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RU Teacher Education Lesson Plan Format

Candidate Name:
Grade Level: K

Anna Jones



Lesson Title/Topic: SCIENCE - Pumpkin Life Cycle

Life Processes K.6 - The student will investigate and understand the
differences between living organisms and nonliving objects. Key concepts

a) all things can be classified as living or nonliving; and

b) living organisms have certain characteristics that distinguish them

from nonliving objects including growth, movement, response to the
environment, having offspring, and the need for food, air, and water.

Life Processes K.7 - The student will investigate and understand basic needs
and life processes of plants and animals. Key concepts include

b) plants need nutrients, water, air, light, and a place to grow to


c) plants and animals change as they grow, have varied life cycles,
and eventually

die; and

d) offspring of plants and animals are similar but not identical to their
parents or to one another.

Specific Observable Objective(s):

I can put the life cycle of a pumpkin in order.

I can tell you that pumpkins are a plant and they come from a seed.

I can tell you that plants change as they grow.

I can tell you what a plant needs to survive.

Essential Vocabulary:

Cycle - (they should know this from the butterfly life cycle but as a reminder):
something that happens in order.


The students will be assessed by observation and pre-assessed by a checklist

and one-on-one interview. The students will be asked the following questions:

What do plants need to survive?

Do pumpkins come from a seed?

The students will then be assessed at the end of the unit by interviews and
checklists, as well.

Student Considerations:

For students who have fine motor difficulties, assistance with cutting and
coloring will be provided.

Students with visual impairments will be seated closer to the book on the

Instructional Resources, Materials, and Technology:

Big book: Pumpkin, Pumpkin by Jeanne Titherington.

Large pre-cut pumpkins.

Pumpkin life cycle sheet (located in resource unit portfolio.)

Crayons, scissors, glue.

Document camera

The Beginning (a.k.a. Anticipatory Set): (25 minutes)

The lesson will start with the reading of Pumpkin, Pumpkin and then the life
cycle of a pumpkin will be discussed.

Next, the students will watch the teacher show them how to neatly color the
life cycle. The teacher will color a sample of the lifecycle on the document

The Middle: (20 minutes)

The teacher will go over the life cycle again.

The students will then color, cut, and glue the life cycle down to the large
pumpkin in order.

The End (a.k.a. Closing): (Specify time)

The teacher will ask the students to repeat the life cycle of the pumpkin to
her and assess the students knowledge by observation.

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