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Rising Sun & Ohio County

Community News Volume 3 - Issue 8 - November/December 2009

Celebrate the Holidays in Rising Sun

Holidays in small-town Indi- SANTA
ana is a time when friends and fam- TOWN!
ily draw nearer to each other. The On Saturday December 5th
bonds of love and friendship become and again on the 12th, that jolly old
closer, warmer and more dear, and the elf himself will make an appearance
memories of holidays past add to the at Noon at Heritage Hall. Children of
brightness of the holidays we experi- all ages...including yourself...are wel-
ence today. Downtown Rising Sun come to whisper in Santas ear.
hopes that you and your friends and Mellang Photography & Media will
family have a wonderful holiday and be there to take FREE pictures of your
we also hope that some of those little loved ones with Santa. The pic-
memories of Thanksgiving and Christ- tures will be printed there, that day.
mas 2009 include a visit to our little
town, brightly lit on the banks of the ANNU
Ohio River. Dress up your dog, cat, horse
The Historic Downtown Pro- or hamster and bring them to the An-
gram, in cooperation with the mer- nual Critter Parade. It all starts at
chants of Rising Sun and Ohio noon on Saturday Dec. 12 in front of
County, the City of Rising Sun, Tour- The Denver Siekman Environmental Park s Live Nativity Scene the Rising Sun City Hall. And if you
ism, the Historical Society and many during Christmas in the Country Dec 18 & 19 6 to 9 pm would rather watch than parade,
other agencies, organizations, and in- make sure to bring your camera for a
dividuals, is planning all kinds of family oriented fun and events for parade like you have never seen before! Prizes will be given to the pet
your pleasure. that is best dressed.

To begin with, The Historic Dowtown Program is hosting a holi- Bethel Unity Baptist Church will present The Gift Goes On Sun-
day shopping exposition at Heritage Hall on the first Fridays (5pm-8pm) day December 13th at 10:00 am. Rising Sun United Methodist Church
and Saturdays (noon-5pm) in November and December. There will be will present their cantata at 7:00 pm that same evening.
unique gift opportunities from local business people. Some local wood-
workers developed this idea. KINDER BALLET A T HERIT
This wonderful idea has become more broad allowing arts and On December 19th enjoy the Kinder Ballet in Heritage Hall at 2
crafts to even home business people to display and sell their wares. pm
You will be able to find holiday gifts for everyone on your list. The gifts FREE CARRIAGE RIDES AROUND DOWNTOWN RISING SUN
can be one of a kind. Plus, you can have the satisfaction of knowing Come and see the the beautiful and historic downtown area
your money stayed local and that it did not go to a big box store. aboard a FREE horse-drawn carriage ride on Saturday December 19 as
Some of the items for sale will be hand crafted woodworked part of the last weekend celebration before Christmas. Rides will be
items, soaps, jewelry, cosmetics, candles, Christmas crafts, and other from 3 to 6 pm.
unique one-of-a-kind items.
FRIDA AY S The Ohio County Historical Society & Museum will be the place
First Friday events on Friday November 6 and Friday December 4 to visit to round out your holiday enjoyment. This year, the Museum will
will include the Holiday Shopping Exposition and special open houses be offering several events which will insure the holiday spirit is alive!
at The Pendleton Arts Center and other merchants on Main Street. Plan Plan on visiting all of them!
to come early to Rising Sun and eat at one of the several downtown Nov. 14 10 am Market Place---Held at Heritage Hall on Mai Street;
restaurants such as Acapulcos, RiverStar, Courtyard, Hong Kong Kitchen, handmade items, antiques, wood working, dolls, baskets, homemade
The River House, and The Snack Shack. Close to the downtown area is cookies, candies, and gift items. Best of all, our homemade lunch.
Jacks, Baileys, Toppers, and Subway. Nov 27 through Dec 29 Christmas Train Display. The Ohio County
Historical Societys collection of model trains (N-scale, HO-scale, O-scale,
AT BAPTIST T and G-scale) will be in full operation
On Sunday November 22, join the community for a Thansgiving Dec 6 1:30 Santas Workshop. Join us to make decorations and
feast. Entertainment will be provided by Kenny Jackson. Please come ornaments to take home.
and bring a covered dish of your favorite casserole or vegetable and find Dec. 11 6 pm A Very Merry Literary Christmas Dinner Program.
new friends to celebrate and give thanks with! Journey with master storyteller Sharon Kirk Clifton as she leads you tales
of the holiday season.

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2 Rising Sun & Ohio County Community News

