Post 6 36083 SA Repeating Derringer

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United States Patent

(10) Patent N0.:

US 6,234,058 B1
(45) Date of Patent:
May 22, 2001





(76) Inventor: Ralph Gordon Morgado, 1825-A



4/1976 Kaltmann .
12/1976 Kastner etal..
5/1979 Ketterer.

Primary Examiner_stephen M_ Johnson

Addlson Way> HayWard> CA (Us)

(74) Attorney, Agent, or FirmFlehr Hohbach Test


Albritton & Herbert LLP

Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this


patent is extended or adjusted under 35

U S C 154(k)) by 0 days
' '




Sem1automat1c p1stolWh1ch is small enough to be carried in

a pocket or otherwise concealed on the body of a person, and

caseless ammunition for use in the pistol. The pistol has a

(21) Appl' NO" 08/938088

(22) Filed;
Sep_ 26, 1997

grip adapted to be held in the hand of a shooter, a barrel

extending in a forWard direction from the grip, a closed

chamber at the rear of the barrel, means for ?ring a caseless


Int. Cl. ...................................................... .. F41A 9/17

US. Cl. ................................ .. 89/33.03; 89/155; 42/9;

Cartridge in the Chamber With the entire Cartridge being

discharged through the barrel, and means responsive to the

42/27; 42/395; 102/376

?ring of the cartridge for opening the chamber and loading


Field of Search .................................. .. 89/3303, 155,

another cartridge into the chamber. The caseless cartridge

89/156; 42/9, 27, 39.5; 102/376, 432

consists of a holloW projectile ?lled With gunpoWder, and a


References Cited


7/1916 Snyder.


1/1943 Ferrel .


I56 I29

primer for igniting the poWder. The primer is mounted

directly to the projectile, and there is no casing or other
material to ejected from the chamber before another round
is loaded.

24 Claims, 10 Drawing Sheets

I28 I38








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U.S. Patent

May 22, 2001

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US 6,234,058 B1

v: N:






U.S. Patent

May 22, 2001




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U.S. Patent

May 22, 2001

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U.S. Patent

May 22, 2001

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U.S. Patent

May 22, 2001

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U.S. Patent

May 22, 2001

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F/6.. I30

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U.S. Patent

May 22, 2001

Sheet 10 0f 10

FIG. /3F

US 6,234,058 B1

US 6,234,058 B1



As illustrated in FIGS. 12, the pistol has a frame or

receiver 21 Which includes a barrel 22 and a handle portion

This invention pertains generally to ?rearms and car

tridges and, more particularly, to a semiautomatic pistol of

Wardly and someWhat to the rear of the barrel. The frame is

fabricated as a one-piece structure of a lightWeight material
such as aluminum Which is also a good conductor of heat. A
liner 26 of a stronger material such as stainless steel is

a siZe small enough to be carried in a pocket or other

concealed location, and to ammunition for use therein.

comprising a pair of side plates 23, 24 that extend doWn


Because of inherent siZe limitations, pocket guns here

tofore provided have had very limited ?re poWer and very
poor accuracy. Such guns are typically .22 or .32 caliber and
have barrels Which are no more than about tWo inches long.

They tend to be relatively heavy and dif?cult to hold, With

room for only tWo ?ngers on the grip beloW the trigger.
Accuracy is limited not only by the shortness of the barrel,
but also by a tendency of the barrel to rise When the gun is
Because of the complexity of the action and the need to


press-?t into the barrel, With an enlarged end portion 27 at

the rear of the liner preventing the liner from being driven
forWard by bullets ?red through the gun.
Afolding grip 29 is mounted on the handle portion of the
frame. The grip has a holloW body Which is open in front and
is pivotally mounted on the frame by trunions or pins 31
Which project laterally from the frame and are received in
openings 32 in the sides of the grip. The grip can be moved
betWeen a normal position shoWn in FIG. 1 and the folded

expel the casings of spent cartridges, it is very dif?cult to

position shoWn in FIG. 3. In the normal position, the grip

design a pocket gun Which can be ?red semiautomatically.

It is in general an object of the invention to provide a neW
and improved ?rearm and ammunition.
Another object of the invention is to provide a ?rearm

folded position, it sWings up generally parallel to barrel. In

the normal position, the front sides of the grip abut against
blocks 33 Which project laterally from the frame, With tabs

extends doWnWardly and to the rear of the barrel, and in the

and ammunition of the above character Which overcome the

limitations and disadvantages of pocket guns and ammuni

tion of the prior art.
These and other objects are achieved in accordance With


34 on the grip being received in tapered notches 35 at the

rear of the blocks. A latch 36 at the top of the grip has a pair
of hooks 37 Which engage lugs 38 on the magaZine housing
to lock the grip in that position. The latch is pivotally

the invention by providing a semiautomatic pistol Which is

mounted on a pin 39, With a spring 40 beneath the rear

small enough to be carried in a pocket or otherWise con

cealed on the body of a person, and caseless ammunition for

portion of the latch urging the hooks doWn into engagement

With the lugs.

use in the pistol. The pistol has a grip adapted to be held in

The grip is fabricated of a material such as Wood, plastic,

With one presently preferred material being a plasticiZed
Wood, i.e. Wood Which as been impregnated With a plastic

the hand of a shooter, a barrel extending in a forWard

direction from the grip, a closed chamber at the rear of the

barrel, means for ?ring a caseless cartridge in the chamber

With the entire cartridge being discharged through the barrel,

and means responsive to the ?ring of the cartridge for

opening the chamber and loading another cartridge into the


recessed areas 4144 along their front edges for receiving

the four ?ngers of the shooters hand. The grip also has a

The caseless cartridge consists of a holloW projectile

?lled With gunpoWder, and a primer for igniting the poWder.

