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During the discussion of climate change, many connections between different

departments and professions were revealed and discovered, as such proving the
interdisciplinary nature of the issue. These connections showed the diverse nature
of problems facing society and established that collaboration between professions
must exist the scientist must collaborate with the policy-maker, and they must
both collaborate with those who can address the ethical and societal effects that
any solutions imposed could have. Of course, within even these distinctions, there
are multiple levels of people that can speak to each field. Another connection was
made regarding communication between these fields there must always be clear,
open communication between these fields, even upon disagreeing. There cannot be
a willingness to accept division differences must be worked around and
compromises must be struck. Those ideas laid out, I can show how the global
challenge I wish to help solve has these same dynamics.
(Personal) Global Challenge: The lack of, and the unwillingness to provide
healthcare for all peoples, despite the intense need for adequate care.
The field of healthcare, regardless of its universality (if its offered globally), has,
and will continue to be a field in which the delivery of care to patients will be reliant
on the cooperation of multiple fields. Even now, the union of research scientists
(and all their support universities, governments, etc.) and healthcare workers is
strong, and has been built upon since the beginning of scientific discovery. Recently,
in a controversial fashion, the application of healthcare has been thrust upon policy
makers. In this discussion, between all sides of society, I wish to use my voice to
help solve some issues the application of healthcare to all people and the system
through which that is seen as an effective system, the equal care of patients
regardless of cost, etc. - whether as a healthcare professional identifying the
problems experienced on the patients level, as a healthcare-scientist, seeking
treatments for maladies that affect society on a broad level, as a social-scientist
(although this path is much more unlikely for me to take!), or as a lobbyist/voice in
government. Thus, in education, there is much for me to choose which of the
above paths do I want to take? And yet, further than that, there are more questions
in education: what degree will I pursue to become the most effective advocate for
my cause? Will I want more than one degree? Will I choose a graduate school or a
professional school? Relating this to interdisciplinary studies and the discussion, I
believe that it is important to both gain an education that allows thought and
reflection on multiple sides of an issue and to start a networking process, so that,
years in the future, I, when trying to find a solution to a problem can look at who I
know and find the perfect person to assist me.
If I was to not consider my education in having an impact on my involvement in
healthcare, then I would have to reflect my interest and dedication to the topic
through my personal actions. Among these personal actions, to ensure
communication between different professions, I figure that there are volunteer
positions in which I could act as a link, even a small one, between different
organizations that sponsor healthcare through different mediums that of the
healthcare sector, or that of the governmental sector, etc. Additionally, I could
devote some of my time to the education of others on the complex subject that is

healthcare. Involved with this, is the idea of promoting discussion among others
about potential solutions to real problems. In this, the true meaning of
interdisciplinary discussion can be reached by having the general population,
which is comprised of manifold types of people, discuss these problems, solutions
can take on a multi-profession meaning. I suppose, in the end, I can represent the
cause I believe in and through that and activism, I can encourage the discussion of
changes, regardless of what part of the interdisciplinary discussion my profession is
lodged into.
Thus, there are many ways for me to seek changes Through gaining the most
effective education I can, while accomplishing my own goals, and through being
whole-heartedly involved with the cause, in some form.

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