Edu5ldp Differentiated Unit

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Primary School, 2016

(Rupanyup Primary School, n.d)

Rupanyup Primary School

(Picture Spider, 2015)

NBA Basketball Championships

Yr. 5/6
EDU5LDP Differentiated Unit
Sarah Weidemann

Sarah Weidemann



Rupanyup Primary School, 2016

(Rupanyup Primary School, n.d)


Introduction: ....................................................................................................................... 3
Classroom Profile: .............................................................................................................. 3
Classroom climate: ............................................................................................................. 8
Classroom and Teacher Expectations:................................................................................ 8
Classroom management/ organisation protocols and expectation: .................................... 9
Rituals and Routines for Learning:..................................................................................... 9
Cognitive and metacognitive approaches and expectations: ............................................ 10
Rationale: .......................................................................................................................... 11
Objective: ......................................................................................................................... 11
Assessment Tasks: ............................................................................................................ 12
Unit Overview: ................................................................................................................. 17
References: ....................................................................................................................... 33

Sarah Weidemann



Rupanyup Primary School, 2016

(Rupanyup Primary School, n.d)

This unit has been specifically designed for year five (5) and six (6) students at Rupanyup Primary School,
located in the heart of the Wimmera. The school has a current enrolment of sixty-four students ranging from
prep to six, which is divided into three classes. Majority of the families associated with the school are from a
low to middle income backgrounds, with a large number deriving their income from the land. The school
relies heavily on parent/community involvement and government funding for projects around the school as a
result of its rural isolation. The school is extremely community orientated, and has a focus on developing
independence and personal attributes.
This unit will be implemented over a four (4) week period totalling in twelve (12) lessons. Students
will be participating in three (3) physical education classes per week with the schools specialised physical
education teacher. Each lesson will be sixty- minutes (60) in length equalling three (3) hours per week,
which meets the educational participation requirements (Department of Education and Training, 2015). The
school has very limited access to technology and therefore there will be no computer assisted instructions or
technological supports throughout this unit.

Classroom Profile:
Rupanyup Primary School have developed this unit for the year five (5) and six (6) class, which currently has
twenty-three (23) students in it. The class includes a mixture of both male and females; more specifically
there are ten (10) boys and thirteen (13) girls. Within this class there are six (6) students who suffer from a
learning difficulty or disability and therefore have specific needs. The following tables lists these students
suffering from learning difficulties or disabilities, along with an overview of their condition, their needs and
things to avoid.

Georgia Smith



Disability/Impairment: Gifted (English as second language, recently arrived from
Georgia moved to Australia 8 months ago
Has developed some English speaking skills
Often has delays in understanding
Difficulties pronouncing speech sounds
Sarah Weidemann



Rupanyup Primary School, 2016

(Rupanyup Primary School, n.d)

Requirements/ Needs:

Things to Avoid:

Finds it beneficial working with her friends

Can get frustrated when she doesnt understand a task
(ACARA, 2011)
Visual Instructions
Simple instructions
Use gestures to assist with explanations
Hands on experiences
Capitalise of the students strengths
Ensure you are near the student when giving instructions
Partner work
(Davis and Dillon, 2010)(ACARA, 2011)
Large texts
Large amounts of instruction
Unclear language
Unnecessary classroom noise
Talking with your back to the class


(ACARA, 2011)


Adam Sharp





Disability/Impairment: ADHD
Struggles to pay attention
Regular daydreaming
Difficulty following instructions
Apparently not listening
Organisation issues
Easily distracted
Must be kept occupied with frequently changing activities
Has the tendency to distract and annoy others if not
(ASC, n.d) (Ghanizadeh, 2013) (Rief, 1993)
Requirements/ Needs:
Daily Schedule
Short and Frequent breaks
Setting specific times for tasks
May require assessment modifications
Making note of changes to schedule prior to date
Maximum participation
Limited down time
Variation in activities
(Davis and Dillon,
Sarah Weidemann



Rupanyup Primary School, 2016

(Rupanyup Primary School, n.d)

Things to Avoid:

Changing schedule on the day

Long Breaks
Non-engaging activities
Large amounts of down times
No breaks




Matthew Hayes





Disability/Impairment: Serious Developmental Delay (has an aide)

Matthew has been working with an aide for 6 months
He is behind in a range of areas and is focussing on
developing these
Visual cue cards assist with Matthews understanding in
His motor skills require huge developments
Often has issues relating to other people and is not
sensitive to other needs and opinions.
(RCH, 2009)
Requirements/ Needs:
Positive reinforcement
Visual Cue Cards
Routine and structure
Language appropriate to their understanding
Simplified tasks
Know their efforts are valued
Extra time to practice
Things to Avoid:
Unfamiliar situations
Negative feedback
Unfamiliar language
Rushing the student
Complex tasks
(RCH, 2009)


Elizabeth Gray



Sarah Weidemann



Rupanyup Primary School, 2016

(Rupanyup Primary School, n.d)



Disability/Impairment: Profoundly Deaf

Has a small amount of hearing in her left ear
Needs to be spoken to directly
Looses attention when she can not hear
May be hesitant to participate if not heard instructions
May tilt head to one side or gestures if she has not heard
correctly or at all
Works best in small groups
(Davis and Dillon, 2010)
Requirements/ Needs:
Required visual instructions
Requires direct conversations
Learns best when working with her friends
Set routines and rituals so the student has familiarity
Quiet areas to listen to instructions
Demonstrations (Frequent)
Speak to her left ear
Instructions must be loud and clear
Repeat instructions
Repeat students opinions and answers clearly
Step by step instructions
(Davis and Dillon, 2010)
Things to Avoid:
Areas with large amounts of background noise
Lengthy instructions
Unclear language
Routine change
(Davis and Dillon, 2010)