The primer is mounted directly to the projectile, and there is
no casing or other material to ejected before another round
is loaded.
FIG. 1 is a side elevational vieW, partly broken aWay, of
one embodiment of a semiautomatic pistol according to the
FIG. 2 is a an exploded isometric vieW of the embodi
ment of FIG. 1.
FIG. 3 is a side elevational vieW of the embodiment of

resin. HoWever, it can be made of any other suitable, if

The grip and the handle of the receiver are contoured to
?t the hand of a shooter, and for this purpose they have
recessed area or backrest 46 on its rear side for receiving the

Web betWeen the thumb and fore?nger of the hand. The

loWer portion 47 of the grip is narroWer than the rest of the
grip, With a rounded shoulder 48 above it Which rests on the

curved part of the heel of the hand near the pinky. With this


contour, the middle ?nger, ring ?nger, pinky and thumb can
all Wrap securely about the grip, With fore?nger on the
trigger and the barrel in close alignment With the axis of the
shooters arm.

In this regard, the axis of the barrel intersects the grip

FIG. 1, With the grip in a folded position.

someWhat beloW the recessed area at the back of the grip,

FIG. 4 is an enlarged side elevational vieW of the hammer

and breech spring in the embodiment of FIG. 1.
FIG. 5 is an enlarged top plan vieW of the hammer and
breech spring shoWn in FIG. 4.

and at an angle such that the barrel Will be aligned only

slightly above the axis of the forearm of the shooter When
the grip is held in the hand With the top of the shooters Wrist
level With the top of the forearm. This alignment substan
tially eliminates muZZle rise When the gun is ?red.
Abreech block 51 is rotatively mounted betWeen the side
plates of the frame for movement betWeen loading and ?ring
positions. This block is mounted on a pin 52 Which extends

FIG. 6 is a cross-sectional illustrating one embodiment of

a caseless cartridge in chamber in the embodiment of FIG.

1 and in ?ight.


FIGS. 7 and 8 are cross-sectional illustrating other

betWeen aligned openings 53 in the side plates and passes

embodiments of caseless cartridges in chamber in the

embodiment of FIG. 1 and in ?ight.

through a bore 54 in the block. The block has an inclined

front face 56 Which seats against a corresponding surface 57
at the rear of the barrel When the block is in the ?ring

FIG. 9 is a vertical sectional vieW of another embodiment

of a magaZine clip for use in the embodiment of FIG. 1.
FIG. 10 is a horiZontal sectional vieW of the embodiment
of FIG. 9.
FIGS. 11 and 12 are actual-siZe side elevational vieWs
shoWing the embodiment of FIG. 1 in the hands of a shooter.

FIGS. 13A13F are enlarged fragmentary vieWs shoWing

the action of the embodiment of FIG. 1 in different operating




A chamber 58 for holding a cartridge 59 to be ?red is

formed in the breech block. This chamber is in the nature of
a blind bore Which opens through the inclined face and
aligns With the bore 61 of the barrel When the block is in the

?ring position, With the nose of the bullet extending into the
rear portion of bore 61. In the loading position, the breech

US 6,234,058 B1

block is rotated back away from the barrel, With the chamber
bore inclined at an angle on the order of 45 for receiving the
next round from the magazine.

in the grip and a lug 98 toWard the bottom of the arm

The breech block is fabricated of a material such as

barrel, and the lug is positioned for engagement With the

extending through an arcuate slot 99. The pin is positioned

for engagement With the front of the breech block above the

titanium Which is relatively strong, light in Weight, and has

front of the hammer just beloW the head.

a loW coef?cient thermal expansion.

A ?ring pin 63 is mounted on a carrier 64 at the rear of
the chamber. The pin extends into the chamber through a

The arm is laterally ?exible so that lug 98 can be

extended by depressing the loWer portion of the arm, and pin

96 is threadedly mounted in opening 97 so that the pin

bore 66 in the block, and the carrier is slidably mounted in

advances in an inWard direction as the lever arm is rotated

a slot 67 Which opens toWard the bottom and the rear of the

from the front toWard the back of the recessed area. When

block. The carrier is retained in the slot by a pin 68 Which

extends betWeen cross-bores 69 in the block and limits

the arm is depressed and rotated, lug 98 engages the hammer

rearWard travel of the ?ring pin.

block. At the same time, pin 96 advances into position for

engaging the breach block. Thereafter, When the grip is
rotated, pin 96 engages the breech block and moves it to its

A hammer 71 is rotatively mounted betWeen the side

plates of the frame beloW the breech block for movement
betWeen rest and cocked positions. The hammer is mounted
on a pin 72 Which extends betWeen aligned openings 73 in
the side plates and passes through a bore 74 toWard one end
of the hammer. The head of the hammer engages a ?ange 76
on the ?ring pin carrier to drive the ?ring pin in a forWard
direction When the hammer is released from its cocked

and moves it aWay from its rest position to unlock the breech


loading position, With the breech block engaging the ham

mer and rotating it to its cocked position.
If a cartridge is already in the chamber, the hammer can
be cocked by depressing lever arm 93 to extend lug 98,
Without rotating the arm to extend pin 96, then rotating the

grip halfWay toWard its folded position, With the lug engag
ing the hammer and moving it to its cocked position. Since

position. Pins 52 and 72 are af?xed to a base plate 78 on the

outer side of side plate 24 and held in position by a retaining

plate 79 on the outer side of side plate 23.
When the hammer is in its rest position, it serves as a lock 25

pin 96 is not extended, the breech block remains in the ?ring

position With the chamber closed.
Pin 96 and lug 98 Will only engage the breech block and

for the breech block, holding the block in its ?ring position.

