Observation Task 5

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Observation Task 5: A day in the life of a lower

level learner
Focus: On the learner.
The first day you will observe a lower level learner. The second
day you will observe a higher level learner.
Objective: For student teachers to gain an initial understanding of how learners
are different.

For this observation, you will begin by observing

the class for 1 hour.
1. What do you notice? Does the class have any strengths or weaknesses?
2. Are there learners who finish activities quickly? What do they do when
they have finished? Yes there are, they start do another activity.
3. Are there learners who do not finish a task(s)? How does the teacher deal
with them? Yes, she help them to finished quickly
4. Are there any learners with special needs? How does the teacher meet
their needs? Yes, she set with her and gives her things that she can do it.
5. How does the teacher manage learners with different levels/abilities? she
helps who is lower level more and give them activities to know, high level
she support them to be always good.

When you have made your notes, ask the teacher to

help you choose a lower level or a higher level learner
in the class.
Observe one of the learners for the rest of the day and
make notes.
Here is an example:
Activity (what is
Notes (what happens during the
the learner
Teacher gives those Saif dont understand the activity and
papers and punch in start cut the paper with his hand
because he dont know how to catch the

Teacher singing and

dancing with whole

All children singing only sara and senan

because they are new students.

After the observation

1. How many different activities did the learner do? 3 activities
2. How did s/he interact with the other learners throughout the day? Do
what they do to learn or ask them.
3. What was the longest period of time the learner spent focusing on one
When they have a break about 30 minutes and they play a game with all
whole class
4. What did the learner do during the break times? They were with the
children sow what they do.
5. What did the learners attention span / interest during activities seem
6. What did the learner seem to like doing the most / least during the day?
Reading story

Record sheet
Follow a learner for a day and write down the activities and movements in
the table below.

Name: Mohammed Ahmed

Level: higher


Brief description:
Date of observation: .6./ 11.. / 2016..

Activity /
Put the clay
in the litter

Notes / comments

He learn quickly and did it in the first time.

Write the

Writ the litter more than one time and love to

do another activity.

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