MCT Observation 3

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Lesson Plan Template

Bachelor of

Better lesson planning
More attention to what you are teaching in the lesson
Think about scaffolding this learning- modelling, using the language before practice
Give feedback for learning- using st work as examples

Name: Aisha Fawzi AL Zaabi

ID: H00272385

1 November, 2016

Fifth period 11:45 12:30

Unit 2: Food and drink
lesson 5


Grade 5 section 3


Miss Hajer Al Hammadi

Prior Knowledge (What prior knowledge are you building in?)

In this lesson, I will build their knowledge of the vocabulary that is related to party food and
food containers. In which I will discuss with the students about party food and what they
usually eat and drink in the party. In addition, we will talk about the types of food and drinks
Lesson Objectives: (What will students be able to do by the end of the lesson?)
students will be able to

Describe party food and drinks (Students will describe party food and drinks that they
Discuss about party food and drinks (Students will talk about the food and drink they
usually have in parties).
Recognize food and drinks containers vocabulary (Students will be able to remember
the words that are food and drink containers).
Students have to respect and listen to the teacher.
Students have to respect each other in which they will have to listen to them when
it their turn to answer and give their friend the chance to talk without interrupting.
Students will have to be cooperative and supportive while working in groups


Students will use the vocabulary that is related to party food and drinks.
Students will talk about their past experience in a party.
Students will develop their knowledge in describing containers for food.


Speaking: Students will discuss about party food and drinks.

Listening: Students will listen to a description of food/ drinks picture.
Reading: Students will read their sentences about food containers.
Writing: Students will write sentences about food containers.

Evaluation / Assessment: (How will you know your students have achieved the
lesson objectives?)

Asking the students questions through the lesson to see their understanding and
during the activities I will walk around the class to ask them questions about what
they are doing.
Observe the students in the group activity and note if they are using vocabularies that
are related to food.
I will use the students name list to write notes beside the students name so it would
help me in keeping track of the students development and level in the class.

Personal focus:
During this lesson I will be working on my third goal which is using technology in the
classroom. The technology that I will use in the class is the projector, in this lesson I will use
it to display pictures and flashcards for the students to have a better understanding of the
lesson vocabulary. In addition, it also will help me to explain the instructions of the activities
for the students so that all of the students can understand the activities in this lesson. While
working in this goal will help in doing my research as I will use it as a visual resource for the
students to learn better by looking at pictures that would help them in memorizing the
lesson vocabulary.
As for my action research focus, I will be using visual recourse in the lesson. I will observe
the students that I have chosen to do the research, and I want to see if the visual recourses
supported and scaffold the students to learn the vocabulary and how it will help them to
recognize and memorize the words. Also, I will note if the visual resources affected the
students concentration and engagement.
Teaching Competencies focus: planning
In this lesson I will work on implementing and managing learning. During this lesson I will
give the students clear instructions, model for them the writing and the speaking in the
lesson; for the writing by focusing on the details such as the capital letter in the begging of
the sentence, as for the speaking correcting the students grammar. In addition, I will a
range of different recourses to have an effective lesson.

Teaching Strategies
Teaching strategies: I will use different strategies to engage the students and for them to
be able to understand the lesson, such as flashcards, pictures, and videos which is for the

students to understand the meaning of the words in a better way. Also I will have dialogue
with the students about food and school lunches and they will have a dialogue with each
other to discuss about school lunches around the world.
Classroom management strategies: To manage the classroom, I will different strategies.
First is counting which is to count from 3 to 1, and that means they have to stop doing
whatever they are doing and look at the teacher. Second is gestures and I will use it for the
students to know that they should stop.
Behavioral management strategies: The strategy that I will use if the students
misbehave is eye contact or a visual sign that shows the students that I am upset, and they
will need to stop. Also, I would suddenly stop talking and become quiet while looking at
them, and they will know that they were misbehaving and they have to stop and look at me.
Feedback strategies: During the lesson I will give the students verbal feedback about
their answer, work, writing, reading, speaking, listening, and behavior. For example, I will use
very good, excellent, and nice try which will depend on the students actions.
Materials & Resources:

Pictures related to healthy and unhealthy food and school lunch.

Water bottles
A packet of cheese and nuts
A carton of juice
Corn/ black beans can
A cup of milk

Technology integration:

Using the projector to display the flashcards, and pictures related to the lesson.

What the Teacher says and

What the Students say and do.

Lesson connection to
PDP goals and/or Action
Research Focus

ENGAGE -Introduction:
To start the lesson, I review the pervious lesson which is about recycled materials
Transition to mat- organizing the girls on the mat- girls well behaved and responsive.
Picture prompt of party- asking question- girls responsive eliciting words- girls should be
giving words in sentences- we have cupcakes- you have to be clear about grammar- at a
party I like to eat you need to model and give language structures. Use this activity as a
teaching moment to introduce new sentence structures


The teacher will set with the

students in a circle to have a
dialogue about party food and

Students will set in circle with

the teacher to have a
dialogue about party food and

Data show- good to see that
you are using props- this is
good to connect students
experiences- good way to
introduce the phrases.- this
caught the st attention.

Students will have to look at

the picture of the
supermarket and tell the
teacher about the food they
see using full sentences.

Great to see flash cards with

the phrases- shown on the

This phase is linked with

my PDP goal as I will use
the technology
(projector) to display
vocabulary. Furthermore,
it also linked with my
action research focus as I
will be using visual
resources to discuss
about the food in the

The teacher will display a

picture of a supermarket and
some real object, then the
teacher will tell the students to
imagine that they are in the
supermarket and then the
teacher will ask them about the
food they can see using full
This is a continuation of
phase 2.
Good to see PP data show
You are introducing and
eliciting words. You need to
review and consolidate this
new language. So you have
to manage the timing on this
phase to have the directed
teaching focus.
You can have these showing
on PPs and get students to
repeat and practice the
Bringing in more than onetwo bottles on water.

Students will discuss with the

teacher about the key
expressions/structure that are
related to the food containers
and they will try to use them.

This phase is linked with

my PDP goal as I will use
the technology
(projector) to display
vocabulary. Furthermore,
it also linked with my
action research focus as I
will be using visual
resources to discuss
about the food

Two cans of corn- explicitly

teach the addition of letter s
not corns
You need to teach the
addition of s to the container
Review the grammar point
before the transition
The teacher will introduce the
key expressions/structure and
vocabulary that are related to
food containers for the students
using the real object such as
water bottle and flashcards.
The teacher will give each
students a paper that have
different pictures of food and
drinks, then the teacher will
describe the picture and the
students will have to circle it.

Students will have to listen to

the description and circle the
right picture, and students will
have to do this individually.

This phase is linked to

my action research focus
as the students will be
using visual resources to
do the activity.

Students will have to work

individually to write a
sentence using one of the key
expressions. Students can use
the flashcards that have the
key expressions on the board
to form a sentence.

This phase is linked to

my action research focus
as the students will be
using visual resources to
do the activity.

Dont hand out papers- get a

student to do it while you give
the instructions/ expectations
Listening activity- better to do
this as a real listening activity
without stopping- girls put the
no next to picture.
Also you can extend by asking st
to listen for a mistake and write
the corrected word.
The teacher will give each
student a paper for them to
write sentence using the one of
key expressions. To help the
students, the teacher will
display the key expressions on
the boards.
Review of sentence writingcapital/ full stop.
You could also discuss possible

You modelled a sentence too

late on the board- this should be
done before they write to
scaffold students writing.
You also need to review the
containers and clearly display
these on board for students to
use- they need a visual
You should read some st
sentences and comment on
these to class. Use these as
examples of good models.

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