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ndustry guidance for Principal designers comts/2 This industry guidance has been produced by members of CONIAG (Construction Industry Advisery Commitee. ay HSE Published CT, Bircham Newton Kings Ly, Neal PES! 6H (© ConetrectinIncuatryTaning Boar 7015 Iiratrd achat n England ard Wals eg Ne 26201 ator 1 Fest publahed 018 ‘HT he mae evry tr tenure that hina contin within th publeton acute. contr shold bused as uidance nly andr aa raplacemant or crrent regulon esting landers oan anata or egal advice ais resented ny nareny ker expensing aoe acruracy in ven wi TB beable er ry Aight served No part otis platen maybe reproduced in erereval sytem er vans ary frm ob an means, lecrimachancal, photocopying, recordng Contents 1, Introduction 12 Whois the prin designer? 13 What ith pena desrers rola? What do you have to do at project set up? 3. What do you have to do during the pre-construction phase? 2 Greet ann 4, What do you have to do during the construction phase? {61a with te print ntrctr 44 Prepare and erop te hatha saa le Inausty gidance prepa signers " " n @000<> 5. What could it Look like in practice? 3 Constracon pase 6. Working for domestic clients £62 Dame projecting mor than one contractor Annex A: CDM duty holders and their roles summarised Annex B: Pre-construction information Annex C: The health and safety file Annex D: Information flow Annex E: CDM Red-Amber-Green (RAG) lists Annex F: How CDM 2015 applies to domestic clients Acknowledgements B 6 % 18 20 a 2 23 5 26 nau Giince oprincps einer 1 Introduction @000<> 1.1 General introduction The Constr Iangn ans Managem Regulation (COM 201) ar th “hare ar six ules: ne er each the fe dy lds under COMané an ‘he sc gues are ‘oe Henan Salty Execute ASE Ra prasicedthe COM Ler wet fut udoce is onnlondabis rom te HSE website C Introduction 1.2 Whois the principal designer? The print dsgnarmust be adeignar and hve control verte Iheycam bean individ wy + sec knoe ofthe construction try rev tte prec cluding ary eign nerkcared ot arco sie rol ae wale theneceesry dagn la knead and emporio {lent and princpa contacter ewe asthe ener designers wrk on 1.3 Whats the principal designer's role? Tr clan has ovcal respons or the success ecto ofthe of! tnd the principal osigner and rina contratarené on deren phates nau Giince oprincps einer @000<> “atetysconseereg whan makong seinen clr oe net end tocopit a pincbltesignor oF nba ‘tractor case work ta be nderteanby single contrac be oe principal denger atany gin er, Te pnp enger ale cob Cc Introduction bre-orsructin part c-arrate healhand safety Th precaneructen tay pei during when Gsigno pepe pare ha hath ond sta, Te princi designe dates apy regartess afte atria Dreet irate tte Health ad Salty Executive HSE Hh rina Asie appoints er esgers the ring Sesh response nau Giince oprincps einer ‘ nau giineno prep 2 What do you have to do at project set up? @000<> 2. Carry out your duties on appointment ‘hal afer tho th nt doe fr ts COMI forte te vellayour stl knowledge and experience anil prove Cn dts ctyour ponent nwriing which soul conte cape ot ‘eagere andcontractors ave inthe project 2.2 Help with the client brief nado thie bri This in ond nay eget ty indeign he 2.3 Obtain information from the client Cc What do you have to do at project set up? nau giineno prep 3 What you have to do during pre-construction phase @000<> 3.1 Liaise with the client nthewyourdl manage the pe-constrctin pdntes il be proved, wel othe Tne ct inet oy wath tor informatie gtberng. development th design and hater hey ant 68 ‘eur updates should aes inde foeebckon any scart heath and aay issue ating thi orga ria on any subsequent change tee 3.2 Provide information to the designers (other. The desgnrsmayhoequetnso queries an may ten. Cc What you have to do during pre-construction phase ©0008 <> 3.3. Ensure co-ordination with and between the ‘uw nee undertake ree othe het adslnation designers cvlpman or hoe ce yr shrtaner arose are espnsliy a ceo ah ale thal he {eheath at satay inctig cares made tie gal pratecoce The aacecanteston mater et anh 3.5 Develop the pre-construction information 3.4 Oversee the design ‘ours neue thatthe desgrere comply wtb ies. ou shout o se “contractennlerraton ila ‘hem aan erty sage afd ut ee thy wl costa bah and safety ard ath nasty. This shuld iu erat that weal be rece to Issoe orden enanges tht ai potainiy impact on hat and sy You tray nent th lat about tess, epuciliy wher changes have been The designers moet provide ermation bo sigan ek tat are rus etetvine rail tomanage suing dete yeaa ond nau Giince oprincps einer ” nau Giince oprincps einer What do you have to do during the construction phase? 