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Year 7 Physical & Health Education Puberty

Subject: Physical & Health


Date: 24/08/16

Time: Block 1

Intended learning outcomes


Students will further develop their understanding of the male and female anatomy
Students will further develop an understanding of the menstrual cycle
Students will gain/develop an understanding for the products available
Students will gain an understanding of the different parts of the body and their use

Criteria for successful meeting of outcomes


Students will know the purposes of different parts of their reproductive systems
Students will have an understanding of their bodily parts and the use of each
Students will know what periods are
Students will know what products are available to use

Structure of Learning Activities

- Students will be introduced to what will occur throughout the lesson
- Students will be reminded to do the do now task if they are not already doing so
Body (80-90min):
Do now:
- Rule up pages and write Menstrual Cycle as heading.
- Look up the definition for Menstrual Cycle
- Add to vocabulary builder
- Definition: the process of ovulation and menstruation in women and other female primates.
Activity One: Class Discussion Periods
- Recap of what we learnt last week about periods
- Students will be asked to raise their hand to provide answers in this classroom discussion
Activity Two: Periods
- How many days they go for
- How much blood is lost
- The change in flow of the period throughout the 5 days
- Talk about product choices and products
- What products are available
- What products are best for when
- How long the products can be worn for without changing them
Activity Three: Menstruation Research Task
- Students will be given a work sheet and a website
- Students will be required to find out what happens at each of the stages for the menstrual cycle and write it down
- The teacher will then discuss the cycle and what occurs asking students to give their answers for the stages
Activity Four: Question Box Answers
- Teacher will read out the question (s) that was put in the question box
- The teacher will ask the students if anyone believes they know the answer
- Teacher will answer the question (s)
- Allow time for students to add more questions into the questions box

Activity Five: Pac- Man

- Students will all choose a space in the room
- Students will be allowed to take one step towards another person if they answer a question correctly
- It is not allowed to be a jumping step
- First person to put their hand up is allowed to answer the question
- If they get the question wrong students will be out and sit down
- However if no one in the game can answer the question then a person sitting will have the opportunity to answer the
question to get back into the game.
1. Does the male or the female get the period
2. What is the proper name for what occurs when you get your period? The ____ cycle.
3. How long does a typical period last for?
4. How much blood is lost?
5. What is meant by a change is flow?
6. Does the Vas Deferens belong to the male or female?
7. List two anatomy parts which belong to both the male and female
8. What happens to the males voice during puberty?
9. What is puberty?
10. Do males of females start puberty first?
11. What part of the body for females is most likely to change first during puberty?
12. What is an erection?
13. Does puberty change the bodies hygiene needs?
14. How often should you shower?
15. What is pubic hair?
16. Do boys get hairier than girls?
17. Do sexual desires occur in male, females or both?
18. What are two sanitary products girls require?
19. What product is best for swimming?
20. What is a wet dream?
21. T or F - Males get hairy than females?
22. What is the scrotum?
23. What is another name for an egg?
24. Does your period begin at the start, middle or end of your menstrual cycle?
25. Do males and females both grown pubes?
26. Tor F- During puberty you develop stronger attraction for other people?
27. Where can females get sanitary products?
28. Do males, female or both require more sleep during puberty?
29. Who develops bigger muscles?
30. Tor F Males develop wider hips?
31. The penis belongs to females or males?
32. Tor F Babies grow in the fallopian Tubes?
33. Where do babies grow?
34. T or F Males get vaginal wetness?
Leave Pass:
- Students must have completed the menstrual cycle work sheet before they can leave class today
- Students must show the teacher this work before they leave
- This will be looked at prior to playing the Pac-Man game
Resources required for the lesson:
White Board Markers
Question Box
External and internal definitions
Menstrual cycle worksheets
Getting you first period common questions discussion starters sheet

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