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Today many of you have appeared for IBPS Clerk Pre exam.

Everybody was expecting a

difficult exam but it was an easy exam.

There was three section :-


Ideal Attempt

English Language


Reasoning Ability


Quantitative Aptitude




Time allotment
15 min
22-23 min
22-23 min.
60 mins

Quantitative Aptitude

Difficulty level - Moderate


No. of questions




Data interpretation

Miscellaneous (Time and distance, Profit & Loss, Time and

work, Simple & Compound interest, Problems based on
ages etc.


There was only 1 Data Interpretation set which wasn't difficult. Overall this section was

English Language
Difficulty level - Easy
There was no fill in the blanks. 10 questions were asked from Error Correction which
was a surprise for all.


No. of questions

Reading Comprehension


Cloze Test





No. of questions


Alphanumeric Series

Sitting Arrangement



Alphabet Coding

Reasoning Ability
Difficulty level - Easy

There was 1 Circular seating arrangement set and one Linear seating arrangement set.
There were no questions from Coding decoding which is considered to be a timeconsuming chapter. Further, there were no questions from Syllogism and Data
As the paper was easy, the cutoff is going to be really high.

#IBPS_Clerk_2016_Prelims #Question_asked_in_1st_slot
1). Two pipes A and B can fill a tank in 16 hrs and 12 hrs respectively. The capacity of the tank is
240 liters. Both the pipes are opened simultaneously and closed after 2 hrs. How much more
water (I Liters) needed to fill the tank?
2). The ratio of As age 3 years ago and Bs age 5 years ago is 4:5. If A is 4 years younger than B
then what is the present age of B?
3). 5% of one number (X) is 25% more than another number (Y). If the difference between the
numbers is 96 then find the value of X?
4). Alphabet Test: EAT, OIL, ORE, BIG, PUT Questions Answer:
i. If all the words are arranged as per the order in the dictionary, which of the following word
will be the 2nd from the right end?
ii. If we add S to the end of all the words, then how many meaningful words can be formed?
iii. Question based on Vowel and consonant.
iv. Consonants are coded as preceded letter and vowels are coded as followed letter, then how
many words contains atleast one vowel?
5). Direction: A person walks 5 meter south south and turns to his left and wlaks for 5 m and
again to the left walks for 5m, at last he turned at right and walked 20 meter. In which direction
is he facing now?
6). CREATION How many pair of letters are having same no of letters present as same as that
appears in the alphabet series?
7). Ram spend 60% for entertainment, then remaining 40% spend on EPF. He took remaining in
hand is RS.5010. Find out his monthly salary?
8). A boat goes 16.2 km up stream in 36 min and goes downstream in 28 min. Find speed of
boat in still water?
9). Simple interest of sum of X at 12% per annum, for 2yrs was Rs.1578 and S.I of sum of Y at
15% per annum for 4years was Rs.3578. Find sum of X & Y?
10). A, B,C start a business, twice the investment of A is equal to thrice the capital of B and
capital of B is 4 times the capital of C. Find the share of B out of profit of Rs. 690100.
11). A can do a job in 12 days. B is 70% more efficient than A. How many days B will take to
complete the job alone?
12). 9 persons went to hotel for taking their meals 8 of them spent Rs.14 each in their meals
and 9th spent Rs.8 more than the average expenditure of all the nine. What was the total
money spent by them?
Solutions :-

1). Two pipes A and B can fill a tank in 16 hrs and 12 hrs respectively. The capacity of the tank is
240 liters. Both the pipes are opened simultaneously and closed after 2 hrs. How much more
water (I Liters) needed to fill the tank?
2). The ratio of As age 3 years ago and Bs age 5 years ago is 4:5. If A is 4 years younger than B
then what is the present age of B?
3). 5% of one number (X) is 25% more than another number (Y). If the difference between the
numbers is 96 then find the value of X?
6). Alphabet Test: EAT, OIL, ORE, BIG, PUT Questions Answer:
i. If all the words are arranged as per the order in the dictionary, which of the following word
will be the 2nd from the right end?
ii. If we add S to the end of all the words, then how many meaningful words can be formed?
iii. Question based on Vowel and consonant.
iv. Consonants are coded as preceded letter and vowels are coded as followed letter, then how
many words contains at least one vowel?
7). Direction: A person walks 5 meter south south and turns to his left and wlaks for 5 m and
again to the left walks for 5m, at last he turned at right and walked 20 meter. In which direction
is he facing now?