Some would say it has been a good summer and there are some who say it has not been a good year.
I think overall it has been a good year so far for our community. The economy may not be the best but we
need to continue moving forward.
Most of you have read in our paper from the America in Bloom contest that we have won in the
category of Heritage Preservation. This is a Criteria Award which means that we were the best of all entries in
Heritage Preservation. That speaks very highly of our community and what we were trying to achieve. This is
not something taken lightly and it is a very awesome award. This category was judged from the smallest
town of Echo, Oregon to big communities like Milwaukee, Wisconsin. I am very proud of our community and
what we have done and my heart goes out to all those who help in achieving this. I do appreciate these folks;
each one of you know who you are.
We started the process this summer to utilize our summer help to start some sidewalk projects and
replacements. I believe they did a good job and more is coming as next year starts so some of you may
receive letters on right of ways along streets or easements as we plan for 2010. This will be a long drawn-out
process but for those of you who like to walk in our community it will be a blessing so that folks dont have to
walk in the streets where there are no sidewalks.
The process has been started to put together a strategic plan which is developing a mission state-
ment, a vision statement, and goals that we would like to achieve. This involves quite of few groups within our community which has been a long
drawn-out process. We want to involve the entire community. As these meetings continue, I would appreciate all of your comments. If you see me
out and about, do not hesitate to give me your thoughts or put them in writing and tell me what you would like to see in our community. It is going
to take all of us working together not working against each other to achieve this. Working together is the best alternative for I believe that we can
accomplish this and I do hope that most people and business owners will work with us to achieve our goals.
I hope that as the holiday season comes around in these trying times that we remember those who need help and give to those who need
our assistance. I believe that is what small-town America is all about and I see it happen here often in our own community. We are all grateful for
many things and the friends that we have here are most precious.
Please remember our men and women who are in the armed services especially those serving overseas and may God bless this community
that we call Rising Sun, Ohio County.

Historic Downtown Rising Sun

Amy Hoffman, Director It doesnt seem right, but the Holiday Season is upon us. So take a deep breath and to try to slow down
to enjoy it. In December, our downtown will be a busy place. In Heritage Hall there will be a local shopping
exposition by our local woodworkers, arts and crafters, and even merchandise from home businesses. So mark
your calendars for November 5th and 6th and Dec. 4th and Dec. 5th 5pm-8pm noon to 5pm Saturdays. Santa
will be in Heritage Hall Dec. 5th and 12th from Noon to 2pm. Mellang Photography & Media will be there to take
FREE pictures of your little loved ones with Santa. The pictures will be printed there, that day. Also, on Dec. 12
meet at City Hall at noon with your pet for our annual Critter Parade. Prizes will be given to the pet that is best
dressed. On December 19th enjoy the Kinder Ballet in Heritage Hall at 2 pm then from 3pm-6pm take a ride
free carriage ride.
Just a few Historic Downtown Program updates, the RECAP 2.0 grant is slowly, but surely reaching a
point of activity that can be seen. We are thrilled to have the Gibson Hardware sign painted. We will begin to
spruce up a few more buildings to give our downtown more of a facelift. However, since we are now in the
winter months our major renovations might have to be scheduled for the springtime.
Since June, the Historic Downtown Board has been meeting bi-monthly working towards a new Strategic
Plan. This process has been an enjoyable experience moving us toward understanding where we have been,
where we want to go and how to get there. What I personally like about our Vision of Rising Sun is that in 5
years we do not want to be something we are not. We want to stay rural and simple, but be proud of this and
market it. People in this fast paced world will crave the stepping back and feeling like they are visitors in a
quintessential small town.
May God watch over us all, especially all the current military men and women.

Holiday Shopping at Heritage Hall

This fall Historic Downtown Program is going to open Heritage So, holiday shoppers mark your calendar for this time to get your
Hall for a perfect holiday shopping location. The first Friday and Satur- shopping done early. Even better than getting unique gifts for your hard
day in November and December, table space will be available for wood earned dollars, you would be helping your money stay in our commu-
workers, arts & crafts, and home business owners to sell their items. nity, which is always a good thing.
Space is limited so please reserve a table by calling 812-438-2750.

Program Sponsors
ABOUT THE NEWS... City of Rising Sun Historic Downtown
The Rising Sun & Ohio County Community News is a publication sponsored by the Historic Bill Marksberry, Mayor Program
Downtown Program and the City of Rising Sun to provide governmental units, not-for-profit Rae Gipson, Clerk Amy Hoffman,
entities, and local businesses the opportunity to communicate directly with residents of Treasurer Director
the community. Community groups are encouraged to submit stories, news briefs, and Karrah Miller,
City Council Members:
pictures to be published in the newspaper. Submissions must be made electronically. Office Manager
Roy Powell
Files can be uploaded to Disks, CDs, and other media may be sent
Dennis Radcliff
to the Historic Downtown office at 103 S. Walnut St., Rising Sun or dropped off at Bretzel
Mike Padgett
Enterprises at 118 Main St. Local businesses are encouraged to explore the discounted
Lynn Graves
advertising rates available to them. For more information, please visit
Steve Slack, or call 438-2750.
November/December 2009 3

