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Calibration Guide

The Art of Measurement

The Art of Measurement


P.O. Box 654
2600 AR Delft
The Netherlands
T +31 15 269 15 00
F +31 15 261 29 71

The Art of Measurement

Best Way to Traceability

Calibration Guide

Mass, Pressure, Force and Viscosity


Low-pressure gas flow


Temperature and Humidity


Electricity and Magnetism


Time and Frequency


Geometric calibrations




Ionising radiation and Radioactivity


The Art of Measurement

Best Way to Traceability

Calibration Guide

NMi Van Swinden Laboratorium (NMi VSL) is the National Metrology Institute of The Netherlands.
Metrology is the science of measurement. NMi VSL focuses on the development and maintenance of
primary measurement standards to provide traceability. Since products must meet increasingly stringent
requirements, measurement standards are vital for obtaining accurate and reliable measurement results
in industry and society.
In NMi VSL laboratories, highly accurate calibrations are carried out for industry, government and society.
The uncertainty in our most accurate and reliable primary measurement standards is better than 1 in 1013.
The maintenance and development of these measurement standards require a broad international
approach, which is achieved by close collaboration with other national metrology institutes.
By means of a calibration against NMi VSL primary measurement standards, SI-traceable values can be
assigned to secondary and working measurement standards and the accuracy of measurement
instruments can be determined.
Calibration certificates issued by NMi VSL are internationally recognised under the CIPM Mutual
Recognition Arrangement. Our certificates are provided with the CIPM MRA logo.
Since measuring instruments and measurement standards may drift in time, they must be re-calibrated
after a certain period. We can assist in determining this period and can take care of timely re-calibration
by means of a monitoring and call system. In this way the loss of valuable production time can be kept
under control.
Interlaboratory Comparisons
NMi Van Swinden Laboratory has more than 30 years of experience in interlaboratory comparisons.
We conduct interlaboratory comparisons and proficiency testing programs in many different fields
from pressure, mass and viscosity to chemical analyses, and from temperature and humidity to electricity,
length and gas flow.

The Art of Measurement

As the Dutch national institute for metrology, NMi participates in key comparisons with national metrology
institutes throughout the world. We are therefore well acquainted with the demands of participation in
such programs. For instance, we know just how important it is for laboratories to receive advance warning
on when test materials will arrive. And we know how important it is to receive clear, comprehensive, and
prudent reports on results. NMi is accredited to conduct interlaboratory comparisons and proficiency testing programs. We have gained an international reputation as a reliable, independent metrology institute.
R&D in Metrology
With the increasing technological developments and improved control, the demands on products and
services are becoming more and more stringent. In defining requirements, it is essential to know how
limit values and measurement values are to be determined and how to assure reliability.
NMi VSL supports industry and government on such metrological issues. We provide expertise to assist in
a wide range of areas, from nano-metrology used in microchip manufacturing, to policy making in
environmental issues. NMi VSL also conducts applied metrology projects. In close cooperation with
industry we investigate and develop new measuring methods and instruments in order to enhance product
quality and the control of measuring instruments in use.
Besides supporting industry, NMi VSL participates in projects for emerging markets and we carry out
international projects in the area of metrological infrastructures and conformity assessment.


The Art of Measurement

Mass, Pressure, Force and Viscosity

The most accurate mass standard in The Netherlands, a weight made

from Platinum-Iridium (PtIr) with a mass of 1,000000146 kg, is held at
NMi Van Swinden Laboratorium. The standard is kept safely under two
glass bell covers in a vault in the cleanrooms in the Mass and Related
Quantities section of NMi Van Swinden Laboratorium. In these cleanrooms, the most accurate mass calibrations in The Netherlands are
performed with the aid of mass standards that are directly derived from
the PtIr standard.
The Dutch kilogram is directly linked to the primary kilogram (Grand K)
that is stored at the International Bureau of Weights and Measures
(BIPM) in Paris.
In addition, with the aid of our advanced weighing equipment, the
Pressure, Force and Viscosity standards are realized, which provide
traceability to the SI. A top position in these fields is guaranteed,
that is gratefully used by the industry.
The Pressure section can cover an enormous range and, as such, can
calibrate a diverse range of pressure meters with an extremely high
degree of accuracy.
This applies also to the Force section, where our experts use three deadweight machines and a large number of more compact force standards,
such as force machines or (extremely) large weights for example, with
which calibrations can be carried out on location too.
The extensive range of viscosimetric reference liquids that is supplied
by the Viscosity section is used all over the world. The same is true for
the mineral oil standards used for NEN 5733. The section also carries out
viscosity and density measurements on liquids that are supplied by the
customer, at various temperatures if required.
Of course the experts from these sections are always ready to think
with our customers about the challenges that they meet in their own
practical situations and to offer their insights into the complex world
of metrology.

