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USMLE-Step 1 = =| ‘Abodybulde decides to start racking two aye ram eons ino hs protein shake every morning. a he belees ti wil giv him a compte ede. owever wo days afte tars ns new dt ie expences nausea, multiple Dous of weer dahea and vomiting ad fever. Symptoms eso ‘out days late, sd ne ears that the eogs he consumed had been recalled ue fo contannaton. “Te mostly gan responsible or infcton can be deserbad by whch he otowing? (A) Gram-negative lactose femeting rod ©(8) Gram-nepatie mote rod ©(C) Gram-negative nowmotle od ©(D) Grampostive coce ©(E) Gramgostive spore forming ros . Sow / Hi Explanation 1B ie (sm fe USMLE-Step 1 a =| ‘patent resent othe ofice comping ofan atea of pn and redness in his inguinal region. On ghysicl exansnaton he hs an interes het ‘ofc wit suoundeg warn and ents. Ther is 8 1x2 cm aes o ucuance under he skin The lesion is nsed and dans purient meri On cure the cause agents determined to bemetiinesistnt Stphyfocacus aureus ‘Wats tho mechanism o antbiotersstance observe inns eran? (A) Atered 308 nbosomal subunit 1©(8})Atlrod poncinrnang proton s © (C) An induce cr thc pup : ©(D) Overpreducten of pita binding rts 2 ©(E)Secteon of penictnase 2 Sow / io Explanation 2 20 USMLE-Step 1 a =| |NSé- year-old woman presents oe ofice wih fever, hesdace nd myalgias occuring over the astwo weeks. She econ rete rom ap to her summer cab rural Wisconsin. Her temperatures 282°C (1008), espstions 12 beshsmin, het rte 00 bestsimin, an bloodpressure "15772 mm Hg. Physical exam is netabe fora crear erythematous rash.on her lower back mi a clr cana ‘ynich of te otowng complitions i ths pati ak ole untested? ©(A) Aboventicuar block (8) Hepat ture . £ ©(C) ners nepnts iz (0) Prounts 2 ©(E) Ucorating sen lesions 2 ‘Sow / io Explanation 2 20 USMLE-Step 1 a zi |AS-yea-old imma presents tothe cnc with complaints of sor vost, lw fever, and culty swalloing forthe past si days Past mesial storys soniicant or incomplete vacation status. On physical ex. the pabents empertue 101 BF. respiratory ee 0 beatin, use 90 beatsminue, and blond pressures T2060 mm Hy Arey herent yer coatng he back of he Dost ‘ie of to fotowng 1 te mechanism ete most Kol exctoxnresponst ots psoudomentyane formation? (A) Blacks release of aceycnoine © (8) Blocks release of ayeine and GABA s (6) Inactvates 26-2 : ©(D) Induces 1.6, THF, FN le ©(E)terteres win 60S rosoma! subunit 2 Sow / io Explanation 2 20 USMLE-Step 1 = =| ‘84. yea-od woman presents oe ofce comparing of ews, headache, and ight slay pin and sweling. Ste has no recent rave and does notgatden She as rot had weight ss or right wets. Last nt she rescued & Me rom a shelter She say hase ad been ben 3 cole of ines by he cat on errata, and there was asa lesion tha persisted a neo ete mas for afew weeks. Exaninton oe iit aim rveas no Ucoratlons olesons and no caring sinus Tacs. Papaton of nt ana eveas fm, ond, mobie mchadonopay ‘ich of mo sorowing organs is most kal response ar ths ness? (A) Becis anvacs : © (8) atone ensiae z © (6) Pastweta mates A 910) Spoeshensi 2 © LE) Yersinia posts 2 ‘sow Hie Expanaton = 2 Which f tho fotowing ste most kel agnosis? pm on ey I A 81 8 314.91 8) 8 USMLE-Step 1 = =| |A7-yea-od childs ent othe nurse's ofice when she complains of fever and imp on her rm Physical examination of her at orem reveals ‘long nealing scratch next to an entematous, ested psp, slong weh regional mphadenopsty She san active, heathy cla who enjoys ‘pling the garden and laying with her new keten Yen contacted, het mete dens ecet sick contacter