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Welcomeback with us. Im Legys and I m Isti on Victorial Falls

Entertainment. Isti i think the audiences are still spirit. They are waiting
for our next entertainment. Hey guyss.... are you still spirit?
Isti : Legys, whtas next?
Legys : I dont know. Hehe but i have a question for you Isti, do you still
remeber what you did with your mom when you were child?
Isti : hmmmm of course i still remember, at the time time my mom used
to tell me a story, i liked it.
Legys : hahh... it also happened to me when i was child, i still remember,
at he time before i slept at the night, my mom also often told me an
interesting story. I enjoyed it much.
Isti : wow... we have the same hobby, we like to hear a story. Ahaa... you
know Legys, at this time very moment, we all will be entertained by our
five great strorytellers.
Legys : yups, you are totally right, five great story tellers. And they are
ready to give their best performance special for audiences. You know
guys, you have to be happy with that. Well, let us call them. Five great
storytellers with a story The Lonely Windy.
Legys : what a happy Windy in the end!!! Isti, what do you think of the
Isti : in my opinion, the sotry tells us that we cannot judge something from
its cover.
Legys : yeaah... I think so. It means we have to respect to everyone no
matter who they are.
Isti : Now, it have to be sad Legys.
Legys : why? Whats wrong with you?
Isti : we have to end our agenda today. Hiks hiks
Legys : hiks hiks... but we must not be sad, we will se you guys next time.
But Isti, you know, befor we end this great agenda, let us we call the last
performance from Victoria Falls Entertainment.
Well, I.m Legys, and this is my partner Isti, we are as presenter of this
agenda, thats all from us thank you very much fro your great attention.
See you again next time.

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