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Task 4.

Observe an Assessment

Observe an assessment, a formal test is preferable.

o What is the math skill or concept being assessed?

The assessment that has been tested by grade 3 students was assessed the concept of subtraction
by regrouping and also the rounding to nearest tens and hundreds.

Before the assessment, watch and listen as the teacher distributes the test or
o What does she say before giving out the papers?
o How does she hand out the papers?
o What sort of directions are given?
o How does she ensure that all students are listening?

The teacher before distribute the papers asked students to put their books in the shelves that at
the back of the classroom. After that, she asked them to make their desks into 4 rows and sit
correctly. Following that, teacher made sure all the students have pencils. As coming next, she
handed out the test papers row by row as she asked them to write their names and then turnover
the paper and be quiet. Then she displayed the test by the data-show as she started to give them
the rules:
1- Show me you are listening to the teachers instructions by put your hand up.

2- Look at the board and follow the teacher (show me the frog eyes, how does the frog see?)
that to draw their attention and make sure they are looking at her.
3- Teacher read the questions on the board and she demonstrated them.
4- Teacher ask the students to solve only the first three questions.
5- Teacher said to students: when you start solving your questions your eyes must be on
your paper.
6- Dont talk with your friend during the test.
7- Teacher told them they have only 45 mins to complete this exam.
8- Teacher counted tell 3 and then she told them to open their paper together.

During the assessment (give examples):

o How does the teacher respond to students who raise their hands with questions?
o What sorts of questions or comments does she make? Are directions reiterated?
o Are students directed to reread or to think about the meaning of the problems?
o Are the students told how to proceed?
o What sorts of hints are given, if any?
During the assessment, If no student raise their hands, what does the teacher do?
o Does she sit at her desk?
o Circulate around the room?
o Does she look over the students; shoulders? (If she does, ask her later what she
was looking at)
During the assessment, are there times when the teacher addresses the whole group?
o What precipitates (happens before) these announcements and what are their
o During the assessment how does the teacher deal with students who finish early?

During the students doing the exam they were focusing deeply, whereas the teacher was walking
around, looking over the students shoulder and checking on their answers and are they on the
right line. One student talked loudly, so the teacher gave her a warning to stop talking and she
told the students anyone has a question has to raise her hand quietly and I will come, and who
make a noise I will take her paper and I will put a zero with big x sign. Thus, all the students

were organized and quiet. So the teacher didnt have to restate the rules, as well the students
were also committed with teachers directions. On the other hand, the teacher always reminded
her students to think, read, focus, and dont be accelerated. The educator was also encouraging
the students by praising them and give them positive words such as: I know you are smart, I
know you are marvelous, very good keep going, you will find the correct answer, yes you are in
the right way dont stop etc. All that enhanced the students performances by pushing to try
and concentrate as possible as they can. However, if the students stuck with some questions and
ask teacher how do we solve this? the teacher didnt tell them how to solve, but she only asked
them to reread and reminded them with the activities that happened while the lesson, such as, the
story about the subtractions by regrouping which recited during the lesson so the teacher
motivated their memorizations by ask questions for example (what we did when we cant
subtract?). I think this was a good idea to remind the students because they still young and they
need some helps like this sort. Furthermore, there was enough time to discourse all students and
see their answer, moreover, the teacher also gave them another chance to correct their answers.
In terms of students who finish early the tutor asked them turnover their papers and take
worksheet that she prepared before for them and practice on some exercises for another lesson.

After the assessment, how does the teacher end the test or the class session?
o Does she make announcements about the time remaining even before time is up?
o How are papers collected?
o What happens with students who are not yet finished?
o Reflection: Do you think her actions and responses fit with the type of assessment
the students were working on?

At the end of the exam, the teacher before the time was up, she tell them to try finish their exam
and check their answers again to make sure there isnt any missing answers. Once the time
finished the teacher collected all the papers exclusive of two students they were not have done

yet, so, she gave them three minutes more and then took the papers even if they didnt have
finish all the questions, that because she helped them more than once as also she reviewed the
tested lessons one day before the exam as she practiced them massively. Therefore, I think the
teacher did her job perfectly and this exam was to assess the students understanding of the
subtraction. Finally, in my opinion the teacher did well responding that suitable for the level of
exam that the students were working on, where she read, clarified, demonstrated the questions,
and circulate around classroom to check for every single student, as also she supported, aided
and stimulated her pupils if they have any trouble. What I noticed is that more than 5 students
who got full mark, that intended to tell me the exam was clear and appropriate for their abilities
and their knowledge. Otherwise of the students who didnt have finished, they only have some
mistakes in process of subtraction that teacher asked them to resolve it again, so I would like to
say they didnt left any empty question that might affect their marks significantly. In addition,
the teacher told me these students need more practice so I will sit with them in free time to re
explain again to make sure they will overcome their problems.
Here is the copy of the exam:

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