Alana Grace



Disability/Impairment: Autism
Issues with understanding practical tasks
Lack of communication (not listening)
Issues with forming and sustaining friendships
Narrow field of interest
Limited or no eye contact
May hand flap, rock or flick objects
Has average to above average intelligence
Has great memory
Extensive vocabulary
She is driven to perform well
Occasionally has a lack of seeking to share enjoyment,
Sarah Weidemann



Rupanyup Primary School, 2016

(Rupanyup Primary School, n.d)

Requirements/ Needs:

Things to Avoid:

interests and activities with other people

Occasionally has issues with initiating and sustaining
conversations with new or unknown people
(Autism Spectrum Australia, 2015)
Modify equipment (if required)
Have a schedule
Use pictures for instructions
Use teaching stations
Keep instructions short and simply
Highly structured lessons
Use reward system
Provide activities or examples with her interests
Positive reinforcement
(Davis and Dillon, 2010)
Not having a schedule
Long instructions
Unstructured lessons
Setting unrealistic goals
Negative feedback or put downs




Nathan Arnold





Disability/Impairment: Cerebral Palsy

Development is approximately one year behind year 4
Has a number of undeveloped motor skills
Has decreased muscle tone in his left arm
Has increase muscle tone in his right arm
Predominately uses his right side of the body to do things
Often looks awkward during movement patterns
(Davis and Dillon, 2010)
Requirements/ Needs:
Modify rules to maximize his opportunities
Modify equipment
Enlarge targets
Always include the students
(Davis and Dillon, 2010)
Things to Avoid:
Using heavy equipment
Activities that require extremely quick reflexes
Small equipment

Sarah Weidemann



Rupanyup Primary School, 2016

(Rupanyup Primary School, n.d)

Classroom climate:
The Classroom will be organised in a variety of ways to ensure all students are receiving optimal support
and learning opportunities. However, the classroom structure will be completely flexible and dependent on
the students capabilities and content being taught at the time. The first arrangements will include students
coming together as one group either sitting down or standing up in an allocated area in the stadium. This
approach will ensure all students can see and hear the teacher when giving instructions, demonstrations and
having group discussions. This strategy will predominately be used at the beginning and end of every lesson
and occasionally throughout a lesson especially when introducing new topics. This unit will also incorporate
a large amount of group work. This will require students to work with others within their class productively.
Students will predominately be grouped with similar or same abilities to ensure all students are developing
and being challenged. Grouping students into similar capability groups allows more time for teachers to
assist those requiring more assistance and attention within task. However, students will occasionally
participate in mixed groups with students of any ability, allowing those more capable to assist those who are
less able to complete tasks. Frequent group work is thought to assist all learners as it is believe students learn
best when working collaboratively as a result of people prior experiences (Reynolds, 2013).

Classroom and Teacher Expectations:

Within this unit there will be a number of expectation students are to following which will be explained at
the beginning of the unit so all students are aware. There will also be posters with both pictures and written
explanations of each expectation located around the room allowing students with learning
difficulties/disabilities. The following expectations will be used within the physical education classroom:

Students show respect for the teacher, other, the equipment and themselves

Students use their manners at all times

No inappropriate language

No puts downs

Students give 100% at all times

When the teacher is talking students are not

Students are to line up in two straight lines against the wall of the stadium

Once students have been let in they must sit in the centre of the court quietly

Students are expected to use toilet facilities before class

Students are to wear runners on the stadium floor

Sarah Weidemann



Rupanyup Primary School, 2016

(Rupanyup Primary School, n.d)

Students are expected to bring a water bottle to class

When the whistle blows students are to stop what they are doing and put their equipment down

Students are expected to share the equipment

Students are expected to help each other

Students are expected to be supportive of one another

Classroom management/ organisation protocols and expectation:
Rupanyup Primary School has implemented a classroom management system that allows students two (2)
warnings before they are reprimanded with a strike. Every classroom has a table on the whiteboard where
students names are added depending on the severity of the misbehaviour. Once a student gets three (3)
strikes against their name they are not allowed to participate in the rewards day. Once a month the school
holds a rewards day (afternoon) where students can choose to participate in one (1) of three (3) activities to
do, once this day has been the tables are cleared. Every classroom is to follow this system to ensure there is a
familiarity for all students throughout the school. This management protocol will be implemented when
students are not following the classroom/ teacher expectations as listed in the above section.

Rituals and Routines for Learning:

Rupanyup Primary School teachers implement the same classroom expectations, routines and rituals
throughout the school. This ensures there is some familiarity between each class in terms of classroom
management and the protocols followed when students misbehave, leaving no surprises for students. This
allows students like Adam, Elizabeth and Alana to understand at all times what is expected of them. Before
each class it is expected that all students patiently line up in two lines against the outside of the classroom
waiting for instructions to enter. Teachers within the school occasionally use a seating plan if they believe it
is necessary however, for the purpose of this unit seating plans are not required.
Collaborative Learning:
During collaborative learning students are encouraged to include all members within the group, excluding no
one. Students are encouraged to discuss their opinions and ideas on particular aspects with their groups.
Students are expected to help one another throughout tasks especially when there are varying abilities within
the group. It is essential students are respectful and caring of one another throughout collaboration activities
and make one another feel included at all times. Students will be encouraged to work collaboratively with
new people each time a task is set to ensure they are challenging and developing their teamwork skills.