(amyl) nitrite, and isobutyl (butyl) nitrite, and are commonly known as
poppers or snappers. Amyl nitrite is used in certain diagnostic proce-
dures and was prescribed in the past to treat some patients for heart
pain. Nitrites are now prohibited by the Consumer Product Safety Com-
mission, but can still be found, sold in small bottles, often labeled as
video head cleaner, room odorizer, leather cleaner, or liquid aroma.
See our website to see just a few of the
common street names
INHALANTS: What You Dont Shor
t-TTerm Ef Efff ects
Most inhalants act directly on the central nervous system (CNS)
Know Can Kill Them! to produce psychoactive, or mind-altering, effects. They have short-term
effects similar to anesthetics, which slow the body's functions.
Inhalants are a diverse group of substances that include volatile Inhaled chemicals are rapidly absorbed through the lungs into
solvents, gases, and nitrites that are sniffed, snorted, huffed, or bagged the bloodstream and quickly distributed to the brain and other organs.
to produce intoxicating effects similar to alcohol. These substances are Within seconds of inhalation, the user experiences intoxication along
found in common household products like glues, lighter fluid, cleaning with other effects similar to those produced by alcohol. Alcohol-like ef-
fluids, and paint products. Inhalant abuse is the deliberate inhaling or fects may include slurred speech, an inability to coordinate movements,
sniffing of these substances to get high, and it is estimated that about euphoria, and dizziness. In addition, users may experience
1,000 substances are misused in this manner. The easy accessibility, lightheadedness, hallucinations, and delusions.
low cost, legal status, and ease of transport and concealment make Prolonged sniffing of the highly concentrated chemicals in sol-
inhalants one of the first substances abused by children. There are four vents or aerosol sprays can induce irregular and rapid heart rhythms
general categories of inhalants: and lead to heart failure and death within minutes of a session of pro-
Volatile solv ents are liquids that vaporize at room tempera-
solvents longed sniffing. This syndrome, known as "sudden sniffing death," can
tures. They are found in a multitude of inexpensive, easily available result from a single session of inhalant use. Chronic exposure to inhal-
products used for common household and industrial purposes. These ants can produce significant, sometimes irreversible, damage to the heart,
include paint thinners and removers, dry-cleaning fluids, degreasers, lungs, liver, and kidneys.
gasoline, glues, correction fluids, and felt-tip marker fluids. Long-
Long-T Term Ef Efff ects
Aerosols are sprays that contain propellants and solvents. They The chronic use of inhalants has been associated with a number
include spray paints, deodorant and hair sprays, vegetable oil sprays for of serious health problems. Sniffing glue and paint thinner causes kid-
cooking, and fabric protector sprays. ney abnormalities, while sniffing the solvents toluene and trichloroeth-
Gases include medical anesthetics as well as gases used in ylene cause liver damage. Memory impairment, attention deficits, and
household or commercial products. Medical anesthetic gases include diminished non-verbal intelligence have been related to the abuse of
ether, chloroform, halothane, and nitrous oxide, commonly called laugh- inhalants. Deaths resulting from heart failure, asphyxiation, or aspira-
ing gas. Nitrous oxide is the most abused of these gases and can be tion have occurred.
found in whipped cream dispensers and products that boost octane A strong need to continue using inhalants has been reported
levels in racing cars. Household or commercial products containing gases among many individuals, particularly those who abuse inhalants for
include butane lighters, propane tanks, whipped cream dispensers, and prolonged periods over many days. Compulsive use and a mild with-
refrigerants. drawal syndrome can occur with long-term inhalant abuse. Additional
Nitrites often are considered a special class of inhalants. Un- symptoms exhibited by long-term inhalant abusers include weight loss,
like most other inhalants, which act directly on the central nervous sys- muscle weakness, disorientation, inattentiveness, lack of coordination,
tem (CNS), nitrites act primarily to dilate blood vessels and relax the irritability, and depression.
muscles. While other inhalants are used to alter mood, nitrites are used For more information about inhalants visit
primarily as sexual enhancers. Nitrites include cyclohexyl nitrite, isoamyl

American Legion Auxiliary Prepares Soldier Care Packages

New Officers for the 2009-2010 year are businesses and community groups as well as
as follows: Sandy Kinzer, President; Rae Lynn individual donations. Donations will be ac-
Gipson, Vice-President; Peggy Fehrenbach, cepted at the local Post until Friday December
Treasurer (and Membership Chair); Alison 4th. Doors will open for the Novelty Bingo at
Neimeier, Secretary; Sue Scalf, Chaplin; Julie 12:00PM Everyone is welcome!
Parker, Sgt of Arms.
We Suppor
Supportt Our TTrroops Memorial
Soldier Care P ack
Pack ages
ages--The Auxiliary Thr
wsWe Support Our Troops American
is preparing care packages for soldiers from Legion Post 59 Memorial Throws have just ar-
Ohio County which are currently serving in the rived!! The blanket type throw shows the differ-
military. These are to be mailed in mid Novem- ent military branches and are personalized with
ber. There is a list of items needed for the pack- American Legion Post 59, Rising Sun, Indiana
ages at various locations throughout the com- and include the Legion, Auxiliary, and Sons em-
munity including the Legion Post. The City of blems. For viewing purposes there is a Memo-
Rising Sun has offered to pay the postage for rial Throw hanging at the local Post. Please stop
the care packages. All donations for the care by a take a look!! These are a great tribute to
packages are greatly appreciated. Currently the different branches of the military and vet-
there are 10 care packages being prepared. If erans past and present which have served or
you would like to request a care package be are serving our great Country. Cost of these me-
sent to a soldier from Ohio County serving in Building on October 28th at 6:30pm. The pub- morial We Support Our Troops throws are $50
the military please contact Sandy Kinzer at 812- lic is welcome to attend this presentation. A pre- and they are available at the Post.
438-2003. sentation to the Scout Groups is also being
planned on proper flag retirement by the Ameri- No
Novvember 1 7th A
17th uxiliar
uxiliaryy Mee
Auxiliar ting
Cub Scout Presentations
Presentations--Also the can Legion Post 59 Color Guard in November. Auxiliary meetings are held the third Tuesday
Auxiliary is working with various Cub Scout of the month at 6:30pm (with the exception of
Groups on earning badges for proper flag eti- No
Novvelty Bingo--The
Bingo Annual Auxiliary December) at the Legion Post at 110 Main
quette. The group will make a presentation to Novelty Bingo will be on Sunday December 6th Street. The next meeting is November
the Scout groups about the meaning of a flag at 1:00 PM in the basement of the American 17thPlease come join us!!
draped coffin and each fold of the flag at a mili- Legion Post 59 at 110 Main Street in Rising Sun.
tary rites funeral at the Emergency Services Novelty items include donations from various
4 Rising Sun & Ohio County Community News

