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Pharmaceutica Acta Helvetiae 73 1998.


Effect of variability in hepatic clearance on the bioequivalence

parameters of a drug and its metabolite: simulations using a
pharmacostatistical model
Sara E. Rosenbaum
Department of Applied Pharmaceutical Science, College of Pharmacy Uniersity of Rhode Island, Rhode Island, USA
Received 16 October 1997; revised 4 February 1998; accepted 4 February 1998


A semi-physiological pharmacostatistical model was developed and used to study the manner in which intra-individual variability in
hepatic clearance is transmitted to the area-under the plasma concentration-time curve from zero to infinity AUC. of a drug and its
metabolite. In order to clarify the effects, the model contained no other sources of variability. As the drugs hepatic extraction ratio
increased, the coefficient of variation CV. of the AUC of the drug increased, whereas that of the metabolite decreased. The AUC of the
metabolite increased as the drugs non-hepatic clearance increased. In contrast, at low extraction ratios, the CV of the AUC of the drug
decreased as the drugs non-hepatic clearance increased. At high extraction ratios, the CV of the AUC of the drug was insensitive to the
contributions of other forms of clearance. The results suggest that under certain circumstances, smaller samples sizes could be used in
bioequivalence studies for highly variable drugs if the test were based on the metabolite rather than the parent drug. q 1998 Elsevier
Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Bioequivalence; Bioavailability; Pharmacokinetics; Population pharmacokinetics

1. Introduction the bioequivalence parameters AUC and Cmax . of the

generic and those of the innovator product must fall within
The evaluation of bioequivalence for the approval of
the limits of 80 and 125%. The economic advantages of
generic versions of brand-name products is based on the
the lower priced generics are estimated to save consumers
demonstration of equivalency with respect to the rate and
and managed health care organizations billions of dollars
extent of absorption of the drug. The extent of drug
each year.
absorption is usually assessed using the area under the
The sample size used by drug sponsors is based on
plasma concentration time curve AUC., while the rate of
power analysis and must be sufficiently large to permit the
absorption is usually assessed using the peak plasma con-
demonstration of bioequivalency if indeed it exists. Intra-
centration Cmax . and sometimes the time of peak Tmax ..
individual variability of the AUC is a critical factor in
Bioequivalence is established if the sponsor can demon-
determining sample size Diletti et al., 1991; Hauschke et
strate that the bioequivalence parameters of the drug from
al., 1992.. In the case of highly variable drugs, usually
the dosage form are similar to those of the innovator
defined as those which exhibit intra-subject variability of
product. In the U.S., the 90% confidence interval of the
bioequivalence parameters of greater than 2530%, the
difference between the logarithmic transformed mean of
demonstration of bioequivalency can be very difficult and
require the use of excessively large cohorts of subjects
Corresponding author. Tel.: q1 401 874 5021; fax: q1 401 874 Boddy et al., 1995.. In many cases large intra-subject
2181; e-mail: variability in the AUC occurs for drugs subject to exten-

0031-6865r98r$19.00 q 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

PII S 0 0 3 1 - 6 8 6 5 9 8 . 0 0 0 0 8 - 9
136 S.E. Rosenbaumr Pharmaceutica Acta Heletiae 73 (1998) 135144

Fig. 1. Pharmacokinetic model. The rate of all processes except absorption were based on clearance. Where, Cl nh is the drugs non-hepatic clearance, Cl m
is the metabolites clearance, E is the hepatic extraction ratio w Es Cl int = f u .r QqCl int = f u .x, Cl int is intrinsic unbound hepatic clearance of the drug,
f u is the fraction of the drug unbound in the plasma, Q is hepatic blood flow. The drugs hepatic clearance, Cl h is equal to EQ. The rate of absorption was
expressed using the first order rate constant k a .. ) An error model for intra-individual variability in hepatic clearance was added as described in Section