We calibrate:
Pressure gauges
Pressure balances
Pressure transmitters
Force meters
Tension and compression
Load cells
Materials testing machines
Density of liquids

The Art of Measurement


Our Primary Reference Gas Mixtures are used worldwide to make gas
composition measurements traceable and comparable. The internationally accepted Standard Gas Mixtures are used in both industrial and
environmental analyses over a wide range of applications. From volatile
organic compounds to synthetic natural gas, and from NH3 to typical car
exhaust compounds.
All of the well-known specialty gas suppliers use NMi VSLs Primary
Reference Gas Mixtures to support their quality systems and to provide
their clients with internationally accepted traceability. For example,
the calorific value of natural gas calculated in the laboratories of the
buyer and the seller can be compared properly, only if the calibration
of the gas chromatographs that were used can be traced to comparable
measurement standards, in this case primary gas mixtures.
In addition to supplying gas mixtures we can also analyse gas mixtures
that have been supplied by third parties and issue them with a calibration
certificate. We can also calibrate gas monitors in our state of the art
laboratory in Delft.

Our range of products is:

Carbon monoxide in nitrogen
Carbon dioxide in nitrogen/
synthetic air
Nitric oxide in nitrogen
Nitrogen dioxide in nitrogen/
synthetic air
Oxygen in nitrogen
Propane in nitrogen/
synthetic air
Sulfur dioxide in nitrogen/
synthetic air
Hydrogen sulfide in
Ethanol in nitrogen/
synthetic air
Methane in nitrogen/
synthetic air
Nitrous oxide in nitrogen/
synthetic air
Ammonia in nitrogen
Water in nitrogen
Automotive Gases
Medical Diagnostics Standards
Noble Gas Standard
Explosimetry Standards
Leak detection Standards
BTEX in nitrogen
VOCs in nitrogen
Synthetic natural gas
Refinery Gas Standards
Coke-oven Gas Standards


The Art of Measurement

Low-pressure gas flow

NMi VSL realises the primary cubic metre which is an important trump
card that enables us to be a good partner in our (inter)national contacts. NMi VSLs various flow installations are provided with traceability
directly from this primary cubic metre after which this is passed on
worldwide to laboratories, industry or end-users, by means of calibrations
and ring comparisons (Proficience Testing schemes).
This is also known as a calibration chain. It is clear that our partners
find it very important to have their instruments linked to this calibration chain in order to keep measurement differences, measurement
disputes and measurement uncertainty as small as possible. The question is: How did you arrange your link to the calibration chain?
The section has a very well-equipped laboratory at its disposal, in which
various installations are set up. With these facilities it is possible to offer
our clients a very diverse range of flow measurements.
The section carries out calibrations both in the laboratory and on
location. Our experts are regularly active worldwide carrying out
on-site calibrations and validations. In addition, they also regularly act
as independent mediators between suppliers and buyers of (natural)
gas in the event of disputes.
Often the clients are present during the calibrations in our laboratory.
This gives them the opportunity to discuss their practical situations with
our experts.
Of course, it is possible to draw on the expertise of the section when
developing new meters, installations and the associated programs and
procedures. All of this has lead to the section becoming an internationally accepted and respected provider of traceability and accuracy in the
field of gas flow measurements.

