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Literature Review: Domain A

Shelley Montileaux
National University



The following paper will contain explanations regarding the importance of the English
Language Arts (ELA) in elementary education. A sample lesson plan will be included in this
paper as well as an explanation of what, when, where, and why certain things happen in a fiction
text, and how correct and early instruction of the Language Arts is so important in early
childhood and in the primary grades. Listed in the paper will be an article written by Sarah
Tantillo called the GRA-2 Standard You May Need to Teach. This article informs us of the
importance and how teaching ELA standards is so important.


What exactly are the English Language Arts? Are there standards, if so does each state
have their own? The English Language Arts or ELA is important not just in one single subject in
a childs educational career but all. ELA also known as literacy instruction is important for a
child to learn how to listen, communicate, speak, and write. There is a quote by Robert Vaca,
author of Content Area Reading: Literacy and Learning Across the Curriculum, in which he
states, Adolescents entering the adult world in the 21st century will read and write more than at
any other time in human history. They will need advanced levels of literacy to perform their jobs,
run their households, act as citizens, and conduct their personal lives." This could not be closer to
the truth, as it is imperative that children be prepared to enter school to process the curriculum at
such a young age.
When children are developing listening skills, it is essential that they know what to listen
for and learn how to point out the key details of the text so they may comprehend the story. This
is where literacy instruction comes into play. Children learn to read at the kindergarten level,
and some children before they enter school, but they learn to read by the text, and others learn to
read by the pictures associated with the text. When children listen to storybooks read by the
instructor or an audio disk, they need to understand that books are written in sequential order,
and it is our job as teachers to instruct the children on how to recognize the sequence and how to
remember the information. In the following lesson plan, kindergarten children are being read a
fiction book learning about apples, how they grow, where they grow, what stages take place
within the apple, and when it is best to plant and pick an apple.


Lesson Topic: The Seasons of Arnolds Apple Tree


Date: 10/4/16

LESSON OBJECTIVE: Students will be able to answer questions and provide key details about the
literature provided. Students will be able to recognize key sight words that have been introduced
previously. Students will be able to identify and describe patterns or sequencing in the text. Also
students will be able to demonstrate knowledge and skills to recognize key points within the text.
Students will be able to apply prior skills and knowledge as well as knowledge from the text to complete
classroom activities.
State Standard:
RL.K.1 With prompting and support, ask and answer questions about key details in a text.
RL.K.3 With prompting and support, identify characters, setting, and major events in the story.
RL.K.5 Recognize common types of texts.
RL.K.10 Actively engage in group reading activities with purpose and understanding.
RI.K.1 With prompting and support, ask and answer questions about key details in the text.
Today is _______
What Month is it?
Can an apple tree grow in the winter?
How many seasons are there, and what are their names?
What season are we in?
For apple tree activity: Copy of complete project has already been made for students to be modeled
before the activity. Students are told they need to draw and color the apple tree and the season in the
picture. A review of the seasons is done as well as the different stages of the tree and when each occurs.
Students are reminded that the book is to be completed in sequential order, so the students are to color
and draw in the correct order. Students are to understand the process in which the apple grows and what
physical changes occur with the apple.
Today we read about Arnold and his apple tree. Arnold was kept busy all year long with his apple tree.
What did Arnold do that kept him so busy all year long? We learned very important information today.
We learned about the life cycle of an apple tree, on how it grows, when it grows, and most of all when is
it best to pick apples.

The students were exposed to information from a fictional text explaining the details of an
apple, its physical features throughout its cycle, and when it is most beneficial to harvest this


particular fruit. One science standard in Nevada is that children are to understand the aspects of
growth in living things, and fruit is just one introduction. Correct literacy instruction helps the
children understand the what, where, when and why of information they are presented with, so
without the literacy skills, this type of information the child may not be able to understand. The
following article lists standards that are presented to second grade students, and unfortunately
cannot answer the simple what, where, when, and whys about texts or passages from simple
kindergarten books because they are not taught the correct ELA or literacy instruction when they
first started school. It is important for each and every teacher to focus on these crucial ELA
standards and make sure each student comprehends these benchmarks before continuing on to the
next level/grade.


Alber, R. (14, January 15). How Important is Teaching Literacy in All Content Areas? Retrieved
Accessed November 25, 2016.
Tantillo, S. (6, October 15). The Gr-2 Standard You May Need to Teach Retrieved from The
Middle Web
Accessed November 25, 2016
Vacca, R. T., & Vacca, J. A. L. (2010). Content area reading: Literacy and learning across the
curriculum (10th ed.). New York: Pearson/Allyn and Bacon Publishers.

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