sive and variable pre-systemic metabolism by the gastro- could be valuable to help optimize the design of bioequiva-
intestinal andror hepatic enzymes systems Shah et al., lence studies and avoid the need to use extremely large
1996.. Large sample sizes may also be necessary for drugs sample sizes. For example, if it were possible to predict
that form active metabolites, where bioequivalence usually the probable variability in the bioequivalence parameters
has to be demonstrated with respect to both parent drug of the drug and metabolite, based on their population
and the metabolite Hauck et al., 1995.. In such cases, pharmacokinetics, greater weight could be placed on the
owing to the differing forms and degrees of variability species with the more robust, less variable bioequivalence
experienced by the drug and its metabolite, it is possible parameter. Thus fewer subjects would be needed for the
for a study to demonstrate equivalency with respect to one study.
species but not the other. In order to clarify these factors a semi-physiological
The manner in which variability in hepatic clearance pharmacokinetic model with controlled error in hepatic
affects the AUC of the drug and that of the metabolite is clearance was developed. Plasma concentration time data
potentially complex and a function of the magnitude and were simulated under a variety of conditions and the
existence of alternative elimination processes for the drug variability in the AUC of the drug and its metabolite
andror the metabolite. An understanding of these factors studied.

Fig. 2. a. STELLAw diagram of the pharmacokinetic model used for oral drug administration. Where k a , is the first order absorption rate constant; Q,
hepatic blood flow; Clh i , hepatic clearance of the drug in individual i; Clh i, j , hepatic clearance of the drug in individual i at time j; Cl nh is the
non-hepatic clearance of the drug; Cl m is the clearance of the metabolite; Vd d and Vd m are the volumes of distribution for the drug and metabolite
respectively and Cp d and Cp m are the plasma concentrations of the drug and metabolite respectively. Hepatic clearance was calculated using the well
stirred venous equilibrium model as described in Section 2. Details of the statistical model for intra-subject variability are also given in Section 2. b.
STELLAw diagram of the pharmacokinetic model used for intravenous drug administration. Where Clh i, j , hepatic clearance of the drug in individual i at
time j; Cl nh is the non-hepatic clearance of the drug; Cl m is the clearance of the metabolite; Vd d and Vd m are the volumes of distribution for the drug
and metabolite respectively and Cp d and Cp m are the plasma concentrations of the drug and metabolite respectively. Hepatic clearance was calculated
using the well stirred venous equilibrium model as described in Section 2. Details of the statistical model for intra-subject variability are also given in
Section 2.
S.E. Rosenbaumr Pharmaceutica Acta Heletiae 73 (1998) 135144 137

2. Experimental procedures tion k GI s 5 hy1 . through the lumen was created in

STELLAw High Performance Systems, Hanover, NH..
2.1. Pharmacokinetic model
The general nature of the model is shown in Fig. 1 and the
A one-compartmental semi-physiological pharmacoki- STELLAw model is shown in Fig. 2a. The absorption rate
netic model, with first order gastro-intestinal GI. absorp- constant was maintained constant throughout the study and
138 S.E. Rosenbaumr Pharmaceutica Acta Heletiae 73 (1998) 135144

complete absorption of the dose through the GI lumen was ered separately from its function in the clearance of the
assumed for all simulations. Thus, the fraction of the dose drug from the systemic circulation.
reaching the liver Ff . was maintained at unity. The The drug was assumed to undergo metabolism in the
function of the liver in the first pass process was consid- liver by a single, linear enzymatic process. A value of 90

Fig. 3. Typical plasma concentration time data generated from the model. Graph of plasma concentration against time for the parent drug a. and the
metabolite b.. The 100 data sets were generated from the computer model described Section 2. The data in the graph were generated from the oral
administration model with an intrinsic hepatic clearance of 90 lrh Es 0.5. and a non-hepatic clearance of 1.2 lrh.
S.E. Rosenbaumr Pharmaceutica Acta Heletiae 73 (1998) 135144 139

