FF Master List

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Ok so here's how I rate out the Final Fantasy Games this was a rather difficult
task but I also think I put the proper time and consideration into it. I hope you
enjoy this list. I am going to do something rather interesting and list them in
reverse order. So, the first game is the worst in my humble opinion and I will
work all the way up to the best.

In my opinion this is the least important game in the series. There are
however a couple interesting things it bring to the table such as skill points
insteaad of experience and the inclusion of the password system. Having
played it to completion I found its story interesting at least.

Now dont take this too harshly its just sort of difficult to rank great games like
this. I did enjoy FFx-2 for what it was,BUT the glaring plot holes from FFX's
story were never explained and the sheer lunacy of it was too much.

Not much negative to say about this game other then I just didnt enjoy its
protaganist. However his journey to becoming likable was decent and really
did end up winning me over in the end. Also blitzball was pretty rad.

I just found the fact of a corridor walking simulator for the first like 40 hours
of gameplay to be very annoying. Also the complete and utter lack of
challenge in the game up untill you reach a certain point is very odd as well.
Highly considered it for the worse game but I loved the characters and their
very unique although archetypish personality. Also XII-2 and Lightning returns
will not be on the list as I think they should be objectively be considered part
of this games storyline.

I know I know I KNOW. This is the one that started it all but, you have to take
into consideration my personal experience with this game. I was a young
child at the time I recieved my first copy of this game and could not really
read at the time. I had such a hard time understanding why I couldnt make
any progress and deemed that this type of game was terrible. I however did
end up revisting it at a later age thinking that maybe I was just not good
enough at games to beat it and finished it. The story is rather weak and
crawls along at a snails pace but I will give it a nod for being a very unique

Line of No Return: If you dislike this list

its about to
get worse.

Ok so this is starting to get tough for me. I really like Final Fantasy 4 but, I do
find some of the characters int he game to be completely un important and
thrown in to add to the game unecessarily. This is starting to get down to very
specefic things. Great story . Great Soundtrack.
Missing a few of my favorite mechanics.

I also really like this game. The story is gripping and interesting although at
times a bit long winded. I hated the gambit system at first but learned to love
it over time. The sheer amount of extra side stuff to do though makes this
game great. Not to mention a nearly perfect amount of characters and very
cool mechanic with the liscense board. I feel like it was only missing a few key
features but a great experience over all.

Ok this is just a very personal pick for a great game. I loved the job system. It
removed all the barriers of what is a good and let me do what I wanted
nothing trumps using a team of all MONKS to beat a game where there are so
many better choices. Great game Great characters. Although I feel it was
missing another male protaganist.

Alright we are starting to get to the heavy hitters in the list I choose FF7 to be
objectively worse then FF8 for a couple of reasons. First of all there are once
again too many pointless characters. Such as CID, Vincent, and Barrett. But,
the games neo future feel and amazing plot bring it all back in. Also the
materia system makes for an interesting although not fully fleshed out

This game has an amazing plot and in my opinion the perfect mixture of
characters. No really useless or pointless character other then Irvine. They
really had a master piece of writing here and put it all together on top of the
GF system. The only real negative I can assert is the penalty of losing your
save if you use GFS too much. Im not sure if it is real but they dont assert the
danger of the mechanic early enuogh in the game to make it pointfull. Great
idea for a META experience though.

Ok so I know ive been going on and on about useless or pointless party

members but I think this game pulls off a very good balance . The story up
unitll the end is flawless and the gameplay and everything else is masterfull.
The soundtrack is especially pointed and moving. The only knock on this
game is the odd change of tone and sudden shift in story near the end of it.

Before the end lets see some Honorable


Not a numbered entrant into the series but one of my peronal favorites. I
have a deep connection with this game. It was one of the first SNES games I
ever played and I still remeber it fondly to this day.

Another great time of a game time spent with freinds hijacking the chalice
and screaming while fighting bosses and enemies an interest competitive but
cooperative game.

Great game lovely soundtrack and jobs galore whats not to love?

Ok basically take that last game add Judges that make doing certain things
unlawfull and company afk quest. HOly I loved this game . LONG LIVE CLAN

Now Finally the One FF game I think truelly is

the greatest.

Final Fantasy 6:
This game is the symbol of true perfection in the series. It was a
glorious intersection of memorable characters all with their own story
and a grand over arching plot. The only true villian in the entire series
history who begins as a foppish impudent fool and becomes an all
powerfull god. The transition of the two worlds and the gameplay to
match it. This was by far the most important interation of the series
and every sequential game is still trying to live up to it.

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