hammer When the lever arm is depressed and rotated to the

This prevents rearWard movement of the breech block When

the gun is ?red and helps to maintain a tight seal betWeen the
front face of the breech block and the rear face of the barrel.
Before the breech block can be moved from that position,
the hammer must be rotated slightly toWard its cocked
position to unlock the breech.
The breech block and hammer are urged toWard their

back of the recessed area. With the lever arm in its rest

?ring and rest positions by a double coil spring 81. This

spring has tWo sections 82, 83, each of Which has tWo spiral

position, the pin and the lug clear the breech block and
hammer, and the grip can be moved to its folded position
Without disturbing them.
When the gun is ?red, bloWback from the cartridge in the

chamber drives the ?ring pin back, With ?ange 76 engaging


Windings 82a, 82b and 83a, 83b positioned side-by-side,

With a cross-over 84 betWeen the inner convolutions of the
tWo Windings in each section. The tWo sections are Wound

the hammer to move it back far enough to unlock the breech

block. With the breech block thus unlocked, the bloWback
then drives the breech block back to its loading position, and
the hammer is rotated to its cocked position by the breech

Atrigger assembly is mounted betWeen the side plates in

from a single length of spring Wire, With a link 86 betWeen

the tWo sections and the tWo ends of the Wire extending in

front of the breech block and hammer. This assembly

includes a primary trigger 101, a safety trigger 102, a

a tangential direction from the coils to form arms 87, 88. The

hammer sear 103 and a sear hook 104. The primary trigger

coils are disposed coaxially about pins 52, 72, With arms 87,

and the safety trigger are rotatively mounted on a pin 106

Which extends betWeen aligned openings 107 in the side
plates, With the primary trigger in an inverted position and
the safety trigger in an upright position. This pin is located

88 being received in slots 89, 91 on the under or rear sides

of the breech block and hammer.

Having the tWo Windings side-by-side in each section

provides a spring action comparable to that of a single spring


betWeen recessed areas 41, 42 at the front of the grip, and the
tWo triggers have curvatures corresponding to the contours

having as many turns as the tWo Windings combined, but in

a smaller space than the single spring Would occupy. The

of those recesses.

extended action is important in this particular gun since the

The primary trigger has a tang 108 Which extends in an

hammer rotates through an angle on the order of 90

upWard direction from the base portion 109 of the trigger.

The upper portion of the safety trigger is bifurcated and has
a pair of ?anges 111 Which embrace the base portion 109 of

betWeen its rest and cocked positions, and the compact siZe
of the spring is important since space is limited in a gun of
this nature.

With the tWo sections of the spring connected together,

the tightening of Windings 83a, 83b Which occurs When the


hammer is cocked exerts a pull on the link betWeen the tWo

sections. That pull tightens Windings 82a, 82b, thereby

increasing the force exerted against the breech block by arm
87 and tightening the seal betWeen the breech block and the
Grip 29 also serves as a cocking lever, and for this
purpose, it has a catch 92 for engaging the breech block and
the hammer to move them to their loading and cocked

positions as the grip is rotated toWard its folded position. The

catch comprises a lever arm 93 Which is pivotally mounted
in a recessed area 94 on one side of the grip, With a pin 96

toWard the top of the arm extending through an opening 97


the primary trigger, With a crossarm 112 extending betWeen

the ?anges in front of tang 108.
Hook 104 extends betWeen ?anges 111 and beneath a
second crossarm 113 on safety trigger 102. ToWard its front
end, the hook has a rearWardly facing shoulder 114 Which
engages a forWardly facing shoulder 116 on the under side
of primary trigger 101. The trigger has a cam surface 117 to
the rear of shoulder 116 for depressing the front portion of
the hook to disengage the hook from the trigger When the
trigger is pulled. The rear portion of the hook passes through
an opening 118 in the sear, With an enlarged head 119
preventing the hook from dropping out of the sear. The loWer
surface of the head is rounded for engagement With the sear.
The rear portion of the sear is bifurcated and has a pair

of upWardly extending teeth 121 Which engage radial shoul

US 6,234,058 B1

ders 122 on the under side of hammer 71 to hold the hammer

above the rearmost cartridge in the magaZine and passes

through a slot 152 in the top Wall of the tube for pushing the
rearmost cartridge doWn toWard the chamber. That cartridge

in its cocked position.

Trigger 101 is biased in a forward direction and the front
portion of hook 104 is biased in an upWard direction toWard

is visible to the through the slot so that the shooter can tell

the loWer surface of the trigger by a compression spring 124

visually if there are any rounds left in the magaZine.

The loader is connected to the breech block by a link 153
for movement With the breech block. Thus, as the breech

Which is disposed betWeen the rear side of tang 108 and the
enlarged head 119 at the rear of the hook. Safety trigger 102

block sWings back and doWn toWard its loading position, the
loader also sWings doWn, pushing the rearmost cartridge

is biased in a forWard direction and the teeth on the sear are

biased in an upWard direction against the loWer surface of

the hammer by a compression spring 126 Which is disposed

betWeen the safety trigger and the sear.
When the hammer is in its cocked position, the teeth on


slightly above the centerline betWeen the points Where the

the sear engage the shoulder on the hammer, and the safety

trigger is held in its forWard or extended position by spring

126. With the safety trigger in this position, crossarm 112
pulls back on tang 108, holding trigger 101 in a retracted
position inside the front portion of the grip Where it cannot
be pulled. When the trigger is in this position, cam surface

toWard the chamber. With the loader in its rest position, the
points at Which the link is connected to the breech block are


link is connected to the loader and the pivot axis of the

breech block so that movement of the loader is delayed until
the breech block has moved back far enough to put the
points of connection on the other side of the centerline. This
delayed action assures that breech Will be fully open before
the cartridge is fed to the chamber.