lrh was used for hepatic blood flow Gibaldi and Perrier, atic first pass extraction Fig. 2b.. This model was used to
1982. and 1.34 l for the volume of the liver Bourne, study the effect of the drugs extraction ratio on the
1995.. It was assumed that the drug did not bind to the variability of the AUC of the drug.
plasma proteins. Hepatic clearance was calculated using
the well-stirred venous equilibrium model Wilkinson and 2.3. Variability
Shand, 1975; Rowland et al., 1973. using values of intrin-
sic hepatic clearance from 360 to 10.0 lrh. Thus, the
Intra-subject variability in hepatic clearance was added
hepatic extraction ratio E . was varied from 0.8 to 0.1
to the pharmacokinetic model as described below. A con-
respectively, with corresponding values of the maximum
stant coefficient of variation model was used. Thus, intra-
oral bioavailability Fh . varying from 0.2 to 0.9 respec-
individual variability was modeled to cause the hepatic
tively. During the simulations, the drugs clearance by
clearance to deviate from the mean value in an individual,
other routes andror pathways non-hepatic clearance. was
by an amount that was proportion to the mean value in that
set either at a low or high value; 1.2 lrh or 50 lrh
individual. Thus:
respectively. The drugs volume of distribution was varied
from 54 l to 206 l, in direct proportion to the changes in Clh i , j s Clh i = 1 q l .
total body clearance in order to maintain a constant half-life
of 1.95 h. The clearance of the metabolite was varied from where: Clh i, j represents hepatic clearance in individual i at
2.25 to 200 lrh and its volume of distribution from 19.4 to time j. Clh i represents the mean hepatic clearance in
1729 l in order to maintain the half-life at 5.99 h. individual i. l is a normally distributed random variable
with an average value of 0. The standard deviation of l
2.2. Intraenous model represents the coefficient of variation for intra-individual
The basic model was converted to an intravenous model The coefficient of variation for intra-individual variabil-
by eliminating the gastro-intestinal compartment and hep- ity was set at 30%, which is within the range reported in

Fig. 4. The coefficient of variation CV. of the drug as a function of the hepatic extraction ratio. Plasma concentration time data were generated from a
pharmacostatistical model with oral solid lines. and intravenous dashed lines. drug input. Error was added to hepatic clearance. Simulations were
performed when non-hepatic clearance was high 50 lrh. B. and low 1.2 lrh. '..
140 S.E. Rosenbaumr Pharmaceutica Acta Heletiae 73 (1998) 135144

the literature Sheiner and Ludden, 1992.. During a simu- terminal last five data points. portion of the loglinear
lation, hepatic clearance was varied according to the model concentration-time curve. The area under the curve AUC.
above every hour so that the effects of intra-individual from zero to the last measured sample was determined
variability would be magnified. Assay error was not in- using the trapezoidal rule. The AUC from the last mea-
cluded in the simulations. sured sample to infinity was determined by dividing the
last plasma concentration by the elimination rate constant.
2.4. Simulations
2.6. Model alidation
Simulations were carried out using a fixed dose of 50
mg. For each set of model parameters 100 sets of plasma The operation of the structural component of the model
concentration time data were simultaneously generated for was assessed by generating output in the absence of an
the drug and the metabolite. Plasma concentrations were error model. Pharmacokinetic analysis was then performed
obtained from zero to 24 h after the dose, and were on the simulated data using commercially available soft-
generated by numerical integration every 0.01 h. All data ware MKMODELw , Biosoft, Cambridge, UK.. The fol-
were expressed to at least three significant figures. lowing pharmacokinetic parameters were determined:
VdrF, ClrF, the overall absorption rate constant k a ..
2.5. Bioequialence parameters Data simulated from the intravenous bolus injection model
was also used in order to permit the estimation of F
The bioequivalence parameters for the drug and the following the oral dose. This procedure was carried out for
metabolite were determined from an abbreviated data set, the whole spectrum of pharmacokinetic parameters stud-
designed to mimic the timed samples of a bioequivalence ied. A similar procedure was performed for the metabolite.
study. Thus, assessments were based on the simulated In all cases the modeled values of Cl, Vd and F for the
concentrations at: 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, drug and Cl and Vd for the metabolite were within 99.5%
18 and 24 h. The elimination rate constant was determined of their values assigned in the model. The overall absorp-
from the slope of the regression line that best fit the tion rate constant, which was a function of GI absorption

