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Lesson Planning Guide

(adapted from Thompson Rivers University by Bernie Krynowsky )

The lesson plan template is designed as a guide for students to use when planning lessons. The plan may be adapted to specific
subject areas and modified as students gain experience or to suit their presentation style. The template is a basic outline that can
be used directly as printed or expanded from the electronic version. It is important that the lesson plan be sufficiently clear and
detailed so that another teacher could use the plan to teach the lesson.
Rationale: Why are you teaching this particular lesson at this time? One consideration is the context for the lesson (e.g. this
introductory lesson determines what students know and want to know about the topic, this lesson relates to previous and future
learning by )
Another consideration is student motivation (e.g. what are some reasons the learner might care about the
content/concepts/ skills for future learning, careers, or interests?).
Curricular Connections:
Big ideas capture the big picture or general area of learning (e.g. interdependence of living things with the environment, stories
are a source of creativity and joy). Curricular competencies are generally skills (e.g. analyzing and evaluating, recording
information, comprehending and connecting). The learning standards for content or concepts are a more specific consideration
of what students learn in lessons. Many of the standards have flexibility built in so they can be a bit vague. You can, using the
intention of the standard, make it clearer and more specific (e.g. learners will be able to describe the main idea in a paragraph or
story, learners will be able to classify leaves based on properties they identify). The lesson should have some component of
curriculum that can be identified and justified. A reminder that the direction of new curriculum has identified core competencies of
thinking, communication, and personal / social development as a foundation for all curricula.
Learning Intentions: How can you make clear and share with your learners what they are going to learn or have learned or
accomplished? Statements like: I can add two fractions help frame their learning in positive student language.
Prerequisite Concepts and Skills: What concepts and skills are needed for students to be successful? This communication
helps connect lessons together in a logical sequence by building/scaffolding new knowledge onto previous learning. For example,
if students are going to be engaged in debate did you build or scaffold group work strategies, communication skills, expected
etiquette, criteria beforehand?
Materials and Resources /References List all materials and resources that you and the students will need. What things do you
need to do before the lesson begins? (e.g. prepare a word chart.) What things do the students need to do? ( e.g. read a chapter in
the novel.) Have you honoured the sources of ideas or resources? Disorganized materials can ruin a great lesson.
Differentiated Instruction (DI): (accommodations): How will you accommodate for diverse learners in your class? How will
you allow for some variety in expression of learning? How can you modify the learning activities for success? How can you
provide engaging extra challenges for those that are ready? How might you alter the learning environment if needed? Have you
considered aboriginal and cultural influences? IEPs?
Assessment and Evaluation: Did the students learn what you taught them? What tools might you use for assessment (e.g.
check list, rubric, anecdotal record). How will you provide formative feedback to students about their learning? The results of the
assessment should be directly connected to what your students were able to write say or do related to the learning intentions and
or curriculum. Strive for accuracy and build assessment into teaching and learning and not as an add on at the end.
Organizational/Management Strategies: Have you thought-out organizational management strategies to facilitate a proactive
positive classroom environment? Some examples are: organizing for movement, distributing and collecting materials, grouping
strategies, blended grade classroom logistics.
Aboriginal Connections / First Peoples Principles of Learning:
knowledge, worldviews, or principles of learning?

Are there any connections to aboriginal or other cultural

Lesson Activities/Structure:
Introduction: How will you get students interested/motivated/ hooked into learning? How will you connect this lesson to past and
future lessons? How can you share the learning intentions in student friendly language? How will you provide a lesson overview?
Body: What sequence of activities will the students experience? What will you do? What will they do? Estimate how much
time will each activity take (pacing)? What are grouping/materials strategies? There are many ways to describe the body (step
by step, two columns dividing student and teacher activities, visual flow chart of activities and connections, others?)
Closure: How will the lesson end? (e.g. connecting back to learning intentions, summarizing learning, sharing of
accomplishments, connecting to next lessons). Google 40 ways to close a lesson.
Reflections: Complete the reflections section as soon as possible after teaching the lesson. What went well? What revisions
would you make to the lesson? Anything else ?

Lesson Title:

X means Groups Of!/ Diagrams

Jessica Hitchmough

Lesson #





Rationale: (lesson context and reasons why lesson matters)

This lesson will introduce the concept of multiplication in the form of diagrams. It will also introduce multiplication as an
alternative or shortcut in relation to addition. Seeing the relationship between Addition and Multiplication, will help
learners made the transition to more advanced mathematics. It will help learners develop the skills to deal with larger

Curriculum Connections : (which can be: big ideas / learning standards /curricular competencies/core competencies)
Development of computational fluency in addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of whole numbers requires
flexible decomposing and composing. Develop, demonstrate, and apply mathematical understanding through play,
inquiry, and problem solving. Develop and use multiple strategies to engage in problem solving. Represent mathematical
ideas in concrete, pictorial, and symbolic forms

Learning Intentions- (learner friendly language such as: I can ..)

