quarreled.
Lam-ang: Punishment should be your due, had you not reasoned well.
Narrator: When they were about to finish cleaning the palay, Lam-ang took a walk
on the bank of the river and saw whirlpools in the water caused by the crocodile.
Lam-ang: Ay, my sisters burn the rice straw now.
Narrator: And when the straw would not burn, Lam-ang summoned the strong wind
and the fire rose in flames.
Lam-ang: Ay, my sisters, dont wait in anxiety, for now I will dive deep and try my
mettle with the huge crocodile.

Narrator: Lam-ang dived upsteam but could find the crocodile because it had gone
downstream; when the animal went upstream and Lam-ang downstream, the two
came face-to-face.
Then began the battle royal. In his utter fury, Lam-ang charged the crocodile and
without much struggle overcame it and carried it on his back ashore.
(Exit ang tanang tawo except sa narrator)
Lam-ang gathered some teeth of the crocodile because it can be a good talisman
for the journey and brought some accessories for he would like to pay court to Doa
Ines Kannoyan who lives in the town of Kalanutian.
(Enter si Ely)
And now Lam-ang departed and walked in the direction of Kalanutian, Home town of
Doa Ines Kannoyan. He walked on and on, and when he was about halfway his
trip, he met a man, Sumarang whose eyes were as big as a plate and whose nose
was of the size of two feet put together.
Lam-ang: my friend Sumarang, May I know the land where you came from?
Sumarang: if you wish to know my friend, I came from kalanutian where I went to
pay court to Doa Kannoyan.
Lam-ang: I am also heading there and we have the same aim.
Sumarang: You better not continue your journey, for sure Doa Ines Kannoyan will
not accept the love of such a man like you.
Lam-ang: Im still determined to try my luck with Doa Ines.
Narrator: Sumarang drew his spear and struck at his friend Lam-ang. Lam-ang
received the spear as he would receive buyo from the hands of a maiden. And
resumed his journey.
He walk on and on and presently came to the house of a woman, Saridandan was
the name.
Saridandan: The buyo here on this tray has become dry waiting for you, my brother
Lam-ang. Brother, will you let me know where you came from?
Lam-ang: if you wish to learn, I came down from my father and my mother
Please dont detain me any longer, for I am bound for kalanutian so I may be able
to see Doa Ines.

Saridandan: how cruel you are brother, you dont even give me the satisfaction of
acceding to my request.
Narrator: brave Lam-ang walk on determined to reach his destination and seek out
his luck.
Upon reaching the town of Kalanutian he was surprise at the number of suitors
entertaining themselves.
After seeing all those suitors, Lam-ang is still positive so he began courting
(Insert courting scenes)
After all the courting Kannoyans mother approved Lam-angs courtship,
AFTER, Lam-ang and Kannoyan got married.
On the morrow of the next day, Lam-ang prepared himself to fish for raring. Upon
fishing, when he saw a raring creeping down, he dived for it but could never find it.
He dived for the 2nd time and fell exactly into the mouth of a big berkakan.
The wife became worried because Lam-ang hasnt arrive home.
When the wife new about the situation, she also went off in search of her husband
with the help of the old man Marcos, a skill diver. They only found the bones of Lamang and brought it to the rooster revived Lam-ang.
Lam-ang and his wife were filled with joy and embraced his pet rooster and hairy
Here ends the story of the life of the brave lam-ang, Husband of Doa Ines kannoya.
And they live happily ever after.

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