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MCT Formal Lesson Observations Feedback

Student teachers name: Maryam Rashed
Grade Level: FS1
The Gruffalo
Date: 7th November, 2016
Grade: C+

Strengths of the lesson:

Pre-reading and question whats on the cover? Got students interested.

Use of props from her animal bag (mouse, fox) to get Ss interested.
Good classroom management in plenary.
Good use of intonations to encourage student interest.
Good questioning at the end of reading about why you liked or did not like the story. Continue to expand
this type of questioning throughout the lesson.
Lesson was adequately differentiated with 3 main activities of building a puzzle of the main characters and
choosing numbers to match; colouring the main characters; and cutting out the main characters and sticking
them to a backdrop from the story.
Planning: good evidence of planning and preparation
Lesson plan was submitted on time.

Areas for development:

Practice Reading
Continue to practice pronunciation by reading the story repeatedly in your spare time
until you get conquer all of the challenging words! Maybe use a recording of the story
from the internet to help. The puppets were a lovely idea but it might have been
useful to practice beforehand so that they would not have been so unwieldly. The key
lesson here about storytelling is practice, practice, practice before hand.

Encourage Ss to participate through your questioning (e.g. one student said I dont
like Gruffalos good opportunity to ask them why and what do they think will come

Lesson Planning
The learning objectives need to be clarified (say exactly which animal names are your focus)
Include a questioning map at each stage to guide your teacher-talk in the classroom.
Continue to work on producing your writing your plan with enough detail so that anyone can follow it
without your direction.

General Comments:

Noted amount of planning.

Sufficient differentiation.
Students were very interested

Foci for next lesson:

o Questioning
o More detail on the lesson plan
o Practice pronunciation

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