Work Value Questionaire 1

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A valueissomethingthatsimportant to you. Different careersallowyou to makechoicesabout

what you value the most. People have manysimilar values.The difference is howimportant a
certainvalue is to you.For example,youmightreallylike to doyourwork alonewhile
othersmightprefertoworkwithotherpeople.You probablywouldnotmindspendingsome time
workingwithother people,but whatyou value the most is being able toworkbyyourself.As
yougetolderandbegintomakechoicesaboutcareers,yourvalues mightchange. However,your
valuesare something youshould thinkabout now,too.If a jobfitsyour values,youll like it
better. Thelistthatfollows can help


Readeachitemcarefully.Check thevaluesthatyou consider important.When youaredone,look attheitemsyouche

Achievement:Jobsthatgivethesework valuesproduce specificresults.The workerknows

ataskhasbeen completed. The joblets workersusetheirstrongestabilitiesandgives a
feelingofaccomplishmentwhen the workisdone.
2. Achieving

Idlike a job where I can use my individual abilities.

Idlike a jobwhere I get afeelingofaccomplishment.

Comfort:Jobs thatgive theseworkvalues provide securityand good workingconditions.

3. Activity

Idlike a job where I ambusyallthetime.

4. Independence

Idlike a job where I can do my work alone.

5. Variety

Idlike a jobwhere I havesomethingdifferenttodoeveryday.

6. Compensation

Idlike a jobwhere I get high paywhencomparedtomost


7. Security

Idlike a jobwhere I know Iwont belaidoff.

8. WorkingConditions

Idlike a job that has good working conditions.

Status:Jobsthatgivethesework valueshave lots of

9. Advancement

Idlike a jobwhere I cangetpromotions.

10. Recognition

Idlike a jobwherethe work I doisappreciated.

11. Authority

Idlike a jobwhere I givedirectionstootherworkers.

Excerpted from Pathfinder:Exploring Career and Educational Paths, Third

EditionbyNoreneLindsay, JISTPublishing,Inc.,Indianapolis,2004,p.39-40.Reprinted
withpermissionfromJIST Publishing,Inc.,
12. SocialStatus

Idlike a jobwhereI amlookedup tobypeople I work

with andpeople in the community.

Altruism:Jobsthatgivethese workvaluesprovideopportunitiestoserveothers and workwithcoworkers in a friendly,non-competitivesetting.

13. Co-workers

Idlike a jobwheremyco-workersareeasytogetalong

14. SocialService

Idlike a job where I do things for other people.

15. Moralvalues

Idlike a jobwhere Idont havetogoagainstmysenseof


Safety:Jobsthatgivethese work valueshave managerswhosupporttheworkers.Thisprovides a

16. CompanyPolicies
Idlike a jobwhereI
amtreatedfairlybythecompanyand Practices I work for.
17. Supervision/Human
Idlike a
jobwheremysupervisorsbackme up withRelations
Autonomy:Jobsthat givethese workvaluesallowpeopletowork ontheirown andmakedecisions.
18. Creativity

Idlike a job where I can try out my own ideas.

19. Responsibility

Idlike a jobwhere I canmakedecisionsonmyown.

20. Autonomy

Idlike a jobwhere I canwork mostlyon myown.

My Top Three Work Values

My firstworkvaluechoiceis

Idlike a job where I can use my individual abilities

Mysecond workvalue choiceis
Idlike a job that has good working conditions.
My thirdworkvalue choice is
Idlike a job where I do things for other people.

Excerpted from Pathfinder:Exploring Career and Educational Paths, Third

EditionbyNoreneLindsay, JISTPublishing,Inc.,Indianapolis,2004,p.39-40.Reprinted
withpermissionfromJIST Publishing,Inc.,

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