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Aimi Izyana binti Ismail


T o know the general methodology and concept of measurement.
To recognize the apparatus and equipment that are available in the workshop so as to help
students in future projects.
To know the principle elements of measurement which are linear dimensions, angular
dimensions and non-linear functions.
To learn how to use the measurement equipment such as steel ruler, calipers, depth gauge,
vernier caliper, vernier micrometer, vernier protractor and others.
To compare the precision and the accuracy of the three different measuring instruments,
the steel ruler, the vernier caliper, and the digital micrometer.

Pencil & paper

Specimens (138 59085 & 175 58944)
Measuring Tape
Steel ruler
Calipers (inner and outer)
Engineering square
Height vernier caliper
Depth gauge
Vernier caliper
Digital micrometer
Thread Gage
Pitch Gage
Combination Set

1. First, the students are introduced to most of the measuring apparatus found in the
workshop such as the steel ruler, L- block, height vernier caliper, the inner and outer
calipers, vernier caliper, and the combination set.
2. Then, they are briefed of the functions and the correct way of using the apparatus.
3. Each student is then needed to select 2 different specimen of different sizes and the series
number of the specimens are recorded.
4. Each blocks height, width and length are the measured using three different measuring
apparatus, which are the steel ruler, the vernier caliper and the digital micrometer with 1
decimal place, 2 decimal place and 3 decimal place respectively..
5. The result of the measurements is recorded and shown in the data table below.


Aimi Izyana binti Ismail


Series No. of Specimen : 138 59085
Steel ruler
Vernier caliper
Digital micrometer

Width (mm)
9.0 + 0.5 = 9.5
9.00 + 0.80 + 0.07
= 9.87
9.000 + 0.500 + 0.370
+ 0.070 = 9.940

Height (mm)
1.0 + 0.5 = 1.5
1.00 + 0.30 = 0.02
= 1.32
1.000 + 0.000 + 0.215
+ 0.070 = 1.285

Length (mm)
29.0 + 0.5 = 29.5
29.00 + 0.90 + 0.01

Height (mm)
9.0 + 0.0 = 9.5
9.00 + 0.10 + 0.07
= 9.17
9.000 + 0.000 + 0.275
+ 0.070 = 9.345

Length (mm)
34.0 + 0.5 = 34.5
34.00 + 0.80 + 0.09

Series No. of Specimen : 175 58944

Steel ruler
Vernier caliper
Digital micrometer

Width (mm)
17.0 + 0.5 = 17.5
17.00 + 0.40 + 0.04 =
17.000 + 0.500 +
0.380 + 0.070

Aimi Izyana binti Ismail


Every day and every moment of our life, we will definitely be surrounded by
measurements be it of time, length or mass. Measurement of time sometimes can consume a
persons life, for example, a student whose constantly working to meet a deadline to an
assignment or a report. Measurement of mass is in almost every product that we buy and
measurement of length mainly to ascertain how far someone or something from a certain point.
In this session we are mainly interested in measurement of length which is the distance
along a line between 2 points. Also, there are three principal elements of measurements which
i)Linear dimensions (measurements of length)
ii)Angular dimensions (measurement of angular inclination)
iii) Non-linear functions(straightness,roundness,flatness)
But for the moment we are not concerned with the non-linear functions.
When measuring, certain standards need to be considered.
Accuracy which is one of the most important aspects in measuring. It refers to the
act of the measurement itself with regard to whether or not the specific
measurement taken within the capability of the measuring apparatus selected. The
accuracy of the user must also be considered as the way the measurement is taken
can effect the measurements obtained. It is the degree to which measured values
agree with the true value.
Precision is relative to the specific measurement being made, with regard to the
degree of exactness required. It is the degree to which the apparatus give repeated
measurement under testing conditions.
Reliability in measurement refers to the ability to obtain the desired result to the
degree of precision required. Reliability is most important in the selection of the
proper measuring apparatus. A certain apparatus may be reliable for a certain
measurement, but completely unreliable in another application.
Rule of 10 where an apparatus should be 10 times more accurate than the
dimensional tolerance of the measured part.
Discrimination refers to the degree to which a measuring apparatus divides the
basic unit of length it is using for measurement.
When selecting a measuring apparatus, we must make sure that it is suitable to the
material that we are measuring. The measuring apparatuss accuracy, amplification,
calibration, stability in maintaining calibration and also its speed accuracy must be
considered. The apparatuss cleanliness must also be considered as even a thin layer of dust
that settles on the surface can result in an error in measurement. The apparatus must be made
sure to be in perfect working condition.