any oe smgtons ‘ie of to fotowng se most ko cause ofthis patients symptoms? (A) Baronet henselae (8) Motuscum conagesum et (6) Sroareross : (0) eat : 8(€) vem bs 2 Show / Hid Explanation x a USMLE-Step 1 a =| ‘40 yea-od ican American fee comin of pins and needles ergs She says she foes unlanced. She does not know when the pins ‘and needs rest began She n3s no story of ay Medal problems. Shes sexual av wi # pares Overheard hs noted ‘yspareunia. Ste denes smoking inking, o using tek hugs. On reve of ystems, the patent complains increased requecy nd urgency. Physical exam shows mi sensory imparmont Dairy, Thee WS typorenoxa lateral 25 wel Thar so rashos 0 paltclogel sk Changes {eps ose iows Lyme ot Neovo Omega Nogatve a ren Nae ‘ Yor negate se Covtropsnal hid (CSF) calcu 2D cae? : SSF cien ‘coma 2 tenn Frese 2 (cs gat anon Present a SS fe Elena dace a ©1A) yma dssase = ©(B) Multiple sclerosis: 3 ©(C) Syphiis fa (0) Topical spastic praparests Fa (2) Wann 12 dtconcy U = 2 ‘so ide Exarton USMLE-Step 1 a zi [Ayes toys buat othe emergency department by his parents ater he bess to complain of ower abdominal pn Fut exam les ‘ul appends. Hs pares note at ey recent opted 8 uP Intisdotrminod tha tvs ant ict by Gram -negavebactoria, whals the mst Ikaly gars causing tho patents Symploms? (A) Baronets honsolae (8), Pasture mutoota ©(C) Shgota oxen ©(D) Toxepasmoss ©(E) Yersinia entercotnes ‘Sow / Hie Explanation . 2 20 USMLE-Step 1 a =| ‘A S2:yearod female presets fo the emergency departments AN complsinng of dros nd igtthesdecness. Sho developed aomina! pein ‘wt nsusea yesterday evening round TPN ai ewig Nome om an aencon lnc. She vomited twce oven ad Nas soled once every ‘wo hours since nex symptoms Dagan He fo se corey aud and voluminous. This momnng, she's igheades end zy wich she atibutoso donation She tos bat er symptoms have Deon improving nto ast ew hours but sh tough she shoud come to tho omexgency ‘partment because she sso dehytated. Se reports no knew sic contacts. Sno sta hat so nas no recent ravel history, uss er day tp ‘yestordy to Fama run ee counts 38 ee ‘ich of he folowing organisms s most key respons fo her symptoms? ‘ (A), Aton : 28) Compact 20) Rams ir (0) Saornta a CE). Swpiocrers ova a Sou aan x a USMLE-Step 1 = =| |A22:yea- old man presents othe ofc wt 3 thee-day history of 078 an his dorsal ns penis. is psn, bute dane fever of any oes “symp. He has 8 new gid ad toy ony use condoms occasionly On exanNeas thie sma erated sores vary Cose ogeter anda 32cm inguinal mph node on te hat tender to papaton. A Tzank smear to con the 0s, Irne tests postive, whch ofthe Tolowng Wout bo expocaa? ©(A). Branching, lamentous organisms (8) Covtstrowshaped organisms ‘ ang auapamacapee A (2) ma, phan osm E Ce) mamuceoné etc we a . ’ USMLE-Step 1 a zi |AS5yearof4 man comes ote emergency departnent with two days of tus, high-volume, watery dithea. He has jst vetuned fom a ‘missionary tip n Sou America wnete ne ned prime vilaye, Pate looks fale ih ciy Mucous mernbranes. Conmms-shaped organisms ae found inte patent soo, ‘Wats the mechanism of wulence nis asoase? © (A) Binds direct o Tests an stmuas ham orelease otkines © (8) Cleaves nos ca NA B © (C) Release popotssccnaride : ©(D)_ Fibosyaion permanent activates 6 potin le ©(E) Stustes uamfate cycase 2 Snow Heo Explanation 2 2 USMLE-Step 1 = zi |A2#yearokd mae resents tote student heath cnc ats unversy wit arash on his et ower log. He et retical the ras his mening ss Sure hat wes nat tere yestercy He does nol ec any rua oe eg or nsect tes However, besa wresing assistant coach