Girls Day Open House Party Nov 8th

On Sunday, Nov 8th the Rising Sun Se- - Dees Diddies owned and operated by cash and carry products along with holiday spe-
nior Community Building, 510 South Mulberry Diana Roehm of Moores Hill, specializes in cials. Enjoy Tupperware products that last a
Street, will be the site for a Girls Day Out open moderately priced homemade quilted purses lifetime.
house from 12-4pm. Women can come and and craft items. Diana also performs alterations - June Wehner of Junes Retreat will offer
shop for themselves or look for the perfect holi- and general sewing. massages for $1.50/minute on site. Gift cer-
day gift. No charge to attend and come any- - Mary Kay Independent Beauty Consult- tificates will be available for purchase and ask
time throughout the 4 hours. ant Ronda Hunt will have limited edition, as well about specials for November and December.
- Brandie Smith Black, Independent as, regular line items available for purchase - Owner Stacy Pflum Morris of Baylees
Consultant for Tastefully Simple, will have cash Holiday gift sets will also be available. Let her Sun and Spa will be doing teeth whitening ses-
and carry products available. Tastefully Simple know what youd like to spend on a loved one sions. The special for this day only is a 15
products make great gifts for that person that and shell help you create the perfect gift! minute session for $20.00.
already has everything. - Pampered Chef by Independent Consult- In addition to these vendors, a represen-
- Terry Kittle with Ts Jewels, will have jew- ant Shonda Rose will have cash and carry prod- tative from Jewelry Into Cash will be on site to
elry made with Swavorski crystals and pearls ucts available, which make great gifts for co- purchase your gold, silver, or platinum items.
with sterling silver toggles, spacers, etc. Cash workers or teachers. Holiday gifts for under $10 They will offer you cash for your unwanted or
and carry products for $10 and up will be avail- will be available. broken items on the spot.
able. Terry also makes evstan made jewelry. - Independent designer Christine Becker We have included a variety of vendors
- Carla Stuard, Longaberger Independent with Celebrating Home will have cash and carry to give you a fun, relaxing day and assist you in
team leader, will have the new licensed NFL items on hand. Stop by to learn more about your personal or holiday shopping. Come join
baskets, holiday products and much more. specials, hosting a party, fund-raisers or career us!!!
Come early for best selection cash and carry opportunities.
quantities will be limited. - Tupperware with Claudette Day will have

Health Department Provides Vaccinations

CCINATIONS diarrhea.
The Ohio County Health Department will continue free vacci- Seek immediate emergency care if children have fast or dif-
nations for Kindergarten students for a few more weeks. If your child ficult breathing, bluish or gray skin, not drinking enough water, se-
has not been immunized, it is important to get those shots as soon vere or persistent vomiting, irritability to the point of not wanting to
as possible! be held, other flu-like symptoms that improve, then return with fever
and worse cough.
H1N1 FLU VIRUS Seek immediate emergency care if adults have difficulty
Also, in the wake of the danger of the spread of the H1N1 flu breathing, pain or pressure in chest, suden dizziness, confusion, se-
virus, the Centers for Disease Control has issued guidelines for warn- vere or persistent vomiting, other flu-like symptoms that improve,
ing signs of the virus. then return with fever and worse cough.
Signs and symptoms are: fever of 100+ degrees, cough, sore For information about these or any health-related issues,
throat, body aches, headache, chills, fatigue, occasional vomiting and please call 438-2551.
November/December 2009 5

