10 Qs As Lessons Membranes

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Cell Membranes Knowledge Questions:

1. Give yourself a five minute time limit draw and label a fluid mosaic
model cell membrane.
2. What is the role of glycolipids and glycoproteins?
3. What is the role of cholesterol?
4. List 3 roles of the plasma membrane.
5. List 3 roles of internal membranes.
6. Define Simple Diffusion.
7. Where does it occur across the membrane?
8. What four factors may affect diffusion rate?
9. Explain what facilitated diffusion is and where it happens across the
10.How does active transport differ from facilitated diffusion (3 ways).
11.Define Osmosis.
12.Explain each of the following diagrams:

13.What is endocytosis and how does it work?

14.What is exocytosis and how does it work?
15.How does temperature affect permeability and why?
16.How do solvents like ethanol affect permeability and why?
17.Why do some membranes contain more unsaturated fatty acids?
18.How are receptors adapted for cell signalling to occur?
Extra Questions:

Describe the basic structure of a cell membrane?

Name 3 roles of glycoproteins.
What does active transport occur through?
Why do some chemicals need facilitated diffusion?
What is osmosis?
What is endocytosis, endocytosis, pinocytosis and phagocytosis?
What is the term for an animal cell a. shrivelling up, b. bursting?

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