The Anthropology of Women

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The Anthropology of Women

Started in 1970s new anthropology of women

Anthropology was not unfriendly towards women; it was superficially neutral and objective
however, serious biases were obvious.
Women underrepresented in anthropology
Ethnographies written by both men and women, so gender always considered in one way or
another. However, women underrepresented always male form of bias
When anthropologists think about other societies, they think about gender bias in other

Men concerned with the paternity

Womens ideas and points of view not clearly shown in early structural functionalist
ethnography. Very ethnocentric women in other cultures seen as good mothers, cooks,
wives to husbands etc.

This early phase the anthropology of women is not what we call feminist anthropology. A
little more sophisticated in terms.

Edwin Ardener: women underrepresented in anthropological accounts; male bias; women

discussed from male point of view. Technical and analytical bias.
Technical aspect of the problem indigenous men more analytical than women.
Ethnographers tend to communicate with men more than women
However, women cant be as easily reached as men. Men very articulate, talk lots and
confident in what they say, eager to speak Anthropologists therefore more likely to
record their views. Womens views not properly organized to represent society. Therefore,
anthropologist never gets to know the womens point of view.
Analytical side of the problem even when women talk, they talk about the male,
dominant point of view. Their views are often silenced by the male dominant discourse.
Lack the appropriate form of representation.
Muted groups groups without a voice.

Rayna Reiter: two kinds of gender bias.

Male dominance do we see and interpret male dominance b/c we come from a
hierarchical society ourselves?
The bias that anthropologists carry with them when they go at the field.
Need new studies that focus on women to solve this started in 1970s. Need to fight the
biases that are stated above. This was gradually achieved.
Naturalisation the process of legitimizing cultural beliefs (e.g. exploitation of minority
groups) by assuming theyre natural, and therefore correct, acceptable and inevitable.
E.g. natural for women to stay in kitchen b/c they have babies so must look after them at
home its the nature of things.
Margaret Mead
Student of anthropologist.
Went to Samoa to conduct fieldwork at age 23. Study adolescent behaviour.
Is human behaviour the result of biology? Is human behaviour universal? Nature V. Nurture.
Started working w/ adolescent girls.
Attempted to minimize the differences between her and them tried to not be
ethnocentric. Engaged fieldwork see the others from their point of view.
She found: nature didnt seem to play a role in adolescent behaviour. Samoa life is easy
no direct mother/child bond, no feeling of guilt Absence of punishment and competition.
Love making relatively free, girls have lovers before they marry and settle down. The
sexual ethos is relaxed.
Derek Freeman
Visited Samoa to prove Margaret Mead wrong.
She had a misconstruction of Samoa due to cultural determinism in order to prove her
teacher Franz Boas right. She found what she was looking for in Somoa.

- He found: Samoans competitive and are religious, use punishment and culture has
many sexual restrictions. Pre-marital relations prohibited and virgins when

- Completely opposing points of views between Mead and Freeman.
- Mead: young when conducted fieldwork, found Samoa was relaxed. Based on
adolescent girls and boys. Transgressive aspects of Samoa.
- Freeman: older, aggression in Samoa, religious, punishment, sex Based on
adults, elderly, chiefs etc adult point of view only valid one in Samoan life.
- Both wrong failed to understand societies are not self-contained. They change.
- Theyre not going to tell the whole story to an anthropologist if pre-marital sex
happens then they wont tell them that.

SEMINAR NEXT WEEK identify one potential topic of research in which your
gender identity could pose a serious disadvantage.
ESSAY course outline, look at topics and see which topic is best to write an essay
on. Resources on moodle and course outline.

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