Fig. 5. The coefficient of variation CV. of the drug B. and the metabolite '. as a function of the ratio of the drugs hepatic clearance to its total
clearance. Plasma concentration-time data were derived from a pharmacostatistical model for oral drug input with error added to hepatic clearance. The
drugs hepatic extraction ratio was set to 0.2.
S.E. Rosenbaumr Pharmaceutica Acta Heletiae 73 (1998) 135144 141

k GI . and intake from the liver was modeled to a value of to 1730 l. in order to maintain the half-life at an mean
4.6 hy1 , compared to the assigned value of 5 hy1 for k GI . value of 5.99 h.
Additionally, all the AUCs estimated during the course of
the study were compared to their theoretical values calcu-
3. Results
lated using basic pharmacokinetic equations see Section
4.. The estimated values "s.d.. were 102.6% "6.2. and Typical output from the computer simulations for the
95.5% "1.5. of their theoretical values for the drug and drug and the metabolite are shown in Fig. 3a and b
metabolite respectively. respectively. The pharmacostatistical model demonstrated
that after oral administration, the variability in the AUC of
2.7. Effect of the drugs clearance by other pathways the drug increased as the drugs extraction ratio increased
Fig. 4.. After intravenous input, however, less variability
In order to study the effect of the drugs clearance by in the AUC of the drug was apparent Fig. 4.. At high
other pathways, the drugs non-hepatic clearance was var- extraction ratios E s 0.8., the CV of the AUC was 5.5
ied from 1 to 100 lrh. This effect was studied when the and 3.5 fold higher after oral input compared to intra-
drugs extraction ratio was equal to 0.2 and 0.8. venous, which suggests that pre-systemic extraction is the
main source for the of variability in the AUC observed
2.8. Effect of the metabolites clearance after oral input.
Only the model for oral input was used to study the
The effect of the metabolites clearance was investi- effect of non-hepatic clearance. At low extraction ratios, as
gated by varying its value from 5 to 200 lrh. The metabo- non-hepatic clearance increased and hepatic clearance be-
lites volume of distribution was also varied from 43.25 l came a lower fraction of overall clearance, the CV of the

Fig. 6. The coefficient of variation CV. of the drug B. and the metabolite '. as a function of the ratio of the drugs hepatic clearance to its total
clearance. Plasma concentration-time data were derived from a pharmacostatistical model for oral drug input with error added to hepatic clearance. The
drugs hepatic extraction ratio was set to 0.8.
142 S.E. Rosenbaumr Pharmaceutica Acta Heletiae 73 (1998) 135144

Fig. 7. The coefficient of variation CV. of the drug B. and the metabolite '. as a function of the hepatic extraction ratio. Plasma concentration-time
data were derived from a pharmacostatistical model for oral drug input with error added to hepatic clearance. Simulations were performed when
non-hepatic clearance was high 50 lrh. dashed lines. and low 1.2 lrh. solid lines..

AUC of the drug decreased Fig. 5.. At high extraction tions that control the manner in which this source of
ratios, where the CV was already high, the non-hepatic intra-individual variability is translated to the AUC of a
clearance had no discernible effect on the CV of the AUC drug and its metabolite. In order to clarify these relation-
of the drug Fig. 6.. ships, a simple linear one compartmental pharmacokinetic
In contrast, the CV of the AUC of the metabolite model was used and intra-individual variability was re-
increased as non-hepatic clearance increased Figs. 5 and stricted to the single metabolic process that produced the
6. and decreased as the drugs extraction ratio increased metabolite under investigation.
Fig. 7.. Additionally, although the variability of the AUC The model demonstrated that the variability experienced
of the metabolite was low when the extraction ratio was in the AUC of the drug and the metabolite were affected in
large, a further reduction in the CV was apparent as the different ways by the pharmacokinetic parameters consid-
value of non-hepatic clearance decreased. ered in this study. For example, as the drugs extraction
The value of the metabolites clearance had no impact ratio increased, the CV of AUC of the drug increased
on either the variability of the AUC of the drug nor the while that of the metabolite decreased. Also as non-hepatic
metabolite data not shown.. clearance increased, the CV of the AUC of the drug
decreased while that of the metabolite increased. All of the
effects found in the study are in keeping with predications
4. Discussion based on the fundamental pharmacokinetic equations.
The AUC of an orally administered drug is given by the
Bioequivalence studies for drugs that undergo pre-sys- equation:
temic extraction are often complicated by the high intra-in- Ff = Fh = Dd
dividual variability in hepatic clearance, which can de- AUC d s
Cl h ,d q Cl nh ,d
mand an unreasonably large sample size. A pharmacosta-
tistical model was developed and used to study the condi- where: Ff s fraction of the dose reaching the liver, set to 1
S.E. Rosenbaumr Pharmaceutica Acta Heletiae 73 (1998) 135144 143

