Drug Problem in American Athletes

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Drug problem in American athletes

-The psychologlcal background
Drug use in athletes is one of the more serious problems in the
United States. The purpose of this study is to clarify American
athletes psychological and psychological tendencies in competition
as well as in every day life in relation to drug use and then to try to
discuss the solution to drug problems in athletics. After the nature
of drug use by American athletes is introduced, the following two
main areas are discussed: stress (competition and life situations)
and additional psychological factors (American pharmacopoeia,
sensation seeking. aggression, suspicion against opponent, and
immaturity of athletes). Finally drug testing, education, and
psychological management (counseling, psychiatric treatment and
stress management) are emphasized as methods of coping with
drug problems in athletes.
(Koji Takenaka, Durg problem in American athletes -The
psychological background-,Japan J. Phys. Educ., 34-1 : 113,June, 1989)

Turnen and sports activities of German war-prisoners in the

P.0.W. Camp (1917-1920): focusing on the friendly
communications with people of Tokushima
The purpose of this paper was to clarify the influnce of the
activities of German war-prisoners in the Bando P.O.W. (prisoner of
war) Camp on the development of sport and physical education in
Tokushima where the Camp was located.
The historical materials used for this paper were collected
mainly from newspapers and Keibi-Keisatsukan-Hokokusho which

was a report on the German prisoners life in the Bando P.0.W.
Camp written by Japanese police sergeants.
The findings of this study were summarized as follows:
Students and teachers of some elementary and secondary
schools went to see German prisoners activities such as Turnen,
football, tennis, and hockey. And several prisoners visited schools
to coach them for Turnen. In German war-prisoners variety
show. German prisoners introduced their Turnen and sport
activities such as gymnastics. wrestling, boxing, weight lifting and
dance to students and people in Tokushima. Japan Martial Arts
Association Tokushima Branch set up Meeting for the Study of
German Martial Arts and invited eleven German prisoners to
perform wrestling, boxing and fencing matches. Then the
Association sent two Japanese members to the Camp to do further
study of those activities.
This friendly communications with people of Tokushima which
was brought from the German war-prisoner Turnen and sport
activities gave a significant influence on sports in Tokushima, and
this fact should not be neglected in the consideration of the history
of sport and physical education in Japan.
(Rie Yamada, Turnen and sports activities of German warprisoners in the Bando P.0.W. Camp (1917-1920): focusing on the
friendly communications with people of Tokushima,Japan J. Phys.
Educ., 34-1 : 15-30,June, 1989)

The effectiveness of observation system of academic learing

time in physical education
The purpose of this study was to examine the effectiveness of
the ALT observation system in physical education, which has
become recently adapted as a research instrument on the teaching
of physical education in several countries. The various physical
education classes of elementary schools were described and
analysed through the ALT observation system to compare with the
data of foreign countries. The degree how the carereer of teacher
and the kind of physical activity selected as the subject matter
would affect the results of observation system of acadermic learing
times (ALT) in physical edueation was attempted to be found. The
relationships between the results obtained through the ALT system
and those through the students evaluation to physical education
class were further examined.

Main findings were as follows.
1) The funneling effect, that is, the phenomenon in which each
percentage of three observational dimensions in the ALT system
(physical education content. engagement, and ALT) decreases like
the shape of a funnel. was found with the similar results as
reported by Godbout, P. and Metzler, M.
2) From a viewpoint of students lerning behavior, the poor
reality of physical education classes was recognized. Several
assignments were suggested to improve the teaching in Physical
3) Experienced teachers showed better results of ALT. That
suggests the effectiveness of the ALT system in assessing the
teaching skills of physical education teacher.
4) The data of the ALT system, however, were remarkably
affected by the kind of physical activity selected as the subject
matter. It seems necessary to take account of the effects of this
variable in order to establish the criteria of ALT for measuring the
effectiveness of the teaching in Physical education.
5) Significant correlation between ALT score and the student
evaluation to physical education class were recognized, thus the
ALT-PE system seemed to be effective in developing the teaching
skills to improve the student evaluation.
(Takeo Takahashi, Yoshinori Okazawa and Satoshi Otomo, The
effectiveness of observation system of academic learning time in
physical education, Japan J. Phys. Educ., 34-1 : 31-43,June,