Sarah Weidemann



Rupanyup Primary School, 2016

(Rupanyup Primary School, n.d)

Whole Group Instruction:

During whole group instruction and discussions students will be required to have everything out of their
hands and be looking at the teacher or the person talking. This will ensure they are not being distracted and
are paying attention to what is being said. If students wish to disobey these expectations they will go through
the warning system the school follows. Students will be given two warning before they are excited from the
class due to misbehaviour. Students are to show respect for the person talking at all times and are expected to
listen, only talking when they raise their hand and are called upon by the teacher.
Personal Learning:
During personal learning, students are encouraged to work efficiently and effectively on the task. Students
are asked to keep noise to a minimum, however there is allowed to be a small amount of talk among
students. Students are instructed to be mindful of others learning needs and to avoid causing distractions.
Students are encouraged to solve problems alone, refraining from getting help of other students to further
develop their abilities to problem solve.

Cognitive and metacognitive approaches and expectations:

Numerous cognitive and metacognitive approaches have been implemented into this unit, both obvious and
underlying. Various activities require students to employ critical thinking, and reflection on experiences to
engage and develop subject specific skills. It is expected teachers within the school are working on
implementing as many possibilities for such development as possible. Therefore this is a heavy aspect in the
development on the NBA Basketball Championships unit. The formative assessments included throughout
and at the conclusion of each lesson are aiming to achieve this. The following elements assist students to
use such skills:
o Peer Assessment (Providing feedback to one another about skill execution)
o Self Assessment
o Questioning
o Strategic Questioning (prompting deeper thinking)
o Group work
o Problem Solving
o Checking for understanding
o Observation

Sarah Weidemann



Rupanyup Primary School, 2016

(Rupanyup Primary School, n.d)

Unit Outline:
The NBA Basketball Championships unit has been created to allow students to gain an
understanding of the movements incorporated, and then learning through theses movements as they
move their bodies (ACARA, 2016). It is a four- week (4) unit broken into the following sections:
o Skill Development
o Application of skills into drills
o Application of skills into modified games
o Rules of basketball
o Application of skills into real game
o Basketball Tournament

This unit has been constructed around the 2015 NBA Championships and will educate students
how to work collaboratively in small and large formations. Basketball has been selected for this unit,
as it is believed to promote teamwork in both small and large groups. Nonetheless, it is also a sport
that is not a gender specific sport, meaning all sexes can play the game. This closely links with the
Australian Curriculum (2016) in an attempt to promote movement and get students participating at
expected learning standards. Students will be assessed diagnostically, formatively and summatively
throughout the entire unit in a number of different ways. Additionally, Each assessment will be
differentiated for those students with learning difficulties/ disabilities where required.

This unit allows students to generate the necessary attributes required to practice movement
skills and eventually apply them in a variety of movement sequences and situations as a result of
progression (ACARA, 2016). The NBA Championships unit also encourages and develops students
overall fitness as a result of encouraging participation in physical activity (ACARA, 2016). This unit is
flexible and can be easily differentiated to incorporate the needs of students with learning difficulties
or disabilities.

At the conclusion of the NBA Championships unit students will be able to participate in a game of
basketball applying a range of skills developed throughout each lesson. The list incorporated below

Sarah Weidemann



Rupanyup Primary School, 2016

(Rupanyup Primary School, n.d)

provides an insight into the areas students will have developed throughout this unit and the aspects
required to achieve the this objective:
o Chest pass
o Bounce pass
o Overhead pass
o Shoulder pass (Also knows as a push pass)
o Dribble the ball while running
o Dribble the ball while walking
o Defend the ball
o Score goals
o Rebound
o Have an understanding of the rules
o Be able to umpire their peers
o Be able to implement strategies
o Solve problems whilst playing
o Implement some tactical skills (like getting in front)
o Communication skills
o Work effectively as a team

Assessment Tasks:
Throughout this unit a number of assessments tasks will take place. These assessments will include
diagnostics, summative and formative assessments. This unit has been designed to link directly with the
Australian Curriculum, more specifically the year five (5) and six (6) Health and physical Education
Curriculum. Each of these categories has been taking into consideration to not only to guide assessment tasks
but also to develop the overall unit. The links identified throughout these assessment tasks and unit can be
categorised into three (3) key areas of this curriculum, moving our body, understanding movement and
Learning through movement. More precisely these assessment tasks and unit were developed on the
following elements:
o Moving our body

Practise specialised movement skills and apply them in a variety of movement sequences
and situations (ACPMP061)

Sarah Weidemann



Rupanyup Primary School, 2016

(Rupanyup Primary School, n.d)

Propose and apply movement concepts and strategies with and without
equipment (ACPMP063)

o Understanding Movement

Participate in physical activities designed to enhance fitness, and discuss the impact regular
participation can have on health and wellbeing (ACPMP064)

Manipulate and modify elements of effort, space, time, objects and people
to perform movement sequences (ACPMP065)

o Learning through movement


Participate positively in groups and teams by encouraging others and negotiating roles and
responsibilities (ACPMP067)

Apply critical and creative thinking processes in order to generate and assess solutions
to movement challenges (ACPMP068)

Demonstrate ethical behaviour and fair play that aligns with rules when participating in a
range of physical activities (ACPMP069)

(ACARA, 2016)
Diagnostic Assessment:
A Diagnostic assessment will take place prior to the beginning of this unit to assess the fundamental motor
skills of my students. This allows me as a teacher to assess where they are against the standards in
comparison to where they are supposed to be for their age. This will involve a number of simple tests that
assess the following basketball skills:

Chest pass

Bounce pass

Shoulder pass

Overhead pass

Set shot

Lay up

Dribbling on the spot

Sarah Weidemann



Rupanyup Primary School, 2016

(Rupanyup Primary School, n.d)

