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»m World Youth Championships mar Malhotra even though \We had reapplied for visas.” Archery Assoctation of India treasurer Virender Sachdev seid, ‘The Indian contingent, comprising Under20 bays ane! eins, wats sctesuled 00 Toa for the US on Saturday: For tho dumet-14 event. Tutthe USembesay here ranted vise to only seven, farehers, two coaches and a ‘Sports Authority of India of | Ustar Pridesh. Most of Maers ficial while rejecting 21, remot well versed mnenghish thereby putting serious andhencelackineommanica Aoubteover india'sparticipa: tion. When’ the visa offiese Hon intheewent ‘asked cham what they de for Bealdes im. threeIneian ving, heysimply-said weare ceuches Mim Baladur Gu- archers and play arclcrs rung. Chandra Shekhar Sachleva said. “Thin might Eaguri, Ram Awsesh and have raised doubts in the ‘masseuse Pinki were also de-rainds of the visa officer re fist visa. Sachdovasaidthe sulting nrefusalef visa tit denial wason theround that doa't understand) why” [ny thevisa afficer wasnotsatis- was denied Decals: Ise fs 2. Hadwihthelnterview of the known figure in wort rejected individuals ard archery” headdca. Aoubted thatthey may notre Sachéews maid what was {ura after the completion of more shaelin was Maat the theevent. “Iisreallyashock: visas weredeniatdespiteov- ‘ing incident. ‘Mest of the ingtheGavernmentof Incin's archersare from lower strata sanction order sind invitation find hail from stiles We As’ fromthe USArehery Associa ‘Sem. Thavkthand, Punjab and tion, Pr ibe [aupples & ty read eae not iaas an teu MO’ PO “ER INDIA POWER CORPORATION LIMITED @ ‘on teototorareromtctezaes ote ia eee serene Ermail ccrpertwprcsucnos co Wb pew Sen” EM NOTICE OF RESULTS OF POSTAL BALLOT AND EWOTING Hin rteronce 10 he Notice f Festal Bact and Escong des 26 ‘Ror ‘2015 wound pursuant he proves at Sacto 190 oft ‘Semper net aot9 toad wit te Comsanien wager hed ‘Acminavaion) fee 2014 as oneal, or seoira eal oa ‘Shaenowiers or aur of Nose Batorarees Gorman SUSING LTD. Tal veee en oat ‘Wea Von ras sem rope dare Fas on Bh Ar 2015 ‘The Wetos ast n favaur ha Aesaieon ara mone than thee ines ‘Re Volos coslaganet we suc Reciinor an eorengueny a Sa Rewchasen ne eta fs Nac of Roel Batt ss Eee Seo 2am Ari, 20Va: stra duly approved psec by te Srarelcars Stine Company. The aie of aecurion teats Peal Salt bet Evotnge ai aune 201sie considera o sete auc te passes tthe Resouaton ‘Taree of tha Postal Dalit we E-tg has bese apy ont cose Boned sre eputered One ole Coven, cerned {iw secs Excungas nore ter Combanys shares ae ete ante ‘wotite o NSDL wd ray ua Seen posag one Comarys wes by oro othe Bow Oecors ‘or nde Pome Corporation Limited Bate’ “ivsune £043 _Comeuy Secretary & Vea Piss fate ei Sipe — cefos pool s— Arthik Lipi - 06 06 2015 - Page 7 INDIAPO AER INDIA POWER CORPORATION LIMITED a [Formerty DPSC Limited) CIN: Lao10sWB1919PLCoag26a Regd. Office: Plot X1 - 2 & 3, Block EP Sector V, Salt Lake City. Kolkata 700 091 Phone: +91 33 6609 4300/06/09/10 : Fax: +91 33 2387 2452 Email: comporate@indiapower,com ; Website:, NOTICE OF RESULTS OF POSTAL BALLOT AND E-VOTING With reference to the Notice of Postal Ballot and E-voting dated 24th April, 2015 issued pursuant to the provisions of Section 110 of the Companies Act, 2013, read with the Companies (Management and ~] Administration) Rules, 2014 (as amended), for seeking approval of the Shareholders for issuance of Non-Convertible Debentures / Commercial Papor / Bonds. etc., on private placoment basis through postal ballot and e-voting, After due scrutiny of Postal Ballot Forms received and votes casted through electronic means upto the last date and time 29painted for the same (that is upto 6.00 p.m. on 2nd June, 2015), Mr ‘Atul Kumar Labh, Practising Company Secretary, the Scrutinizer submitied his report dated 4th June, 2015. The summary of results is as follows: Wem] Bret | Totaino. of Total Voles cast | “Total Votes ‘No. | Description | Valid Votes intavour | east against of Resolution |) (Exciuces | tade | No.of | % of | Wo. of | Sof eae shares __| votes | shares votes| 1" issue of Non- [24,73,49,600| Physical | 4,20,00,969 ]17.945] 6.500 [0.000 Convertibie i pee, Electronic |20.44,39,029 |a2.652| 2 [24,73,42,998) 6,502 Note: Voting righis are in proportion to shares held as on 2ath Apri, 2075, The Votes cast in favour of the Resolution are more than three times the Votes cast against the seid Resolution and consequently the Specal Resolution as set aut in the Notice of Postal Ballot and €-voling dated 24th April, 2015, stands duly approved / passed by the Sharoholdors of the Company. The date of daciaration of results of Postal Ballot and E-voting i.e. 4th June, 2015 4s considered ta be the date of the passing of the Resolution. {| The results of the Postal Ballot and E-voting has been displayed on the Notice Board at the Registered Office of the Company, communicated to the Stock Exchanges where the Company's shares are listed, on the website of NSDL and has also been posted on the Companys website (mw along with the Serutinizer's Report. By order of the Board of Directors For India Power Corporation Limited Sd/- Place : Kolkata Nitin Bagaria Date _:4th June, 2015 Company Secretary & Vice President (Legal)

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