8). CREATION How many pair of letters are having same no of letters present as same as that
appears in the alphabet series?
9). Ram spend 60% for entertainment, then remaining 40% spend on EPF. He took remaining in
hand is RS.5010. Find out his monthly salary?
10). A boat goes 16.2 km up stream in 36 min and goes downstream in 28 min. Find speed of
boat in still water?
11). Simple interest of sum of X at 12% per annum, for 2yrs was Rs.1578 and S.I of sum of Y at
15% per annum for 4years was Rs.3578. Find sum of X & Y?
12). A, B,C start a business, twice the investment of A is equal to thrice the capital of B and
capital of B is 4 times the capital of C. Find the share of B out of profit of Rs. 690100.
13). A can do a job in 12 days. B is 70% more efficient than A. How many days B will take to
complete the job alone?
14). 9 persons went to hotel for taking their meals 8 of them spent Rs.14 each in their meals
and 9th spent Rs.8 more than the average expenditure of all the nine. What was the total
money spent by them?
15. 8 frnds A B C D W X Y Z are sitting in a row facing north..B is fifth to the right of X,B does not
sit at the extreme ends ... C sits 3rd to the left of Y...Y is not neighbor of B... W is not neighbor
of X..two person sit between B and of persons btwn Y and B is same as A and C..
16. question area of triangle =108 and ratio of base and height 3:2 then perimeter of square
equal to twice the base;;of triangle
Area=1/2*b*h=108------(1) and b/h=3/2 b=3*h/2-----(2) put 2 in 1 h^2=108*4/3 h=12 base=18
perimetrr=2*base=2*18=36 ans...
17. Ibps clerk 2nd shift series 8 4 4 8 32 ?
9 13 21 37 ? 133
7 9 14 24 ? 67
4 5 12 39 160 ?
24 31 43 60 82 ?

copied not sure genuine or not practice k lie hi kr lo :P

1. The families /(a) are living in Gulmohar Park / (b) for the last two decades./(c) No error./ (d)
2. Two lakhs of people /(a) attended the meeting/(b) held in Parade grounds./(c) No error./(d)

3. There is a Bachs violin concerto /(a) on the radio / (b) at 6 p.m. this evening./ (c) No error/(d)
4. Lay your books aside and / (a) lay down to rest / (b) for a while. / (c) No error / (d)
5. We went / (a) with Guptas to a /(b) movie called Deewar . /(c) No error / (d)
6. Once an old hermit / (a) saw a cat /(b) pounce upon a rat./ (c) No error. /(d)
7. A computer virus works exactly / (a) like the biological variety / (b) which invade the human
body/ (c) No error. / (d)
8. When I first started my school / (a) my boys had / (b) no evident love for music. / (c) No error
/ (d)
9. My uncle / (a) has left / (b) for Bombay last Saturday. / (c) No error. / (d)
10. Dont think / (a) you can deceive me / (b) like you did my brother. / (c) No error. /(d)

1. (b)
Explanation: Change are living into have been living continuous + since / for + Unit of time are
the features of perfect continuous tense.

2. (a)
Explanation: Change lakhs into lakh. Hundred, thousand, lakh etc are used singular after

3. (d)

4. (b)
Explanation: Change lay into lie. These are to different words lay () laid, laid and lie (
)lay, lain are the forms . Lie is used for living.

5. (b)
Explanation: Insert the before Guptas. Guptas are known to the subject.

6. (d)

Explanation: Pounce on / upon is a Phrasal word means move to attack quickly.

7. (b)
Explanation: Exactly and like never go together.

8. (b)
Explanation: Change boys into students or pupils.

9. (b)
Explanation: Omit has. Last yesterday and ago refer to simple past.

10. (c)
Explanation: change like into as. Like is used for similarity as is used

Q. Linear Arrangement asked :

There are 8 persons in two rows.
In row 1- A,B,C,F and they are facing south and in Row 2-H,S,T,R facing north
A is second to the right of B.F sits third to the left of A.
S is an immediate neighbor of the person who faces A. S sits second to the left of R.
There are two persons between R and H.T is an immediate neighbor of the person who faces C.