Heats ‘hal nes nis Usual tte o eal besides he rash. He bas 8 past meds Nsiory significant for Dipl asorder or whch Ne takes tote In the cn, his temperature is 37 4° (984°) anda other vil sms are within normal is. The res son his ettowe leg and measures 7c by 5m. 1S ased, eryematous end has sp borer Therest os physica examnation was within nr ts ‘ihe o to folowing te most appropriate toatment this pation? : ©(A) Ares : (8) camanyn e (©) Dicoxacitin e ©(0) erin ertihe - (CE) Trmetnoprim-sultametnonazore +2 ‘Show / Hite Explanation 2 2 USMLE-Step 1 a zi |A30. year-old woman comes tober symecoons complaining of thin watery discharge and a strange sel om her vege She doesnot have any ‘complains of imation or ban, and aso signin ecical isfy. She curry sexuay actve an na monogamaus relstonship. Physical examination evess minal yer end presence of rays watery dschage wih posite whitest ad cue cells Which oe fowng would be tho most appropriate oatment> ©1A) Cettaxne (8) Neotronisazol, G e(C) Peniciin Fy (0) Sultetoxazcatimetheprin 2 ©XE) Topical nsttin 2 ‘Show Hid Exanaion 2 20 USMLE-Step 1 5 a zi ‘Amother bins Ne 8-year old son to the ofce wih complaints of ecurent vers over the lastnonth. He had been on 3. caning ti one month ‘90. She slates hate pial Nas fevers, neadache, rd malaise ag fur days, afer which Nie improves He sen he for about Week Deore the sympa rem. On examination tee ate orshes skin lesions. Wien of to folowing organisms s most hal responsble ors nical pesortaton? (A) Borate bugcerten ©(8)_ Borrota nomst * 2(C) Broce meters : ©(D) Colorado tk over fe ©(E) Ricketsa peowazech 2 ‘Sow / Hite Explanation 2 20 USMLE-Step 1 = =| ‘A 16 yea-od fers presents othe emergency room with abiorinal sin ht began sbrupty two hows ago ands since been croasingin tensity Se Geocbes ta sharp and costa and calzes oer ightupper Gusta She conglans Mate pins agrevated by movement ‘and counhing. He ast medi nstry is saritcant fr tics ast year anda urinary act ifecton 6 mas ago. She fs cuenty & ‘Sopomera nigh Soo! an plays or Schoo" secce and sal teas Upon avestonn, shoots bang suck nthe abomen dur sofa racic a ow days ago. Aun pregrancy test nepal ‘What sto undetiyng pathology casing her pani? ©(A) Intanmaten oft bier tee . A ©(8)_ Intanmaten ofthe daphragm . (6) Infammstin orto ver capsule 2 ©(D) tverlacertion = ©(E) Museo toar ma ©(F) Ruptured acepc pregnancy ae ‘Stow / io Explanation 2 20 USMLE-Step 1 a zi |AG4. year-old HIV posive mse presets ote lnc wth ever. sore Brot, ad malaise over the lst week He has had unprotected sex with multe parnars over te lest few monhs. His temperatures 38 5 (101 °F), puise 77 boats, espestions are 18 breathsimin, an blood Dresures 11575 mm Hg. Notable ndings on pyscal exam incite ganaralzealenphadonopaty aswel 8 8 pink macula rash hats lected ‘is Tuk, prs, and soles, Rapid plasma reagin test postive ‘ie oe fotowing ab studies should ve ordered nest mores to conti he dagnoss? (A) Antinucearansbedy ser s (8), Blo cutwe z © (C) Entra sedimentation rate £ 1©(D) Flotescontroponemal anthody ansortod tat 2 >(E)Heterophile sntooy test 2 ‘Show / ido Explanation 2 2 USMLE-Step 1 a zi ‘An 18-year ot comes fo the fice complaining ofa persistent cough oer the last 3 weeks. Ove thane he has had ow gad fevers on most ‘ys. Despite those symptoms ne as st been able fo ated shoot Hea no isin of sm afer mins. nthe oice ne see, snd ‘oes not appear oben a respratory ase. Lung auscuaton snot or scattered wheezes and on, bu no fcsizes fangs. Acest ‘ray Shows Ose, pach iraes, Blood cutures are reatne ie of to fotoung