Ohio County Historical Society Holiday Attractions

Novvember 1 144 1 0:00-4:00 Mar
10:00-4:00 Markket Place during the season. If you have an interest to volunteer for this or any-
Time has rolled around again for our annual Market Place. This thing else give Bill a call at 812-438-4915. The Historical Society is also
year it will be held at Heritage Hall on Main Street. interested in adding to the collection of trains and accessories so before
If you have handmade items or antiques to sell and would like a booth you get rid of your old trains give us a call and donate them.
space or more information, contact Lois 812-438-4915. Sponsored by PFS Community
There will be wood working, dolls, baskets, and much more. The Foundation.
museum will have their booth of homemade cookies, candies, and gift
items. Best of all our homemade lunch will be available. December 6, 1:30-4:30 p.m.
Santa's Workshop
Novv ember 2 7-December 29 Model TTrain
27-December rain Exhibit Join us to make decorations and ornaments to take home. Santa
The rumble of the electric trains will fill the museum with music will also pay a visit see how his elves are doing and will even spend
of the railroad. The Ohio County Historical Societys collection of model some time to listen to the youngsters of all ages wish list. Refreshments
trains (N-scale, HO-scale, will be served. Make time to visit the operating train exhibit.
O-scale, and G-scale) will Cost of the event is $3.00 for adults, $2.50 for seniors 55 and
be in full operation on No- older, $2.00 for high school students, and $1.00 for members and those
vember 27 through De- 12 and under.
cember 29 during mu- Sponsored by Rising Sun Municipal
seum hours. This year Utilities.
the layout will be relo-
cated from the main mu- December 11 6:00 pm
seum to the Education A V er
eryy Merr
Ver Merryy Lit erar
eraryy Chris
Literar tmas Dinner Pr
Christmas ogram
Gallery (back space of the Historically, Christmas is a time for friends, family, and congenial
museum). According to strangers to gather to hear tales. Journey with master storyteller Sharon
museum director, Bill Kirk Clifton as she leads you through meager, scantily furnished lodg-
Dichtl This allows us the ings, into a magical forest, or beside an empty manger. some of the
opportunity to expand the layout and have more flexibility. stories in this collection may have a familiar ring to them, others could
The train exhibit is the museums most popular exhibit each year. be new to listeners, but all share one element: they are based on literary
Most of us have a fascination with trains and enjoy watching the scale tales. You will not hear a recitation, however, as Sharon skillfully trans-
models travel through tunnels and towns. Each year something new is lates literary language into oral language.
added. This year one of the new features is a boxcar with a robber and Cost of the dinner program is $12.00 for members and $15.00
sheriff having a shoot out. for nonmembers. Program only (@ 7:30 pm) is $4.00 for members and
There is always a need for volunteers to help operate the trains $5.00 for nonmembers. Registration deadline is December 10.

Package Drawing
coming in
The Historic Downtown Program is also
conducting an Anniversary Package Giveaway
to be awarded at the end of 2009. Anyone who
uses Heritage Hall for their wedding and/or re-
ception during 2009 will be in a drawing in De-
cember 2009 for an Anniversary Package Give-
away, which includes a one night stay in local
Inn, His and Her Massage from the Rising Sun
Wellness Spa, and dinner at a local restaurant,
to be used in 2010. For more information call

Rising Sun News

Website: Expanded
If you would like to see more about the
stories you read here, go to the Rising Sun &
Ohio County Community News website at
www .risingsunne
www.risingsunne There you will find
not only expanded coverage, but also links to
many of the websites mentioned in the articles
in the paper and a calendar of events.
You can also send in articles, flyers, an-
nouncements, and items to go on the calendar
of events for the Rising Sun & Ohio County Com-
munity News by e-mailing them to We encourage
you to submit items and articles.
6 Rising Sun & Ohio County Community News

OCCF Announces Grants and Scholarships

The Ohio County Community Foundation Future Generations Community Service going to The scholar-
has several small grant programs that are avail- Hours ship amount for 2008 was $1,000 per student.
able to area non-profit organizations whose pro- The Future Generations Scholarship pro- It was paid in two semesters at $500 a semes-
grams benefit the residents of Ohio County. The gram is a wonderful way for Rising Sun High ter.
following small grants are available at all times: School students to earn scholarship money for If you have any questions concerning
college while volunteering in their community. the Future Generations Scholarship Program,
Mini-Grant- An organization may re- OCCF is pleased to administer the Future Gen- please contact Christy Elbright at 438-9401 or
quest up to $100 with a maximum of $200 per erations Scholarship Program, established
year per organization and a maximum of 4 Mini- within OCCF in March, 2006 by Mayor Bill
Grants per year. This grant does not require Marksberry, City Clerk Rae Baker Gipson and Community/Junior College Scholarships
Board or Committee approval. It can be ap- the Rising Sun City Council. It is the goal of the The Ohio County Community Foundation
proved by the Executive Director. City of Rising Sun to financially assist every would like to remind potential scholarship ap-
graduate of Rising Sun High School seeking to plicants of the application deadline for the Com-
Board of Directors Small Grant
Grant- An pursue a four (4) year college degree who meets munity/Junior College Scholarship. Applica-
organization may request up to $200 with a the specific scholarship criteria. tions and all required documents must be re-
maximum of $400 per year per organization and A student chooses an organization from turned to the Foundation office at 591 Smart
a maximum of 4 small grants per year. This the Approved Community Service Organizations Drive by Friday, December 18th at 4:00 p.m.
grant must be approved by one Board Member list and perform volunteer work for that organi- The Community/Junior College Scholar-
and the Executive Director. zation. Upon completion of their project, they ship is open to all Ohio County residents who
will need to complete a Community Apprecia- have been a resident for at least 1 year and who
Junior Grant-
Grant An organization may re- tion Service Reporting Form and have it signed have obtained a high school diploma or GED.
quest up to $500 with a maximum of $500 per by the contact person for that particular orga- Applicants receiving a full tuition scholarship
year per organization or a maximum of 2 Junior nization. It is the sole responsibility of the stu- are not eligible to apply. This year the scholar-
Grants per year totaling $500 or less. These dent to submit the reporting form to OCCF in ship amount is $500 per scholarship cycle.
applications must be approved by two (2) mem- order to receive credit for community service Scholarship recipients that remain in
bers of the Foundations Future Grant Commit- hours performed. Students may begin earning good standing with the college are eligible to
tee and the Executive Director, before being hours upon completion of the Eighth grade. reapply for the Community/Junior College
presented to the OCCF Board for final approval. The Approved Community Service Orga- Scholarship up to the designated number of
nization List and the Community Appreciation times specified on the scholarship criteria. The
Conference/T raining Grant-
erence/Training Grant An orga- Service Reporting Forms may be picked up at Community/Junior College Scholarship will be
nization may request up to $150 per applica- OCCF, 591 Smart Drive, Rising Sun. Founda- offered again in April 2010.
tion with a maximum of $300 per year per or- tion hours are Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and The mission of the Ohio County Commu-
ganization and a maximum of 2 Conference/ Friday from 8:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. nity Foundation is to build, manage and dis-
Training Grants per year. This grant can be ap- In order for students to be eligible to tribute a lasting source of charitable funds for
proved by the Executive Director. apply for the Future Generations Scholarship, Ohio County. If you have any questions con-
The criteria for each grant type, as well they must have all required community service cerning the Community/Junior College Schol-
as the applications, can be found at hours completed by the last business day of arship please contact Christy Elbright at 438- If you have any ques- their Senior year before Rising Sun High School 9401 or by e-mail at
tion concerning the Ohio County Community graduation ceremonies. The Class of 2010 and For questions
Foundation Small Grants Program, please con- beyond are required to complete 40 hours of concerning the Ohio County Community Foun-
tact us at 438-9401 or at community service. dation please contact Peg Dickson at 438-9401 The mission of The Future Generations Scholarship is or by e-mail at
the Ohio Community Foundation is to build, available to all 2006 and later Rising Sun High
manage and distribute a lasting source of chari- School graduates who meet the current year
table funds for Ohio County. scholarship criteria. The additional scholarship
criteria may be obtained by calling OCCF or by