Dribbling while walking

Dribbling while running

These skills will be assessed against the summative assessment rubric, which will be used at the end of the
unit to categorise students into three (3) categories. The categories will be comprised of those below level, at
level and above level. The information gathered from this test will allow this unit to be adjusted to the
students needs ensure all are developing and being challenged. Additionally, this knowledge also informs the
teacher of areas where improvement is crucial and what needs to occur for students to be meeting specific
needs. This form of assessment will require very little differentiation, as it is essential the information
provide an accurate representation of student abilities. However, it is important to keep the following
differentiations in mind during the assessment:

Modified Equipment

Instruction cards

Keep instructions Short

Change activities frequently

Provide multiple demonstrations of each activity

Work collaboratively

Regular breaks

Formative Assessment:
Formative assessment will occur over the entire NBA Basketball Championships unit. Assessments will be
completed in the form of:

Teacher Observation


Peer feedback

Self reflection

Sarah Weidemann



Rupanyup Primary School, 2016

(Rupanyup Primary School, n.d)

Each of these forms of assessment will allow students to have direct feedback where they can work and
develop on their skills essentially straight away. This allows for more accurate execution of skills, as the
feedback is fresh in their mind. For all six (6) students suffering from learning difficulties or disabilities this
form of assessment will be essential in assisting their development. However, it is essential this feedback be
provided in a positive and constructive way ensuring the good aspects are being pointed out. This assessment
task requires very little modification however it is extremely important you do not catch the students of
guard when questioning them. Students will also be required to assess one another so it is essential students
are sensitive to on anothers differing abilities and students are matched accordingly.

Summative Assessment:
A summative assessment will occur over the final week of this unit while students participate in a small
basketball tournament. Students will be assessed on their ability to execute and apply skills learnt throughout
the unit during movement sequences. The teacher will be assessing the students against the same rubric
however; considerations will be taken into account when marking students with learning difficulties and
disabilities. This assessment will be differentiated in the following ways for those students with learning
difficulties and disabilities:

Ensuring all students get equal court times

Modified Equipment

Implement rules to ensure all students touch the ball and can execute skills

Change scoring rules (All player must touch the ball before scoring)

Constantly changing positions

Once the rubric has been filled out for a second time during the summative assessment, the teacher will then
use the rubric collected at the beginning for the diagnostic assessment to identify signs of improvement for
those students who are suffering from a learning disability or difficulty.
*For this assessment students will be assessed against the following table:
NBA Basketball Championships Assessment Criteria
1.1 Chest Pass
1. Passing

Sarah Weidemann

1.13 Executes
1.11 Can execute 1.12 Executes a a technically
a pass to a
pass to a moving correct pass to
stationary target, target with some

a technically
correct pass to


Rupanyup Primary School, 2016

(Rupanyup Primary School, n.d)

no technique


1.2 Shoulder

1.21 Can execute

a pass to a
stationary target,
no technique

1.22 Executes a
pass to a moving
target with some

1.23 Executes
a technically
correct pass to

1.3 Bounce Pass

1.31 Can execute

a pass to a
stationary target,
no technique

1.32 Executes a
pass to a moving
target with some

1.33 Executes
a technically
correct pass to

1.4 Overhead

1.41 Can execute

a pass to a
stationary target,
no technique

1.42 Executes a
pass to a moving
target with some

1.43 Executes
a technically
correct pass to

2.1 Dribbling

2.11 Can execute

skill in a
position but has
no control

2.12 Can
execute skill
while moving
but has no

2.13 Can
execute skill
with correct
while walking

2.14 Can
execute skill
with correct
while running

3.1 Set Shot

3.11 Poor
Execution of
skill and no

3.32 Can
execute skill by
has no accuracy

3.33 Can
execute skill
correctly with

3.34 Can
execute skill
correctly with
high accuracy
from a range
of locations

3.2 Lay Up

3.21 Has no
concept of how
to perform skill

3.22 Poor
Execution of
skill and no

3.23 Can
execute skill
correctly but
has to walk
and has

3.24 Can
execute skill
correctly with
high accuracy
and the ability
to go at any

4.1 Basketball

4.11 Has no
concept of the
rules or game

4.12 Has some

concept of the
game and rules

4.13 Has a
good concept
of the game
and rules

Has a high
concept of the
game and

2. Dribbling

3. Shooting

of the Game/

Sarah Weidemann


a stationary

both a moving
and stationary
1.24 Executes
a technically
correct pass to
both a moving
and stationary
1.34 Executes
a technically
correct pass to
both a moving
and stationary
1.44 Executes
a technically
correct pass to
both a moving
and stationary


Rupanyup Primary School, 2016

(Rupanyup Primary School, n.d)

Unit Overview:


An * is placed in the table identifying which lessons have been developed


Lesson 1

Lesson 2

Lesson 3

Skill Development *

Skill Development *

Skill development and

application of skills into

(ACPMP063) (ACPMP061)

(ACPMP063) (ACPMP061)

Application of skills into


Application of skills into

modified games *

Application of skills into

modified games

(ACPMP063) (ACPMP061)

(ACPMP067) (ACPMP068) (ACPMP069)

(ACPMP067) (ACPMP068)

Application of skills into

modified games

Application of skills into

modified games and
basketball rules

Application of rules into

game of basketball

(ACPMP063) (ACPMP061)

(ACPMP067) (ACPMP068) (ACPMP069)

(ACPMP067) (ACPMP068)

(ACPMP067) (ACPMP068)

Basketball Tournament

Basketball Tournament

Basketball Tournament

(ACPMP067) (ACPMP068)

(ACPMP067) (ACPMP068) (ACPMP069)

(ACPMP067) (ACPMP068)

Sarah Weidemann



Rupanyup Primary School, 2016

(Rupanyup Primary School, n.d)