#Today passage asked in exam
Far away from a kingdom there was a huge jungle. In that jungle, there were thousands of
trees. Among them two were very good friends. They stood side by side. The same jungle was
the home of many lions. Those lions used to kill other animals living in that jungle and eat them.
The carcasses of the dead animals used to stink and a foul smell would hang in the air. The
whole atmosphere was bad to live in.

One day, the two trees, who were friends, were talking. The first tree said, These lions are
polluting our jungle. We have to save our jungle from them. They must be driven out of this
Yes," agreed the other tree.
A wise old tree, who was listening to the friends said, They might be polluting the air. But
these wild creatures are keeping us safe from woodcutters. No woodcutter will dare to come
into the forest which has lions."
But, this advice did not go into the minds of the trees. The two friends decided to frighten the
animals away. That evening, the two trees started shaking violently. We will frighten the lions
away. They will be so terrified that they will leave this jungle and never come back into this
jungle," said the two friends and laughed aloud.
The whole forest echoed with their laughter. Do not do that," shouted the wise tree.
But the two friends did not listen. They began moving in the wind and making eerie noises. All
the other wild animals in the forest were scared, seeing the two trees and the sounds they
were creating. There is something happening in the forest. Let us run away," they said. All the
animals fled the jungle.
The two friends were happy. Huh! Now we can enjoy some fresh air," they said.
But their joy was short-lived. One day a woodcutter came to the forest and started felling the
trees. Now there is no fear of the ferocious lions," he muttered to himself. Soon there were
other wood cutters. Seeing this, the wise tree said, Now all of us will be doomed." The two
friends cried out, How foolish we have been. We should have listened to this wise tree."
A little later the two tree friends were brought down by the wood cutters axe.The Trees and
The Lions are must.
Day by day, more and more trees were destroyed by many woodcutters.

Q. Ibps clerk second shift RC..

There was once a rabbit who was sleeping beneath a coconut tree. All of a sudden a coconut
fell down and landed on his head. The rabbit woke up, shrieking. "The sky is falling!" he
shouted. "It's the end of the world!"
The rabbit then ran off as fast as he could. Another rabbit saw him and asked, "What's wrong,
my friend?"

"It's the end of the world!" the rabbit shouted. "The sky is falling!" The other rabbit raced after
him, and soon hundreds of rabbits were running in fear.
A deer asked what had happened. "It's the end of the world," the rabbits shouted, and so that
deer, and then hundreds of deer, started running with the rabbits.
The jackals joined in, as did the elephants. The animals ran shrieking together through the
jungle. "The sky is falling! It's the end of the world!"
Finally, they ran into the lion, who asked very calmly, "What are you all shouting about?"
"The sky is falling! It's the end of the world!" they replied.
"Who told you that?" asked the lion.
"The jackals told us," said the elephants.
"The deer told us," said the jackals.
"The rabbits told us," said the deer.
"And who told you?" he asked the rabbits.
The first rabbit crept forward and said, "I did, sir."
"Show me!" ordered the lion.
The rabbit then led the lion to the tree, and he saw the coconut lying there. "Foolish rabbit," he
said, "the sky is not falling. It was just a coconut that hit you on the head."
They then returned to the other animals and announced the good news. "The sky is not falling,"
the rabbit shouted happily, "and it's not the end of the world!"
In this way the lion saved the animals from themselves


Day/Corp. A B C D E
Mon 135 150 126 142 136
Tue 102 125 130 180 111
Wed 140 116 105 132 147
Thur 133 121 152 114 162
Fri 152 123 116 142 108
1.What is the difference between B sales on Mon & Thurs together and E sales on Tue & Fri?
2.How much the percentage of sales of A on Wed is Sales of D on Thurs?
3.What is the average sales of Corp. C on Mon, Tue and Fri?
4.What percent of sales of A on Fri is morethan sales of E on Tue?
5.What is the ratio of Sales of A and C together on Wed to the Sales of B and D on same day?


Number series

8, 4, 4, 8, 32, ?

12, 17, 27, 47, 87, ?

4, 5, 9, 18, 34, ?

2, 3, 8, 27, 112, ?

30, 33, 41, 54, 72, ?

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