RSOC Parks & Recreation Holding Bethel Baptist

Classes Church Events
Mar tial Ar
Martial ts Classes Begin
Arts come to join the group. And everyone else can Every Wednesday evening at 7 pm, the
The Rising Sun Ohio County Parks De- come to listen or even put on your dancing Prayer Service is currently studying Gifts: The
partment is partnering with Gary Van Guelpen shoes!! Joy of Serving the Lord. Everyone is warmly
of the Chinese Fighting Arts Academy to offer The Mulberry Jam is held at the Senior invited to join us!
Kung Fu classes to adults and children. Kung Citizen Center 510 S. Mulberry Street, Rising A Thanksgiving Covered Dish Dinner will
Fu is a martial art for both children and adults Sun. be presented on Sunday November 22 at 6:00
giving healthy training for bodies and minds pm. Entertainment will be provided by Kenny
Children 6 to 9 years old from 6 pm to 7 Yoga Classes Jackson. Please come and bring a covered dish
pm every Tuesday night, kids 10 to 12 from 7:15 Yoga classes taught by Brenda Winters of your favorite casserole or vegetable!
pm to 8:15 pm every Tuesday night. will be held every Thursday at 9:00 am at the Choir Rehersal will begin November 4
Adult classes are Thursday evenings Rising Sun Ohio County Senior Citizen Center. at 6:15 pm and continue every Wednesday
6:30 to 7:30. Clases cost $4.00 each. Stretch, strengthen, evening in preparation for the Christmas Can-
All classes are $10.00 per week. Addi- tone, breathe, relieve stress, and energize with tata The Gift Goes On to be presented Sun-
tional family members are 50% off. The classes yoga sequences. You may even use light day December 13th. A lunch and business
are located at the Schroeder Facility at the Fair- weights and balls to improve overall health and meeting will follow the cantata.
grounds. wellness. Please bring a water bottle to class.
For more information contact Jamie Bell,
Park Director 438-2700. Parks Board Dance Program
The Parks Board Dance Program is in its
Mulberry Jam is Back! 17th year in Rising Sun with ballet, jazz, and
Every Wednesday from 1 to 3:30 pm is tap for children ages 4 to 18. For schedule and
the Mulberry Jam, with old time country, old enrollment information, contact Laura Baresel
time southern gospel, and bluegrass. It comes at 438-9281.
with a pitch-in dinner! All musicians are wel-
November/December 2009 7

Noah OBannion
Post Events
Things are going quite well for our post;
I still would like to see more Legionnaires at-
tend our monthly meetings. These are held the
second Tuesday of each month and are at 7 PM
sharp. PLEASE attend and give your input about
our legion.
The Queen of Hearts is going well; the
Sons are doing a fine job at taking care of this
The Sons also had a benefit for Greg
Duvall and was able to help the family out.
Again thanks for all your hard work Sons.
I also want to thank the community for
their turn out when the people of this commu-
nity are in need.
The Ladies Auxiliary has drop boxes set
out around the community for items to send to
our Troops overseas. For exact location of one
of these boxes please contact an Auxiliary mem-
Continue to support the Queen of Hearts
on Saturday nights.