4a 42 43 @000<> Liaise with the principal contractor pl conraetr hough yur applet Provide information to the principal contractor esgers Receive information about design changes trvcur'sconstructon maitrarn, cleaning andrhere rvs 8 Cc What do you have to do during the construction phase? ©0000 <> 4,4 Prepare and develop the health and safety file ‘tas of agree tra tacts andrequced conar, When th rojctic cml th eal anda fia muctbe hada the tlentattneend tthe projet, nau Giince oprincps einer * What could it look like in practice? This section identifies examples of god practice which illustrate how the principal designer can contribute tothe success ofthe project. nau giineno prep @000<> 5.1 Project set up Geatedachedolecfaervicesondeesorces This willy planwratyou ned Ahatyo are fling your ro taneip wn te cent Yuin marang heath a sey ss and esoing ay sues. thanty phere oem Encureyeu understand tne bret Trantothe clot abou tne bit rvcee art requrrent Tal oie you on op principal signer andthe designe le ty aparsing the scape of ac and Motaregtar mectegs held regular progress meetngeto rng al partes eget vein ‘lena ring conractrin meets hase prov coordination end Cc What could it look like in practice? Undertake an art site vist hatsng yout anders thy condone, Te content provided oy ste vist sou coerinin nee eel intrmatien meeting (81) ifthe projet ving bling arma madllng IML cone how you + develop a database of ous practice gues and prem seproxcite + Werte clot des not produce an adequate bil you should spendin nau Giince oprincps einer @000<> 5.2 Pre-construction phase Arrange. pre-cesign meeting wih he cnt nate designers ‘Thiniean opportunity te auastha rt andthe approach hea nelly an opportunty to ack quetinne and make suggestion. wil ize Tnehaipete [Stited, you cava conn ay contactor th lean browiage Partipatein esign co-esination meetings across icipines hate ad satan cesign meetgs ane ign eng Canthebe done Cc What could it look like in practice? Act encourage esgnestowork together asta Youcil supper their communtiy proving esa It 8.21 clbting projec estos Encourage the designer tole ond urs trmthe sary age of teaetign ‘equrmons Thi old lo provid an opportunity tet the ort lan ‘eputngard mre rags tea Encourage a onsistentappreach thaw iformationis provided by he and atl, Using corer feral ung th sane tna, informant ry help thar understand he content moe guy ad Improvement Te coudinlactaingVedback rom testers. nau Giince oprincps einer @000<> 5.3 Construction phase “hilly ute resto gond working rltinaip ith the princi ‘Prepareconet er he heath and salty earty prog eves, raher tan esng itn te a oft prot Tis more tat anracgiaes that hye dst cbtancerisinntrmatinence {dent lessons armed uring te design stage wer heroruval ike Working for domestic clients The rate of principal designers, designers, principal contractors and contractors when working ona projec fr adomestic client is normally ‘no different to their role when working for a commereal elient, They hhave the same duties and should carry them eutin the sameway a5, they would fora commercial client. Howover, the effect of regulations isto transfer the client duties to other duty holders when working for 61 Domestic projects involving only one contractor Cc Working for domestic clients ©0008 <> ewes othe pinta designer 6.2 Domestic projects involving more than one NAN not contractor i re en dues tote princi consactr taking enthed Cc Annex A CDM duty holders and their roles summarised ©0008 <> $1 ty older ore opoited nts mustats mak sure tat + raleantnermatin is propre nd Prope wha hve conection rare in cop of CD Inausty gidance prepa signers + ientfng, ennai or carling + enswing cesigers cary utter elgs,ebiat rece contr Cc Annex A CDM duty holders and their roles summarised ©0008 <> rosea aprjet here itinahos + ergansing co-operation betsen Thore who dette acta ‘consructon hae an Inausty gidance prepa signers + raport ann thay such is Tat te endanger eer tn wn Iatow workers contractors and Cc Annex C The health and safety file ©0008 <> Imvtingmore than ane contractor unaergrounécabls, 998 5u9pyeaupretandtve ging sevens. nau Giince oprincps einer ” Annex D Information flow ‘This chartillustrats the information flow during the key stages of @ project. including information received from set upto completion and handover, EI”™’™”? GCL” EX) @000<> ‘Ske arrangements and restctions | [ Exetng information and eke «Security arrangements and restrictions * Eesting occupants Health and sey intrmation * acca relating to design for consrction sede > Exiting iermation * Unusual sgnifean + Site series rotobage or hard + Drawings manage sks + choo information + Key