With the breech block in the loading position, the cham

117 depresses sear hook 104 and holds it out of engagement

With the shoulder 116 on the trigger so that the trigger cannot
release the sear from the hammer.

ber bore is inclined at an angle on the order of 45 , and the

The safety is released by pulling back on the safety

The inclined faces on the rear of the barrel and the front of

trigger, Which rotates crossarm 112 in the forWard direction

the breech block help to guide the cartridge into the

chamber, and When the breech snaps closed, the cartridge is

aWay from tang 108 and alloWs trigger 101 to sWing out of
the grip to its forWard or extended position. As the trigger

cartridge enters the chamber backWards, i.e. primer end ?rst.


moves in this direction, cam surface 117 alloWs the sear

hook to move in an upWard direction, and the shoulder 116

on the trigger engages the shoulder 114 on the hook, placing

the gun in its ?ring position.

When the trigger is pulled, shoulder 116 pulls the sear
hook forWard, draWing the sear out of engagement With the
shoulders on the hammer, thereby releasing the hammer to
?re. Continued rotation of the trigger brings cam surface 117
into contact With the hook, releasing the hook from the
trigger and alloWing the sear to reengage the shoulders on
the hammer When the hammer returns to its cocked position.
If the safety trigger is noW released, it Will return to its

With an inlet opening positioned directly above the front end,

or muZZle, of the barrel. Communication through the pas
sageWay is controlled by a one-Way reed valve 159 on the


ment of FIG. 1. This cartridge is a caseless cartridge in

Which the projectile 163 also serves as a canister for holding

to its extended or forWard position, and the gun can be ?red

the poWder charge.

repeatedly in a semiautomatic mode by successive pulls of

the trigger.

The projectile has a cylindrical side Wall 164, With a ring

of increased diameter 166 toWard the nose of the bullet. The

Cartridges 59 are supplied to chamber 58 from a maga

45 nose 167 has a ?at surface 168 at the front and a rounded

surface 169 Which extends betWeen the ?at surface and the
ring. At the rear, the side Wall terminates in an end Wall 171,
With a rounded corner 172 betWeen the tWo. The end Wall

has a central bore 173 in Which a pop-off primer 174 is

mounted. The cavity 176 Within the projectile is ?lled With

gunpoWder 177. Side Wall 164 is a feW thousands of an inch

smaller in diameter than the bore of the barrel, and ring 166
is a feW thousandths greater.
The projectile is formed as a unitary structure of brass or

137 Which ?ts into one of these grooves. The other side of

the magaZine is releasably secured to the bracket by a latch

138 Which has hooks 139, 141 that engage the groove in the
tube and a notch 142 in the loWer edge of arm 134. Asquare
block 143 above the mounting ring engages a socket 144 on
the under side of the tube to prevent the magaZine from
sliding forWard or backWard in the bracket.
The rear portion of the magaZine is positioned above
breech block 51, and the tube has an opening 146 on its
under side through Which the cartridges can pass. A loader
147 is pivotally connected to the arms 133, 134 of the
mounting bracket by trunions or pins 148 Which pass
through aligned openings 149 in the arms. The loader has a

longitudinally extending ?nger 151 Which is positioned

inside of the cap Which alloWs gas from the muZZle blast to
enter the tube and drive the piston. A manually rotatable
relief lever 161 is connected to the reed for opening the
valve to vent the tube and release the pressure so that the
piston can return to its forWard position as the cartridges are
loaded into the tube from the rear.
FIG. 6 illustrates a cartridge 162 for use in the embodi

forWard or extended position, thereby WithdraWing the trig

ger and returning the gun to the safety position. If hoWever,
the safety trigger is held back, the primary trigger Will return

Zine 128 Which is positioned above the barrel. In the

embodiment of FIG. 1, the magaZine has a tubular housing
129 in Which the cartridges are stored end-to-end. The
magaZine is removably mounted on the barrel by a bracket
131 Which has a mounting ring 132 that ?ts around the rear
portion of the barrel, With a pair of arms 133, 134 extending
from the ring toWard the rear of the gun. Apair of longitu
dinally extending grooves 136 are formed in the sides of the
magaZine tube, and arm 133 has an inWardly projecting hook

The cartridges in the magaZine are moved toWard the rear
by a piston 156 Which is driven by gas pressure from the
muZZle blast When the gun is ?red. For this purpose, an end
cap 157 at the front of the magaZine has a passageWay 158


other suitable material, and the cartridge can be manufac

tured by a simple three-step process Which consists of

forming the projectile, ?lling it With poWder, and installing

the primer.

With the cartridge of FIG. 6, the chamber 58 in the

breech block is of greater diameter than side Wall 164 and
ring 166, and the nose of the cartridge extends into the rear
portion of the bore 61 in the barrel. The bore is a feW
thousandths of an inch smaller in diameter than the ring and
the rear portion of the nose of the bullet, and it retains the

cartridge in the chamber as the ?ring pin strikes the primer.

