Hillary Has Fun2

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womens rights (Continued)

78; Clinton, Hillary, and, 12;
Clinton administration and, 20;
foreign policy and, 14546, 167,
192; funding and, 172; Indonesia
and, 15455; lost, 106; men and,
3078, 311; mujahideen and,
25657; national security and, 98;
policymakers and, 58; Saudi Arabia
and, 14950, 170; security and,
172; Taliban and, 25657, 259;
United States and, 325; Wahhabi
missionaries and, 15455
Womens Teacher Training Institute, 41
Women Under Siege, 29697
work, 13, 133, 147, 218, 234
Working Women Count, 13
World Economic Forum, 330
World Food Programme (WFP), 14,
World Trade Centers attack, 153, 239
World War II, 5
WPS IPC. See Women, Peace, and
Security Interagency Policy


Wrangham, Richard, 93, 95, 96

Wu, Harry, 19
Yale Law School, 1011
Ydgoras Fuentes, Miguel, 118
Yemen, xv, 156, 310, 352n65;
demonstrations in, 15859;
domestic violence and, 15960;
human rights violations and, 161
62; laws, 15960; literacy and, 159;
marriage in, 160; al-Qaeda and, 157;
revolution in, 16063; Saudi Arabia
and, 158, 16364; unemployment
in, 15859; USAID in, 229; women
in, 15861, 167, 175. See also
Sanaa, Yemen
You Have Rights, 168
Young, Iris Marion, 34, 35
Yousafzai, Malala, 85, 259
Zain, Omar, 165
Zakaria, Fareed, 15556
Zenko, Micah, 28182
Zetas, 137
zina (non-marital sex), 160, 249, 252

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