Week One- Lesson One

TOPIC: Skill Development Location: Indoor Basketball Court Time: 60 minutes Grade: 5/6


provide students with a basic

of the skills required to
play basketball, including dribbling the
while walking, passing and catching


5 minutes


At the conclusion of the lesson students will be
able to:

Dribble the ball for one third of the court while

Chest pass
Bounce pass
Shoulder pass
Overhead pass



Students will be seated in the
middle of the court. The teacher will
do the role and explain what the
students will be doing for todays

Activity 1- Warm Up: Clusters
Students will be walking around the
designated area on the basketball
court. Students will be asked to
perform different actions while they
are moving around. The teacher will
yell out a number and students will
be required to form a group with
that amount of people. After each
group is formed the students will be
told to perform another locomotion

The teacher will read out students

names to tick of the role. The teacher
will then explain the lessons plan and
that the students will be learning
some of the essential skills in

The teacher will call out numbers for
the students to form into groups.
Attempting to call out number so all
students are included into a group
each time. The teacher will also call
out different motions for the students
to do while moving around. The
following actions will be called out:
- Lunge
- Windmill arms
- Supermans
- Walking
- Arm stretching
- Walking on heels
- Fast walk
- Skip
- Kangaroo hops

Sarah Weidemann






Rupanyup Primary School, 2016

(Rupanyup Primary School, n.d)




Activity 2-Dribbling:
Students will learn how to dribble
the basketball. Students will be
required to firstly bounce the ball on
the spot to practice control.
Students will then be asked to begin
moving around the court walking
and dribbling.

Activity 3- Walking Dribbling Tag:
Students will be required to each
have a ball and walk around whilst
dribbling the ball, attempting to get
away from the tagger. The tagger
must also be dribbling the ball in
order to tag the players. The tagger
will be identified with a coloured
sash. Once a student has been
tagged they must stand with their
legs open for another player to
gently bounce the ball through their
legs to get them back into the game.

Activity 4- Passing:
In pairs students will pass the ball to
each other 10 times. Once
completed 10 times they will then
move on to the next pass. Once they
have done each pass 10 times each
they will sit down.
They will do a number of different
passes which include:
- Chest pass
- Bounce pass
- Shoulder Pass
- Over head pass

Sarah Weidemann

The teacher will firstly demonstrate

how to dribble the ball providing
students with 3 key tips.
- Keep the ball low
- Use your fingers
- Keep your head up
The teacher will then move around
the court helping students perfect
this skill. When the teacher believes
students have mastered this skill they
will then be asked to start walking
around and dribbling.

Firstly, the teacher will explain the
game and the rules. Students will
then be shown the playing area,
which is marked out with bright
coloured cones. The teacher will then
nominate or ask two students to
become the taggers first. Students
will then go and collect a ball and
spread out in the allocated playing
area. Students will then begin playing.
After a few minutes of play the
playing area may or may not need to
be adapted. There may also need to
be another tagger added to assist. The
teacher will change the taggers after
the first round and student will play

The teacher will provide students
with a demonstration of the different
passes for students to watch. There
will also be visual posters of each
pass around the stadium with step-
by-step pictures on how to pass if
students require. The students will
then line up one along the base line.
Their partner will then line up at the
cones opposite from their partner.
Key Teaching Points:
- Step forward
- Push the ball
- Pass to the chest


Basketballs x

Coloured Sash

cards on wall


Rupanyup Primary School, 2016

(Rupanyup Primary School, n.d)

5 Minutes

Pack up
Students will be asked to assist with
the pack up of equipment. Students
will take equipment and place it in
the equipment shed. Students will
then be seated in the middle of the

The teacher will give the students

instructions on what they need
packed up. The teacher will instruct
students to sit in the middle of the
court. The teacher will then ask
students the follow questions:
- What did you learn today
- What are the key steps to
- What are the key steps to
chest passing
Students will then be dismissed


Key Coaching Points:
The following are points the teacher will use during the lesson to correct students technique:
Chest passing
o Stepping forward with opposite leg
o Pushing from the chest
Shoulder passing
o One hand
o Step Forward with opposite leg
o Can use a guide hand
Bounce passing
o Stepping forward and slightly across with opposite leg
o Bonce ball close to the player
o Low passes
Overhead passing
o Step forward opposite leg
o Passing from above the head
o Passing to partners chest
o Lower then chest height
o One handed
o Head and eyes up when dribbling
Formative Assessment:
Students will be questioned after learning the chest, bounce, shoulder and overhead passes about what the
key points are. The questions will be asked with students names at the beginning so they have time to tune
in and think about the question being asked before answering. Students will also be questioned on the three
keys points involved in dribbling and what they need to remember.

Differentiation for students with learning Difficulties/ Disabilities:

* Note for Every Lesson:
Allows quick 1 or 2 minute drink breaks between each activity for all students.

The focus of this lesson is to learn how to dribble. The following differentiations should be implemented for
the following students:
Georgia (Gifted):
Georgia will be given visual cue cards for todays activities to ensure she knows what she is doing at all times.
Sarah Weidemann



Rupanyup Primary School, 2016

(Rupanyup Primary School, n.d)

She will also work closely with one of her friends allowing her to have optimal participation throughout the
lesson. The teacher will ensure Georgia is close by when giving instructions or providing demonstrations to
ensure she has a high chance of understanding what the task is.

Adam (ADHD):
There will be frequent breaks for Adam throughout this class with constantly changing activities and
progression if required. The breaks will only last a few minutes, as it is important there is as little
down time as possible to ensure Adam stay engaged.