When the primer is ?red, it ignites the poWder in the
projectile and separates from the projectile as the poWder

US 6,234,058 B1

begins to burn. The gas pressure produced by the burning
powder quickly overcomes the holding force of the Wall of

In the embodiment of FIG. 7, chamber 58 is of substan

tially greater diameter than the bullet, With radial guides 184
engaging the rear portion of side Wall 164 to keep the
cartridge centered. In this embodiment, ring 166 is received

the bore, and the bullet is propelled out of the chamber and
doWn the barrel. As the bullet travels through the barrel, ring
166 provides a gas-tight seal With the Wall of the bore.

in short section 186 at the rear of the barrel Which has a

Separation of the primer is completed While the projectile is

travelling doWn the barrel or shortly thereafter, and the
primer continues to travel a feW feet beyond the end of the
barrel. Even after the bullet has left the gun, some of the

poWder in the projectile continues to burn and propel the

bullet in rocket-like fashion through the opening Where the


FIG. 8 illustrates a caseless cartridge 189 in Which the

primer Was installed.

The enlarged chamber provides a greater volume in

Which the gas can eXpand, and equaliZes the pressure inside
and outside the projectile. This prevents side Wall 164 from
expanding and contacting the Wall of the bore as the bullet
travels doWn barrel. It also keeps the bullet centered in the
bore and aligned With the aXis of the barrel. Thus, the only
point of contact betWeen the bullet and the barrel is the ring
166 Which forms the seal betWeen the tWo. This ring is only
about 0.075 to 0.080 Wide, and the friction betWeen it and
the Wall of the bore is minimal. It is deformed or shaved off
as the bullet travels through the barrel.

The enlarged chamber also provides a greater combus

tion tolerance, and that permits the use of non-combustible
additives in the gunpoWder. Such additives can, for eXample,
include detergents for cleaning the chamber and barrel each

diameter corresponding to that of the ring.

The ?ring of this cartridge is similar to that of cartridge
162 eXcept that the primer stays With the projectile, and the
gases produced by combustion of the gunpoWder pass
though an opening 187 Which is formed in the primer When
it ruptures.


projectile is tapered. This cartridge is generally similar to

cartridges 162, 181, and like reference numerals designate
corresponding elements in the three embodiments. Cartridge
189 has nose 167 Which is similar to the nose of cartridge
162 eXcept that the ?at area 168 at the front of the nose is
of someWhat smaller diameter. Ring 166 is someWhat nar

roWer than the ring in cartridge 162, and a secondary bearing

surface 191 is provided to the rear of the ring. The ring has

a Width on the order of 0.055 to 0.060, and bearing surface

191 has a diameter equal to that of the bore in the barrel. To
the rear of the bearing surface, side Wall 192 has a curved
taper Which decreases in diameter toWard the rear of the


In this embodiment, chamber 58 is also tapered, increas

ing in diameter from intermediate ring 186 to the rear of the

time the gun is ?red, light chemical abrasives for preventing

a build-up of gunpoWder residue in the chamber and barrel,

chamber, opposite to the taper of the cartridge. Radial guides

and fragrances for providing a more pleasant smell When the

gun is ?red.
The projectile itself serves as the primary chamber in
Which initial combustion of the gunpoWder occurs, With the
enlarged chamber in the breech block serving as a secondary
chamber. With the opening at the rear of the cartridge being
of limited siZe until the primer has fully separated, most of
the gunpoWder remains inside the projectile and burns there.

centered in the chamber.

194 engage the tapered side Wall and hold the cartridge

additional guidance as the bullet travels doWn the barrel of

the gun. The aerodynamic shape of the tapered cartridge


Hence, the highest temperatures occur Within the projectile,

and the secondary chamber is mostly ?lled With a loWer
temperature, high pressure gas. Since the side Wall of the
projectile does not touch the chamber or the barrel, heat
transfer is reduced, and friction is minimiZed. Moreover, a
substantial portion of the heat of combustion is carried


nose Would do. In addition, a substantial vacuum forms


behind the holloW, fast moving projectile as it travels

through the air. When the projectile passes through a body,
the vacuum draWs tissue from the body behind it, giving the
cartridge even greater destructive poWer.
The tubular magaZine in the embodiment of FIG. 1 is
advantageous in that it is compact and close to the barrel,
and it gives the gun the appearance of a tWo-shot pocket
gun,. rather than the semiautomatic pistol that it is. HoWever,
the number of cartridges it can hold is limited by the length

volume behind it increases, and the pressure decreases, With

the barrel acting mainly as a guide for the bullet.
Consequently, the barrel does not have to be as strong as the

breech block, and the sleeved barrel provides good heat

dissipation through the aluminum receiver. This is important
in preventing overheating or cook off in the chamber,
particularly since caseless ammunition tends to produce


of the barrel, and in a .427 caliber gun With a 31/2 inch barrel,
it can hold ?ve rounds, Which together With an additional
round in the chamber, is still a considerable amount of ?re

poWer for a back-up gun. Also, since the magaZine snaps

into position, it can be changed quickly When more rounds

more heat than conventional ammunition.

Because of the closed chamber and the absence of any

means for ejecting a spent casing, the gun can only be used
With caseless ammunition. To prevent someone from trying
to use the Wrong type of ammunition, the bore is made a
non-standard size, eg .427 caliber.
Another caseless cartridge 181 is illustrated in FIG. 7.

making it more stable in ?ight and more suitable for long

range use than the other cartridges.
With all three of these cartridges, When the projectile
strikes a target at an angle, the corner at the periphery of the
?at central area hits the target ?rst and tends to cut into the
target rather than glancing off as a rounded or more pointed

completely aWay from the gun by the projectile.