organisms ste most aly caus o oso fndings? (A) Clams pstacs : ©18) crams pouonse z ©(C) Hacmopis intuorzae A (0) Kit reumorioe 2 ©(E)Stopteoccs reunonae 2 Sew Hie Expanaton = 2 USMLE-Step 1 a zi ‘848. year-old males brought the emergency department in confused slate. The gaint snot refed to tme and place but complains ofa sore ‘vost ana pant swaning. He keeps porting this oat ané appease in mld dstess. Examination ofthe pants crophannxs ‘emamable fr asl, white plague cated on te patents longue Examinaton os ple unde he microscope demonstaes psewdohyonae hie of to folowing isk taco oro dovelopment of is conion? eA) Aa ©(8) Ambo use B ©(C)_Dustinnaaton : © (0) tmmunosuresson le ©(E) Radiaion exposure 2 Show / Ho Explanation > 2 20 » = P)_ Aeterna anata bo pret ans Shanley is mar ‘i ea ata ng Sn ac scans onus ae saa Na a 1 eMac iy cee ‘ ac Gonna shes drt sven Lay ms a ws a coscone rca Risener = crm HVS PCR Postive tli BERBER kh rar ‘Gram stan and sve stan do nt show any bail, Laberatry ess ar as lows, ‘eb count Teale. IV allo 2260.00 copes. (Neral = <60 copiesiml His PeR. Paste Which one flowing he most tiacve westment to prevent poaression ofthese lesions? (A) Peycowr (8) Dogeycine (0) Forsarnet ©(D) Gancidow ©(E) Reto erapy Stow | de Belanaton USMLE-Step 1 = =| A year-of presents for routine check pals doctor n New Jersey He has history of HIV and rated with aire therapy. He i 80% ‘complanant wit ns medaton, Rone abs ae shown below +a a cote calcount 190 cst. F HIV vatioad 100,000 expesmi (Normal «50 copesmL) Which ofthe flowing isthe medications i nooded for best prophyans? ©(A) Dapsane (8) lraconazcle (6) Penicin (0) Pennine ©{E) Thmetnopinisutametoxazote ‘Show Hide Expanation 15 U0 USMLE-Step 1 a zi ‘A2®-yea-of erste recently ered from an ad mission nual West fica compisning of fevers, cis, nd igor Adagnoss of ais ‘caused by lasmodis ovle ws made, and she ws teed wi cioroqune. Het syntansresolved ahd Nad been abst fortwo mors unt a Iss week wnen she gan exoeencing fevers asin The evers Seem f0 Occur every Second day ad ae olowed by 3 Dexid of Chis and rs y In adaton to coroquno, which ert. malra shoud Rawo bon nied inne inal weatmet regen? = (A) Doxeyeine 2 (8) Matogune Fy (6) Prmaquine a (Cc) Pama = (0) Quine 2 ©(E) Ramp a Show / Hide Explanaton Be mem i os USMLE-Step 1 5 a zi ‘A24- yea fers soon by her primary cae physician fox pain wih urnaton She aso reports hat she hs been unnsting exe fequenty She ‘eos a though ste has fo ulna most of te day She hes aso of kidney stones Du cure kes no medatios, Se werk an Mice a ulna 8 8 paeega. Shes sexuay active and reports tw new paytners within the pas year. Secs eal on weekends and does nt 2 ‘soko Cartes ose ay ic gs. On physical examination, she has some mid Supraputc onde, ‘ic of ho fotowing i most sugestve ofa uray tat nection wh Frau mabe? (A) Clinical symptoms of neptoltasss s (8) Hyena desc wtsnind ©.) Magnesium ammonium phosphate crystals in urine 2 © (0)- Posie rns rea et 2 O(E) UmopH<7 7 Stow Hie Exaaton 2 o USMLE-Step 1 a =| ‘ASO: yea-ol Caucasian mae presents othe ofce two weeks befor is scheduled pyscal He is concemed because is wield him tha is ‘yes lok yew His past medica istry signa or congenial Pemopi, fo wich hehas Deen recs regu bood tnstusons since a Sin sta uae ove ne abana Seay omen oan a eo eon tet nto Br (AY Beg hepa onaconsect ep ro admin 2 '9(B) Pact ptentena et onodted wer tas a O(c) Puma 7 (e) St ©(D) Performan HCVRNAassay ©(E) Wate wating ‘Sow / Hit Explanation Be mem i os USMLE-Step 1 a = ‘Ad. yoar-od ican American malo prosonts ois physician's