Matthew (Serious Development Delay):
Matthew will be given cue cards with instructions throughout the lesson. This will give him the
opportunity to have a go, by himself before requiring assistance from his aide. Not only will Matthew
be working with his aide throughout the class he will also be working with students who have an
understanding and tolerance for his condition. The equipment used may also be modified throughout
this lesson if required e.g. changing the basketball for a volleyball.

Elizabeth (Deaf):
Elizabeth will also be provided with cue cards for this lesson with instructions for each activity, both
pictures and written. The teacher will ensure Elizabeth is in direct eyesight and close by when giving
instructions allowing her to listen with the hearing she has or lip-read the instructions. The teachers
instructions will need to be loud and clear ensuring all words are pronounced correctly. Elizabeth
may also require a partner to work with to ensure she is engaging optimally in each activity.

Alana (Autism):
Alana will also receive cue cards, this will occur in every lesson to ensure a routine is kept. Each
lesson the teacher will attempt to keep a similar routine with students starting and finishing in the
center, warm ups and teaching techniques. Alana may also require a friend to work with throughout
the lesson to assist with instructions and skill development.

Nathan (Cerebral Palsy):
Nathan will also be given cue cards with the sequence of the lesson allowing him and his aide to work
through each activity at their own pace if required. Nathan will also receive regular break times to
ensure he doesnt burn out and fatigue from the activities. Nathan will more then likely require
modified equipment throughout the lesson e.g. changing the basketball for a volleyball.

Sarah Weidemann



Rupanyup Primary School, 2016

(Rupanyup Primary School, n.d)


Week One- Lesson Two

TOPIC: Skill Development Location: Indoor Basketball Court Time: 60 minutes Grade: 5/6


At the conclusion of the lesson students will be
able to:

To develop students abilities to bounce
the ball while walking, chest pass, bounce
pass, overhead pass and shoulder pass.

5 Minutes

10 minutes

Sarah Weidemann


Students will be seated in
the middle of the court. The
teacher will do the role and
explain what the students
will be doing for todays

Activity 1- Walking
Dribbling Tag:
Students will be required to
each have a ball and walk
around whilst dribbling the
ball, attempting to get away
from the tagger. The tagger
must also be dribbling the
ball in order to tag the
players. The tagger will be
identified with a coloured
sash. Once a student has
been tagged they must
stand with their legs open
for another player to gently
bounce the ball through
their legs to get them back
into the game.

Confidently dribble and walk with the

Confidently chest pass
Confidently bounce pass,
Confidently overhead pass
Confidently shoulder pass

The teacher will read out
students names to tick of the
role. The teacher will then
explain the lessons plan and
that the students will be
learning some of the essential
skills in basketball.

Firstly, the teacher will explain
the game and the rules.
Students will then be shown
the playing area, which is
marked out with bright
coloured cones. The teacher
will then nominate or ask two
students to become the taggers
first. Students will then go and
collect a ball and spread out in
the allocated playing area.
Students will then begin
playing. After a few minutes of
play the playing area may or
may not need to be adapted.
There may also need to be
another tagger added to assist.
The teacher will change the
taggers after the first round
and student will play again.



Basketball x
Coloured Sash


Rupanyup Primary School, 2016

(Rupanyup Primary School, n.d)

35 Minutes

5 Minutes

5 Minutes

Sarah Weidemann

Activity 2- Circuit
(Formative Assessment):
Student will need to find a
partner. Students will work
in partners to complete the
task at each station. Each
station has an instruction
card for students to read or
look at the pictures to
remind them of what they
are doing there.
The students will complete
the following passes at each
o Bounce Pass
o Chest pass
o Overhead pass
o Shoulder Pass (Push
o Shooting
This circuit is also
introducing a shooting
station where students will
attempt to shoot goals.
The aim of this task is for
students to see how many
passes or goals they can get
within the allocated time.
This will be compared to
the result they will get in
another lesson toward the
end of the unit.

Pack Up Equipment:
Students will collect
equipment and put it in the
equipment shed

Students will sit down in
the middle of the court. The
teacher will discuss the
lesson with the students.

The teacher will show students

around each station providing
an explanation and
demonstration using students
to explain what they are doing.
The teacher will then set the
students off to a station. They
will then say go and start
timing. Each station goes for 1
minute with a 30 second break
between each station. Students
are required to write down on
their personal score card how
many passes they got. Students
will then be asked to move on
to the next station and the
same process will begin. There
may be more one pair at each

The teacher will assist students
with letting them know where
specific bits of equipment must

The teacher will ask the
students what they enjoyed
about the lesson. The teacher
will then ask students to
provide strategies they used to


cards for each
station (Refer
to activity
cards below)




Rupanyup Primary School, 2016

(Rupanyup Primary School, n.d)

Students will be required to get as many passes as they

answer the questions or
could at each station.
give their thoughts and
opinions about the task

Key Coaching Points:
The following are points the teacher will use during the lesson to correct students technique:

o Lower the
o n chest height
o One handed
o Head and eyes up when dribbling
Chest passing
o Stepping forward with opposite leg
o Pushing from the chest
Shoulder passing
o One hand
o Step Forward with opposite leg
o Can use a guide hand
Bounce passing
o Stepping forward and slightly across with opposite leg
o Bonce ball close to the player
o Low passes
Overhead passing
o Step forward opposite leg
o Passing from above the head
o Passing to partners chest
o Push from the chest
o Bend from the knees
o Arm underneath ball

Formative Assessment:
The teacher to assess the students by judging their skills at each station will use the circuit. The
teacher will be providing feedback on their performance during the circuit; this will include positive
and constructive feedback. Informing students where they can do better as well as what that are
doing well. The teacher will also take note of their improvement for future reference.