When the bullet is ?red, the highest pressures occur in
the chamber. As the bullet moves doWn the barrel, the

The ?ring of cartridge 189 is similar to that of cartridge

181, With the secondary bearing surface 191 providing

55 are needed.

numerals designate corresponding elements in the tWo car

FIGS. 9 and 10 illustrate a magaZine 196 in Which the

cartridges 59 are stored vertically in tWo staggered roWs,
With the noses of the cartridges facing up. This magaZine is
similar to magaZine 128 in that the cartridges are pushed
toWard the rear by a piston 197 Which is driven by gas
pressure from the muZZle blast. HoWever, in this

tridges. Cartridge 181 differs from cartridge 162 in that the

embodiment, the magaZine housing 198 and the piston have

This cartridge is similar to cartridge 162, and like reference


rounded surface 169 at the rear of the nose increases only to

generally rectangular cross-sections, and the rear of the

the diameter of side Wall 164, rather than to the diameter of

piston has a contour 199 corresponding to that of the

ring 166. Also, the primer 182 in cartridge 181 is bursting

primer Which stays With the projectile, rather than popping
off When the bullet is ?red.



ToWard the rear of the magaZine, housing 198 has a

tapered section 201 in Which the Width of the housing

US 6,234,058 B1


decreases from the Width of the tWo staggered roWs of

hammer has been released and before it has started moving

cartridges to the Width of a single cartridge. In this section,

the cartridges moving toWard the rear of the magaZine are

toWard the ?ring pin.

fed alternately from the tWo roWs to a single roW.

the cam surface 117 on the trigger disconnecting the sear

FIG. 13E shoWs the hammer striking the ?ring pin, With
hook from the trigger and the safety trigger 102 still in its

To the rear of the tapered section, the housing has a

doWnWardly sloping, upwardly concave top Wall 202 Which

retracted position.

engages the nose of the cartridge at the rear of the tapered

section and turns that cartridge to a horiZontal position as it
moves into the loading position at the rear of the magaZine.

drives the ?ring pin back, With ?ange 76 engaging the

A slot 203 in the top Wall permits loader ?nger 151 to enter
the magaZine and press doWn upon the horiZontal cartridge
to load it into the ?ring chamber.

When the cartridge is ?red, bloWback in the chamber

hammer and moving it back far enough to unlock the breech

loading position, cocking the hammer once again and load

ing the next round into the chamber, as illustrated in FIG.
13F. If the safety trigger is still depressed, that round can be

With .427 caliber ammunition and a 31/2 inch barrel,

magaZine 196 can hold ten cartridges, as compared With ?ve

for the tubular magaZine. This magaZine is mounted to the

block. The bloWback then drives the breech block back to its

?red simply by pulling the main trigger again. This process

receiver in the same manner as the tubular magaZine and is

repeats as long as there are cartridges in the magaZine.

When the magaZine is empty, it can be removed and

readily replaced if additional rounds are needed.

The gun is quite compact and is easily concealed or

reloaded or replaced With another magaZine. The magaZine

is loaded by opening reed valve 159 to vent the housing so

carried as a back-up Weapon. FIG. 11 shoWs the gun in the

hand of a shooter and illustrates just hoW small it is. The gun

that the piston can move back to the front of the housing, and

is shoWn approximately full-siZe, and the hand is that of an

average siZe adult male. The grip is lying across the palm of
the hand, With recessed areas 4144 adjacent to the bases of
the ?ngers. The heel of the hand is against the back of the
grip, With the Web of the hand in recessed area 46. With the


loading the cartridges into the housing from the rear.

For additional compactness in storage and carrying, the
grip can be folded up against the loWer side of the barrel by
disengaging latch 36 and rotating the grip to the folded
position Without engaging the hammer or the breech block

gun in this position, the safety is on, With safety trigger 102
extended and primary trigger 101 retracted.
FIG. 12 shoWs the gun in the ?ring position, With the

by using the grip and lug 98 to return the hammer to its

uncocked or rest position. To do so, the grip is rotated toWard

middle ?nger, ring ?nger and pinky Wrapped securely about

the folded position until lug 98 is just in front of the cocked

the grip, the thumb Wrapped about the upper portion of the
grip, and the fore?nger in position to pull the trigger. The
middle ?nger is holding safety trigger 102 in its retracted
position, and trigger 101 is noW extended and ready for

hammer. At that point, lever arm 93 is depressed to extend

the lug, and the grip is rotated enough further to engage the
hammer With the lug and lift it back from the cocked
position. This releases the tension on the sear 103, Which can


NotWithstanding its small siZe, the gun can be held very

With lever arm 93. In the event that there is a cartridge in the
chamber and the hammer is cocked, the gun can be disarmed

then be disengaged from the hammer by manually pulling


securely, With a full three-?nger grip and the thumb Wrapped

securely about the upper portion of the grip and the back of
the grip resting against the meaty part of the hand betWeen
the thumb and fore?nger. The axis of the barrel is parallel to
the axis of the forearm and only slightly above it, so that

forWard on sear hook 104 Which is noW exposed in front of

the grip. With the sear disengaged, the grip is rotated sloWly
back to its rest position, With the lug extended, thereby
returning the hammer to its uncocked position. The grip can
then be rotated to its folded position, With the gun disarmed.
The invention has a number of important features and
advantages. It provides a very compact gun Which is light in

recoil forces are applied directly up the arm, With substan

tially no muZZle rise When the gun is ?red.