fice wih fver,vomiing, and yolowing this skin ovr tho last wo days. The paltent oreprs thal abot 10 ys ag Mo Rod expenenend a sig fovor accompanied by nausea and a oadache Te pabet has lumod om sbusmots tip to South Afica Ths pte has Nad ro wnoun Sk contacts and doesnt rca sung any amar sect es Pays ‘xamanaton fs nlabie for @ postive Fagers Sgn and hepatomegaly ver psy s perermed and eosnephcnclison baaes ae sean ‘mat ype of vi is osponsbio ors pasos crcl pete? (A) Bunyaaus (8), Fils 2(C) Flaerus (0) Prema CE) Retovins ‘ow / ie Explanation USMLE-Step 1 a =| ‘Asouther Calfomia nave presents wit counh, evr, and pleuric ces pin. He start workhg 9 8 constuction rks afew months before is ‘smpioms began On examination tee ate ender, wel ocunscrbed nods entremsious eins on fe anor aspect he patents loner a ‘extremes. Sputum sanpies wewed under KOH preparston stows a sphere Med wi endospores y \ien organism responsi or tis man's cuentas? = © (A) Blasomyces dermatitis 2 © (8) Coes mens as © (C)_ Histoplasma capsulatum a (0) Paracoecidcides bastions 2 ©(E) Pneumocysts jroveo a Stow / io Explanation Be mem i os USMLE-Step 1 a zi ‘ASO. year-old mae wih presents wth new cough and fu ke symptoms. He hasbeen smoking one dack pe fr the past went years and has ‘worked i be coal mine fr east 15 yea. Eventhough Me gram stan of he sputum shows no organism he physica ssl concerned and a {rae ory aren est 2 ‘ic oss psn thing dtc wo unary angen es? Fi © (A) Hoemopis ntvnzae 2 (8) Logorea proses ie 216) Mycebcenum neues a 210). Nocatia asocides 2 O18) Steocoxcs prea 2 Show Ho Exanaton 2 « USMLE-Step 1 a =| ‘A7-yea-od boy who recenity went on ap fo Inia brouptt the peatcian. He hs had fou selina care that fats in he tot forthe past two mons. i addon, ne Conon Of abdominal discomfort. Stel micoscopy shows 50350 mci Wick soled paresitc eggs. a 2 ie of to fotowng sto mostikoWy iagn0ss? = OA) Ascarstuntrioises (8), Eeninococcus grants ©(C) Entamoeba nstoytica ©(D)_ Enlorbissvomacuas ©(E) Nacsa tower ‘Sow / Hite Explanation 15 0 0 eS USMLE-Step 1 a =| ‘AS: yea-ol man presents othe emergency foom afte stepping an rusty alin his garden Hs ef foot ved, with is of itn st “Sulounding te Noe nis medal foretoot He isnt sure he ns had tela she Loose, However, Ne OWS Ne got his “lyasins” asa a ons y ‘ie of to folowing ste mechanism o acon ofthe oxtoxn of Costu flan? = (A) Blocks the ease of aceticolne 2 (8) Blocks te eeas0 of GABA = © (C) Potentats te celaaee of acetyechoine = ©(D)_Potonatstho release of GABA +2 ©(E) Stmultesaderyate oyase a Show / Hit Explanation Be mem i os USMLE-Step 1 = = |) As®:yearott wonan gases wit vr an coun. The cua reduc fen fuk smelting sputum She has 8 8-pac ae smoking ney ond won puree otstucve disease aces how ove he Mowe bend rs dues Wo peresson ananeeased a toc temtis owes sane ae creel eed coun shows wee 14.000 cots? hao 1208, Het i Prtslss 215000 cts? = Newtons 74% \ 2 Campers 13% 2 Monores a Esanopns 3% jz Boop 25 +2 Bde ‘Sputum cure grows Geam posite lancet shaped plcoccin chan tic of he Sowing vrulenee factors is valed nthe pathogenesis of his patents ines? ©1A) Cataaso (8) Upopotssccnante (0) Polysaccharide capsule (0) Protannt CE) Steptisin Be mem i USMLE-Step 1 a =| ‘The mother of 4 yer boy resents othe pxatcian complaining tha te boy has regesse in development She is wored because he never ‘oops wel stright Also, Ne hs been ting around Ns Dern rea er the pas wo mois He ges Toa day cae, where the woes Pave a aroused sol hs mame frend kag ue ny Pero of cn mo coed hs enon ened ots A nove tans SOc8 meen ba shape cts = Which of the fotowing is tie most likely diagnosis? 