Aimi Izyana binti Ismail


Measurement Apparatus
Steel Ruler

It is a normal ruler, ranging from 150, 300 and 600 mm with precision up to 1 decimal
point only. To provide accurate measurement it is important that the principal of a common datum
or reference plane is adopted. Measurement from the steel ruler depends on the visual allignment
against the nearest division on the scale. Usually, a part of a millimeter will have to be estimated.
Vernier Caliper

A Vernier caliper is a device that used to measure inside and outside dimensions and
also the depth gauge measurement. The vernier caliper consist of several part, that is
fixed jaw, sliding jaw, fixed scale, vernier scale, inside measuring surface, outside
measuring surface, adjusting clamp and also the depth gauge.
It is actually a simple steel ruler modified by having caliper jaws at its end, and can read
up to 2 decimal points. A vernier scale is also mounted on the ruler. In this session, a 0.02
mm vernier caliper was used but we were also introduced and taught to use the 0.05 mm
vernier caliper . The 0.02 mm vernier scale covers a distance of 12 mm and is divided into
25 equal parts. Hence the width of one division on the vernier scale is 0.48 mm. The
difference between on one division on fixed scale and vernier is then 0.02 mm.

Aimi Izyana binti Ismail


How to use vernier caliper

Before handling a caliper, wash your hands to remove the dirt and oil that might damage
the caliper. After using it, wipe the caliper components until it is satisfactorily clean and do
not drop or mishandle the caliper.

It is used to measure work piece such as its length, width, and height.For instance, it is used
for the measurement part for this workshops measurement activity.The screw has a pitch
0.5mm.So that one complete turn of screw results in a linear movement of 0.5mm. There are 50

Aimi Izyana binti Ismail


equal divisions on the circumference of the thimble,thus turning the thimble through one division
produces 1/59 of 0.5=0.01mm.
A digital multimeter can read up to 3 decimal points. To read the measurement 4 steps
had to be followed. Like the vernier caliper, the first scale to read is the fixed scale. We also had
to look for the graduation that lies between one 1 mm; which adds the 0.5 mm to the
measurement. Like a vernier caliper, if the zero mark on the micrometer scale is not reached, then
0.5 mm will not be added to the measurement. Otherwise, 0.5 mm should be added to the
measurement. The third step is to read the micrometer scale itself. One revolution of the
micrometer scale equals to 0.5 mm. There are 50 graduations on the scale, and each graduation
brings 0.01 mm to the measurement. The fourth step is to add the zero error to the measurement.
Errors should always be added, not subtracted.

Vernier Height Caliper

The vernier height gage is a caliper with special foot block to adapt it for use on a surface
plate.The gage block is very precise, made from heat-treated and stressed relieved alloy
steels or from carbide or from ceramics. Flatness in the range of 0.02-0.12m and
dimensional accuracy as high as 0.05 m. Its height gages are graduated in divisions of
0.025 inch and a vernier scale of 25 units for reading measurements to thousands of an
inch.The bottom of the foot block must be clean and free from burrs Used for marking where
it is used in milling and also on benchworking with the L-block.