Upcoming Events:
***Euchre Tournament will start on Thursday
Oct. 22 and go through April 1. Sign up at 6:30
PM and game starts at 7 PM. 100% pay out
***Monday night bingo will be moved to the
Grand Victoria Auditorium starting Nov. 9 and
ongoing. Doors open at 5:30 PM More will be
in the newspaper as the date comes nearer.
***We will be having a Flag Burning Ceremony
in the latter part of Nov.
This is for retiring old and worn out flags
from their duty. Dates will be posted when this
is finalized. The Boy Scouts will be at this cer-
emony so please attend and show our dedica-

Pendleton Art Center Events Rising Sun Church of Christ

Upcoming Events
Rising Sun Ar ts A
Arts cadem
Academ December 28th & 29th
The Rising sun Arts Academy is pleased Winter Art Camp Sew Crafty Sews for Mission in Korea
to welcome students back for our Fall and Win- Classes are $7.00 each or $30.00 for the entire For ladies or gentlemen who like to knit or
ter sessions. We have a new classroom located season! Call 812-290-4997 or log on to crochet, every 1st and 3rd Monday at 7:00 PM we
on the first floor of the Pendleton Art Center to register. Class size will be meeting in the Fireside Room at the Church
and look forward to many exciting projects and is limited register today! of Christ. Bring your needles and yarn and make
classes. All class will be held at the Pendleton scarves, socks, and gloves for the orphans of North
For more information log Art center, Art Academy Class- Korea. There will also be a box for donated items,
on to room located at 201 Main St. Ris- whether homemade or not, set up at the Mission
The Piano Studio also ing Sun. Fair at C.Y. Kims booth. Please help with this
has a new location with a private This project is funded by need.
teaching space at the rear of the the Rising Sun Regional Foun-
main classroom. The current ses- dation. Womens Bible Study---Revelations
sion is now in progress. We are A new womens Bible study group is in
creating a waiting list for stu- Holida
Holidayy TTreasures
reasures progress. This group meets at 9:45 am every
Thursday in the Fireside Room at the Church of
dents who wish to be enrolled During the months of
Christ. The topic will be the Book of Revelations.
in future group piano lessons November and December, we
This is a good opportunity for fellowship with
sessions. To be placed on the will be showing works of art per-
some fine women and for learning.
list, or for further information call Kasha at 812- fect for that art lover on your Christmas list. Art
438- 4245. pieces are available upon purchase and are
priced to sell just for you during the holiday Rising Sun United
dayy Ar t School season.
Its Saturday ART SCHOOL at the Rising Sun Come join us at the Pendleton Art Cen-
Methodist Church News
Arts Academy for kids ages 5-12 ter on Main Street and enjoy shopping at the Rising Sun United Methodist Church will hold
Session A Ages 5-8 9:00 to 10:15 conveniance of your town. The hours of opera- its annual Bon Ami Harvest Dinner & Holiday
Session B Ages 9-12 10:30 to 11:45 tion are Wed - Fri 12 - 5 and on Saturdays 10 - Bazaar on November 7, 2009. The Bazaar runs
Novvember 2 1st
21st 5. For our First Friday events on November 6 from 1-5 pm (Rada Cutlery orders will be taken).
Make Christmas cards and December 4 our hours are from 12 - 9 pm. The Dinner will be from 5-7 pm with turkey, ham,
December 5th dressing, real mashed potatoes, pies and cakes.
Holiday Ornaments for Everyone!
8 Rising Sun & Ohio County Community News

