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1) What are duties and duties and responsibilities?

As a HR manager he is responsible for easy on boarding of employees be it at operator or

managerial level. He is also responsible for industrial relationship like handling disputes
of union members regarding various issues and concern like food, work etc. Regular
meetings with union leaders and making good relationship with them. He is also
responsible for the monitoring of extra time of the workers which should not exceed 48
hours in a particular quarter. He also conducts Various CSR activities which includes
helping farmers in the nearby area and conducting various activities for the workers
children. He is also responsible to monitor if all the industrial acts are being followed or
not by the company.
2) Please explain policies related to health and safety of workers?
As it is a production plant it is necessary to be physically fit, so the medical test is necessary
for each employee which is done every year. For health and safety factors general insurance
is done of every employee of the plant. To promote health and safety culture in the plant
there is a mandatory training man hours which is to be completed by all the employees and
comply on their work area.

3) What are the different laws significant for your business? Explain few.
The Factories Act 1948:- intention of safeguarding the health of the worker.
The employees state insurance act 1948 :- Insurance scheme that would protect the interest of
the workers in adverse condition.
The payment of gratuity act 1972 :- Any employee with more than 5 year of work experience
is entitled for gratuity. Its main purpose is to help workers after retirement.
Minimum wages act 1948 :- certain minimum wages is decided by government below which
firm can not hire any worker.

4) Are the workers aware about these laws ?

Yes ,the workers are aware about these laws and annual one day workshop is conducted to
educate workers about various laws.

5) Do you face any problems while dealing with workers? Please narrate few incidents.

The most important problem he faced was regarding the compensation of the workers. As
the company follow long term settlement in the increment of wages it is quite a serious
issue. After every 3 years the company gives increment to the workers and the meetings
in which the final settlement is discussed goes for hours as workers generally dont agree
with the company increment given to them.
Second most general problem faced is that the workers spend more time than necessary in
the canteen and when told about the same they get agitated and angry.
6) How do you deal with these problems?
The first problem which was regarding long term compensation senior management is
consulted which seats in head office and plant manager is also involved in this settlement.
Finally a compromise is being done which satisfies both workers and companys interest.
Second problem which involved workers spending more time in canteen rather than shop
floor, in this the plant manager goes to the workers and explain them politely and effective
manner that the production and quality is the utmost concern by not spending time on the
shop floor they might compromise on the quality standard of the company.

7) Do you have unions? Have you faced any problems in recent past with unions leaders?
Yes, the name of the union is Fritolay employee union, channo. Company celebrate lays
day and distribute prizes on this day but from this year the senior management has changed it
to no gift policy. Workers who were receiving the gifts from past several years got angry and
demanded the gifts.

8) Discuss few people management strategies used by you?

For training new employees Zoom in and zoom out session is conducted in which the
experienced management team seats with the new employee and gives them various
situations and show them practically how things goes in real. Experienced management team
reviews each individuals performance and give their feedback on it.

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