assumptions made | croont condone F | « specie sequencing 2 othr rlevantsunye + Phased handorers * Existing health an aft file Temporary suppor required {Construction phase plan + Existing information ond site arrangements + Unaeuntconrrvetion ri + Key assumptions made 1 Specie sequencing «Phased handovers {Temporary support required Wealth and satya + Unisuel maintenane aed eperatenat ike Key siractural principles Key assumptions made Asrbuit drawings sisting information update sr ratc prec Inausty gidance prepa signers @000<> Cc Annex E CDM Red-Amber-Green (RAG] lists [RAG lists are practical aids to designers on what to eliminate, avd and encourage. Hazardous procedures, product an processes hatshoul be eliminated rom he project where possible + Leak adequate pre-onsrtion neration auch os asbestos surveys, rats of elo etstuctos, services ground containain at 0 + Handscabing of cnet suchas ep ends + reition y handel breakers thet stot eneet pla le copying ecu ar alata + speteatonotragie roo igs androafngessenbies. + Processes shing rset large quarts of ust suchas ry catia, asing nasa en + onsite spraying ear sbstnces. + Spctaton structural stswork wich et purposely desires steormodnesaity neta + orsign treet mounted services tat eure access for maitenanceand sooth witha! pois forsale acess uch aba + tain that cannot te acesedssfel Allaasng sould be anid 5 raguring ean replacement, sos alesystamot scare ease + Erances. ors, ramps sas and escalators not special sgn (eed ips andi ring uc aramtonane, eu thig ino eee + orsign emvonments ning drrse aig rise, vibraton. Longer tes ney nero eee ne pea contraction Inausty gidance prepa signers pease nd ony ape utd aways ntotnepavison tintermationta the principal ena + Exeeratmnholesin eaiyusevehi access zones. + Spccatono ip eas uch a rip hazed atthe tops cl pr-cast + Spetcatonotsmal steps uch asrierstin eternal pred ares + Spcication other bling Hocks such 3 thse weptira more than 2951 + Large ansneay less paets + Cnasing ct concrete, bre or Mockwork wale ees athe nstataton + Spctcaton ot hey eels. im mata ot hoo cancels are ater alternates Paresary far acein oni arse + Spcicationotcurain wall or anl systems witout proven ong or rating seats meter miss. + te rat rotes tht ont alow or oe-way systems andor veer tate egegeted erste personne + ite tyet at does nat aw aque eer or debe eer soragect| + eo construction component which canot be hadldusing mecha tg dees beaut aces restricoaler loading onde aver ns orrere proxy ta obits provers garding 98 Cc Annex E CDM Red-Amber-Green (RAGI lists @O000<> Pree cores te borat encaraae Ss ragurerent fntonay systems an tring ail + Proviso alequat accessand ease for maloenacein plant room, td ade rein replacing heat component + Thowghtdlcaton machin an ect aqument. ah eg, secrty device onde on olciate neces and placed Hor + Stith board esr plaster ser tama hd + Earner opener mean ces andere ttocser nda + Prono ot ade proton peanut ore ei freee + Petal + Appoint of tuporary wore c-rdnata 5 78) tboronar coppers can erdson stl + ote fereaton and oreatratd ante minions ast + Encneap the eo angering cna minnie ta ae prs froeaveequpnet nau Giince oprincps einer “ Cc Annex F How CDM 2015 applies to domestic clients sats apa a end eD 245 cosets trent cen dee he ger incon ote nau Giince oprincps einer Acknowledgements cin Inst Abie Comite (CONC wishes a acknowledge the atence feet allowing operations @000<> ‘Steering groups) ot dsgnrs Heath and Sat Executive Se) Construction neste Tring Boers 73) Rcbra alan thie Sohn Sett- Morgan Sas Crepe “oe Revs Kevin Fesr(S0Choe)- TB ‘nt werng group IW iran Gia rap OOO) InnSinme Roy Ma Dylan eer SanahaUK ple anal aesigner woring group WE] Cannan Wash ard Safa Fare OSA chara alana DG chair SH Stove Jone - Hyer Censting Lt chars Hobgood APS Andrea Warton = Fermi Tura stephan = Foster Parnas By Hare Glasgow Coledenan Unvaraty Inausty gidance prepa signers Acknowledgements Designer working group (W6] Into el gies ICE] ont Stracturt Engineers SE) miso! OrtehAetet IEA) Devapala on Health nd Sey INAS) ik conractors Gro UK David Lambert DG cai 850-1, UKE fuss Chara Are Fser Wieser Paul Bussey Scott Brownrigg Lid IBA, IOHAS. ‘Princip Contracor &Cantrair working group WO) a ginanig Garircors Asacnn EN Federation tate Guicers (FB) Home Batcere Federation WEF atonal Fears ier (NES) atonal Specat Contractors Cain NECC) Specie Enpnerng Contractors Grn SEC Gro Uiccontacars crap Pou atel re chair 4S) HOF OSH Jat Seat int W chairs S0|-NSCC, URES Dan Shears Uare char & 561-6 Pater ison Use Wehr &S]-UCATT Suson ray srt WG ei &SC]-Unte the rian nau Giince oprincps einer

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