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FIL. i) THE BLANKS A TV choice Grandstand (220 1, 10.55 am) in today’s programme you can join Steve Rider for 2 moming session of sacoker coming (0) _ frm _ the Crucible Theatre in Sheffield, If you prefer something (1) ___a bit more scion, then say setched (2) for the Rugby League Cup Final (3) __ Sc Helen's (che favountes) and the Bradford Bulls, which (4) ___be broadcast live from Wembier at 2.20 pr, FDR: Fear Itself (BBC 2, 305 pm) This 6 (5) second in a four-par series (6) __the le of American Presiden: Franklin © Roosevelt. Tonigh's enisode looks at the pertod in Roosevei’s life when ne contracted polio. a disease (7)___ would have put an end co most careers, let alone chat 4 man who was hoping to become Presiden ofthe UnkedStates.This fascinating documencary shows o Roosevelt fought back with great determination and optimisin and nox (10) gor back on his feer again, but also walked ctumphanty (11) the hice House ‘You ANC Nothing Yet (Channel +, 12.05 am) This isan oppomuniy 0 enloy a one-off performance (12) _Pieter-bire Uys, he Jewish-afnkaner comedian (13) sacze has long been a chorn in the side of South Afica’s potica! leaders, all of (L$) _he makes fun of, ahough be admits he (1) ______ditioutey with bis Nelson Mandela impression, Happy New Year! (One of the mest important days f he year isthe est of January and is celebraced (9) all’ over che wor, It's theme of yenr (1) _ people ge together and eat and drink 3 lot and generally behave wih svaermh and affection (2) e1ch other tn London, an he stroke (3) ‘midnight before he New Year begins, people gather in Trafalgar Square and not (8) cxlebrate in (5) ‘way bur also sometimes teow themselves imo che fountain under Nelson's column. In Spain, geople eat (6) __ age for ach of the mveive sroes of midnight. No one knows exacdy (7) custom of celebrating che New Year began. Some people believe (8) ____ as the Chinese who sated ic © say i¢ sas the Romans. tn China, they celebrae New Year, which is (10) a difecent usual vine from that Wes. (11) nly for one day but for several days. 8 special custom in some counusess G2) ___" lie go-Glle NW Year's resoluigns. Tis means you make a big ection to imorove your le in (13) _ say Bi topping any bad babi you may (is) ___. For example, people say they wil sop smoking, tay Wil Wonk harder, hey wil 46-05) Sesto pass chee exams, and soon. IC's pty that che opcimisspnt of New Yede often does not ast very long! ‘Yuri Gargarin : (On Vth Apr 1961, a young Russian cosmonaut made hisory by becoming the first man (0) ___£__be in Space, Seven yous later, and jst Wes Defoe the anniversary (1) __ his historic ori around che ah, he was klled (2) ___a plane crash This comarkabie an was Yui Gacgaia, Cargarin 8) bom ia Gaansic se Rssit and he begaa to in ()__ a poe whe he wa tll a seudent (S) ___ universe. When he finaly cuaifes asa pilot ne (made an officer of he Soviet Airforce, He became a cosmonaut in 1560. The space cice (7) __ the Unlid Sates and ihe Soviet “non ha lead begun some yeas but while dhe Ameseane were sil seeng eady to send 9) ____ ise sate ino space, the Sover Union sent SBuemie {round the Eat, In 196, Russia tok the sco space, ini 12 vas ‘world by surprise again (10) launching the Vostok rocket the fist span in history to travel in space: Yuri Gaegarin. (12) fest manned space Right lated only 108, minutes, which is (13) very long «when you bear in mind that. nowadays, astronauts (14) months, if not years, in space, After his death in a cest fight (15) the age of 34. his homesawn of Gzantsle was senamed ‘Gargarin’ ip his honour. +

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