2 (A) Echinococcus granularis a (8). Enumonb niece OCC) Enterobius vermacularis: a (0) Noon tw ra ©(E) Strongyloides stercoralis: 2 ‘Show / Hide Explanation z “ USMLE-Step 1 a =| ‘A4-yea-od iis brought othe ofice by her father de to very shal, labored espns since lest right Shas had eisodes of whaezing in ‘he pst vi ness and occasional ses a nebular wit colds. The ast wo days she Nas Ned sore vost ad was Uae oe, ble fer Deleves these espatory symotons ae Often than us On exam, she's a welsourshed female n cbvous dss, Vil Sgns ced eve to °C (102) and rspationsof28 resin. She has no whoezing ul does havo lara sidor on auscukaon, Her cropharxis ‘tvemaious and odemaus, and sho dak prota. Tho Yet OMe exam sno contbutry Mun Sigs Soon Ona. BIE ich of he folowing tats coud hel conf this agnosie? (A) Alp hemottc bacteria growth on blood agar Fy 2 1©(B) Growthen MacConky's agar = ©(C) Negative tet Coombs est = (0) Postive ant-cacotpin entbodies 2 ©(E), Poste aueting reaction = ‘Sow / Hite Explanation 2 o USMLE-Step 1 a zi ‘Amesical student warkng in bacteroagy ab discovers that encapsulated Steptococus pneumonte can fect mie, bu on encapsulated Dacia cannot He devises an experiment in which ne Kilt encapsulated baci (san S) sng heat. Then he mes Ihng nowenesosusted el sian Rit eat led tan S cel Hes ths mate also ls mice, Moreowe, the cls Gscowered onthe deed mce ae stan S ols Fe hypatosizes tat the ng cols ook up tos Foatng DNA Tom ie dead S cols ‘This proces steed o as which of ho foloweg? (A) Conupatin © (8) Transeueton ©(C) Transformation 1©(D) Transposon ©(E) Veutonce ‘Sow / ie Explanation USMLE-Step 1 = =| “Thirty people present at lca outset cnc complaining of mid fu tkesympms inna anoreia, headache, myalgias, end nonproductive cough. Furter questoning reveals they ae al employees nthe same ge ofce bug end have al been gcod hea Nobody cas who wes a {tat tecme te bta sino des enero he ues on etd 3 coneteer sem ph ee ys rk Woo fz Iw empeyonssmeoms esos ae hours = What madia is required to grow tha most likely cause of these symptoms? = (A). Box Gorgas agar s (8) Baro chat yas tact gir = ©LC) Chocolate agar 2 910). Lopcsn 8 alge bon doe 2 218) ws nar i Stow Mie Eaton = o USMLE-Step 1 a zi ‘A 70-yea-ol man presents othe primary care physician slr having experienced low aade ever for 8 weeks. He lo repr having lst 10 bs ‘inoe ie eer sated. His st medical sts Sgr fr cabees ad hypertension. The most ect procedure ha Nad was 8 oot cna 2 Exornaton stows oclzedsetng te dsl soprets Oger, ene hemor ender nodes one tage daa hemos on fz ‘hepams and ses Bocaire: se negate = Which organism is mest ikely to cause the patient's condinon? iz (A) Ekoneta corodens s ©(8) Nassera menngts 4 OCC) Staphylococcus aureus: eI ©(D) Stepecoccs yogenes = CE) Stepooccs wins 7 ‘Sow Hie Epanaton 2 2 USMLE-Step 1 a zi ‘AS2-yea-ol man comes to he hosp fr igh upper quadrant abdorinal pan and nauses. He was born in Nicaragua snd immigrated fo the Une States eight veers go. On examnaton he has Ser! Ktrus and hepatomegsy Fes only endef paloson a the rt upper Queda a Fi upper quadant ultasound reveals @ soa round cs, 15cm n camer, mpngng en the Day tee eS ‘ie of to fotowing woud be the Dest meseaton to uso in adaon to surgery? i (A) Abandazcle 2 (8), Ciprofoxzcn a (6) Erythromycin = ©(D) Motenidazote far ©(E) Peneitn a Show / Hit Explanation Bee i os USMLE-Step 1 a zi ‘A€O year-old ican immigrant resents othe ca in wih a pif ister on hs fot. He ports the ltr sated ew days ago and has ‘noe sed. Released a