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Named after the first patient known to have contract it, Malkav s Disease, or Malk

avia, is a contagious illness that afflicts Kindred and Kine alike. Malkav s Disea
se affects the mind of the patient, eroding their sense of reality and causing s
evere mental and emotional distress. Once each day, an infected character can ma
ke a reflexive Resolve + Stamina roll to resist its effects, as normal. The numb
er of successful rolls required to beat Malkav s Disease is equal to the Blood Pot
ency of the vampire it was contracted from (or, if it was contracted from a mort
al, the Blood Potency of the vampire he contracted it from -2). Unlike ordinary
diseases, Malkavia does not deal damage on a failed resistance roll. Instead, th
e character gains both the Afflicted and Delusional Conditions (the Storyteller
decides the nature of your character s delusion). Once these Conditions are inflic
ted, the disease has run its course and the character need not continue making r
esistance rolls.

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