in this study. Fh s fraction of the drug entering the liver Thus, in this study:
that is not extracted, or the maximum oral bioavailability; Dd E q 1 y E . = f m
Fh s 1 y E .. Dd s dose of the drug. Cl h,d s hepatic clear- AUC m s .
Cl m
ance of the drug. Cl nh,d s non-hepatic clearance of the
drug. When non-hepatic clearance is at a minimum:
Thus, variability in hepatic clearance will impact upon Clh Clh
the AUC of the drug directly through systemic clearance fm s f s1
Clh q Clnh Clh
and indirectly through the fraction remaining after variable and
pre-systemic clearance. At high extraction ratios, the over- Dd
all variability in the AUC of the drug was reduced by AUC m s .
several orders of magnitude when pre-systemic clearance Cl m
was removed in the model with intravenous input. This Thus, the AUC of the metabolite is independent of
suggests that at high extraction ratios, pre-systemic hepatic clearance and by extension variability in this pro-
metabolism may contribute proportionally more to the cess. Drug is cleared only by metabolism and since the
overall variability in the AUC of the drug than systemic whole dose of the drug is ultimately converted to the
clearance. metabolite, the amount of metabolite formed is insensitive
Based on the formula above, as non-hepatic clearance to variability in the rate of the process. This was confirmed
of the drug increases, the impact of the variability in in the study, which illustrated negligible variability in the
hepatic clearance on overall systemic clearance of the drug AUC of the metabolite when non-hepatic clearance was
will decrease, leading to an overall reduction in the CV of low Fig. 5..
the AUC of the drug. Non-hepatic clearance however As the drugs non-hepatic clearance increased, variabil-
would not be expected to affect pre-systemic clearance and ity in hepatic clearance of the drug exerted an increasingly
the variability in the AUC of the drug that arises here. At large effect on the AUC of the metabolite; firstly through
low extraction ratios, the CV of the AUC of the drug an effect on the amount of metabolite produced during first
decreased as the non-hepatic clearance increased. How- pass extraction and secondly through an effect on the
ever, when the extraction ratio was large, the value of fraction of the systemically available drug that is metabo-
non-hepatic clearance had little effect on the CV of the lized. Thus, the CV of AUC of the metabolite increased as
AUC of the drug. For example, when E s 0.8, the overall non-hepatic clearance increased. Under conditions of high
variability on the AUC of the drug was the same when non-hepatic clearance of the drug, when significant vari-
non-hepatic clearance was 40% of total clearance as it was ability in the AUC of the metabolite existed, the CV of the
when it was 1.6%. This insensitivity to non-hepatic clear- AUC decreased as the hepatic extraction ratio increased.
ance at high extraction ratios also supports the theory that
pre-systemic extraction is the main source of variability in
5. Conclusions
the AUC of a drug subject to extensive pre-systemic
extraction. In summary, these simulations have demonstrated that
The AUC of the metabolite is given by the formula: the CV of the AUC of the drug is greatest when the drugs
Dm hepatic extraction ratio is large and suggest that variability
AUC m s in pre-systemic rather than systemic clearance is the major
Cl m
source of this variability. At high extraction ratios, the
where: Cl m s total body clearance of the metabolite. Dm amount of non-hepatic clearance had little influence on the
s amount of metabolite available systemically. variability translated to the drug. In contrast, the AUC of
The amount of metabolite available will be the sum of the metabolite was least variable at high extraction ratios
that produced during the first pass extraction of the drug, and became less variable as non-hepatic clearance de-
and that produced during the systemic clearance of the creased.
drug. Thus: Clearly, intra-individual variability associated with the
Dm s E = Ff = Dd . q 1 y E . = Ff = Dd = f m . other elimination pathways. of the drug and metabolite
and will control the complete variability experienced in the
Dm s Ff = Dd E q 1 y E . f m AUC of both species. However, providing the metabolite
does not in itself experience extensive first pass extraction,
where: f m s fraction of the systemically available drug
the results of this study suggest it is unlikely that the CV
subject to metabolism and
of the AUC of the metabolite of a highly extracted drug
f m s Cl h ,d Cl d s Cl h ,d Cl h ,d q Cl nh ,d would ever reach that of the parent drug. Under these
144 S.E. Rosenbaumr Pharmaceutica Acta Heletiae 73 (1998) 135144

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