Weight and has semiautomatic action, excellent accuracy

Operation and use of the gun are as folloWs. With the gun

and enormous stopping poWer. It uses caseless ammunition

in its unarmed condition, as illustrated in FIG. 13A, the

breech is closed, the hammer is in its rest position, the safety

Which eliminates the need for spent case ejection, and it

folds for even more compact storage and carrying. Because


trigger is extended, and the primary trigger is retracted into

of its compact siZe and high stopping poWer, this gun is

the grip. If the chamber is empty, a cartridge can be loaded

particularly suitable for use as a back-up Weapon by laW

enforcement of?cers and the like.

into it by unlocking the breech by moving the hammer aWay

from its rest position With lever arm 93, then rotating the grip

The gun is inherently safe. The trigger is tucked aWay

and decoupled from the hammer sear until the safety is
released, and the gun is totally disabled When folded. The

about halfWay to its folded position to open the breech. As

the breech opens, the breech block pulls doWn on the loader
Which delivers the rearmost cartridge from the magaZine to

magaZine is fully visible, With a cartridge in the loading

position being visible both When the grip is in its normal

the open breech. The breech block also moves the hammer

to its cocked position Where it is retained against the force

of the hammer spring by sear 103. When the grip is returned
to its normal position, the breech is closed by its spring, and
the cartridge is pushed into the chamber.
With the hammer cocked, as illustrated in FIG. 13B,

position and When it is folded. The gun has a one-tWo trigger


safety trigger 102 is extended, trigger 101 is retracted into

system in Which the safety trigger must ?rst be pulled to

extend and engage the ?ring trigger, and then the ?ring
trigger must be pulled to release the hammer.
The barrel is signi?cantly longer than the barrels in other
pocket guns, and the axis of the barrel is aligned closely With

the grip, and sear hook 104 is disengaged from the trigger,

the axis of the forearm so there is almost no muZZle rise

so the gun cannot ?re. To ?re the round in the chamber, the

When the gun is ?red. The gun has a full three-?nger grip

shooter pulls back on the safety trigger, Which extends the

instead of the tWo-?nger grip found in other pocket guns.

The gun has a substantially larger bore than other pocket

main trigger and engages the sear hook With the trigger, as

illustrated in FIG. 13C. When the trigger is pulled, it Will

disengage the sear from the hammer, releasing the hammer
to strike the ?ring pin Which ?res the cartridge in the
chamber. FIG. 13D illustrates the action just after the


guns and a much greater stopping poWer. With a 0.427 bore,

the stopping poWer approaches that of a .44 magnum,
compared to the .22 or .32 caliber bores of other pocket

US 6,234,058 B1


The action is totally contained Within the grip, and there

moves the ?rst named trigger to its extended position and

are no external moving parts other than the trigger and the

connects the ?rst named trigger to the action so that it can

safety trigger. The magaZine is positioned above the barrel,

be pulled to release the action and ?re the cartridge.

9. A semiautomatic pistol Which is small enough to be

Which helps in keeping the barrel loW and in line With the
arm of the shooter. More ef?cient use is made of the space

carried in a pocket or otherWise concealed on the body of a

Within the magaZine by using a piston Which is driven by gas

person, comprising: a grip adapted to be held in the hand of

a shooter, a barrel having a bore of predetermined diameter
extending in a forWard direction from the grip, a magaZine
of cartridges positioned above the barrel, a closed chamber

pressure from the muZZle blast rather than a spring to move

the cartridges toWard the loading position.

The action is substantially less complex than in other
guns, With the breech and the chamber being combined in a
single element and the hammer serving as a breech lock. The

at the rear of the barrel, a caseless cartridge in the chamber

consisting of a holloW projectile ?lled With gunpoWder With

a primer for igniting the poWder, means for ?ring the

hammer and the breech are poWered by a unique spring

Which provides an unusually high range of spring action in

cartridge to expel both the projectile and the primer through

a relatively small space.

With the caseless ammunition, most of the heat of

the barrel, and means responsive to the ?ring of the cartridge

combustion is carried out of the gun by the projectile. Since

gas pressure inside and outside the projectile is equalized,
the projectile does not expand, and it stays centered in the
bore and aligned With the axis of the barrel as it travels doWn
it. With very little contact betWeen the projectile and the Wall
of the bore, heat transfer and friction are minimal, and With

from the magaZine to the chamber.

10. The semiautomatic pistol of claim 9 Wherein the
primer is a pop-off primer Which is mounted in an opening
in the rear of the projectile for separation from the projectile
When the cartridge is ?red.
11. The semiautomatic pistol of claim 9 Wherein the
primer is a bursting primer Which is mounted at the rear of
the projectile and is adapted to rupture and provide an

for opening the chamber and transferring another cartridge

the sleeved barrel, the aluminum receiver easily dissipates

What heat there is.
It is apparent from the foregoing that a neW and improved

pocket gun and cartridge have been provided. While only

certain presently preferred embodiments have been

opening through Which gas produced by ignition of the


12. The semiautomatic pistol of claim 9 Wherein the

projectile in each of the cartridges has a side Wall of lesser
diameter than the bore, and a ring of slightly greater diam
eter than the bore for forming a seal With the Wall of the bore
as the projectile travels through the barrel.
13. The semiautomatic pistol of claim 12 Wherein the
projectile has a tapered side Wall Which decreases in diam
eter toWard the rear of the projectile, and a secondary
bearing surface Which is equal in diameter to the bore and

described in detail, as Will be apparent to those familiar With

the art, certain changes and modi?cations can be made
Without departing from the scope of the invention as de?ned

by the folloWing claims.

What is claimed is:

1. A semiautomatic pistol Which is small enough to be
carried in a pocket or otherWise concealed on the body of a
person, comprising: a contoured grip having areas for
receiving all four ?ngers and the thumb of a shooters hand,
a barrel extending in a forWard direction from the grip, a
chamber positioned to the rear of the barrel, a magaZine of



carried in a pocket or otherWise concealed on the body of a

a shooter, a barrel extending in a forWard direction from the


has a length on the order of 31/2 inches.