We calibrate:
Turbine meters
Rotary meters
Mass Flow meters
Mass Flow controllers
Air speed meters
Mercury sealed piston provers
Diaphram meters
Wet gas meters
Soap bubble meters
Piston provers
Variable area meters
Respiratory equipment
Ultrasonic meters

The Art of Measurement

NMi VSL recently renewed its liquid laboratory, which makes our experts
your ideal partner when it comes to high-quality and internationally
accepted measurements in the field of volume and flow.
When you consider how many cubic metres of crude oil, petrol or water
are transported by modern pipelines worldwide, you can imagine that
even a very small error can have enormous consequences for the costs.
This could be to your advantage, but it could also be to your disadvantage!
Of course, traceability and accuracy play a very important role too in
the smaller volumes that are used in the pharmaceuticals industry, for
example. These measurements can also be directly traced to NMi VSLs
primary standards via a number of extremely careful processes.

We calibrate:
Liquid flow meters
Piston and ball provers
Test and calibration set-ups
on location
Liquid measurement equipment
or systems in accordance with the
equipment or system specifications

The standards in our liquids laboratory are continuously compared

with the standards in other metrology institutes all over the world.
This guarantees the (inter)national comparability and acceptability
of the measurements.
The Liquids section is an authority in the field of reliable measurement
of liquid flows and the calibration of liquid meters.
With the aid of our facilities, a large variety of measurements can be
carried out both on-site and in our laboratory, under practically all conditions. NMi VSL can help with all aspects of liquid measurements, from
volume to density, from temperature to pressure and from viscosity to
expansion coefficients. In all cases, NMi VSL has the capability to carry
out the measurements at the level of quality that you require.


The Art of Measurement

Temperature and Humidity

Temperature is one of the most frequently measured quantities worldwide. Sometimes a small measurement error can have big consequences
for the quality of a production process and for personal safety.
Measurements of both temperature and humidity play a major role in
process monitoring and personal comfort, amongst other things.
For many years, NMi VSL has been a reliable partner for high quality
temperature and humidity calibrations. Thanks to the presence of
primary standards that are in the European top 5 and our in-depth
knowledge, we can always offer you the accuracy that you require and
advise you about your own measurements.
We understand that it is important to you to get results quickly and
correctly. We always ensure that you get a suitable offer within a couple
of days. We usually carry out the calibration of standard instruments
within 2 weeks of receiving your order.
Our measurements consist mainly of comparative calibrations. In this
case, the reading on your instrument (thermometer or hygrometer) is
compared with our working standards that are directly traceable to our
primary standards. This guarantees the highest possible accuracy.
Our temperature and humidity range is so large that you can be sure
that all your measurement requirements can be met at one location.
You can visit us too if you want to know more about temperature
and/or humidity measurement principles. With the aid of extremely
practical training courses and tailor-made advice, you will be able to
further improve the quality of your measurement processes and your
employees know-how.
You can also take part in one of our interlaboratory comparisons.
Participation in this is an important investment in the reliability of your
measurements and your employees self-confidence.

We calibrate:
Digital thermometers
Resistance thermometers
Liquid-in-glass thermometers
Simulators and calibrators
Fixed-point cells
Calibration ovens
Temperature transmitters
Dew point meters
Humidity generators

The Art of Measurement

Electricity and Magnetism

At some point during almost all measurements the value of the
measured quantity is converted into an electrical analog signal or
(binary) digital value. Because of this the accuracy of electrical
measurements plays a major role in the determination of the measured value and/or the transmission of this value from the measurement
location to the registration location. In addition, due to the increasing
integration of systems and software corrections in the equipment, there
is an increasing need for a higher degree of measurement accuracy.
Furthermore, when dealing with electricity we have to deal with a
number of interrelated and derived quantities that together determine
the accuracy of the measurement.
The most important quantities are voltage, current and resistance.
However frequency and impedance also play a role. For high frequency
signals there are additional factors involved such as reflection, time and
attenuation, and the inextricably linked (electro)magnetic fields.
In order to satisfy the need for calibration by the industry and laboratories, NMi Van Swinden Laboratorium makes sure that there are sufficient accurate primary standards for resistance and voltage available.
To do this, standards based on quantum mechanical phenomena are
used, that are realised at temperatures at which superconduction takes
place. By means of working standards for these quantities and the VSL
internal references for frequency and length, a wide range of calibration options can be offered for the various laboratory references and
measurement instruments.
For example, the available measurement range for frequency is from
DC (0 Hz) to 50 GHz, for voltage it is from less than 1 mV to 100 kV and
currents in the range of 100 A to 10 A can be measured.