purulent meri wih in whtsh ment Ir ie of to fotowng sto mostikoWy iagn0ss? (A) Dracacules medias (8), Eeninococcus granvias ©(C) Entamoeba nstoytica ©(D)_ Enlorbissvomacuas ©(E) Nacsa tower ‘Sow / Hite Explanation 15 UFO US ee USMLE-Step 1 a zi ‘Amesical student fom te United States travels to uni fra fur week taten in olbal heath There he ees an tt-yea-od poe nourished Do wi gts shot of beat much ealer Compared to te fest of hs ends even tow hey a have Me same det. He reports no a ‘Shes and has no enown fry Nistor ofa ote. nat, he was wel-ACuTshed ad Nea unl out one yea’ ago ha DO Ne 2 ‘veloped a toro on is eet wich Mas snco ceded = Traparaste se causo of to probiams, ich of th olowng the most Kal diagnosis? 2 (A) Ancyestoma duodenale Fy ©(B)_ Eeninococeus grandis 2 ©(C) Entamoeba hisioica ©(D)_ Enforbiusvoracuas ©(E) Napa town ‘Sow / Hie Explanation + Be em i os USMLE-Step 1 5 a =| ‘Amicztinlogstis investigating the mechanisms by which bacteria ae able take up new genetic material He hes two stsins of bacteria. Sam A onlans a pater viuence factor, and Stan 8 doesnot hae ts ator When bot sano are ncubald ogee, Stain 8 doesnot gan Me a ‘rence tector However. Stra B gains is ir when the wo sans re bated wit bactetophage, Fumersludy demonstaes tat Pe 2 ‘wralbactea ncopeated noth Datel DNA pro ow epicaton ‘iin siatomont Don most kayo be corect about toxins ata ensered between acta by ths emo mechanism? ©(A) This ype oftoxe can cause rie-water dares s (8) The pe oto ca oy tact ne estonatnal at ©(C) This type of toxin can only be produced by Gram-negative bacteria 2 ©(0) “Tis pe oto ony ac crn whoa et echt 2 (CE) Te ie oto cas an 7 Stow Hie Eaton 72 7 USMLE-Step 1 a zi ‘A25yea-of male wih no previous medical problems presents o his primary cae pyscan wit a cough oftwo weeks. The pati reprs that he hag recent teveed oa smal lagen indi or about Tour wees. He Nas aso ad Tevrs as Nh as 39°C long wi encaing right seas nd {0 pounds or weghtlossn he prevous two Weeks, AN acd essa enass othe spulum shes ong red rods apanst a lve DackgIOUNS ‘Wien of to folowing media is wsod slate to causative agent? (A) Bled agar © (8) Buerod charcoal yeas ager ©(C) Chocelate agar ©(D) Lowonsoin danson medium CE) Macconkey ager ‘Sow / Hite Explanation USMLE-Step 1 a zi |AS4.year-old female at weve weeks gestation vis Ne obsttcin's ofc for aroube checkup. he has no pat mesial ily and has been in ‘000 neat, estrg an soproprte det and exercising reson Aurne specimen Is oblained tht Gerenstiates~ 100,000 cum. bul Me pant car Stivay baer oto Rerun 7 atm pr oS hme? 2 (A), Cprtamen (8) Dowyeycine (CG) Festomycn (0) Mexioxacin ©CE) Reassurance and rotow up 23 ‘Show Hid Explanation USMLE-Step 1 a =| ‘6-year. boy is broupt ino his peitcian ofc by his mathe fo fvers. The chides aso been conlatng of headaches an "being eed for the past week. The boy fhe ony member of We famty who s 8 Upon qvestning, nis moter menons Mat hey Nad take @ ip Iwo weeks a0 1 vat amy im Gonecteut The Cd had been playing inte woods ech day wi is cousins ib ie Vat medieaton should be prosebed fortis patent? (A) Ameen (8) Dowyeyeine ©(C) Nottestment tel the meter to return ina week aymptams nave na esohed| (0). Peniciin ©CE) Vancomycin 23 ‘Show Hid Explanation USMLE-Step 1 a = Amicobioogstie studying tho pathegeness of cain bacon capable of causeg inlcion in humans. The gai s asiious and shows no {gonna Bees agar fale The mcobelogst adds fe lead eats ono tho growth modu a procoods fo hea tho gromth Meant S0°C tse Frese ats a Wich organism's his mcrbiclogis atareting to ature? (A) Borda