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Im on my way home, waiting for the bus. My phones drained and Im pretty bored.

*yawns* Ah, Im so tired.

I looked at my surroundings to check if there are any taxis around until I noticed a
guy coming out from the cafe across the street.

I got to admit, he has good looks.

I couldnt stop staring at him, unaware that someone else was staring at me. I
suddenly realized that I stared too much already so I looked away.

Mingyu, that girl across the street got eyes for you.


He wasnt really paying much attention.

Are you even listening to me? Who are you texting anyway? Your girlfriend?


Again? Seriously?

I find her boring and annoying nowadays so I broke up with her. Now, Im looking
for another prey.

Perfect timing. Then how about that girl over there?

He pointed at you.

Not bad Wonwoo.

He smirked then crossed the street.
As you yawn again, you noticed the guy from the street walking in your direction.

Hey. He smiled.

You looked sideways and at your back, thinking that he might be talking to someone
else but no one else was there. Do I know you?

No but I know youd love to know.

Excuse me?

Im Mingyu. And you are?

No one so stay away.

No need to be shy. Im a nice guy you know.

And Im not. Leave me alone.

I know you were staring at me a while ago.

I suddenly blushed of embarrassment. N-n-no I wasnt!!!

Yeah right His smirk grew wider.

I was looking for a taxi that time and just suddenly saw you. Thats all! At the right
moment, the bus arrived. Ill be leaving now.

Before I got on board he grabbed my arm. You didnt tell me your name yet?

And why should I!? I forcibly released myself from him. You may be good looking
but youre an asshole. I gave him a glare before the bus left.

*slowly claps* Smooth move.

Shut up.

I cant believe she rejected you even with that face of yours. I guess you have to
look for another prey then.

No way. Shes way too interesting. And I feeling that well meet again.

The nerve of that guy! Who does he think he is? I threw myself on the sofa. The
next time I see him Ill- *yawns*

-alarm rings- *yawns* Time to make breakfast doorbell- Huh? Who could that
be? door open- WHAT THE!?

Good morning~


You should not write everything in

Writing your address in your bagtag wasnt necessary you know.


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