We calibrate:
Zener references, voltage sources
Amperemeters, incl. current
Capacitors, Inductors, IVDs,
AC resistors
AC Thermal voltage converters
Calibrators and other generators
Digital multimeters
Wattmeters, kWh meters,
phase meters
High tension voltage dividers and
RF (Step)attenuators
RF Impedances, 50 ohm and
Power sensors, thermistor mounts
Single-axis and multiple-axis
electrical and magnetic field
strength meters
(E)LF to RF radiation safety meters
Personal safety meters
Reference magnets
Coil constructions
EMC simulation and measurement
And more..
We are working on new
facilities for
Precision power measurements
up to 1 MHz
AC resistance measurements for
AC voltage measurements directly
linked to quantum standards
Low currents (less than 1 mA)
And more

Primary voltage standard

3D-Helmholtz coil in use for

calibration of isotropic field
strength meters up to 10 kHz.

We advise on
ISO/IEC 17025
Measurement problems
Uncertainty analysis
Characterisation of measurement
Training of personnel
Field strength measurements and
Measurements at frequencies
above 1 MHz
And more

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The Art of Measurement

Time and Frequency

Frequency is the quantity that can be measured with the highest
precision. Because of this there is an effort made worldwide to derive
a number of other quantities from this frequency standard. In the
meantime this has been realised for the voltage standard (by means of
a superconduction effect) and the length standard (by means of laser
light interference). Frequency and time (interval) are directly related to
each other. The most accurate commercially made standards are
caesium clocks. NMi has 4 of these clocks that form part of an international
network for the determination of the duration of a second. This sort of
comparison takes place under the coordination of the BIPM in Paris.
Comparison with clocks all over the world takes place 24 hours a day.
At the highest level, caesium clocks are compared with each other via
signal transmissions (e.g. via the GPS satellites). Currently there are
actions being undertaken to set up a similar activity for the Galileo
satellite system.
Using this accurate frequency standard all kinds of time and frequency
measurement instruments can be traceably calibrated. In addition time
information is provided as a service via the Time Service Bulletin or time
synchronisation via the usual telecommunication lines.

We calibrate:
Frequency standards
(Caesium, Rubidium, etc.)
GPS receivers
Frequency generators
Frequency counters
Time interval counters
Rise time meters
Revolution counters
Sports timing instruments
We supply:
Time Service Bulletin
Time information via
telephone modem
And more...
We are going to supply:
Time information via Galileo
Time information via NTP
We advise on:
ISO/IEC 17025
Measurement problems
Uncertainty analysis
Characterisation of measurement systems
Measurements in the field of
time and frequency
Training courses for personnel
And more

Measurement console for time

and frequency measurements

The Art of Measurement

Geometric calibrations
More than 200 years ago, Jean Henri van Swinden, after whom
NMi Van Swinden Laboratorium is named, participated in the international committee that defined our current unit of length, the metre.
Nowadays the metre is related to the wavelength of a (red) standard
laser. Recently, the link with the time and the frequency standards
within NMi VSL was realised.
The facilities, that are based on the standard metre for calibrating your
geometric measurement equipment and the dimensions of reference
objects, range from a 50 m laser measuring bench to 3D measurement
equipment for large, small, flat or irregularly shaped objects.
Due to miniaturisation and the growing number of precision technology applications, higher requirements are imposed on the measurement
uncertainty. Our limits fulfill the market demands, from micrometres
to nanometres. That is why NMi Van Swinden Laboratorium is also an
active partner in research projects in the field of nanotechnology and is
developing new calibration instruments.
With this know-how we are pleased to provide you with the best possible calibration results or to advise you about research, development
and production.