A study on standardization of the Achievement Motivation

in Physical Education Test

The Achievement Motivation in Physical Education Test
(AMPET) has been developed by Nishida (1987) as a measure for
assessing achievement motivation for learning in physical
education. This study attempted to standardize the AMPET by
using a large sample.
The AMPET has seven 8-item subscales consisted of learning
strategy,overcoming obstacle, diligence and seriousness,

competence of motor ability. value of learning, anxiety about
stress-causing situations, and failure anxiety, respectively. It also
contains an eight-item lie scale.
The subjects were 10,055 elementary, Junior high, and senior
high school students. They were asked to respond to all items of
the AMPET along 5-point Likert-type rating scales. The external
criteria or variables for testing validity of the AMPET were as
follows: a motor ability test, scores in physical education class,
teachers ratings of behavioral characteristics of pupils. the Motive
of Academic Achievement Test, interest in physical activities,
enjoyment in physical education class, self-evaluation of motor
ability, frequencies of physical activity. Physical activity time,
participation to athletic club, and athletic levels.
Split-half and test-retest reliability estimates of the AMPET
were sufficiently high. On the basis of means and standard
deviations of the AMPET, evaluative norms were established as 5point ratings. All of the results concerning many external criteria
were successful in validating the AMPET. It was concluded that the
newly developed test, the AMPET, was reliable. valid, standardized
and useful.
(Tamotsu Nishida, A study on standardization of the
Achievement Motivation in Physical Education Test, Japan J.
Phys. Educ., 34-1 : 45-62. June. 1989)

Motion analysis of overhand throwing in adult women

-Considering the physical fitness factors affecting thrown

This study was to examine overhand throwing motions of adult

women. Eleven physical fitness test items and measurement of
throwing distance (using softball) were administerd to 96 adult
female students. The multiple regression equation to estimate
throwing distance was calculated by the stepwise method. The
differences between estimated distance and measured distance
were calculated. Ten subjects with higher residual were selected as
Excellent group, and ten with lower residual were selected as poor
group. overhand throwing motions of selected subjects were filmed

simultaneously from side and overhead view by two cameras.
Dynamic variables such as displacement, time, velocity, angle and
angular velocity were obtained from film analysis.
Excellent group showed longer throwing distance (p<0.01),
while there was no significant difference in fitness test items
between two groups. Excellent group showed higher initial velocity
of ball at release (p<0.001).Judging from these results, it seems
that longer throwing distance was caused by higher initial velocity
of ball, and higher initial velocity of ball was produced by rational
throwing motions.
Characteristics of rational overhand throwing motions of adult
women which were verified in this study were as follows: 1) greater
backward rotation of shoulder of throwing-hand side in the
horizontal plane during preparatory phase (step motion), 2) greater
back-swing of throwing-hand during preparatory phase. 3) faster
forward rotation of shoulder of throwing-hand side in the horizontal
plane during throwing phase (from front foot contact to ball
release), 4) skillful whip-like action, 5) well-timed wrist (snap)
The results of this study suggest that five these points should
be emphasized in motor learning of throwing for adult women.
(Mitsugi Ogata,Junzo Nakata, Akio Yamamoto and Kimie
Kumayasu, Motion analysis of overhand throwing in adult women
-Considering the physical fitness factors affecting thrown
distance-''Japan J. Phys. Educ., 34-1 : 63-72,June, 1989)

