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Hiring Plan

Erica Hubar

English (BA) High School
Position Type:
Instructional - High School/English
Date Posted:
I.N.V.E.S.T. Program
Date Available:
Closing Date:
When Filled
Hazel Park Schools - website

JobID: 21475

Round One:
This will be a screener interview with the principal, a teacher, and the department head. Each
candidate will have about 20 minutes.
1. Please tell us about yourself.
2. What does a day in your classroom look like?
3. Tell us about your worst lesson and your best lesson.
4. We are a very culturally diverse school, how do you handle cultural diversity in
the classroom?
5. How do you handle peer collaborations? Maybe tell us about a positive
experience and another one that might not have been positive.
6. What are some ways you include formative assessment in your classroom?
7. Is there anything else that you want us to know?
8. Do you have any questions?

Round Two
Round Two will be a 30 minute interview and a 10-15 minute lesson. Following the lesson, the
teacher will write an essay from a past AP test based off a poem. There will be 5-8 teachers,
administrators, or staff members in the room.

Hiring Plan
1. Since some of the interviewing staff have not meet you before, can you tell us a
little bit about yourself and why you want to work here.
2. Imagine you have a classroom with students at all different learning levels, how
would you handle this?
3. How would you handle having students in your room who are at all different
reading levels?
4. What do you think has been the most important lesson you have learned as a
5. How do you see the roles of relationships in the classroom?
6. What would your former students say about you?
*At this point I would ask my interviewing team if they had any additional questions they would
want to ask.
7. Do you have anything else to add?
8. Do you have any questions?
Teach a 10-15 minute introducing ninth graders to Martin Luther King Jr.s I have a Dream
Speech. You need to write a lesson plan for a 70 minute class period, but you will be teaching
only ten to fifteen minutes. You can pick whatever part of the lesson you would like. Please keep
in mind how you would introduce this to ninth graders. Also, make sure it include the success
criteria and learning target for the lesson.
We would pick a current AP literature essay prompt based off a poem. Candidates would have a
half hour to complete their writing. We will tell them to keep their responses to around a page.
Reference Check:
I would call all of their references and one previous supervisor (if it was not on the resume). I
would ask the following questions:

In what capacity have you worked with this candidate?

What are the candidates strengths?
What are the candidates limitations?
What was the candidate's relationships like with the students?
Anything else we should know about this candidate?

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