The traceable Atomic Force

Microscope Measurement
volume 100 m x 100 m x 20 m
for measurements with nanometre

We calibrate:
3D measurements at micrometre level
Gauge blocks
Angle gauge blocks
Angle measurement
Ring and plug gauges
Laser interferometers
(optical measuring systems)
Leveling rods
Measuring benches
and machines
Reference spheres
Roundness standards
Roughness standards
Screw thread standards
(cylindrical and conical)
Step gauges
Step standards
Graduated gauges
Free formed objects
Levelling instruments
And more
We are going to calibrate:
3D at nanometre level
MST / MEMS products and
Nanotechnology products and
Precision mechanics and standards
And more
We advise on:
ISO/IEC 17025
Innovative solutions for
measurement problems
Uncertainty analysis
Characterisation of measurement
And more

Calibration of adjusting rings

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The Art of Measurement

Do you have a question about the total radiated power of any lamp,
LED or fluorescent light for example? Then our recently developed
goniometer facility can offer you the answer. In addition we have a
wide range of facilities with the aid of which the most diverse optical
questions can be answered in the field of the spectral properties of
materials, the properties of detectors or lamps and in the field of black
radiators and radiation thermometers.
NMi Van Swinden Laboratorium provides traceability of optical measurements via calibrations of various optical measurement systems and
reference standards. Due to the continuous development of existing
and new facilities, it is possible to perform an ever-increasing range of
high-quality calibrations.
Thanks to the years of in-house development, NMi Van Swinden
Laboratorium has built up a great deal of metrological know-how in
the field of optical measurement systems. We would be pleased to put
this know-how to use in answering your questions and/or developing
new products.

Measurement system for determining the

spatial distribution of light from sources.
With this virtual integrating sphere of
3 metres in diameter gas discharge lamps
and displays can also be measured.

Measurement system for the

calibration of (reference
standard) detectors from
UV to infrared
(190 nm to 20 mm)

We calibrate:
Oven systems
Light meters
Colour meters
Photometric lamps*
Maritime lighting systems
Spectral irradiance lamps*
Optical power meters
UVA meters
And more..
*We also can supply the object
itself, incl. calibration

We are going to calibrate:

Radiation profiles of LEDS,
Fluorescent lights and other lamps
(spatially distributed over a
completely spherical surface)
Lamps, fluorescent lights
and LEDS
in terms of total radiated power
UVB and UVC meters
And more
We advise on:
ISO/IEC 17025
Measurement problems
Uncertainty analysis
Characterisation of
measurement systems
And more

The Art of Measurement

Ionising radiation and Radioactivity

Ionising radiation and radioactivity are used worldwide in industry,
healthcare, the environment and for our safety. Examples include
making diagnostic X-rays, carrying out radiotherapy on tumours, scanning
baggage at the airport and radiation safety in nuclear power plants.
In order to deal with ionising radiation and radioactivity in a manageable, controllable and comparable way, we are dependent not only on
the rules and regulations, but also on measurement instruments.
It is extremely important that these measurement instruments function
correctly, both from an economic and, in some cases, a human safety
point of view.
A component of the quality assurance for these instruments is a periodic
calibration. After all, calibration is the only means of determining the
metrological deviation of a measurement instrument, so that
corrective measures can be taken if necessary.

We calibrate:
Ionisation chambers and
solid-state detectors
Contamination monitors
Electrometers and dosimeters
Isotope calibrators
Radiation survey meters
Radioactive sources
Personal dosimeters
Area monitors
DAP meters
mAs meters
Film cassette penetrameters

For the calibration of these measurement instruments, NMi VSL has the
required expertise and facilities, not only for simple calibrations but also
for calibrations at the highest level of accuracy. In addition, NMi VSL has
a mobile measurement facility for on-site calibration of collimated radiation bundles. Standards such as ISO 4037, IEC 1267 and NEN 10846 are
followed for carrying out the calibrations and to guarantee traceability
to the highest international standard(s).
In addition to the calibration of measurement instruments, there are
facilities for other experiments with X-ray radiation to 320 kV, gamma
radiation from 137Cs and 60Co, and 90Sr/Y beta radiation.

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P.O. Box 654
2600 AR Delft
The Netherlands
T +31 15 269 15 00
F +31 15 261 29 71

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