Prestretch potentiation of jumping action on human leg

extensor muscle
In order to determine whether a prestretch potentiation of
human leg extensor muscle is affected during explosive type of
strength training, the squatting jump, counter movement jump, and
rebound jump were performed by 24 subjects which were divided
consisted of thue 3 groups of althletes, i.e., swimmers, jumpers,
and weight trainers. We regarded swimmer as untrained subject,
jumper as trained subject of being characteristic of ballistic jump
movement, and weight trainer as specially trained subject on the
strenght of leg muscles. Four parameters, such as height of jump,
knee angular velocity, positive force integral which would show the
use of prestretch potentiation, and coupling-time which would

affect the former three parameters, were obtained from the
measurement of force-time curve and goniogram. The results
indicated that prestretch potentiation was utilized more effectively
in trained subjects compared with untrained subjects. The use of
prestretch potentiation may increase the first half of knee
extension speed, and the strength training for the muscle
contractile component may increase the latter half of knee
extension speed during jumping action. The training effect on
prestretch potentiation of skeletal muscle plays an important role
during explosive type of jumping action. The present findings thus
futher support the concept of specificity of the muscle strength
training. Elastic component of the muscle is also discussed.
(Tetsuro Tamaki, Hiroaki Takekura. Takehiko Fujise, Toshitada
Yoshioka and Shoichi Nakano,prestretch pontentiation of jumping
action on human leg extensor muscle, Japan J. Phys. Educ.,341 : 73-80,June, 1989)

Characteristics of rugby football players viewed from

strength and
speed types in anaerobic power
The level and type of anaerobic power for forward and back
players of rugby football were investigated. Subjects were thirtyfive college rugby football players and sixteen college male
sprinters and throwers. Peak frequency of revolution and peak
power during 7-s pedalling were measured at torques of 3.0, 4.5,
6.0, 7.5, 9.0 kgm. The level of anaerobic power was determined by
the maximum peak power and its relative value to body weight.
The type of anaerobic power was determined by the coefficients of
linear equation representing relationship between peak frequency
of revolution and torque. Results were as follows;
1) Maximum anaerobic power of forward players was larger
than that of back players, but the relative value to body weight was
2) Maximum anaerobic power and the relative value to body
weight for forward or back players of varsity team were larger than
those of the farm team.

3) Maximum anaerobic power and the relative value to body
weight of foward players were smaller than those of the throwers.
The maximum anaerobic power relative to body weight of back
players was smaller than that of the sprinters, but no difference in
maximum anaerobic power.
4) Foward players were characterized as strength type because
they exerted higher level of anaerobic power in the larger torques.
On the other hand. back players were characterized as speed type
because they were superior in the smaller torques.
5) Rugby football players were characterized as speed type in
comparison with the throwers. but as strength type compared with
the sprinters.

(Kaoru Takamatsu, Yoshihiro Sato. Masaaki Miyasaka and

Hidezo Takamori. Characteristics of rugby football players viewed
from strength and speed types in anaerobic power, Japan J. Phys.
Educ., 34-1 : 81188,June, 1989)

Factors affecting senior high school athletes' keeping in or

out of their sport team activities

The present study was designed to examine the reasons of
senior high school athletes' keeking in or dropping out of their
sport team activities. The data was obtained by questionnaries
distributed to 550 keep-ups and 291 drop-Cuts, and Hayashis
quantification theory II was applied to the data.
Main findings are as follows:
1. The most influential items for dropping out are conflicts
and disagreements with coaches or teammates, having other
things to do and being incompatible with study for males, and
injuries, conficts and disagreements with coaches or
teammates and having other things to do for females.
2. Besides the items stated above, the most influential item for

dropping out, for both males and females, is such a self-panishing
one as weakness of one's own will.
3. The most influential factor of determining keeping in or
dropping out is their daily sport activities which consists of
whether or not they are regular members, they perceive their
training hard, they experience impression, and they like their
4. In case of females, the factor "family environment
determines keeping in or dropping out more strongly than the
factors which concern to their own. This is supposed to be the
reflection of female's dependent and conformable psychological
5. Males who perceive their team activities hard but are
satisfied with coaches. are regular members. and have less study
time, and females who acknowledge their sport team activities in
their school active, perceive their team activities are not so hard,
experience more impression, are satisfied with coaches, are
starters. and have less achievement motives tend to be promoted to
keep in their sport team activities.
(Kunio Aoki, Factors affecting senior high school athletes
keeping in or dropping out of their sport team activities,Japan J.
Phys. Educ.. 34-1 : 89-100,June, 1989)

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