Interview Reflection - Karin Fonseca

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Interview Reflection
Karin Fonseca
Valdosta State University

Interview Reflection


The process of interviewing is not an easy task; no matter how prepared the researcher
might be, there is always an air of intimidation at first, from both sides I would consider. I
believe that developing relationships should help in making the process less robotic, more natural
and open for information to arise naturally. Also this activity helped me in realizing that there is
much work that needs to be done prior to the interview and improvement on the questions made
are necessary. On the other hand, it also was important as a practice to see the possible outcomes
the interview and data can provide.
At this exercise I had pre-set interview questions, nonetheless I realize that with the
answers that were given I could develop on-the-moment additional questions that would lead me
to more detail information in certain areas of interest and possibly guide the interview to a
different direction that could be more beneficial to the search. On the other hand I consider that
having a set of questions prepared helps the researcher to have continuity, however having openended questions allows for participant to provide their raw, rich data that can help in
understanding the phenomena.
It was interesting to realize that the participant were very open at certain points and at
ease and limited himself in others, which were touch subjects to him. It made me think if faith
had limited him on expanding of the negative or challenges he had endure in previous church
experiences. Which consequently made me think of validity threats and possible ways of dealing
with them on future interviews.
In general this interview helped me not only in realizing what the process entails, the
challenges of it, and the areas I must work harder, but also fundamentally contributed to the
information gathering, as it provided me guidance towards understanding the phenomena and
how I can achieving my goals.


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