Sarah Weidemann



Rupanyup Primary School, 2016

(Rupanyup Primary School, n.d)

Differentiation for students with learning Difficulties/ Disabilities:

* Note for Every Lesson:
Allows quick 1 or 2 minute drink breaks between each activity for all students.

The main focus in this lesson is passing. The following differentiations should be implemented for
the following students:

Georgia (Gifted):
Georgia will be given visual cue cards for todays activities to ensure she knows what she is
doing at all times. She will also work closely with one of her friends allowing her to have
optimal participation throughout the lesson. The teacher will ensure Georgia is close by
when giving instructions or providing demonstrations to ensure she has a high chance of
understanding what the task is. Georgia can extend her learning within class by assisting
others and providing peer feedback to her peers. Not only does this develop her English
skills it also develops her interpersonal skills.

Adam (ADHD):
There will be frequent breaks for Adam throughout this class with constantly changing
activities and progression if required. The breaks will only last a few minutes, as it is
important there is as little down time as possible to ensure Adam stay engaged. The regular
changes in activities during the circuit allow Adam to be occupied at all times. Time between
activities may need to be shortened or the teacher may need to provide Adam with a job to
keep him occupied.

Matthew (Serious Development Delay):
Matthew will be given cue cards with instructions throughout the lesson. This will give him
the opportunity to have a go, by himself before requiring assistance from his aide. Not only
will Matthew be working with his aide throughout the class he will also be working with
students who have an understanding and tolerance for his condition. The equipment used
may also be modified throughout this lesson if required e.g. changing the basketball for a
volleyball or even a soft ball.

Elizabeth (Deaf):
Elizabeth will also be provided with cue cards for this lesson with instructions for each
activity, both pictures and written. The teacher will ensure Elizabeth is in direct eyesight and
close by when giving instructions allowing her to listen with the hearing she has or lip-read
the instructions. The teachers instructions will need to be loud and clear ensuring all words
are pronounced correctly. Elizabeth may also require a partner to work with to ensure she is
engaging optimally in each activity.

Alana (Autism):
Alana will also receive cue cards, this will occur in every lesson to ensure a routine is kept.
Each lesson the teacher will attempt to keep a similar routine with students starting and
finishing in the center, warm ups and teaching techniques. Alana may also require a friend to
work with throughout the lesson to assist with instructions and skill development.

Nathan (Cerebral Palsy):

Sarah Weidemann



Rupanyup Primary School, 2016

(Rupanyup Primary School, n.d)

Nathan will also be given cue cards with the sequence of the lesson allowing him and his aide
to work through each activity at their own pace if required. Nathan will also receive regular
break times to ensure he doesnt burn out and fatigue from the activities. Nathan will more
then likely require modified equipment throughout the lesson e.g. changing the basketball
for a volleyball.

Score Card

Round 1

Round 2

Chest Pass

Bounce Pass

Shoulder Pass (Push)


Overhead Pass


(Healthy Active Kids, 2013)

Sarah Weidemann



Rupanyup Primary School, 2016

(Rupanyup Primary School, n.d)

(Healthy Active Kids, 2013)

(Healthy Active Kids, 2013)

(Healthy Active Kids, 2013)

Sarah Weidemann



Rupanyup Primary School, 2016

(Rupanyup Primary School, n.d)

(Healthy Active Kids, 2013)

Sarah Weidemann



Rupanyup Primary School, 2016

(Rupanyup Primary School, n.d)


Week Two- Lesson Two

TOPIC: Skill Development Location: Indoor Basketball Court Time: 60 minutes Grade: 5/6


To provide students with the basic
understanding of implementing
basketball skills learnt into a modified

5 Minutes



Students will be seated in the
middle of the court. The teacher
will do the role and explain what
the students will be doing for
todays lesson

Activity 1- Running Dribbling
This game is the same as
previous lessons however;
students are now allowed to run
while dribbling. Students will be
required to each have a ball and
run around whilst dribbling the
ball, attempting to get away from
the tagger. The tagger must also
be dribbling the ball in order to
tag the players. The tagger will be
identified with a coloured sash.
Once a student has been tagged
they must stand with their legs
open for another player to gently
bounce the ball through their legs
to get them back into the game.

Activity 2- Ball Tag

Sarah Weidemann

At the completion of the lesson students will be
able to:
- Work as a team
- Move whilst dribbling
- Use a range of passes in a sequence

The teacher will read out students
names to tick of the role. The teacher
will then explain the lessons plan and
that the students will be learning some
of the essential skills in basketball.

Firstly, the teacher will reinforce the
rules. Students will then be shown the
playing area, which is marked out with
bright coloured cones. The teacher will
then nominate or ask two students to
become the taggers first. Students will
then go and collect a ball and spread
out in the allocated playing area.
Students will then begin playing. After
a few minutes of play the playing area
may or may not need to be adapted.
There may also need to be another
tagger added to assist. The teacher will
change the taggers after the first round
and student will play again.

The teacher will explain the rules of


Basketball x

1x soft ball



Rupanyup Primary School, 2016

(Rupanyup Primary School, n.d)



5 Minutes

5 Minutes

Students will be split into two

teams. The students will be
required to work together to pass
the ball between each other in an
attempt to tag the other team
with the ball. Students are to
gently touch the other team with
the ball to get them out. Once on
team is all out they will then
swap roles.

Activity 3- Modified Game:
Students will remain in the two
teams from ball tag. Unless teams
are noticeable uneven. There will
be One gaoler and one defender
per team who are allowed in a
marked out ring at each end. The
rest of the players are to run
around in the court using their
skills dribbling and passing skills
to get the ball to their goal end.
Students must be 1m away from
the person with the ball when
defending and the person in the
ring must catch the ball and get it
in the hoop for it to be a goal.

