Letter To Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu: Protection For Non-Orthodox Jews

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25 Chesvan, 5777
25 November, 2016.
Your Excelence
Prime Minister of the State of Israel
3 Kaplan St. Hakirya.
Receive a fraternal greeting in the name of God, Father of all Human Beings.
I have followed with special worrying the sad situation of systematic persecution
and attacks from Haredim against Non-Orthodox Jews; in special the recent incident
in the town of Raanana happened yesterday: graffitis with biblical and Talmudic
quotes of hate and death threats painted on the walls of the synagoges, and knifes
marked with names of Non-Orthodox leaders.
Religious freedoms are the basis of the rest of the human rights and freedoms,
therefore is important that Your Excellence promote all the necessary laws and
orders to the Police, in order to bring peace and security to every Non-Orthodox
Jewish citizens, so that they can profess openly and with freedom their ways of
Judaism of their free choice.
I hope Your Excellence can take immediately all the necessary measures in order to
protect the life, the honor and the properties of all the Non-Orthodox Jews citizens. I
am sure that if Your Excellence promotes a strong public politic of respect to the
religious freedom, in observance to the Declaration of Independence, Israel will
become a proud referent of peace and healthy coexistence for other countries across
the world.
Fulfilled the duty, I put myself to your service in everything that I can serve to the
Israeli People in this noble cause for peace.


Manhg of Shggel
International Ambassador for Peace

E-mail: manhig.sheguel@gmail.com
Fanpage in Facebook
Bogot D.C., Colombia

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