pertussis ©(B) Conebactorum spnneriae ©(C) Haemopaiusinuenzse ©(D) Mycobacterium tboreulsis (E)_ Nessera gonomnese 23 ‘Show Hide Explanaton USMLE-Step 1 a zi ‘tural dir famer presets tothe inc comping ofan ver on hs er. He fist ote he son thee days ago, a which ie it as 8 hnon-psnfu, pru papule hate atbued to 3 buy bie He repos at ovr te next couple of days vesices fommed around Me sin. On ecamnstion eve fa eck 1 5x2 cm ede ler on te pan’ tocar, The sureunding tissue fused and theres sinicant edema “Tho ogansm cuted socesstuly cn blood azar Mowphologcal i appears as Gram-posive bach wah budding carta spores, a "Ts ergansm produc a toxin th which lowing mechan ot action? © (A) ADPbsylton of F-2, ning setain sybase 1©(B) ADP bosyton of roguatory G-proteins, nzeasng ANP eves ©(C)Dsruton of bosom 60s subunit ibn pecon syne ©(D) Funcionsas an adenylate cyclase, increasing intacellar CAMP ovols ©(E) Section ofa protease, esusng in Hesue destruction 4 Re 23 ‘Show Hide Explanaton USMLE-Step 1 a zi /A2.week ad nebo boy is cunt the emergency room wih gronessve lhe an touble feeding. The mothe says that she gave bth via spontaneous vagal deivery. She denes any mecca problems and reports no complications win teri, She doesnot eal eceving anbioecs hing devery The nants amcuk © eros. a meh oe fotowing organisms i ho MOSK cause? (A) Cryptocacaas ©(B) Haomopius mona ©(C)Staphyocoeeus aureus ©(D) Stoptococus agalactoe ©(E) Sweptococes preumonise 23 ‘Show Hid Explanaton USMLE-Step 1 a =| /A96.yerold female presen othe emergency department with hesdache, fever, nd increased sensi fo hh She aso admis hat he bas been mor bred recent. She has nha gy On physical exaninton, andthe physican suspects mening, a Inte patent nas rat mening, which of he folowing lab osuRS Would be expacod nasi of cerebrospinal ui? (A). lymphocytic leomerphoss, modesty elvald posi, ow cess (8) Lymphocyte rleomophoss, modest elovaod proton oral glucose ©(C) Newtophic pleomerphoss, ovate pretsn, tw glucose ©(D) Novtophicpleomerphoss,olvalod prctsn,nomallucoso CE) Neuttopne pleomorphoss, nomel pron, ow cose ‘Show Hid Explanaton 23 USMLE-Step 1 a =| ‘Av asymptotic 35-year-old HI positve woman siven a PPD sk tetas pat of outne screning Se ems in 72 hows and is ound to have 7 nm of induration cur te sit of adrian. Shas curarty on HAART therapy Her most recent CDM count was 510 ces and er vis load was 400 copesiml. Achestxcrny shows no sans of act tuberculosis. a \Yinatis ne recommended couse or acon i ts 356? ©(A) teat with isoniazid or 3 months (©(B) Tati isoniazid or 8 months ©(C) TW wih sonics, tampin,pyacnamide and ethanol for 9 mons >(D) Trea with sonia, tarpn, pyraznamign and otha forO mons ©(E) Noteaimont necessary 1 23 ‘Show Hi Explanation USMLE-Step 1 a =| ‘18. y0r-od mae cares fo the cn wth ke symptoms forthe past one week. He tld itis most key aval ness ad sent home. One year Te, comes othe cnc complain of tush nis meu. Laboratory studies are sgntcat for a GDS Oot of 200 cell e ‘ii ore folowing bost describes the vs causing ts pation simon? (A) Conical wih an envelope, DNA gence (8) Concal win an enveopo, RNA genom (C) Conca wincut an enol, ONA genome (0) Concal witout an erwslpe, RNA genome ©(E)Sonerkal caps, win an envelope, ONA genome CF) Spherical caps with an envelope, RNA gencme (5) Spnercal caps wtnout an onolop, DNA genom (11) Spheres eapsd without an envslop, RNA goname + iB 23 ‘Show Hid Expanation USMLE-Step 1 = =| ‘Aaroup of employees presents fo the emergency room wih vortna, abdominal pain.

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