Pack Up Equipment:
Students will collect equipment
and put it in the equipment shed

Students will sit down in the
middle of the court. The teacher
will discuss the lesson with the
students. Students will be

Sarah Weidemann

the game to students. Students will be

asked to move around the playing area
carefully and to ensure when the tag
someone it is only a gentle touch. The
teacher will swap the teams over after
each round.

Key Teaching Points:
- Step forward
- Push the ball

The teacher will go over the rules with
the students so they know how to play.
The teacher will be umpiring the game
making sure students are following the
rules and being inclusive of all players.
After a goal is scored the people who
are in the ring must swap out so
everyone gets a chance to shoot and
Key Coaching Points:
Step forward
Push the ball
Bending at the knees, shooting
it high.
Lower chest height, one handed,
head and eyes up when

The teacher will assist students with
letting them know where specific bits
of equipment must go.

The teacher will ask the students what
they enjoyed about the lesson. The
teacher will then ask students to
provide strategies they used to get the
ball to the goal scorer







Rupanyup Primary School, 2016

(Rupanyup Primary School, n.d)

required to answer the questions

or give their thoughts and
opinions about the task

Key Coaching Points:

Step forward
Push the ball
Bending at the knees, shooting it high.
Lower then chest height, one handed, head and eyes up when dribbling.
1m space at all times from person with the ball

Formative Assessment:
Students will be assessed on how well they combine all of their skills during the modified game. Students
will receive ongoing feedback throughout this entire game where they can learn and develop their skills
as they go.

Differentiation for students with learning Difficulties/ Disabilities:

* Note for Every Lesson:
Allows quick 1 or 2 minute drink breaks between each activity for all students.

The main focus of this lesson is to implement skills into a game like situation. The following
differentiations should be implemented for the following students:

Georgia (Gifted):
Georgia will be given visual cue cards for todays activities to ensure she knows what she is doing at all
times. She will also work closely with one of her friends allowing her to have optimal participation
throughout the lesson. The teacher will ensure Georgia is close by when giving instructions or providing
demonstrations to ensure she has a high chance of understanding what the task is. Georgia can extend
her learning within class by assisting others and providing peer feedback to her peers.

Adam (ADHD):
There will be frequent breaks for Adam throughout this class with constantly changing activities
and progression if required. The breaks will only last a few minutes, as it is important there is as
little down time as possible to ensure Adam stay engaged.

Matthew (Serious Development Delay):
Matthew will be given cue cards with instructions throughout the lesson. This will give him the
opportunity to have a go, by himself before requiring assistance from his aide. Not only will
Matthew be working with his aide throughout the class he will also be working with students who
have an understanding and tolerance for his condition. The equipment used may also be modified
throughout this lesson if required e.g. changing the basketball for a volleyball.

Elizabeth (Deaf):
Elizabeth will also be provided with cue cards for this lesson with instructions for each activity,
both pictures and written. The teacher will ensure Elizabeth is in direct eyesight and close by
Sarah Weidemann



Rupanyup Primary School, 2016

(Rupanyup Primary School, n.d)

when giving instructions allowing her to listen with the hearing she has or lip-read the
instructions. The teachers instructions will need to be loud and clear ensuring all words are
pronounced correctly. Elizabeth may also require a partner to work with to ensure she is
engaging optimally in each activity.

Alana (Autism):
Alana will also receive cue cards, this will occur in every lesson to ensure a routine is kept. Each
lesson the teacher will attempt to keep a similar routine with students starting and finishing in
the center, warm ups and teaching techniques. Alana may also require a friend to work with
throughout the lesson to assist with instructions and skill development.

Nathan (Cerebral Palsy):
Nathan will also be given cue cards with the sequence of the lesson allowing him and his aide to
work through each activity at their own pace if required. Nathan will also receive regular break
times to ensure he doesnt burn out and fatigue from the activities. Nathan will more then likely
require modified equipment throughout the lesson e.g. changing the basketball for a volleyball.

**Rules will be adjusted throughout the lesson to ensure there is an optimal participation possibility for
all students. The follow list includes a number of possibilities that may be implemented:
All students are to touch the ball before you can score
Ensure goalies are rotating
Split the court into sections
Incorporate Lucky People and if they score a goal it is double points

Sarah Weidemann



Rupanyup Primary School, 2016

(Rupanyup Primary School, n.d)


Australian Curriculum Assessment and Reporting Authority. (2016). Health and Physical Education:
Curriculum. Retrieved from

Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA). (2011). English as an
Additional Language or Dialect: Teacher Resource. Retrieved from

Australian Sports Commision. (n.d.). Adapting and modifying for people with
disabilities. Retrieved from

Autism Spectrum Australia. (2015). Characteristics. Retrieved 26 October 2015,

Davis, T., & Dillon, S. (2010). Adapted physical education desk reference.
Blacksburg, VA: PE Central.

Department of Education and Training. (2015). Physical and Sport Education: Policy.
Retrieved from:

Ghanizadeh, A. (2013). Agreement between Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of
Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition, and the proposed DSM-V attention deficit hyperactivity
disorder diagnostic criteria: an exploratory study.

Healthy Active Kids. (2013). Playing for Life Companion Books - Basketball. Retrieved 28 October
2015, from

Picture Spider. (2015). Cartoon Images Of A Basketball. Retrieved 27 October
2015, from

Reynolds, M. (2013). Group Work in Education and Training Ideas in Practice.

Rief, S. (1993). How to reach and teach ADD/ADHD children. West Nyack, N.Y.:
Center for Applied Research in Education.

Royal Childrens Hospital. (2009) Developmental Delay: an information guide for parents. Retireved

Rupanyup Primary School. (n.d). Our School. Retrieved from

Sarah Weidemann



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