Community Calendar Biggest

Check out the most up-to-date information at


Sun Coming
Rising Sun Rotary Club Meeting-----Every Monday 12:00 PM RiverStar Restaurant
American Legion's Monday Night Bingo---Every Monday 5:30 PM Grand Victoria Casino Auditorium
Ladies Crochet "Sew Crafty" (meets first and third Mondays)
Martial Arts Class (6 - 12 yrs old)---Every Tuesday evening
7:00 PM
6:00 PM
Rising Sun Church of Christ Fireside Room
Schroeder Facility, Fairgrounds in January
Mulberry Jam---Every Wednesday 1:00 PM Senior Citizen Center Each year do you make a
Choir Rehearsal for Christmas Cantata every Wednesday 6:15 PM Bethel Unity Baptist Church new years resolution to lose
Prayer Service every Wednesday 7:00 PM Bethel Unity Baptist Church weight, to get fit? Do you watch
Family Bible Study (meets first and third Wednesdays) 7:00 PM Rising Sun Church of Christ Fireside Room the reality tv shows and think that
Yoga Class---Every Thursday 9:00 AM Senior Citizen Center would motivate you to stick with
Women's Bible Study: Revelations; Every Thursday 9:45 AM Rising Sun Church of Christ Fireside Room a program? Do you want to feel
Martial Arts Class (adults)---Every Thursday evening 6:30 PM Schroeder Facility, Fairgrounds better about yourself and be more
Euchre Tournament---Every Thursday evening 6:30 PM Noah O'Bannion Post active?
Reformers Unanimous---Every Friday Evening 7:00 PM Hope Baptist Church Dillsboro Well, Extreme Fitness and
American Legion Post Meeting---2nd Tuesday Monthly 7:00 PM Noah O'Bannion Post the Historic Downtown Program
American Legion Auxiliary Meeting 3rd Thursdays 6:30 PM Noah O'Bannion Post can help. Rising Suns Biggest
Junior Leader Meeting 11/1 6:30 PM Purdue Cooperative Extension Office Loser contest will be held right
Youth Advisory Board Meeting 11/2 6:30 PM Purdue Cooperative Extension Office after the New Year. This is a 14-
Parenting Piece by Piece 11/3 7:00 PM Purdue Cooperative Extension Office week program. The winner will
Holiday Shopping at Heritage Hall 11/5 &6 Heritage Hall (5-8 pm Fri, noon-5 pm Sat) have lost the most weight (the per-
First Friday 11/6 Pendleton Art Center centage of lbs lost versus their
Bon Ami Harvest Dinner & Holiday Bazaar 11/7 1:00 PM Rising Sun United Methodist Church personal starting weight). Weigh-
Lazer Kraze (2nd - 5th Graders) 11/7 5:00 PM RS Church of Christ Youth ins will be done weekly at Extreme
Girls Day Open House Party 11/8 Noon Senior Citizen Center
Fitness (111 Main Street). The
Citizens for a Drug-Free Ohio County 11/9 11:00 AM Education Center of Rising Sun
first weigh-in will be Jan. 2 (Sat-
Extension Review 11/9 6:30 PM Purdue Cooperative Extension Office
urday). The final weigh-in will be
Parenting Piece by Piece 11/10 7:00 PM Purdue Cooperative Extension Office
April 10.
Veteran's Day Holiday 11/11
We hope to incorporate
Anthem Representative Discusses "Healthy Plan" 11/13 2:00 PM Ohio County Public Library
other sponsors and programming.
Ohio Co. Historical Society's Annual Market Place 11/14 10:00 AM Heritage Hall
We have secured $500 for a
Community Thanksgiving 11/15 3:00 PM First Baptist Church
grand prize to the person who has
Ohio County Fair Board Meeting 11/16 7:00 PM Purdue Cooperative Extension Office
the highest percentage of weight
Parenting Piece by Piece 11/17 7:00 PM Purdue Cooperative Extension Office
Rising Sun Arts Academy "Saturday Art School" 11/21 9:00 AM Pendleton Art Center
More information will be
Thanksgiving Dinner 11/22 5:30 PM Rising Sun Church of Christ
available in local flyers and news-
Thanksgiving Covered Dish Dinner 11/22 6:00 PM Bethel Unity Baptist Church
paper. If you have any questions,
Scholarship Workshop for all 4-H Seniors 11/23 6:00 PM Purdue Cooperative Extension Office
please call the Historic Downtown
Parenting Piece by Piece 11/24 7:00 PM Purdue Cooperative Extension Office
Program office at 812-438-2750.
Thanksgiving Day 11/26
Christmas Train Display 11/27 thru 12/29 Daily except Ohio County Historical Society
5th Sunday Pitch-In and Sing
Deadline for 4-H Camp Counselors Applications
11/29 5:00 PM
12/1 4:00 PM
Rising Sun United Methodist Church
Purdue Cooperative Extension Office
Taxes Due in
Parenting Piece by Piece 12/1 7:00 PM Purdue Cooperative Extension Office
Holiday Shopping at Heritage Hall 12/4 & 12/5 Heritage Hall (5-8 pm Fri, noon-5 pm Sat)
First Friday 12/4 Pendleton Art Center
Rising Sun Arts Academy "Saturday Art School"
Santa Claus stops by for a visit!
12/5 9:00 AM
12/5 and Noon
Pendleton Art Center
Heritage Hall
Office Nov 10
12/12 The fall installment of real,
American Legion Auxiliary Novelty Bingo 12/6 1:00 PM Noah O'Bannion Post personal, business and mobile
Santa's Workshop 12/6 1:30 PM Ohio County Historical Society home taxes is due on Tuesday,
Junior Leader Meeting 12/6 TBA Purdue Cooperative Extension Office November 10. Taxes may be paid
Youth Advisory Board Meeting 12/7 6:30 PM Purdue Cooperative Extension Office in the Treasurers office at the
Parenting Piece by Piece 12/8 7:00 PM Purdue Cooperative Extension Office Court House. If mailed they must
A Very Merry Literary Christmas Dinner Program 12/11 6:00 PM Ohio County Historical Society be postmarked on or before No-
Annual Critter Parade 12/12 Noon Rising Sun City Hall vember 10 to be on time. Pay-
Christmas Cantata "The Gift Goes On" 12/13 10:00 AM Bethel Unity Baptist Church ments may be dropped after
Christmas Cantata 12/13 7:00 PM Rising Sun United Methodist Church hours in the payment box to the
Citizens for a Drug-Free Ohio County 12/14 11:00 AM Education Center of Rising Sun left of the main Court House
Parenting Piece by Piece 12/15 7:00 PM Purdue Cooperative Extension Office doors. Credit/debit card pay-
Christmas in the Country 12/18 & 6:00 PM Denver Siekman Environmental Park ments are accepted, however a
12/19 convenience fee for using your
Community / Junior College Scholarship Deadline 12/18 4:00 PM Ohio County Community Foundation credit card will be charged: 3.00%
Kinder Ballet 12/19 2:00 PM Heritage Hall in the office, 3.95% on line at
Free Carriage Rides 12/19 3:00 PM Downtown Rising Sun or 4.95% by
First Day of Winter 12/21 telephone at 1-866-480-8552.
Ohio County Fair Board Dinner 12/1 6:00 PM Delinquent tax payments will be
Rising Sun-Ohio County Schools Christmas Break 12/24 - 1/3 charged a penalty. If you have any
Christmas Eve Services 12/24 6:30 PM Rising Sun Church of Christ questions, please contact County
Christmas Eve Services 12/24 11:00 PM Rising Sun United Methodist Church Treasurer Deedee Brown at 438-
Christmas Day 12/25 2724.
Rising Sun Arts Academy "Winter Art Camp" 12/28 & 9:00 AM Pendleton Art Center
New Year's Day 1/1

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