I understand that multiplication is another form of addition. I can use diagrams help myself multiply numbers. I
understand that the symbol X means groups of. I understand that groups of mean multiplying. I can do addition. I can do
multiplication in a group setting.

Prerequisite Concepts and Skill :( for student success)

Student have already encountered counting numbers as groups. Students have fluency in addition and subtraction.
Materials and Resources with References/Sources:



-Learning space for 4+ students.

-4+ Dry erase boards and appropriate writing utensils.

Differentiated Instruction (DI): (accommodations)

Lesson will be taught in small groups which enables the educator to work with students individually and as a group.
The group as a whole will be asked to SHOW what, three groups of two, looks like. This will help students struggling with
the concept, learn from their peer and teacher in a group setting.

Assessment and Evaluation: (formative and summative possibilities related to curricular connections)
The formative assessment used will be observational. I will note students struggling with the concept, and students who
comprehend it will more ease. I will also note students willing to participate in the group exploration and problem solving
section. Lesson two will use a summative form of assessment.

Organizational/Management Strategies: (anything special to consider?)

Need to keep time frame under consideration- will be working with borrowed space. Reminder to students to raise hands
if they have a question or an answer. I will hand out the mini white boards and markers at the beginning of the lesson and
collect them at the end of the lesson.
Possible Aboriginal Connections / First Peoples Principles of Learning and

Lesson Activities:

Teacher Activities
Introduction (hook/motivation/lesson overview)
The five students picked to be taught that day. Then
asked to line up at the door.
Once in the learning space provided, student will be
shown two groups of one on the white board. They
will be asked what is this? / What does this mean?
The will be introduced to concept of groups of
numbers, in the form of a diagram.

Student Activities


Student will make sure they have the supplies they

need, with assistance from a teacher. Then they will
line up quietly. They will then be led to the assigned
learning space.
Once seated and focused on the teacher they will
have the chance to contribute what they think
multiplication mean to them.
Student may ask questions with raised hands.

(lesson flow/ management)

We will then go through the SHOW ME/Group work

section of the lesson.
I will ask learners to SHOW ME:
One group of one
any corrections will be addressed and then I will Show
them the answer
Two groups of twoStudents will show what one group of one looks like
on their whiteboards.
Three groups of twoStudents will show what one group of one looks like
on their whiteboards.
We will then go in to the concept of X Means Groups
of section of the lesson.
I will show three groups of one as a diagram. I will
write the equation, _X_=_, and under the X I will write
groups of. I will ask how many groups there are.
We will fill in the equation with how many
groups,3X_=_. They learners will then be asked how
many are in each group
We will fill in the equation with how many
groups,3X1=_. They learners will then be asked how
many are in all the groups combined.
We will fill in the equation with how many
groups,3X1=3. They learners will then be asked how
many are in each group

Students will show what one group of one looks like

on their whiteboards.
Students will show what two groups of two looks like
on their whiteboards.
Students will show what three groups of two looks
like on their whiteboards.

Students are asked to raise hands to help solve the

Students are asked to raise hands to help solve the
Students are asked to raise hands to help solve the
Students are asked to raise hands to help solve the


I will then ask the students to SHOW ME:

Four groups of two as a diagram.
I will check to make sure they have the diagram right,
and write the diagram on the board, then ask them to
SHOW ME in numerical form, how many groups there
4- check
There are four, groups of ,
SHOW ME the sign for groups of.
SHOW ME, how many are in a group in numerical
There are four groups of two
SHOW ME, how many there all in all the groups using
2+2+2+2= 8

Student will be asked to come the diagram.

Students will write the number of groups in their
diagram, underneath their diagram like the example
on the board.
Students will be asked to show the sign used to say
groups of beside their number of groups.
Students will be asked to show how many dots are in
a groups, in numerical form beside their groups of
Students will be asked to find the answer to the
equation by adding the sum of all the dots.
Students will and equal sign and then the sum of all
dots in their diagram there multiplication equation.

We will then do the equation, two groups of four, from

diagram to multiplication formula together on the big
whiteboard step by step.

Students will be asked to create the diagram. Then

to create and help answer the equation.


Students will line up in a quiet fashion.

Closure ( connections within lesson or between

lessons, sharing successes, summaries)
We will go over that we know, the X-multiplication
sign, means groups of, if we see the multiplication
question 2X3=, we know there are two groups with
three in each group. And to answer the question we
can create a diagram and count all the dots.
I will gather all whiteboards and markers, and ask the
student to line up quietly to go back to their

Reflections: (over)

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