6. The semiautomatic pistol of claim 1 Wherein the barrel

has a bore on the order of 0.427 inch.

7. The semiautomatic pistol of claim 1 including a trigger

movable betWeen extended and retracted positions for
releasing the action to ?re the cartridge When pulled, and a
safety mechanism Which disconnects the trigger from the
action and holds the trigger in its retracted position until
8. The semiautomatic pistol of claim 7 Wherein the safety
mechanism includes a second trigger Which When pulled

cartridges cannot be ?red in the pistol.

16. A semiautomatic pistol Which is small enough to be
person, comprising: a grip adapted to be held in the hand of

and fore?nger.

4. The semiautomatic pistol of claim 1 Wherein the axis of

the barrel intersects the grip beloW the top of the grip and at
an angle such that the barrel Will be aligned axially With the
forearm of the shooter When the grip is held in the hand With
the top of the shooters Wrist level With the top of the
5. The semiautomatic pistol of claim 1 Wherein the barrel

positioned betWeen the tapered side Wall and the ring.

14. The semiautomatic pistol of claim 12 Wherein the
chamber includes a portion of greater diameter than the side
Wall of the projectile for equaliZing gas pressure inside and
outside the projectile to prevent expansion of the side Wall
and contact betWeen the side Wall of the projectile and the
Wall of the bore.
15. The semiautomatic pistol of claim 12 Wherein the
cartridge and the bore are of a siZe such that conventional

cartridges positioned above the barrel, an action Within the

grip for ?ring a cartridge in the chamber, and means for
feeding a cartridge from the magaZine to the chamber in
response to the ?ring of a cartridge by the action.
2. The semiautomatic pistol of claim 1 Wherein the grip is
rotatively mounted and can be moved to a folded position
beneath the barrel for storage and carry.
3. The semiautomatic pistol of claim 1 Wherein the grip
has recesses in front for receiving the middle ?nger, the ring
?nger and the pinky of the shooters hand, and a recess in
back for receiving the Web of the hand betWeen the thumb

gunpoWder can pass.

grip, a breech block rotatively mounted in the grip for

movement betWeen ?ring and loading positions, a chamber
formed in the breech block for holding a cartridge to be ?red,
a ?ring pin for ?ring the cartridge in the chamber, a hammer
rotatively mounted in the grip beneath the breech block for
driving the ?ring pin forWard to ?re the cartridge, and means
responsive to ?ring of the cartridge for moving the breech
block from its ?ring position to its loading position and
loading another cartridge into the chamber.
17. The semiautomatic pistol of claim 16 Wherein the
hammer locks the breech block in its ?ring position after

driving the ?ring pin forWard.

18. The semiautomatic pistol of claim 16 Wherein the grip

can be rotated to a folded position beneath the barrel.

19. The semiautomatic pistol of claim 18 including selec

tively engagable means carried by the grip for engaging the

breech block and the hammer to move the breech block to

its loading position and the hammer to a cocked position

upon rotation of the grip toWard the folded position.

US 6,234,058 B1


20. A semiautomatic pistol Which is small enough to be

of the magaZine and turning the rearmost cartridge to a

horiZontal position for feeding to the action.
24. A semiautomatic pistol Which is small enough to be

carried in a pocket or otherwise concealed on the body of a

person, comprising: a grip adapted to be held in the hand of

a shooter, a barrel extending in a forWard direction from the

carried in a pocket or otherWise concealed on the body of a

grip, a magaZine of cartridges positioned above the barrel, a

person, comprising: a grip adapted to be held in the hand of

chamber positioned to the rear of the barrel, an action for

?ring a cartridge in the chamber, means for feeding a
cartridge from the rear of the magaZine to the chamber in
response to the ?ring of a cartridge by the action, a gas

driven piston Within the magaZine for pushing the cartridges

a shooter, a barrel extending in a forWard direction from the


grip, a breech block rotatively mounted in the grip for

movement betWeen ?ring and loading positions, a chamber
formed in the breech block for holding a cartridge to be ?red,
a ?ring pin for ?ring the cartridge in the chamber, a

toWard the rear of the magaZine, and means for admitting

rotatively mounted hammer for driving the ?ring pin for

pressuriZed gas from the barrel into the magaZine to drive

the piston toWard the rear.
21. The semiautomatic pistol of claim 20 Wherein the
means for admitting pressuriZed gas into the magaZine
includes a passageWay having an inlet opening positioned

Ward to ?re the cartridge, means responsive to ?ring of the

cartridge for moving the breech block from its ?ring position
to its loading position and loading another cartridge into the

?ring position and the hammer toWard the ?ring pin, the
spring comprising tWo sections each having ?rst and second
spiral Windings positioned side-by-side, With a cross-over

near the muZZle of the barrel, and a one-Way valve for

alloWing gas to pass through the passageWay to the maga

22. The semiautomatic pistol of claim 20 Wherein the

betWeen the innermost convolutions of the tWo Windings in

each section, the outermost convolutions of the ?rst Wind
ings in the tWo sections being connected together, and arms
extending from the outermost convolutions of the second
Windings in respective ones of the tWo sections bearing
against the breech block and the hammer.

magaZine comprises a tubular housing, and the cartridges are

aligned end-to-end Within the housing.

23. The semiautomatic pistol of claim 20 Wherein the

cartridges stand vertically side-by-side in tWo staggered

roWs Within the magaZine, and the magaZine includes means
for feeding the cartridges into a single roW toWard the rear

chamber, and a spring for urging the breech block toWard its


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