Aimi Izyana binti Ismail



The protractor is used to measure angle of certain part, but the protractor as shown also can
be use as ruler to measure linear dimensions

The L-square is commonly used to measure flat surfaces whether its

perpendicular or not. It also allows us to measure the flatness of the surface. It
application becomes more when the scale on its side allow us to us it as ruler.

Aimi Izyana binti Ismail



To provide a 90 surface when on top of the surface plate to be compared o the

work pieces. Can be used with the height vernier caliper.
Inner Caliper

Used to measure the diameter of holes or the width of keyways and slots.
Cannot be read directly.
Outer Caliper

Used to approximately measure the outside surface of either round or flat

work.However it cannot be read directly and must be set to a steel ruler or a standard size

Aimi Izyana binti Ismail


Combination Set

It consists of a graduated ruler, square head, protractor and center head. It can be used
alone as a ruler when all the heads are removed.
When reading the instruments, a few careful steps have to be followed in order to get an
accurate reading. Before any measurement is taken, we always have to look for zero errors to
ensure that the measurement will be accurate and precise. For a steel ruler, measurement should
not be taken starting with 0 and it is better to start at 1. The graduation on that mark might be
smaller since it is the end. When taking a measurement, the observer has to look straight at the
graduation from the top of the scale.
In completing this activity, very few problems were faced. There were only 2 vernier
calipers, 4 steel rulers and 4 digital micrometers available for us to measure the given specimens
so the equipments had to be shared and this took quite a long time as we had to wait for out turn.
However, we manage to finish the assignment in the allotted time. Alhamdulillah. Also, we had to
stand during the briefing and this made my concentration waver a little bit. The air-condition was
not working, but thankfully the doors were opened to let some air in.
Alhamdulillah, I managed to complete this project on time. I have learnt the techniques
and procedures of the equipments used around the workshop. It can be concluded that
measurement is a fundamental step in machining as it plays a part in every stage of the process
such as marking and dimensioning. So, basically every student must master this skill to properly
succeed in this course. During this session, it can be observed that the digital micrometer is the
most accurate apparatus among all three, followed by the vernier caliper and the steel ruler as it
gives readings up to 3 decimal points thus determining how precise the previous measurements
are by using the other two instruments. The objectives of this activity are successfully achieved as
I have learned how to measure correctly and in a safe manner. Thank you to my demonstrator and
group members for being very cooperative in my learning.

Aimi Izyana binti Ismail


1. Draw the possible errors when using a scriber.

2. Draw an inside caliper showing its application.


Aimi Izyana binti Ismail


3. Draw verniers of a vernier calipers that show the following readings:




4. Draw the vernier micrometers that read the following:



Aimi Izyana binti Ismail




5. Draw the vernier of protractor that give the following angular readings:

29 degrees 10 sec.

25 degrees 20 sec.


Aimi Izyana binti Ismail


85 degrees 10 sec.

6. Write five safety rules specific to the measurement tools:

I. For all measuring tools, always look out for the parallax and zero errors. Errors
should always be added to the measurement.
II. When taking measurements, make sure that the eyes are 90 to the graduated
upper surface.
III. When using a vernier caliper, always use the right caliper. When measuring
diameter using the inner or outer caliper make sure measurement is from the
center (the real diameter)
IV. When taking a measurement from a micrometer, the ratchet stop is used to lock
the measurement so that it will not change. To lock, the ratchet stop should only
be clicking 3 times. No further locking of the micrometer is needed as this will
eventually damage it.
V. A rule should be looked after. The end of the rule should be preserved from wear,
as it generally forms the basis for one end of the dimension. Rusting of the rule
should be avoided by oiling it when it is not in use.


Aimi Izyana binti Ismail



Aimi Izyana binti Ismail



Aimi Izyana binti Ismail


Course Manual MEC 1105 Workshop Technology
Kuliyyah of Engineering IIUM
Workshop Technology Part 1, Fifth Edition
W.A.J. Chapman, Edward Arnold
Technology of Machine Tools, Fifth Edition


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