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CIVL 2510

Homework 06 Internal Flows

Due date: 8 May

Time: 13:20

A 6m long flat plate is immersed in a uniform stream of flowing air (density 1.33 kg/m3, viscosity 2 x
10-5kg/m/s). A laminar boundary layer will start to form at the leading edge. Assume that the transition
to turbulent boundary layer takes place when the local Re is 106. Determine the thickness of the
boundary layer at the trailing edge when
1. The free stream velocity is 50m/s
2. The free stream velocity is 50m/s and the boundary layer is assumed to be turbulent throughout
3. The free stream velocity is 5m/s
4. The free stream velocity is 5m/s and the boundary layer is assumed to be turbulent throughout
5. Comparing the results from 1) to 4) what conclusions can you draw about the importance of
including the laminar boundary layer region?
Marks the edge or limit of the
b.l. ( u 0.99u )

u u





A container ship travels through Victoria Harbour. As the ship is not fully loaded, no containers stick
out above the hull and therefore the captain decides to cover the loading bays. Hence the ship can be
approximated by a box (50 m long, 10 m wide and 15 m high). The draft of the ship (distance between
the bottom of the hull and the free surface) is 6 m. Due to speed-restrictions in Victoria Harbour, the
ship is travelling at 2.5m/s, but it has a tailwind of 10km/h. The water in Victoria Harbour is stationary.

100 km/h


u = 2.5m/s

15 m


50 m

Determine, firstly, the total
skin-frriction due to
t the interaaction betweeen the ship and the waater and,
he total skin
n friction due
d to the interaction bbetween thee ship and tthe air. Asssume no
secondly, th
bboundary lay
yer separatio
on takes place, that transition from llaminar to tuurbulent bouundary occurrs at Rex
= 2x106 and
d that if the boundary laayer is turbu
ulent at the trialing edgge, it is turbuulent througghout the
whole bound
dary layer.
A solid cubee with a den
nsity of 160 kg/m3 slidess down an innclined planne. The planne makes an angle of
30o with thee horizontal. A fluid film
m 0.3mm thicck separatess the solid pllane and the surface of tthe cube.
The fluid viiscosity is 0.016 N s/m2 and density
y is 730 kg//m3. Assumee the velocitty distributioon in the
film is lineaar and that the
t wind vellocity abovee the fluid fi
film is negliggible. After its release tthe cube
accelerates until
it reach
hes its termin
nal velocity of
o 7.0 m/s. D
Determine thhe drag coeffficient of thee cube.

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