"Hero"-: by Muhd Hafizudeen

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Hero- by Muhd Hafizudeen"Ring! Ring! Ring!

" I was having a very good dream when suddenly a very loud
sound penetrated through my ears and woke me up in a shock. I jumped out of my bed
with anger and started to search where the annoying sound came from. The adrenaline
was raging in my blood, and I swear I will destroy whatever that stands in between me
and my sleep. I looked at the corner of my desk. I knew it! It was from that clock again!
The clock mercilessly displayed that it was 5.00 a.m. in the morning. I was just about to
throw it off when I suddenly realised the reason why I set the clock to wake me up such
early in the morning. I looked at the calendar. It was 1st February 2016. Yes, it was
hunting day! It had been a very long time since the last time I hunted an elephant after
my hunting license got banned for about 4 years straight. The desire of killing elephants
was accumulating in my intestines for 4 years after I can finally kill the shit out of the
elephants today.
I hate elephants! I do not know why, but I really hate them! Whenever I see blood
thrusting out of an elephant, I feel satisfied. I love to see them struggling to death. Those
sharp white tusks, those massive ears, and those ugly-looking trunks totally freak me out.
Many people call me a cruel person, but actually I am not. I am a hero who is on a mission
to save the world! I am a hero who is trying to eliminate ugly creatures from the Earth. My
mission is almost accomplished as those hideous creatures in creation are considered as
an endangered species. It just takes a few more shots until all elephants in the world face
their deaths! That moment, all people in the world is going to elect me as the king of the
world! I will be considered as a hero, and all people will recognise me--the giant-headed
God among mere normal head-sized mortals!
I cheerfully grabbed my blue towel and went to the toilet. I looked into the mirror. I
saw a reflection. It was not the reflection of my brutal-sized head. It was the reflection of
the future. I can see myself, proudly standing on a massive hill of elephants' corpses. I
can see people are delightfully hailing me and I am coyly blushing of proudness. "Ring!
Ring! Ring!" I was awakened from the vision of the future after the clock of mine started
to produce that annoying sound again. I went to bath and prepared myself to start my
first day of the hunt after I took off the batteries from that annoying clock. After I have
finished my shower, I put on my creatively-designed hunting uniform. I looked like a true
hero. It had been a long time since I felt so handsome. I took all my hunting accessories
and started my truck's engine. The sound of the truck was roaring like a tiger mercilessly
eating the flesh of an elephant. That pleasant sound made me so hype!
I half-heartedly drove my truck to the desired place, the place which is going to be
the death valley of those hideous creatures. I parked my truck outside of the wild
petrifying jungle. I happily jumped out of my truck. I looked up to the sky. I saw the sun
rise. I saw a bird feeding its hatchlings. I saw the magnificently soothing cloud patterns. I
saw beauty! Nevertheless, there is no scenery more soothing than to see an elephant
struggling to his death. At a drop of a hat, I took my hunting accessories and walked into
the thick and scary-looking jungle. I am hunting master. I know how to track for the
elephants using my naturally-gifted skill. Using my geography knowledge, I can
practically talk to plants and rocks. Finally, after 4 hours of hard work, I saw an elephant,
misguided from its territory. I was so happy that I can smell its blood, although we were
40 meters apart.
I slowly walked towards him and hid behind a tree nearby. Carefully, I lifted up my
AK-47 gun towards his ugly face. I was so excited that I heard my brain playing music in
my head. I also heard the sound of a cat screaming loudly like it was a tiger. Oh, wait!

That sound was not from my brain! It was from my back! I swiftly turned my head around
and saw a big orange tiger, with scary-looking red eyes, aggressively charging towards
me. He hit me hard with its claw. I was thrown back and I hit a tree. My leg was bleeding
badly, and I felt helpless. Wait, I am a hero! I cannot lose to this weakling! I tried to stand
up and began charging towards the tiger. Boom! Unluckily, I got hit again. My leg broke
into two. Bloods was thrusting out of my leg. Now, I cannot feel my leg anymore. I feel
helpless. My energy has drained. I was sure I was going to die this time. Miraculously, an
ugly horrifying creature charged towards the tiger, penetrating him deep into his
stomach, using a pair of sharpened tusks. I half-unconsciously saw both of them fighting
aggressively to their deaths.
After a minute of fighting, it was obvious that the winner was the elephant. I can
see his tusks, full of blood. The elephant walked towards me. The butterflies started to fill
in my stomach again. I was too scared that I peed in my pants. I thought he was going to
get revenge on me, so I politely said, "Before you do anything to me, I want you to know
that there is still hope for your ugly disease", with a hope that he spared my life.
Unexpectedly, he was not trying to hurt me, but instead, he was trying to help! He lifted
me on his back, gave me food and even wrapped my injuries using leaf caps. He was
trying to be friend with me! I was dumbfounded. Deep into my heart, I was crying so
badly. The animal that I tried to kill, ironically, was the one who saved my life! He risked
his life, just to save a man who was trying to kill him! He made me cried. He changed my
perspective towards the elephants. He changed the way how I see the nature. He
changed the way how I see the world. He changed my life! He is the true hero. He is the
one who needs to be recognised as a hero! With his help, I was able to get into my
beloved truck and call for an ambulance to get me to the hospital. Since then, I promised
myself not to harm elephants again.
It has been 15 years since the incident. I do not have a pair of legs anymore.
Instead, I wear a prosthetic leg. I learnt an unexpected valuable lesson from the incident.
Now, I have totally changed. I do not hate elephants anymore. For me, they are not so
bad after all. The elephant that saved me is now my close friend. I named him Hero. Now
he had 4 little calves. I am not a hunter anymore. Instead, I am a forest ranger who
protects animals from hunters. I called myself, 'The hunter of hunters'. Whenever I saw a
hunter hunting, I will shot him before he is able to shot any animals. I am once a master
hunter, cold and ruthless. I lived by my desire to kill elephants. Inhibited by foolish
emotion. But slowly over the years, after experienced the life-threatening incident, I
found my true self. My quest for greatness gradually giving way to this life of mediocrity.
Now, I am hunting for hunters! This is the only thing I can do to make amends for my
previous sins towards the innocent elephants and as well as a thank to my friend, Hero
for saving my life. Whenever he and his family are threatened by danger, I will step
forward to save them. He helped me once, so I have no excuse to not helping him. This is
what a friend do to help his friend because "A friend in need is a friend indeed".
I am very proud of who I am now. Although I am not the king of the world, I am
very grateful that I am still alive. Now I can live my life to the fullest! Thank you, Hero!
You are my best friend forever! I love you! I promise that I will be the king of the world
one day. "RING! RING! RING!". I am shocked! A loud sound coming out of nowhere just
shocked the hell out of me. Wait! This noise sounds familiar. This is the sound of my old
clock 15 years ago. I thought I had taken off its batteries. How can it still produce this
annoying sound? Where does it come from? Wait! Where am I? Is this my bedroom? How
can I be here? I looked around. There is no doubt. This is my room. The loud noise is
coming from that merciless clock-- and it shows 5.00 a.m. in the morning. I have a weird
feeling about this. I stretched my hand to the bottom of my body. Miraculously, my leg is

still there! I jump out of my bed and look at the calendar. It is 1st February 2016! This is
the date of the incident! Am I travelling to the past? Is this an opportunity for me to
change my past and start a new life? Or is all the adventure I went through before was
the vision of the future, and I need to experience it once again? Or is it was just merely a

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